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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save kylestev/735e0633b5ab729979fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kylestev/735e0633b5ab729979fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cloudinit is, on average, twice as complex as ironic or the ironic-python-agent projects. Example of complex method included.
➜ work radon cc -a ironic/ironic | tail -2
2845 blocks (classes, functions, methods) analyzed.
Average complexity: A (1.96379613357)
➜ work radon cc -a cloud-init/cloudinit | tail -2
960 blocks (classes, functions, methods) analyzed.
Average complexity: A (3.91145833333)
➜ work radon cc -a ironic-python-agent/ironic_python_agent | tail -2
494 blocks (classes, functions, methods) analyzed.
Average complexity: A (2.10526315789)
def translate_network(settings):
# Get the standard cmd, args from the ubuntu format
entries = []
for line in settings.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
split_up = line.split(None, 1)
if len(split_up) <= 1:
# Figure out where each iface section is
ifaces = []
consume = {}
for (cmd, args) in entries:
if cmd == 'iface':
if consume:
consume = {}
consume[cmd] = args
consume[cmd] = args
# Check if anything left over to consume
absorb = False
for (cmd, args) in consume.iteritems():
if cmd == 'iface':
absorb = True
if absorb:
# Now translate
real_ifaces = {}
for info in ifaces:
if 'iface' not in info:
iface_details = info['iface'].split(None)
dev_name = None
if len(iface_details) >= 1:
dev = iface_details[0].strip().lower()
if dev:
dev_name = dev
if not dev_name:
iface_info = {}
if len(iface_details) >= 3:
proto_type = iface_details[2].strip().lower()
# Seems like this can be 'loopback' which we don't
# really care about
if proto_type in ['dhcp', 'static']:
iface_info['bootproto'] = proto_type
# These can just be copied over
for k in ['netmask', 'address', 'gateway', 'broadcast']:
if k in info:
val = info[k].strip().lower()
if val:
iface_info[k] = val
# Name server info provided??
if 'dns-nameservers' in info:
iface_info['dns-nameservers'] = info['dns-nameservers'].split()
# Name server search info provided??
if 'dns-search' in info:
iface_info['dns-search'] = info['dns-search'].split()
# Is any mac address spoofing going on??
if 'hwaddress' in info:
hw_info = info['hwaddress'].lower().strip()
hw_split = hw_info.split(None, 1)
if len(hw_split) == 2 and hw_split[0].startswith('ether'):
hw_addr = hw_split[1]
if hw_addr:
iface_info['hwaddress'] = hw_addr
real_ifaces[dev_name] = iface_info
# Check for those that should be started on boot via 'auto'
for (cmd, args) in entries:
if cmd == 'auto':
# Seems like auto can be like 'auto eth0 eth0:1' so just get the
# first part out as the device name
args = args.split(None)
if not args:
dev_name = args[0].strip().lower()
if dev_name in real_ifaces:
real_ifaces[dev_name]['auto'] = True
return real_ifaces
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