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Created June 26, 2015 01:23
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// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
@mixin cp-context($contexts) {
@each $context in $contexts {
@each $current in $cp-currentContext {
@if $context == $current {
@if $context == 'system' {
.cp-AdminWrap & {
} @else if $context == 'admin' {
.cp-AdminWrap & {
} @else {
// Leave a different one of these variables uncommented to see the different
// outputs
// Here's an example of how we would generate the stylesheet for the front-end
$cp-currentContext : 'shared' 'client';
// Here's an example of how we would generate the stylesheet for the back-end
//$cp-currentContext : 'shared' 'admin';
// Here's an example of how we would generate the stylesheet for just the
// "system" styles that we could layer on top of the front-end styles (two
// seperate files; similar to Common.css & FisherPrice.css, today)
//$cp-currentContext : 'system';
.box {
// These styles are shared across all contexts
@include cp-context('shared') {
display: block;
// These styles are specific to the client context
@include cp-context('client') {
color: blue;
// These styles are specific to both the system and the admin contexts
@include cp-context('system admin') {
color: red;
// This is demonstrating how you can prepend the selector with a class and
// not break the .cp-AdminWrap auto-wrap
@at-root .rootWrap & {
border-color: red;
// And this is demonstrating how you can chain a class with the .cp-AdminWrap
// auto-wrap
@include cp-context('system') {
&.is-state .box {
outline-color: red;
.box {
display: block;
color: blue;
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