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Created March 10, 2015 14:37
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Begin tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_fact_for_agent.rb
node_name_fact should be used to determine the node name for puppet agent (master) 22:14:37$ mktemp -dt nodenamefact.XXXXXX
/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova (master) executed in 0.65 seconds (master) 22:14:37$ facter kernel
Linux (master) executed in 1.18 seconds (agent) 22:14:38$ facter kernel
Linux (agent) executed in 1.27 seconds (master) 22:14:40$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.KpV0Gx (master) executed in 1.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1onwz6h master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.KpV0Gx {:ignore => } (master) 22:14:42$ puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.KpV0Gx
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.43 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964484'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova]/mode: mode changed '0700' to '0777'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/environments]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/environments/production]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/environments/production/manifests]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/environments/production/manifests/manifest.pp]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}deaf46b00e6350950a8bb94183e1631c'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/auth.conf]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}b5f2a696b5c3155b0a1f70983ea4e74b'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.87 seconds
Exited: 2
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:14:45$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.92 seconds (master) 22:14:46$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.99 seconds (master) 22:14:47$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.62 seconds (master) 22:14:48$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.64 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1jjuhz9 master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:14:51$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.03 seconds (master) 22:14:52$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.00 seconds (master) 22:14:53$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:14:53$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.05 seconds (master) 22:14:54$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.07 seconds (master) 22:14:55$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 1.08 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1e1986v master:/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:14:58$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
rest_authconfig = /tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/auth.conf
node_terminus = plain
environmentpath = /tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/environments (master) executed in 0.47 seconds (master) 22:14:59$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.13 seconds (master) 22:15:00$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 26.37 seconds (master) 22:15:26$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:15:27$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:15:27$ puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --node_name_fact kernel --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for Linux
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964533'
Notice: node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[linux]/Notify[node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 7.13 seconds (agent) 22:15:34$ puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --node_name_fact kernel --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for Linux
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964537'
Notice: node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[linux]/Notify[node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 3.59 seconds (master) 22:15:38$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.95 seconds (master) 22:15:39$ if [ -f '/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/nodenamefact.vn5ova/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (master) 22:15:39$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.33 seconds (master) 22:15:41$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 29.66 seconds (master) 22:16:10$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:16:11$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_fact_for_agent.rb passed in 94.66 seconds
Begin tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_fact_for_apply.rb
node_name_fact should be used to determine the node name for puppet apply (master) 22:16:11$ facter kernel
Linux (master) executed in 0.73 seconds (agent) 22:16:12$ facter kernel
Linux (agent) executed in 0.58 seconds (master) 22:16:13$ puppet apply --verbose --node_name_fact kernel
Notice: Compiled catalog for Linux in environment production in 0.37 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964575'
Notice: echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[linux]/Notify[echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 3.82 seconds (agent) 22:16:16$ puppet apply --verbose --node_name_fact kernel
Notice: Compiled catalog for Linux in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964579'
Notice: echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[linux]/Notify[echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'echo node_name_fact setting was correctly used to determine the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 3.55 seconds
tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_fact_for_apply.rb passed in 8.68 seconds
Begin tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_for_agent.rb
node_name_value should be used as the node name for puppet agent (master) 22:16:20$ mktemp -dt nodenamevalue.XXXXXX
/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN (master) executed in 0.43 seconds (master) 22:16:20$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Uaxfwx (master) executed in 0.45 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-10la6hx master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Uaxfwx {:ignore => } (master) 22:16:23$ puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Uaxfwx
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964584'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN]/mode: mode changed '0700' to '0777'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/environments]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/environments/production]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/environments/production/manifests]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/environments/production/manifests/manifest.pp]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}527a0b66a9c4326acd23d24ffe073255'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/auth.conf]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}9440a35074e273cf243e23b5f4c235a8'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.92 seconds
Exited: 2
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:16:26$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.03 seconds (master) 22:16:27$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 1.03 seconds (master) 22:16:28$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.63 seconds (master) 22:16:28$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.65 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1nuv0mp master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:16:31$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.02 seconds (master) 22:16:32$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.52 seconds (master) 22:16:33$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:16:33$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.02 seconds (master) 22:16:34$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.05 seconds (master) 22:16:35$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.33 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1ao7329 master:/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:16:37$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
