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Last active November 28, 2019 07:56
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  • Save kyleoliveiro/4261f838adc442eab196b1234f0a766d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Set up a new Mac for development
# Create .bash_profile
touch ~/.bash_profile;
# Install xcode command line utils
xcode-select --install
# Change Mac screenshot extension type to .jpg
defaults write type jpg;
killall SystemUIServer;
# Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL";
# Install Node.js and Yarn
brew install yarn;
# Install nvm
curl -o- | bash;
# Install developer tools
brew install z;
brew install zsh;
brew install nmap;
brew install tree;
brew install ansible;
brew install composer;
brew install mysql-client;
# Install software via Homebrew
brew cask install 1password;
brew cask install authy;
brew cask install dash;
brew cask install docker;
brew cask install drawio;
brew cask install figma;
brew cask install firefox;
brew cask install flux;
brew cask install fontplop;
brew cask install google-chrome;
brew cask install google-drive-file-stream;
brew cask install iterm2;
brew cask install malwarebytes;
brew cask install miro-formerly-realtimeboard;
brew cask install mongodb-compass;
brew cask install mullvadvpn;
brew cask install notion;
brew cask install openoffice;
brew cask install pokemon-showdown;
brew cask install postman;
brew cask install sequel-pro;
brew cask install screaming-frog-seo-spider;
brew cask install skype;
brew cask install slack;
brew cask install spectacle;
brew cask install spotify;
brew cask install telegram;
brew cask install transmit;
brew cask install vagrant;
brew cask install virtualbox;
brew cask install visual-studio-code;
brew cask install vlc;
brew cask install whatsapp;
brew cask install wireshark;
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