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Last active October 1, 2015 07:32
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Generic ID generation
// A package for generating and consuming intelligent IDs.
// This package exposes a factory function for ID generators, that creates IDs
// that are 64-bit unsigned ints, with bits breaking down as possible:
// [TYPE: 8 bits] [ID: 52 bits]
// - TYPE (256 options): The type of the object the ID represents.
// - ID (4.5 quadrillion options): The actual ID, depending on the indicated
// sequence type. It should ideally be monotonically increasing so that IDs
// are sortable by age. Could be a timestamp, Redis counter, or random number.
package idgen
import (
type generator func() uint64
type sequenceType string
// The types of ID sequences available for generation.
const (
// An ID sequence that encodes the time when it was created at 1/50th of a
// microsecond granularity. The allows the encoding ~45 years of objects
// before needing to expand the ID space.
// 2^56 / (50 * 1000µs * 1000ms * 60s * 60m * 24h * 365d) = 45 years
SequenceTimestamp sequenceType = "timestamp"
// The bit length of the parts of the ID.
const (
lenObjType = 8
lenSequence = 56
// The amount by which to divide the default nanosecond timestamp granularity
// fot the purposes of a longer timestamp
const nsGranularity = 20
// The offset against which all ID timestamps are based.
var epoch = time.Date(2015, time.September, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
// Create a new ID generator of the given type.
func MakeIDGenerator(objType uint8, seq sequenceType) (generator, error) {
var generateSequence generator
switch seq {
case SequenceTimestamp:
generateSequence = generateTimestampID
return nil, fmt.Errorf("idgen: Invalid sequence type '%s'", seq)
// Position the object type in the first 8 bits
objTypeMask := uint64(objType) << lenSequence
generateID := func() uint64 {
// We assume here that generateSequence() will always return 56 bits max
return objTypeMask | generateSequence()
return generateID, nil
// Given an object ID, parse out the object type part.
func GetObjectTypeFromID(id uint64) uint8 {
return uint8(id >> lenSequence)
// Given an object ID generated by SequenceTimestamp, parse out the timestamp.
func GetTimeFromID(id uint64) time.Time {
// Zero the top 8 bits (the object part) of the ID
sequence := (id << lenObjType) >> lenObjType
return epoch.Add(time.Duration(sequence * nsGranularity))
// Generate a 56-bit timestamp sequence.
func generateTimestampID() uint64 {
now := time.Now()
// Diff is the integer difference in nanoseconds
diff := now.Sub(epoch)
// We do integer division to 1/50th of a microsecond, because we want to save
// more than 2.5 years of IDs
timestamp := diff / nsGranularity
// Finally we convert to uint and zero the top 8 bits
return (uint64(timestamp) << lenObjType) >> lenObjType
* Generic ID generation
* IDs are 64-bit integers, hex-encoded, with bits breaking down as follows:
* [TYPE: 8] [ID: 52]
* TYPE (256 options): The type of the object.
* ID (4.5 quadrillion options): The actual ID, depending on the indicated ID
* type. It should ideally be monotonically increasing so that IDs are
* sortable by age. Could be a timestamp, Redis counter, or random number.
'use strict';
const ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdef'
const EPOCH = new Date('2015-07-18').getTime()
var Sequence = exports.Sequence = {
TIMESTAMP_RAND: Symbol('timestamp_rand'),
const Len = {
ALL: 16,
TYPE: 2,
TIME: 10,
RAND: 4,
* Create a reusable ID-generation function.
* @param {number} objType
* @param {Sequence} seqType
* @return {function(Object=):string}
exports.makeIdGenerator = function (objType, seqType) {
if (objType != (objType|0) || 0 > objType || objType > 255) {
throw new Error('Object type must be an integer in the range [0, 255]')
let generateSequence
switch (seqType) {
case Sequence.TIMESTAMP_RAND:
generateSequence = generateTimestampWithRandId
throw new Error('Invalid sequence type: ' + String(seqType))
const objPart = (objType < 16 ? '0' : '') + objType.toString(16)
return function generateId(opt_obj) {
const id = objPart + generateSequence(opt_obj)
// Sanity check
if(id.length != Len.ALL) {
throw new Error('IDs should be 16 characters long: ' + id)
return id
* Get the object type from an object ID.
* @param {string} id
* @return {number}
exports.getObjectTypeFromId = function (id) {
return parseInt(id.substr(0, Len.TYPE), 16)
* Get the Unix timestamp from an object ID.
* @param {string} id
* @return {number}
exports.getTimestampFromId = function (id) {
return EPOCH + parseInt(id.substr(Len.TYPE, Len.TIME), 16)
* Generate a hex-encoded 56-bit timestamp-based sequence with a random part.
* The first 10 bytes represent the time in milliseconds since the EPOCH,
* the last 4 bytes are randomly generated to reduce collisions.
* @return {string}
function generateTimestampWithRandId() {
let time = - EPOCH
const timestampChars = new Array(Len.TIME)
for (let i = Len.TIME - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
timestampChars[i] = ALPHABET.charAt(time % 16)
time = Math.floor(time / 16)
const timestampPart = timestampChars.join('')
const randChars = new Array(Len.RAND)
for (let i = 0; i < Len.RAND; i++) {
randChars[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)
const randPart = randChars.join('')
return timestampPart + randPart
package idgen
import (
func TestMakeIDGenerator(t *testing.T) {
_, err := MakeIDGenerator(1, "foo")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("MakeIDGenerator should fail on invalid sequence type")
_, err = MakeIDGenerator(1, SequenceTimestamp)
if err != nil {
t.Error("MakeIDGenerator should not error on valid input")
func TestGetObjectTypeFromID(t *testing.T) {
expected := uint8(100)
generate, err := MakeIDGenerator(expected, SequenceTimestamp)
if err != nil {
t.Error("MakeIDGenerator should not error on valid input")
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
if objType := GetObjectTypeFromID(generate()); objType != expected {
t.Errorf("IDs should have object type %d, but found %d",
expected, objType)
func TestGetTimeFromID(t *testing.T) {
generate, err := MakeIDGenerator(0, SequenceTimestamp)
if err != nil {
t.Error("MakeIDGenerator should not error on valid input")
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
idTime := GetTimeFromID(generate())
now := time.Now()
if (now.Unix() - idTime.Unix()) > 1 {
t.Errorf("ID should have the Unix time %s, but was %s",
now.Format(time.Stamp), idTime.Format(time.Stamp))
func TestGenerateTimestampSequenceSufficientlyVaries(t *testing.T) {
generate, err := MakeIDGenerator(0, SequenceTimestamp)
if err != nil {
t.Error("MakeIDGenerator should not error on valid input")
var lastId uint64
dupIds := 0
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
id := generate()
if id == lastId {
lastId = id
if dupIds != 0 {
t.Errorf("There should not be duplicate IDs, but found %d", dupIds)
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