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Last active May 25, 2021 14:46
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Zodiac cipher 408: freestanding Python 3 script for converting the plaintext and ciphertext to OpenFst assets
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Constructs resources for Zodiac cipher 408:
# * Plaintext and ciphertext FARs
# * Unweighted "key" FSTs and "channel" (hypothesis space) FSTs
# * A textual symbol table for plaintext and ciphertext
# Requires: Pynini and OpenFst with the FAR extension.
import itertools
import os
import subprocess
import pynini
# Output filenames.
PLAINTEXT_TXT = "plaintext.txt"
PLAINTEXT_STD_FST = "plaintext.fst"
PLAINTEXT_LOG_FST = "plaintext-log.fst"
CIPHERTEXT_TXT = "ciphertext.txt"
CIPHERTEXT_STD_FST = "ciphertext.fst"
CIPHERTEXT_LOG_FST = "ciphertext-log.fst"
KEY_STD_FST = "key.fst"
KEY_LOG_FST = "key-log.fst"
CHANNEL_STD_FST = "channel.fst"
CHANNEL_LOG_FST = "channel-log.fst"
# Plaintext, ciphertext, and a table from plaintext to ciphertext characters.
# The data is drawn from the "Harper key" available here:
# Visually similar Unicode codepoints for the non-ASCII ciphertext characters
# were selected using:
# The following interpretations are applied.
# Misspellings unlikely to be due to polyphony or encipherment mistakes:
# * FORREST for FOREST (fn. 6)
# * PARADICE for PARADISE (fn. 14)
# * ANAMAL for ANIMAL (ciphertext ▲, plaintext A [4] and S [3]; could be due to
# overinking of ciphertext △, read as plaintext I, but treating this as a
# mispelling allows us to preserve two early cycles)
# Mispellings which are probably encipherment mistakes:
# * DANGERTUE for DANGEROUS (fn. 8; ciphertext 🜴YE)
# * THAE for THAT (fn. 13; ciphertext N, plaintext E [8])
# * SND for AND (fn. 15; ciphertext ◭, plaintext S [2])
# * SLOI for SLOW (fn. 18; ciphertext △, plaintext I [13])
# Other plaintext typos:
# * "...AND ALL THE [people?--ed.] I HAVE KILLED"
# True polyphones:
# * Ciphertext ▲ for plaintext A [4] and S [3]
PLAINTEXT = ("I", "L", "I", "K", "E", "K", "I", "L", "L", "I", "N", "G", "P",
"E", "O", "P", "L", "E", "B", "E", "C", "A", "U", "S", "E", "I",
"T", "I", "S", "S", "O", "M", "U", "C", "H", "F", "U", "N", "I",
"T", "I", "S", "M", "O", "R", "E", "F", "U", "N", "T", "H", "A",
"N", "K", "I", "L", "L", "I", "N", "G", "W", "I", "L", "D", "G",
"A", "M", "E", "I", "N", "T", "H", "E", "F", "O", "R", "R", "E",
"S", "T", "B", "E", "C", "A", "U", "S", "E", "M", "A", "N", "I",
"S", "T", "H", "E", "M", "O", "S", "T", "D", "A", "N", "G", "E",
"R", "T", "U", "E", "A", "N", "A", "M", "A", "L", "O", "F", "A",
"L", "L", "T", "O", "K", "I", "L", "L", "S", "O", "M", "E", "T",
"H", "I", "N", "G", "G", "I", "V", "E", "S", "M", "E", "T", "H",
"E", "M", "O", "S", "T", "T", "H", "R", "I", "L", "L", "I", "N",
"G", "E", "X", "P", "E", "R", "E", "N", "C", "E", "I", "T", "I",
"S", "E", "V", "E", "N", "B", "E", "T", "T", "E", "R", "T", "H",
"A", "N", "G", "E", "T", "T", "I", "N", "G", "Y", "O", "U", "R",
"R", "O", "C", "K", "S", "O", "F", "F", "W", "I", "T", "H", "A",
"G", "I", "R", "L", "T", "H", "E", "B", "E", "S", "T", "P", "A",
"R", "T", "O", "F", "I", "T", "I", "S", "T", "H", "A", "E", "W",
"H", "E", "N", "I", "D", "I", "E", "I", "W", "I", "L", "L", "B",
"E", "R", "E", "B", "O", "R", "N", "I", "N", "P", "A", "R", "A",
"D", "I", "C", "E", "S", "N", "D", "A", "L", "L", "T", "H", "E",
"I", "H", "A", "V", "E", "K", "I", "L", "L", "E", "D", "W", "I",
"L", "L", "B", "E", "C", "O", "M", "E", "M", "Y", "S", "L", "A",
"V", "E", "S", "I", "W", "I", "L", "L", "N", "O", "T", "G", "I",
"V", "E", "Y", "O", "U", "M", "Y", "N", "A", "M", "E", "B", "E",
"C", "A", "U", "S", "E", "Y", "O", "U", "W", "I", "L", "L", "T",
"R", "Y", "T", "O", "S", "L", "O", "I", "D", "O", "W", "N", "O",
"R", "S", "T", "O", "P", "M", "Y", "C", "O", "L", "L", "E", "C",
"T", "I", "N", "G", "O", "F", "S", "L", "A", "V", "E", "S", "F",
"O", "R", "M", "Y", "A", "F", "T", "E", "R", "L", "I", "F", "E",
"E", "B", "E", "O", "R", "I", "E", "T", "E", "M", "E", "T", "H",
"H", "P", "I", "T", "I",)
