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Last active November 28, 2022 16:06
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autoloess.R: set the "span" (smoothing) hyperparameter for a LOESS curve so as to minimize AIC_c (includes a cute demonstration)
# autoloess.R: compute loess metaparameters automatically
# Kyle Gorman <>
aicc.loess <- function(fit) {
# compute AIC_C for a LOESS fit, from:
# Hurvich, C.M., Simonoff, J.S., and Tsai, C. L. 1998. Smoothing
# parameter selection in nonparametric regression using an improved
# Akaike Information Criterion. Journal of the Royal Statistical
# Society B 60: 271–293.
# @param fit loess fit
# @return 'aicc' value
stopifnot(inherits(fit, 'loess'))
# parameters
n <- fit$n
trace <- fit$trace.hat
sigma2 <- sum(resid(fit) ^ 2) / (n - 1)
return(log(sigma2) + 1 + (2 * (trace + 1)) / (n - trace - 2))
autoloess <- function(fit, span=c(.1, .9)) {
# compute loess fit which has span minimizes AIC_C
# @param fit loess fit; span parameter value doesn't matter
# @param span a two-value vector representing the minimum and
# maximum span values
# @return loess fit with span minimizing the AIC_C function
stopifnot(inherits(fit, 'loess'), length(span) == 2)
# loss function in form to be used by optimize
f <- function(span) aicc.loess(update(fit, span=span))
# find best loess according to loss function
return(update(fit, span=optimize(f, span)$minimum))
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