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ErlangC WFM functions for Excel (VBA)
'Developed by Kyle Boehlen
'At Ken Garff SCC
'Last Updated 6/27/17 by Kyle Boehlen
'Contains all of the erlang functions needed such as Sigma, Factorial, SigmaFactorialLoop, ErlangC, Service Level, Traffic Intensity, and agents needed.
Function Factorial(ByVal n As Double) As Double
'Variable for answer
Dim dblAnswer As Double
'Factorial function loop
dblAnswer = n
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
dblAnswer = dblAnswer * i
Next i
'Return answer
Factorial = dblAnswer
End Function
Function Sigma(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
'Declare variable to hold answer
Dim intAnswer As Integer
'Sigma function loop
For i = 0 To n
intAnswer = intAnswer + i
Next i
'Return answer
Sigma = intAnswer
End Function
Function SigmaFactorialLoop(ByVal dblTrafficIntensity As Double, ByVal intAgentsNeeded As Integer) As Double
'Function is easier than using both sigma and factorial when calculating erlangc
'Declare variables and variable for answer
Dim n, k, dblAnswer As Double
'Declar counter
Dim i As Integer
'Starting variable values
n = 1
dblAnswer = 0
For i = intAgentsNeeded To 0 Step -1
k = n * i / dblTrafficIntensity
dblAnswer = dblAnswer + k
n = k
Next i
'Return answer
SigmaFactorialLoop = dblAnswer
End Function
Function ErlangC(ByVal intCallVolume As Integer, ByVal intReportingPeriod As Integer, ByVal dblAHT As Double, ByVal intAgentsNeeded As Integer) As Double
'Declare variables needed and variable for answer
Dim dblAgentOccupancy, dblTrafficIntensity, dblAnswer As Double
'Define variables needed to calculate
dblTrafficIntensity = TrafficIntensity(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT)
dblAgentOccupancy = dblTrafficIntensity / intAgentsNeeded
'Return ErlangC
dblAnswer = 1 / (1 + ((1 - dblAgentOccupancy) * SigmaFactorialLoop(dblTrafficIntensity, intAgentsNeeded)))
'Makes sure ErlangC is between 0 and 1
If dblAnswer <= 0 Then
dblAnswer = 0
ElseIf dblAnswer >= 1 Then
dblAnswer = 1
End If
'Return answer
ErlangC = dblAnswer
End Function
Function ServiceLevel(ByVal intCallVolume As Integer, ByVal intReportingPeriod As Integer, ByVal dblAHT As Double, ByVal dblServiceLevelTime As Double, ByVal intAgentsNeeded As Integer) As Double
'Declare variables needed to calculate service level and variable for answer
Dim dblServiceLevel, dblTrafficIntensity, dblErlangC, e As Double
'Calculate prerequisites
dblTrafficIntensity = TrafficIntensity(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT)
dblErlangC = ErlangC(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT, intAgentsNeeded)
e = Exp((intAgentsNeeded - dblTrafficIntensity) * dblServiceLevelTime / dblAHT * -1)
'Calculate service level
dblServiceLevel = 1 - (dblErlangC * e)
'Return answer
ServiceLevel = dblServiceLevel
End Function
Function TrafficIntensity(ByVal intCallVolume As Integer, ByVal intReportingPeriod As Integer, ByVal dblAHT As Double) As Double
'Declare variable for traffic intensity
Dim dblTrafficIntensity As Double
'Calculate traffic intensity
dblTrafficIntensity = (intCallVolume / (intReportingPeriod * 60)) * dblAHT
'Return traffic intensity
TrafficIntensity = dblTrafficIntensity
End Function
Function AgentsNeeded(ByVal intCallVolume As Long, ByVal dblAHT As Double, ByVal dblServiceLevelGoal As Double, ByVal dblServiceLevelTime As Double) As Long
' VVV Change this value (in minutes) if your reporting period changes from 30 minutes
Const intReportingPeriod As Integer = 30 'Change this value (in minutes) if your reporting period changes from 30 minutes
' ^^^ Change this value (in minutes) if your reporting period changes from 30 minutes
'Declare variables needed to calculate agents needed
Dim dblTrafficIntensity, dblServiceLevel As Double
Dim intAgentsNeeded As Integer
'Calculate traffic intensity
dblTrafficIntensity = TrafficIntensity(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT)
'Start agents out as the integer of intensity and see if we already have enough agents
intAgentsNeeded = Int(dblTrafficIntensity)
dblServiceLevel = ServiceLevel(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT, dblServiceLevelTime, intAgentsNeeded)
'Looping until the service level is higher than the goal
Do Until dblServiceLevelGoal <= dblServiceLevel
intAgentsNeeded = intAgentsNeeded + 1
dblServiceLevel = ServiceLevel(intCallVolume, intReportingPeriod, dblAHT, dblServiceLevelTime, intAgentsNeeded)
'Make sure it returns at least one agent
If intAgentsNeeded <= 1 Then
intAgentsNeeded = 1
End If
'Return agents needed
AgentsNeeded = intAgentsNeeded
End Function
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