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Last active December 2, 2023 01:49
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Prefix wrapper for wireguard-vanity-address
* Improve performance for generating keys with common prefixes.
* Extract prefixes delimited by a '+' or '/'.
* Exit at least on match for each prefix.
$ ex{1,2,3}
Searching for ['ex1/', 'ex1+', 'ex2/', 'ex2+', 'ex3/', 'ex3+'] with ['wireguard-vanity-address', '--in', '2', 'ex']
private 0AqLDsMHNBFtB1BDr5QFm4un0wmKfCXUm4rWtWjwW2E= public EX3+ArEAdcwj7xU92idso00qIAK66RQtQNJYJEJOCVY=
private aBc3/BY3yBahqBLEjv8Bu5LGyR6XywSOFOrFdKaHb3w= public ex2+BsIonJ3gtDuuFy2BGYdEm0lSlt2Gh/EtgwAs7U8=
private AFT9ZAZachKiH0Oig9s6qFKrDuWevItYmDnU4QkMp08= public eX3+aoyOahwll9ppovoMbC9dFnSImsgPWhUDJ5yfVBg=
private AMO0Il76vI1PbaBEjzcL9wwD0yM/BxS0T7CvQy6kU08= public EX1//zq/EZkD4qs42zGaP0yH4bW4mRcI2MORGVFZZTc=
* Replace this script with proper rust fix that searches for multiplex prefixes
at the same time.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
def find_common_prefix_and_unique_components(str_list: list[str]):
# Find the common prefix
common_prefix = ""
for i, char_group in enumerate(zip(*str_list)):
if len(set(char_group)) == 1:
common_prefix += char_group[0]
# Extract the unique components
unique_components = [s[len(common_prefix):] for s in str_list]
return common_prefix, unique_components
def run_wireguard_vanity_address(name: str, matches: int = 1):
common, uniq = find_common_prefix_and_unique_components(name)
common = common.lower()
cmd = ['wireguard-vanity-address', '--in', str(len(common)), common]
prefixes = []
prefix_cnt = {}
for u in uniq:
prefix = f"{common}{u}"
prefix_cnt[prefix] = 0
prefixes += [f"{prefix}/", f"{prefix}+"]
print(f"Searching for {prefixes} with {cmd}")
# Start and end of the public key substring we care about
start = 61
end = start + len(common) + max(len(u) for u in uniq) + 1
with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, bufsize=1) as p:
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''):
prefix = line[start:end].lower()
if any(m == prefix for m in prefixes):
prefix_cnt[prefix[:-1]] += 1
if all(cnt >= matches for cnt in prefix_cnt.values()):
os.kill(, 15)
def main():
import argparse
# Create ArgumentParser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Prefix and match wrapper for wireguard-vanity-address')
parser.add_argument('--matches', '-m', type=int, default=1, help='Minumium matches per prefix')
parser.add_argument('prefixes', nargs='+', help='Prefixes to search for')
args = parser.parse_args()
run_wireguard_vanity_address(args.prefixes, args.matches)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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