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Created February 18, 2012 02:08
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TIMIT+: Make TIMIT bearable (see top for instructions)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# make TIMIT bearable to use
# Kyle Gorman <
# To use this:
# 1. place in the same directory as a copy of TIMIT
# 2. install SoX and
# 3. run ./
# A new copy of TIMIT, resampled with RIFF headers and textgrids and sorted
# properly, will be placed in your working directory.
from glob import iglob
from errno import EEXIST
from shutil import copytree
from os import makedirs, path, popen, remove, symlink
from textgrid import IntervalTier, TextGrid
## imperfections of this:
# don't know what the source of DX or Q is
# don't have a proper treatment for syllabic sonorants
## global
SR = 16000.
phone_list = set(['AO', 'AA', 'AE', 'AH', 'AW', 'AY', 'B', 'CH', 'D', 'DH',
'EH', 'ER', 'EY', 'F', 'G', 'HH', 'IH', 'IY', 'JH', 'K', 'L',
'M', 'N', 'NG', 'OW', 'OY', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'SH', 'T', 'TH',
'UH', 'UW', 'V', 'W', 'Y', 'Z', 'ZH', 'DX', 'Q'])
_fix = {'H#': 'sil', 'PAU': 'sp', 'EPI': 'sp', 'PCL': 'sp', 'BCL': 'sp',
'TCL': 'sp', 'DCL': 'sp', 'KCL': 'sp', 'GCL': 'sp', 'EL': 'L',
'EM': 'M', 'EN': 'N', 'ENG': 'NG', 'NX': 'N', 'HV': 'HH', 'AXR': 'ER',
'UX': 'UW', 'IX': 'AH', 'AX': 'AH', 'AX-H': 'AH'}
## helpers
def transform_phone(phone):
if phone in _fix: return _fix[phone]
else: return phone
def mkdir_p(path):
Simulate the functionality of shell's 'mkdir -p' ("create a directory if
it doesn't already exist"
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == EEXIST: pass
else: raise
def ln_sf(src, dst):
Simulate the functionality of shell's 'ln -sf' ("Overwrite a symlink")
symlink(src, dst)
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == EEXIST:
symlink(src, dst)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# make some directories, etc.
copytree(OLDTIMIT + '/DOC', NEWTIMIT + '/DOC') # creating the dir NEWTIMIT
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TGD/')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TEST-D')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TRAIN-D')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TEST-S')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TRAIN-S')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TEST-D-S')
mkdir_p(NEWTIMIT + '/TRAIN-D-S')
for fid in iglob(OLDTIMIT + '/*/DR[1-9]/*/*.WAV'):
# split up path
(head, tail) = path.split(fid)
(root, ext) = path.splitext(tail)
(junk, category, dialect, speaker) = head.split('/')
dash_d = NEWTIMIT + '/' + category + '-D/' + dialect
dash_s = NEWTIMIT + '/' + category + '-S/' + speaker
dash_d_dash_s = NEWTIMIT + '/' + category + '-D-S'
lead = category + '_' + dialect + '_' + speaker + '_' + root
fullpath = NEWTIMIT + '/' + category + '/' + dialect + '/' + speaker
# make directory, just in case
if not path.exists(fullpath): mkdir_p(fullpath)
if not path.exists(dash_d): mkdir_p(dash_d)
if not path.exists(dash_s): mkdir_p(dash_s)
if not path.exists(dash_d_dash_s): mkdir_p(dash_d_dash_s)
# resample into 16-bit-sample RIFF headered WAV file
wavfid = fullpath + '/' + lead + '.wav'
popen('sox ' + fid + ' -b 16 ' + wavfid)
# keep a list of phones to split
split_list = []
# open 'WRD' file
wrd = IntervalTier('word')
for line in open(head + '/' + root + '.WRD', 'r'):
(start, stop, word) = line.rstrip().split(None, 2)
start = int(start) / SR
stop = int(stop) / SR
# catch and fix overlap
wrd.add(start, stop, word.upper())
except ValueError as (a, b):
olap = (a.maxTime - b.minTime) / 2.
a.maxTime -= olap
b.minTime += olap
# open 'PHN' file
phn = IntervalTier('phone')
for line in open(head + '/' + root + '.PHN', 'r'):
(start, stop, phone) = line.rstrip().split(None, 2)
start = int(start) / SR
stop = int(stop) / SR
phone = transform_phone(phone.upper())
# check for phone needing to be split, or just write out
if split_list and start < split_list[0] < stop:
phn.add(start, split_list[0], phone)
phn.add(split_list[0], stop, phone)
phn.add(start, stop, phone)
# write '.TextGrid' file
tg = TextGrid()
tg.extend((phn, wrd))
tg.write(NEWTIMIT + '/TGD/' + lead + '.TextGrid')
# write '.lab' file
wordstring = ' '.join([w.mark for w in wrd])
labfid = fullpath + '/' + lead + '.lab'
open(fullpath + '/' + lead + '.lab', 'w').write(wordstring)
# make symlinks using absolute paths
ln_sf(path.abspath(labfid), path.abspath(dash_d) + '/' + lead + '.lab')
ln_sf(path.abspath(wavfid), path.abspath(dash_d) + '/' + lead + '.wav')
ln_sf(path.abspath(labfid), path.abspath(dash_s) + '/' + lead + '.lab')
ln_sf(path.abspath(wavfid), path.abspath(dash_s) + '/' + lead + '.wav')
ln_sf(path.abspath(labfid), path.abspath(dash_d_dash_s) + '/' +
lead + '.lab')
ln_sf(path.abspath(wavfid), path.abspath(dash_d_dash_s) + '/' +
lead + '.wav')
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