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Last active November 21, 2016 20:27
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Linear time warping functions for labeled acoustic data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
def warp_path(fid, test, sampling_rate, insertgaps=True,
function=True, remove_fid_offset=True, invert=False):
fid : fiducial (true) labels. A pandas dataset with fields 'start', 'stop', and 'label'.
test : like fid, labels to be warped
sampling_rate : sampling rate of returned warp path
function : whether to return evenly sampled warp data or an interpolation function
insertgaps : if true, gaps are inserted. recomended unless there are no gaps in the original labels
remove_fid_offset : sets the fiducial offset to zero, otherwise set to the start of the fiducial labels
invert : if True, returns an inverted warp function, such that moments in fid time can be mapped to test times.
returns: warp_path : vector of length (fid_labels.stop.iloc[-1] - fid_labels.start.iloc[0]) * sampling_rate
if function is True, then instead a warping function is returned of the form:
warped_vector = warping_fun(original_vector)
assert np.alltrue(np.diff(fid.start) > 0)
assert np.alltrue(np.diff(fid.stop) > 0)
assert np.alltrue(fid.start <= fid.stop)
assert np.alltrue(np.diff(test.start) > 0)
assert np.alltrue(np.diff(test.stop) > 0)
assert np.alltrue(test.start <= test.stop)
def addgaps(df):
"gaps between syllables get their own row, if not already labeled"
gaps = pd.DataFrame(
[{'label': 'gap', 'start': x, 'stop': y} for x,y in
zip(df.stop.iloc[:-1], df.start.iloc[1:]) if x < y ])
tg = pd.concat((df, gaps)).sort_values('start')
tg.index = np.arange(len(tg), dtype=int)
return tg
if insertgaps:
fid = addgaps(fid)
test = addgaps(test)
assert np.alltrue(fid.label == test.label)
test_Ns = np.array((test.stop - test.start) * sampling_rate,
dtype=int)# duration of each test syllable in samples
warped_intervals = []
for start, stop, N in zip(fid.start, fid.stop, test_Ns):
warped_intervals.append(np.linspace(start, stop, N, endpoint=False))
_warp_path = np.concatenate(warped_intervals)
assert np.alltrue(np.diff(_warp_path) > 0)
if remove_fid_offset:
_warp_path -= _warp_path[0]
orig_intervals = [] # create the time vector in the same way to ensure the
# same number of samples
for start, stop, N in zip(test.start, test.stop, test_Ns):
orig_intervals.append(np.linspace(start, stop, N, endpoint=False))
t = np.concatenate(orig_intervals)
assert len(_warp_path) == len(t)
if function:
if invert:
warping_fun = lambda x: np.interp(x, xp=_warp_path, fp=t,
left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN)
warping_fun = lambda x: np.interp(x, xp=t, fp=_warp_path,
left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN)
return warping_fun
return t, _warp_path
def psth(spikes, bins, window, inv_warp_path, offset=0):
"""creates a peri-stimulus time histogram, warps AFTER window is applied
need to invert warping function
spikes : a pandas dataframe with a 'start' column containing spike times
bins : linearly spaced time bins, spikes outside the bin range will not be used
window : window to apply, a vector. See scipy.signal.gaussian
inv_warp_path : an interpolation function that maps from fiducial time to epoch time
offset : add an offset prior to warping
returns a numeric vector
assert np.allclose(np.diff(bins), bins[1] - bins[0]) # check linear spacing
period = bins[1] - bins[0]
N = len(window)
counts = np.zeros_like(bins)
# select only relevant spikes
teststart = inv_warp_path(bins[0]) - period * N//2 # start of trial window + extra to prevent edge effects
teststop = inv_warp_path(bins[-2]) + period * (N//2)
spikes = spikes[ (spikes.start > teststart)
&(spikes.start < teststop - period)]
test_first_sample = int(teststart / period)
spike_samples = np.array(spikes.start / period, dtype=int) # bin spikes to sample
testbins = np.arange(teststart, teststop, period) # time bins for unwarped data
testcount = np.zeros_like(testbins)
for s in spike_samples:
testcount[s - test_first_sample] += 1
# we now have an unwarped psth:
testpsth = fftconvolve(testcount, window, mode="same")
#psth look-up function, returns trial psth from fiducial time
psth_at_time = lambda x: np.interp(x, xp=testbins, fp=testpsth, left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN)
warped_trial_times = inv_warp_path(bins)
counts = psth_at_time(warped_trial_times)
return counts
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