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Created February 5, 2019 21:25
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from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
prospector_url = ''
# Add your own api key
clarbit_api_key = API_KEY
now_pst = str( - timedelta(hours=8))
autoProspectedCampaign = input['autoProspectedCampaign']
def build_query_param(key, val):
query_param = key + '=' + val + '&'
return query_param
# loop over variables passed in from webhook and build query params to append to prospector_url
for key in input.keys():
val = input[key]
# handle array query param
if ']' in key:
for param in val.split(','):
cleaned_param = param.strip()
prospector_url += build_query_param(key, cleaned_param)
prospector_url += build_query_param(key, val)
response = requests.get(prospector_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(clarbit_api_key,''))
leads = response.json()
# loop over leads and add additional data we want to send to Marketo
updatedLeads = []
for lead in leads['results']:
lead['autoProspected'] = now_pst
lead['autoProspectedCampaign'] = autoProspectedCampaign
lead['companyDomain'] = input['domain']
return updatedLeads
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