rest_authconfig = /tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/auth.conf
node_terminus = plain
environmentpath = /tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/environments (master) executed in 0.22 seconds (master) 22:16:38$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.09 seconds (master) 22:16:39$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 29.17 seconds (master) 22:17:08$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:17:09$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:17:09$ puppet agent -t --node_name_value specified_node_name --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for specified_node_name
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964637'
Notice: node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[specified_node_name]/Notify[node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 9.15 seconds
Exited: 2 (agent) 22:17:18$ puppet agent -t --node_name_value specified_node_name --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for specified_node_name
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964641'
Notice: node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[specified_node_name]/Notify[node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 3.96 seconds
Exited: 2 (master) 22:17:22$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.84 seconds (master) 22:17:23$ if [ -f '/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/nodenamevalue.u2nYrN/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.43 seconds (master) 22:17:23$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.19 seconds (master) 22:17:24$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 29.28 seconds (master) 22:17:54$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:17:54$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_for_agent.rb passed in 94.12 seconds
Begin tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_for_apply.rb
node_name_value should be used as the node name for puppet apply (master) 22:17:54$ puppet apply --verbose --node_name_value a_different_node_name
Notice: Compiled catalog for a_different_node_name in environment production in 0.72 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964676'
Notice: notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[a_different_node_name]/Notify[notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.05 seconds (master) executed in 3.99 seconds (agent) 22:17:58$ puppet apply --verbose --node_name_value a_different_node_name
Notice: Compiled catalog for a_different_node_name in environment production in 0.37 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964679'
Notice: notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[a_different_node_name]/Notify[notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name]/message: defined 'message' as 'notify node_name_value setting was correctly used as the node name'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.63 seconds
tests/allow_arbitrary_node_name_for_apply.rb passed in 6.62 seconds
Begin tests/allow_symlinks_as_config_directories.rb
Should allow symlinks to directories as configuration directories
* Create the test confdir with a link to it (master) 22:18:01$ mktemp -dt puppet_conf-directory.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB (master) executed in 0.56 seconds (master) 22:18:01$ mktemp -t puppet_conf-symlink.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0 (master) executed in 0.60 seconds (master) 22:18:02$ rm -rf /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0 /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB (master) executed in 0.62 seconds (master) 22:18:02$ mkdir /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB (master) executed in 0.38 seconds (master) 22:18:03$ ln -s /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0 (master) executed in 0.37 seconds (master) 22:18:03$ puppet config set certname awesome_certname --confdir /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB (master) executed in 0.90 seconds
* Run Puppet and ensure it used the conf file in the confdir (master) 22:18:04$ puppet apply --confdir /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0
Notice: Compiled catalog for awesome_certname in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Notice: My certname is awesome_certname
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[My certname is awesome_certname]/message: defined 'message' as 'My certname is awesome_certname'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.22 seconds
* Check that the symlink and confdir are unchanged (master) 22:18:06$ [ -L /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0 ] (master) executed in 0.40 seconds (master) 22:18:07$ [ -d /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB ] (master) executed in 0.41 seconds (master) 22:18:07$ [ $(readlink /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.gWtLE0) = /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.IPspRB ] (master) executed in 0.36 seconds
* Create the test confdir with a link to it (agent) 22:18:08$ mktemp -dt puppet_conf-directory.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy (agent) executed in 0.17 seconds (agent) 22:18:08$ mktemp -t puppet_conf-symlink.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3 (agent) executed in 0.36 seconds (agent) 22:18:08$ rm -rf /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3 /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy (agent) executed in 0.39 seconds (agent) 22:18:08$ mkdir /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy (agent) executed in 0.41 seconds (agent) 22:18:09$ ln -s /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3 (agent) executed in 0.42 seconds (agent) 22:18:09$ puppet config set certname awesome_certname --confdir /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy (agent) executed in 0.94 seconds
* Run Puppet and ensure it used the conf file in the confdir (agent) 22:18:10$ puppet apply --confdir /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3
Notice: Compiled catalog for awesome_certname in environment production in 0.36 seconds
Notice: My certname is awesome_certname
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[My certname is awesome_certname]/message: defined 'message' as 'My certname is awesome_certname'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.24 seconds
* Check that the symlink and confdir are unchanged (agent) 22:18:13$ [ -L /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3 ] (agent) executed in 0.33 seconds (agent) 22:18:13$ [ -d /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy ] (agent) executed in 0.33 seconds (agent) 22:18:13$ [ $(readlink /tmp/puppet_conf-symlink.6wGlm3) = /tmp/puppet_conf-directory.Qz1FSy ] (agent) executed in 0.33 seconds
tests/allow_symlinks_as_config_directories.rb passed in 12.81 seconds
Begin tests/cycle_detection.rb
cycle detection and reporting
* check we report a simple cycle (master) 22:18:13$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.vXozIx (master) executed in 0.37 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1dw5jox master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.vXozIx {:ignore => } (master) 22:18:15$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.vXozIx
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.33 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964697'
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
(Notify[a1] => Notify[a2] => Notify[a1])
Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.46 seconds (agent) 22:18:18$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.ytltCd (agent) executed in 0.34 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-8m4crm agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.ytltCd {:ignore => } (agent) 22:18:19$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.ytltCd
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.40 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964700'
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
(Notify[a1] => Notify[a2] => Notify[a1])
Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.30 seconds
