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Last active May 21, 2018 17:15
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AD Creation Tool
$WPFsearchad.Add_Click({Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name, department, SamAccountName, mail, distinguishedname, description, memberof | Where {$_.enabled } | select -Property Name, department, SamAccountName, mail, distinguishedname, description, memberof | Out-GridView -passthru})
function Get-FormFields(){
$User = Get-AdUser $WPFsearchad.SamAccountName
$new_password = 'acemfg1'
$User = Get-AdUser $WPFsearchad
$DN = $User.distinguishedName
$OldUser = [ADSI]"LDAP://$DN"
$Parent = $OldUser.Parent
$OU = [ADSI]$Parent
$OUDN = $OU.distinguishedName
$HashArguments =
@{ Name = $WPFnewuname.Text;
SurName = $WPFnewlname.Text;
DisplayName = "$WPFnewfname.Text $WPFnewlname.Text";
AccountPassword= $new_password;
Company = "Ace Manufacturing";
Department = $WPFsearchad.department;
Description = $WPFsearchad.Description;
SamAccountName = $WPFsearchad.SamAccountName;
Distinguishedname = $WPFsearchad.distinguishedname;
memberof = $WPFsearchad.memberof;
Path = "$OUDN"
Enabled = $True
#Get-ADUser $NewUser -Properties userPrincipalName | foreach { Set-ADUser $_ -UserPrincipalName "$($_.samaccountname)"}
#Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User | foreach { Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -identity $NewUser -MemberOf $_.samaccountname } -ErrorAction Ignore
#Resolve Form Settings
$hash = Get-FormFields
New-ADUser @hash -PassThru
write-host "To show the form, run the following" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$Form.ShowDialog() | out-null
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