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Created June 14, 2011 19:59
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AppEngine ndb Threaded Messaging.
import cgi
from google.appengine.api import mail
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
from ndb import model
from tipfy.routing import url_for
from tipfyext.ndb.mixins import DateMixin
class _FormattableContent(model.Model):
raw = model.TextProperty(required=True)
html = model.TextProperty(required=False)
class _DisplayState(model.Model):
"""Structured Property for listing User Keys and the
state of the Message / Thread for that user
user_key = model.KeyProperty()
# State assumes a certain flow, i.e. a message cannot be
# archived until it has been read.
# 0 - unread
# 1 - read
# 2 - archived
# 3 - deleted
# 4 - reported
state = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)
def label_to_integer(label):
if label == 'unread':
return 0
if label == 'read':
return 1
if label == 'archived':
return 2
if label == 'deleted':
return 3
if label == 'reported':
return 4
class Message(model.Model, DateMixin):
sender_key = model.KeyProperty()
subject = model.StringProperty()
body = model.LocalStructuredProperty(_FormattableContent)
recipients = model.StructuredProperty(_DisplayState, repeated=True)
def sent_at(self):
return self.created
def sender(self):
A User object from the stored sender_key
return self.sender_key.get()
def create(cls, sender_key, body, recipient_keys, **kwargs):
"""Creates a new message and returns it.
:param sender_key:
Key of the message sender.
:param body:
The raw message body, usually coming from a text field.
The newly created message.
kwargs['sender_key'] = sender_key
if not kwargs['subject']:
kwargs['subject'] = '%s...' % body[0:25]
escaped_body = cgi.escape(body)
html_body = escaped_body
kwargs['body'] = _FormattableContent(raw=body, html=html_body)
message = cls(**kwargs)
message.recipients = [_DisplayState(user_key=r, state=0)
for r in recipient_keys]
return message
class Thread(model.Model, DateMixin):
message_keys = model.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
private = model.BooleanProperty(default=False)
participants = model.StructuredProperty(_DisplayState, repeated=True)
def messages(self):
return model.get_multi(self.message_keys)
def latest_message(self):
if self.messages:
messages = self.messages
msg_len = len(messages)
return messages[msg_len - 1]
return None
def latest_subject(self):
return self.latest_message.subject
def senders(self):
return [m.sender for m in self.messages]
def latest_sender(self):
return self.latest_message.sender
def add_participant(self, new_user_key, state=0):
:param new_user_key:
:param state:
new_participant = _DisplayState(user_key=new_user_key, state=state)
return self.participants
def add_participants(self, user_keys):
existing_user_keys = [p.user_key for p in self.participants]
new_user_keys = set(user_keys) - set(existing_user_keys)
for new_user_key in new_user_keys:
return self.participants
def get_active(cls, user_key):
"""Active threads are threads in the User's inbox
return cls.query(
cls.participants.user_key == user_key,
cls.participants.state <= 1,
def get_archived(cls, user_key):
"""Archived threads are threads that have the state set to
`archived` by the user
return cls.query(
cls.participants.user_key == user_key,
cls.participants.state == 2
def get_reported(cls, user_key):
"""Reported threads are threads that have been marked as
Spam by the user
return cls.query().filter(
cls.participants.user_key == user_key,
cls.participants.state == 4
def get_private(cls, sender_key, recipient_key):
"""Get or create the private thread for two Users.
Private threads are threads that only have 2 participants.
:param sender_key:
Key or the message sender
:param recipient_key:
Key or the message recipient
Query object.
return cls.query(cls.private == True,
cls.participants.user_key == sender_key,
cls.participants.user_key == recipient_key)
def create_message(cls, sender_id, body, recipient_ids=None,
subject=None, thread_id=None, thread=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a message from a user with recipient(s) and optional thread
# if we were pass a thread;
if thread_id and not thread:
thread = thread_id.get()
if not recipient_ids:
recipient_ids = [p.user_key for p in thread.participants]
if not isinstance(recipient_ids, list):
recipient_ids = [recipient_ids]
if not thread:
if len(recipient_ids) is 1:
qry = cls.get_private(
thread = qry.get()
if not thread:
thread = Thread(
thread = Thread(
message = Message.create(
return thread
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