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Last active February 26, 2021 19:45
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algos using Sliding Window Techniques

Sliding Window Problems (Types):

Fast / Slow

  • Start with a 'fast' pointer and a 'slow' pointer
  • Once you have a valid substring within the fast pointer then: you start shrinking the slow until you have a valid substring.
  1. BitFlip
  2. Min. Window Substring
  3. Consecutive Subarray Sum

Fast / Catch-up

  • Start with a 'fast' pointer and a 'slow' pointer
  • Once you have a meet a valid condition at fast pointer then: the slow pointer "jumps" to the fast position.
  1. Max Consecutive Sum.
  2. Buy & Sell Stocks

Fast / Lag

  • The slow pointer here is lagging behind, keeping track of the choices made. (Hueristics)
  1. House Robber

Front / Back

  • The two pointers are coming from oppositing directions across a linear path.
  1. Rainwater
  2. Sorted Two Sum
(() => {
// input: "testttf"
// returns:
// Map { t: 4, e: 1, s: 1, f: 1 }
// - key: t has 4 entries.
// - key: e has 1 entries.
// - key: s has 1 entries.
// - key: f has 1 entries.
let input = "testttf";
let inputArr = [...input];
// must be written as declaration or expression with lexical scope context
// can NOT be an arrow (annoymous) function
// function(ele, ?index, ?array)
const mapHelper = function(ele) {
if (this.has(ele)) {
this.set(ele, this.get(ele) + 1);
} else {
this.set(ele, 1);
return ele;
// get unique letters in string
const uniqueKeys = new Set([...inputArr]);
// map letters to default of 0 in KeyValue pair [ { 'a': 0, 'b': 0, ... } ]
const mappedKeys = new Map([...uniqueKeys].map(el => [ el, 0 ]));
// create the HashMap key-value association
[...input].map(mapHelper, mappedKeys);
return mappedKeys.entries() ?? new Map();
(() => {
let input = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4]];
// input: [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4]]
// returns:
// Array(5) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
// function(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array){ .. }
const flattenReducer = function reducerFlattenFunct(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator.concat(currentValue);
return input.reduce(flattenReducer, []);
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