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Kyle Coberly kylecoberly

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Started observing at 11:39

Helping Jonathan Herring

+ Docs are open
+ "How do we know"
+ Super high think ratio
+ "Looks like we've identified where it's not working"
- "I think I did" <- Make him show you, "I think" isn't testable

Started observing at 11:15

- No posted objectives
+ Good strong voice
- Kind of an expensive way to teach one student
- No CFUs
+ Great live-coding
+ Demonstrating the thought process really well
+ Referring to the docs

Started observing at 3:08

- Posted objective was "this- WTF"
+ Good body language
+ Strong live coding
- "Who can tell me what will happen when I..." then kept talking, answered your own question, sucked out energy, non-interactive
- Getting out of scope- "Oh, there's this function called bind..."
+ Volume is improving
- "Does all this stuff make sense?"
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Steps to Writing an Assessment

  1. Discern what the standard is asking for, and not asking for
    • Assessments are aligned to standards, which have specific verbs
  2. Research any existing materials for the assessment you might be able to use or repurpose
  3. Come up with a concept for the assessment
    • Don't worry about how it will be administered
    • Try to keep the assessments as small and focused as possible
    • Themes ("Galvanize Sports", "Galvanize Brews") are good
  • Make sure that you can do multiple versions of the assessment

1:1 Help w/ Charlie + Training Lizz


  • Do more "tell me what you see?", be socratic. They should talk more than you.
  • Don't let him go dark- that's a good sign that you're not being efficient with your time and can move on while he thinks
  • You're not solving Charlie's problem for him!
  • Looking for an opportunity to delegate an issue to Lizz!
  • If the student is stuck, have them reduce the problem to its most simple elements. Look for a chartjs+vue example and run that as is, and start changing things.
  • Good traffic-copping- followed up with Lizz on Nick

Kim Schlesinger: Final Interview with Kevin Kingdon


  • Watch your vocal tic at the end of questions- it takes away some of your power
  • Open your body language more
  • You did a great job stepping out of the interview mode to give him feedback, but this is supposed to be more scrimmage than drill. We might need more in-person practice opportunities for specific questions.
  • Outstanding feedback to Kevin for the first 2 questions
  • You made him redo his intro to lock it in
  • Great feedback on his tone

Peter - DOM Part #2


+ Starting with an abbreviated terms review functioned pretty well as an entry ticket
+ Fist-to-five on the terms to give yourself context was such awesome, cheap data-gathering
- Not you, but the layout of this classroom sucks to teach in- it makes it needlessly hard to circulate and separates you from the students
- The strength of your "Post-It" was hampered by you rushing through it. I had a hard time seeing the demarcation of what was entry ticket, what was post-it, and what was the lesson. Try using big thematic pauses to create some separtaion.
- Get the remote stuff set up before you start the lesson, it's making the kickoff unnecessarily bumpy

Casey - Knex & Postgres


- No posted objectives
- Rehearse the steps you're going to follow more. No problem in making a mistake you can troubleshoot in front of a student, but you also don't want to burn too much time spinning your wheels
+ Good "playing dumb" on case-sensitive SQL- use that as an opportunity to ask the class to get more than one person thinking and participating
- This is a lot of SQL, which we're not assessing on. The title of the lesson was "Intro to postgres and knex", which doing a bunch of low-level DDL and SQL isn't aligned with
- You're doing a lot of "What happens next?", but I don't think the students know this content well enough. You can only gradually release with something that they should know. Try giving them a target to research and time to do it first.

Observation of Dan Pairing with Pancake


+ Good leading with questions
+ "It's like you've done this before!" - Good encouragement
+ "I want to look this up in the docs", building good habits
+ I like that your showing why you would go with a specific link
+ She's talking a lot more than you, which is awesome