assert len(PLAINTEXT) == 408
# A relatively loose reading of the plaintext, with errors corrected, spaces
# and punctuation inserted, and the final padding removed, would read:
# "I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than killing
# wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all. To
# kill something gives me the most thrilling experience. It is even better than
# getting your rocks off with a girl. The best part of it is that when I die, I
# will be reborn in paradise and all the people I have killed will become my
# slaves. I will not give you my name because you will try to slow down or stop
# my collecting of slaves for my afterlife."
# Part 1.
"△", "◪", "P", "⟋", "Z", "⟋", "U", "B", "◪", "𝈲", "O",
"R", "⚻", "ꟼ", "X", "⚻", "B",
"W", "V", "+", "Ǝ", "G", "Y", "F", "ტ", "△", "H", "P",
"⊡", "K", "🜴", "⌕", "Y", "Ǝ",
"M", "J", "Y", "Λ", "U", "I", "𝈲", "◭", "⌕", "T", "⥿",
"N", "Q", "Y", "D", "●", "ꝋ",
"S", "ϕ", "⟋", "△", "■", "B", "P", "O", "R", "A", "U",
"◪", "ꟻ", "R", "⅃", "⌕", "E",
"𝈲", "Λ", "L", "M", "Z", "J", "ᗡ", "Я", "⟍", "ꟼ", "F",
"H", "V", "W", "Ǝ", "▲", "Y",
"⊡", "+", "⌕", "G", "D", "△", "K", "I", "ꝋ", "ტ", "⌕",
"X", "▲", "●", "⌖", "S", "ϕ",
"R", "N", "⥿", "I", "Y", "E", "⅃", "O", "▲", "⌕", "G",
"B", "T", "Q", "S", "■", "B",
"L", "ᗡ", "⟋", "P", "■", "B", "⊡", "X", "⌕", "E", "H",
"M", "U", "Λ", "R", "R", "𝈲",
# Part 2.
"ɔ", "Z", "K", "⌕", "ꟼ", "I", "ꝋ", "W", "⌕", "🜴", "▲",
"●", "L", "M", "Я", "△", "■",
"B", "P", "D", "R", "+", "Ꚍ", "⚻", "ტ", "⟍", "N", "ϕ",
"Ǝ", "E", "U", "H", "𝈲", "F",
"Z", "ɔ", "ꟼ", "O", "V", "W", "I", "●", "+", "⥿", "L",
"ꝋ", "⅃", "Λ", "R", "ტ", "H",
"I", "△", "D", "R", "□", "T", "Y", "Я", "⟍", "ᗡ", "Ǝ",
"⟋", "⊡", "X", "J", "Q", "A",
"P", "●", "M", "▲", "R", "U", "⥿", "◪", "L", "ꝋ", "N",
"V", "E", "K", "H", "⚻", "G",
"Я", "I", "🜴", "J", "𝈲", "●", "△", "▲", "L", "M", "⅃",
"N", "A", "ꝋ", "Z", "ϕ", "P",
"⌖", "U", "ꟼ", "𝈲", "A", "△", "■", "B", "V", "W", "⟍",
"+", "V", "T", "⥿", "O", "P",
"Λ", "⚻", "S", "Я", "⅃", "ꟻ", "U", "Ǝ", "ტ", "◭", "D",
"⌖", "G", "◪", "◪", "I", "M",
# Part 3.
"N", "𝈲", "ꝋ", "S", "ɔ", "E", "⟋", "△", "◪", "◪", "Z",
"ꟻ", "A", "P", "■", "B", "V",
"ꟼ", "Ǝ", "X", "⌕", "W", "⌕", "□", "F", "■", "▲", "ɔ",
"+", "⊡", "△", "A", "△", "B",
"◪", "O", "T", "●", "R", "U", "ɔ", "+", "□", "ᗡ", "Y",
"⌕", "□", "Λ", "S", "⌕", "W",
"V", "Z", "Ǝ", "G", "Y", "K", "E", "□", "T", "Y", "A",
"△", "◪", "■", "L", "⥿", "□",
"H", "🜴", "F", "B", "X", "△", "⌖", "X", "A", "D", "ᗡ",
"⟍", "◭", "L", "🜴", "⚻", "⌕",
"□", "Ǝ", "ᗡ", "■", "■", "ტ", "Ǝ", "●", "P", "O", "R",
"X", "Q", "F", "◪", "G", "ɔ",
"Z", "⊡", "J", "T", "⥿", "⌕", "□", "▲", "J", "I", "+",
"Я", "B", "P", "Q", "W", "ტ",
"V", "E", "X", "Я", "△", "W", "I", "ტ", "⌕", "E", "H",
"M", "ꝋ", "⚻", "U", "I", "𝈲",)
