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Created October 16, 2017 05:57
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Wordpress Exports to Jekyll. Fill a folder /xml/ with Wordpress exports and generate a folder /output with jekyll ready post files.
var fs = require('fs');
var _ = require('lodash');
var moment = require('moment');
var parseXML = require('xml2js').parseString;
var existing = [ /* list of your current _post/* filenames, make sure all end in .html */ ]
var blacklist = [ /* list of files to exclude from output */ ];
function readFiles( dirname, onFileContent, onError ) {
fs.readdir(dirname, function( error, filenames ) {
filenames.forEach(function( filename ) {
fs.readFile( dirname + filename, 'utf-8', function( error, content ) {
if ( error ) {
onError( error );
} else {
onFileContent( filename, content );
function generateFrontmatter( post ) {
var frontmatter = '';
var category = _.get(post, 'category[0].$.nicename' );
var excerpt = _.get(post, '["excerpt:encoded"][0]');
var title = post.title[0].replace(/["]/g, '\\"');
frontmatter += '---\n';
frontmatter += 'layout: post\n';
frontmatter += 'title: "' + title +'"\n';
if ( excerpt ) {
var clean = excerpt.replace(/["]/g, '\\"');
frontmatter += 'description: "' + clean + '"\n';
if ( category && category !== 'news' && category !== 'blog' ) {
frontmatter += 'category: ' + category +'\n';
frontmatter += '---\n\n'
return frontmatter;
readFiles('./xml/', function( file, content ) {
parseXML(content, function( error, result ) {
var posts = _.get(result, '[0].item');
var organized = {};
if ( posts && Array.isArray( posts ) ) {
posts.forEach(function( post ) {
var type = post['wp:post_type'][0];
if ( type !== 'attachment' && type !== 'nav_menu_item' ||
( type === 'page' && post['content:encoded'][0] )
) {
var date = moment( post['wp:post_date'][0] || post.pubDate[0] )
var unix = date.unix();
var filename = date.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
filename += '-' + post['wp:post_name'][0] + '.html';
if ( existing.indexOf(filename) === -1 && blacklist.indexOf(filename) === -1 && post['wp:status'][0] === 'publish' ) {
organized[unix] = {
filename: filename,
title: post.title[0],
content: post['content:encoded'][0],
frontMatter: generateFrontmatter( post )
for ( var i in organized ) {
var post = organized[i];
var finalContent = post.frontMatter + post.content;
fs.writeFileSync('output/' + post.filename, finalContent);
}, console.error);
"name": "post-archives",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.4",
"moment": "^2.19.1",
"xml2js": "^0.4.19"
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