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Created May 5, 2014 22:49
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Shell functions to wrap cmdline utility output with JSON
# Shell functions to wrap cmdline utility output with JSON
# Useful for running shell commands and then extracting output with logstash
K="$1" # key
V="$2" # value
Q="$3" # quote
T="$4" # term
echo -n " \"$K\":$Q"
echo -n "$V" | sed -e 's/"/\\\"/g' -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g'
[ -z "$T" ] && echo -n "$Q," || echo -n "$Q"
json_kv_int() { json_kv_pair "$1" "$2" "" "$3"; }
json_kv_str() { json_kv_pair "$1" "$2" '"' "$3"; }
echo -n "{"
json_kv_int "timestamp_start" "$(date +%s)"
json_kv_str "cmd" "$CMD"
OUT=$(echo "$CMD" | sh 2>&1)
DONE=$(date +%s)
json_kv_str "output" "$OUT"
json_kv_int "ret" "$RET"
json_kv_int "timestamp_stop" "$DONE" true
# TODO break-up stderr and stdout
echo " }"
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