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Created November 13, 2009 16:26
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require 'test_helper'
class PasswordResetTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
def setup
@site = Factory(:site, :short_name => "example") => '', :activated =>
@user = Factory(:user, :site => @site)
Factory(:alpha_theme, :site => @site, :activated_at =>, :html_template => "{{page.content}}")
@emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
def test_password_reset_with_valid_email
visit login_path
click_link "Forgot password?"
fill_in "Your email address", :with =>
click_button "Send Password Reset"
assert_equal 1, @emails.length
assert_contain "Please check your email. We've sent you a secure link that will allow you to reset your password."
reset_url = /https?:\/\/[a-z0-9\.\-\_=&\+\/\?]+/i.match(@emails.first.body).to_s
visit reset_url
fill_in "New Password", :with => "mynewpassword"
fill_in "Confirm New Password", :with => "mynewpassword"
response = click_button "Save New Password"
assert_equal "Your password has been changed and you've been logged in.", flash[:notice]
assert @controller.user_logged_in?
def test_password_reset_with_invalid_email
visit login_path
click_link "Forgot password?"
fill_in "Your email address", :with => ""
click_button "Send Password Reset"
assert_equal "No user with that email exists.", flash[:errors]
assert_equal path, forgot_password_path
def test_invalid_reset_token
visit reset_password_url(:token => "some-invalid-token")
assert_equal "That password reset link is no longer valid.", flash[:errors]
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