assert len(CIPHERTEXT) == 408
KEY = {"A": {"G", "S", "⅃", "▲",},
"B": {"V",},
"C": {"Ǝ",},
"D": {"ꟻ", "⌖",},
"E": {"Z", "ꟼ", "W", "+", "ტ", "N", "E",},
"F": {"J", "Q",},
"G": {"R",},
"H": {"M", "ꝋ",},
"I": {"△", "P", "U", "𝈲",},
"K": {"⟋",},
"L": {"◪", "B", "■",},
"M": {"⌕",},
"N": {"O", "Λ", "D", "ϕ",},
"O": {"X", "🜴", "T", "ᗡ",},
"P": {"⚻",},
"R": {"⥿", "Я", "⟍",},
"S": {"F", "⊡", "K", "◭", "▲",},
"T": {"H", "I", "●", "L",},
"U": {"Y",},
"V": {"ɔ",},
"W": {"A",},
"X": {"Ꚍ",},
"Y": {"□",},}
def _check_alignment():
return all(c in KEY[p] for (p, c) in zip(PLAINTEXT, CIPHERTEXT))
def _make_plaintext():
with open(PLAINTEXT_TXT, "w") as sink:
print(" ".join(str(ord(p)) for p in PLAINTEXT), file=sink)
subprocess.check_call(("farcompilestrings", "--arc_type=standard",
"--far_type=fst", "--fst_type=compact",
subprocess.check_call(("farcompilestrings", "--arc_type=log",
"--far_type=fst", "--fst_type=compact",
def _make_ciphertext():
with open(CIPHERTEXT_TXT, "w") as sink:
print(" ".join(str(ord(c)) for c in CIPHERTEXT), file=sink)
subprocess.check_call(("farcompilestrings", "--arc_type=standard",
"--far_type=fst", "--fst_type=compact",
subprocess.check_call(("farcompilestrings", "--arc_type=log",
"--far_type=fst", "--fst_type=compact",
def _make_key():
eps = pynini.epsilon_machine()
# Adds arcs.
for (plaintext, ciphertexts) in KEY.items():
plaintext_label = ord(plaintext)
for ciphertext in ciphertexts:
ciphertext_label = ord(ciphertext)
eps.add_arc(0, pynini.Arc(plaintext_label, ciphertext_label, 0, 0))
# Writes it out.
pynini.arcmap(eps, map_type="to_log").write(KEY_LOG_FST)
def _make_channel():
eps = pynini.epsilon_machine()
# Adds arcs.
for plaintext in KEY.keys():
plaintext_label = ord(plaintext)
for ciphertexts in KEY.values():
for ciphertext in ciphertexts:
ciphertext_label = ord(ciphertext)
eps.add_arc(0, pynini.Arc(plaintext_label, ciphertext_label, 0, 0))
eps = pynini.arcmap(eps, map_type="arc_sum")
# Writes it out.
pynini.arcmap(eps, map_type="to_log").write(CHANNEL_LOG_FST)
def _make_symbol_table():
symbols = set()
# Adds plaintext symbols.
for plaintext in KEY.keys():
# Adds ciphertext symbols.
for ciphertexts in KEY.values():
# Writes them into a symbol table.
sym = pynini.SymbolTable()
for symbol in sorted(symbols):
sym.add_symbol(symbol, ord(symbol))
# Writes it out.
def main():
assert _check_alignment()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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@kylebgorman What's the equivalent of epsilon_machine() in the current pynini? Trying to test this out.

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kylebgorman commented May 25, 2021

maybe this, not tested:

f = pynini.Fst()
s = f.add_state()

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