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Created December 24, 2023 19:02
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Displays the lines of code per user of a given repo
import os
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
repo_path = "./"
valid_extensions = ['.kt', '.java', '.xml', '.py', '.js', '.html', '.css', '.kts', '.bat', '.sh', '.md', '.yml']
translation_files = ['strings.xml', 'fastlane', '/raw/', '']
ignored_files = ['.idea']
def count_lines_per_user(repo_path):
# Change to the repository directory
# A dictionary to hold the line counts for each user
user_line_count = defaultdict(int)
# A dictionary to hold the number of lines of code
user_code_line_count = defaultdict(int)
# A diction to hold the number of lines of translations
user_translation_line_count = defaultdict(int)
# Getting a list of all files tracked by git
files = subprocess.check_output("git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only", shell=True).decode('utf-8').splitlines()
# Iterating over each file and using git blame to find the author of each line
with tqdm(total=len(files)) as pbar:
for file in files:
if not any([file.endswith(ext) for ext in valid_extensions]):
if any([ignored in file for ignored in ignored_files]):
is_translation = any([t in file for t in translation_files])
# Getting the blame output for each file
blame_output = subprocess.check_output(f"git blame --line-porcelain {file}", shell=True).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
# Processing the output
for line in blame_output.splitlines():
if line.startswith("author "):
author = line.split(" ", 1)[1]
user_line_count[author] += 1
if is_translation:
user_translation_line_count[author] += 1
user_code_line_count[author] += 1
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# In case of an error (e.g., binary files), skip the file
return user_line_count, user_code_line_count, user_translation_line_count
# Counting lines and printing the results
lines_by_user, code_lines, translation_lines = count_lines_per_user(repo_path)
total_lines = sum(lines_by_user.values())
total_code_lines = sum(code_lines.values())
total_translation_lines = sum(translation_lines.values())
rows = lines_by_user.items()
rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for user, count in rows:
total = count
code = code_lines[user]
translation = translation_lines[user]
percent_of_total = round(count / total_lines * 100, 2)
percent_of_code = round(code / total_code_lines * 100, 2)
percent_of_translation = round(translation / total_translation_lines * 100, 2)
print(f"{user}: {count} ({percent_of_total}%), Code: {code} ({percent_of_code}%), Translations: {translation} ({percent_of_translation}%)")
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