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Last active November 23, 2020 01:44
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Oxaca-Blinder Estimator for Treatment Effect Estimation - Kline, 2011 and Kline, 2014
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## oaxaca-blinder-estimator.R
## Kyle Butts, CU Boulder Economics
## This creates R functions for an Oaxaca-Blinder Estimator following:
## Patrick Kline - Oaxaca-Blinder as a Reweighting Estimator (2011)
## Patrick Kline - A note on variance estimation for the Oaxaca estimator of average treatment effects (2014)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Kline (2011) ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function returns the Oaxaca-Blinder Estimand for the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated, following Patrick Kline - Oaxaca-Blinder as a Reweighting Estimator (2011)
#' @param data dataframe to estimate with
#' @param formula Formula for linear regression specification. Either formula or string object. Do not include the treatment variable in this
#' @param treat string for treatment variable, must be 1 = treat, 0 = control
#' @param cluster optional - string for cluster variable. Variable "indicating which observations belong to the same cluster". Passed along to `clubSandwich::vcovCR()`
oaxaca_estimate <- function(data, formula, treat, cluster = NA) {
## Regression using Control units ------------------------------------------
# Prepare formula
if(is.character(formula)) formula <- as.formula(formula)
Y_var <- all.vars(formula[[2]])
X_vars <- all.vars(formula)[-1]
# Subset by control and treated
data_control <- data[data[[treat]] == 0, ]
data_treat <- data[data[[treat]] == 1, ]
control_reg <- lm(formula, data = data_control)
## Mean of TE --------------------------------------------------------------
# Counterfactual Mean
pred <- predict(control_reg, data)
# Y_i(1) - \hat{Y}_i(0)
diff <- data[[Y_var]] - pred
# E[Y_i(1) - \hat{Y}_i(0) | D_i = 1]
te <- mean(diff[data[[treat]] == 1], na.rm = TRUE)
## Variance of TE ----------------------------------------------------------
# Stata Robust Var-Cov matrix
if( {
V0 <- sandwich::vcovHC(control_reg, type = "HC1")
} else {
V0 <- clubSandwich::vcovCR(control_reg, cluster = data_control[[cluster]], type = "CR1S")
# Var(te) comes from out of sample prediction variance formula
X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
D <- data[[treat]]
V1 <- var(data_treat[[Y_var]]) / sum(D)
Vdiff <- V1 + (t(D) %*% X %*% V0 %*% t(X) %*% D)/(sum(D)^2)
se <- as.vector(sqrt(Vdiff))
return(list("te" = te, "se" = se))
## Kline (2014) ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function returns the Oaxaca-Blinder Estimand for the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated, following Patrick Kline - A note on variance estimation for the Oaxaca estimator of average treatment effects (2014). This is a more robust version of the estimator.
#' @param data dataframe to estimate with
#' @param formula Formula for linear regression specification. Either formula or string object. Do not include the treatment variable in this
#' @param treat string for treatment variable, must be 1 = treat, 0 = control
#' @param cluster optional - string for cluster variable. Variable "indicating which observations belong to the same cluster". Passed along to `clubSandwich::vcovCR()`
oaxaca_estimate_robust <- function(data, formula, treat, cluster = NA) {
## Regression using Control units ------------------------------------------
# Prepare formula
if(is.character(formula)) formula <- as.formula(formula)
Y_var <- all.vars(formula[[2]])
X_vars <- all.vars(formula)[-1]
D <- data[[treat]]
X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
## Step 1. (Kline 2014) ----------------------------------------------------
# Subset by control and treated
data_control <- data[data[[treat]] == 0, ]
data_treat <- data[D == 1, ]
control_reg <- lm(formula, data = data_control)
## Step 2. (Kline 2014) ----------------------------------------------------
pred <- predict(control_reg, data)
Y_star <- D * (data[[Y_var]] - pred) + (1-D) * data[[Y_var]]
## Step 3. (Kline 2014) ----------------------------------------------------
data_update <-, (1-D) * X))
data_update[[Y_var]] <- Y_star
update_formula <- update(formula, paste("~ . +", "D - 1"))
reg_step_3 <- lm(update_formula, data = data_update)
## Step 4. (Kline 2014) ----------------------------------------------------
te <- coef(reg_step_3)[["D"]]
# Stata Robust Var-Cov matrix
if( {
V <- sandwich::vcovHC(reg_step_3, type = "HC1")
} else {
V <- clubSandwich::vcovCR(
cluster = data[[cluster]],
type = "CR1S"
V_theta_hat <- V["D","D"]
V_beta <- V[setdiff(rownames(V),"D"),setdiff(rownames(V),"D")]
V_beta_theta <- V["D",setdiff(rownames(V),"D")]
## Step 5. (Kline 2014) ----------------------------------------------------
mu_X_treated <- colMeans(data[D == 1, X_vars])
V_theta <- V_theta_hat +
t(mu_X_treated) %*% V_beta %*% mu_X_treated -
2 * t(mu_X_treated) %*% V_beta_theta
se <- as.vector(sqrt(V_theta))
## Return estimate and se --------------------------------------------------
return(list("te" = te, "se" = se))
## Example from Kline (2011) using Lalonde Data --------------------------------
# Change to where the file is stored
data <- read.csv("")
formula <- "re78 ~ 1 + age + age2 + ed + black + hisp + married + nodeg + re75 + re74"
oaxaca_estimate(data, formula, "treat")
oaxaca_estimate_robust(data, formula, "treat")
# Cluster by education
oaxaca_estimate(data, formula, "treat", "ed")
oaxaca_estimate_robust(data, formula, "treat", "ed")
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