* report multiple cycles in the same graph (master) 22:18:21$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.cV1w2y (master) executed in 0.46 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-xp3frf master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.cV1w2y {:ignore => } (master) 22:18:23$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.cV1w2y
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964705'
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 2 dependency cycles:
(Notify[a1] => Notify[a2] => Notify[a1])
(Notify[b1] => Notify[b2] => Notify[b1])
Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.55 seconds (agent) 22:18:26$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iiHReS (agent) executed in 0.52 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1skcj1m agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iiHReS {:ignore => } (agent) 22:18:28$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iiHReS
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964709'
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 2 dependency cycles:
(Notify[a1] => Notify[a2] => Notify[a1])
(Notify[b1] => Notify[b2] => Notify[b1])
Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.43 seconds
tests/cycle_detection.rb passed in 16.95 seconds
Begin tests/ensure_puppet-agent_paths.rb
PUP-4033: Ensure aio path spec is honored
* test configprint outputs (master) 22:18:30$ puppet agent --configprint all
agent_catalog_run_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
agent_disabled_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock
allow_duplicate_certs = false
always_cache_features = false
archive_file_server = puppet
archive_files = false
autoflush = true
autosign = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf
basemodulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
bindaddress =
binder_config =
bucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/bucket
ca = true
ca_name = Puppet CA:
ca_port = 8140
ca_server = puppet
ca_ttl = 157680000
cacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
cacrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
cadir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca
cakey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_key.pem
capass = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private/ca.pass
caprivatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private
capub = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_pub.pem
catalog_cache_terminus = json
catalog_terminus = rest
cert_inventory = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/inventory.txt
certdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs
certificate_revocation = true
certname =
cfacter = false
classfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/classes.txt
client_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data
clientbucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket
clientyamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml
code = ""
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
color = ansi
confdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
config = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
config_file_name = puppet.conf
config_version = ""
configprint = all
configtimeout = 120
csr_attributes = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
csrdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests
daemonize = true
data_binding_terminus = hiera
default_file_terminus = rest
default_manifest = ./manifests
default_schedules = true
deviceconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/device.conf
devicedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/devices
diff = diff
diff_args = -u
digest_algorithm = md5
disable_per_environment_manifest = false
disable_warnings = []
dns_alt_names = ""
document_all = false
environment = production
environment_data_provider = none
environment_timeout = 0
environmentpath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
evaltrace = false
external_nodes = none
factpath = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib/facter:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts
facts_terminus = facter
fileserverconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/fileserver.conf
filetimeout = 15
forge_authorization =
freeze_main = false
genconfig = false
genmanifest = false
graph = false
graphdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/graphs
group = puppet
hiera_config = /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml
hostcert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
hostcrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem
hostcsr = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
hostprivkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
hostpubkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
http_connect_timeout = 120
http_debug = false
http_keepalive_timeout = 4
http_proxy_host = none
http_proxy_password = none
http_proxy_port = 3128
http_proxy_user = none
http_read_timeout =
ignorecache = false
ignoremissingtypes = false
ignoreschedules = false
keylength = 4096
lastrunfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_summary.yaml
lastrunreport = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_report.yaml
ldapattrs = all
ldapbase = ""
ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
ldapparentattr = parentnode
ldappassword = ""
ldapport = 389
ldapserver = ldap
ldapssl = false
ldapstackedattrs = puppetvar
ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
ldaptls = false
ldapuser = ""
libdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
localcacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
log_level = notice
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs
manage_internal_file_permissions = true
manifest = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests
master_url_prefix = /puppet
masterhttplog = /var/log/puppetlabs/masterhttp.log
masterport = 8140
max_deprecations = 10
max_errors = 10
max_warnings = 10
maximum_uid = 4294967290
mkusers = false
module_groups =
module_repository =
module_skeleton_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module/skeleton
module_working_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module
modulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
name = agent
node_cache_terminus =
node_name = cert
node_name_fact = ""
node_name_value =
node_terminus = rest
noop = false
onetime = false
ordering = manifest
passfile = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private/password
path = none
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/
plugindest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
pluginfactdest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d
pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
pluginsignore = .svn CVS .git
pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
pluginsync = true
postrun_command = ""
preferred_serialization_format = pson
prerun_command = ""
priority =
privatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private
privatekeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys
profile = false
publickeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys
puppetdlog = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetd.log
report = true
report_port = 8140
report_server = puppet
reportdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/reports
reports = store
reporturl = http://localhost:3000/reports/upload
req_bits = 4096
requestdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests
resourcefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/resources.txt
rest_authconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf
route_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs
runinterval = 1800
serial = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/serial
server = puppet
server_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/server_data
show_diff = false
signeddir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed
splay = false
splaylimit = 1800
srv_domain =
ssl_client_ca_auth =
ssl_client_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY
ssl_server_ca_auth =
ssldir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
statedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state
statefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
storeconfigs = false
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
strict_hostname_checking = false
strict_variables = false
summarize = false
syslogfacility = daemon
tags = ""
trace = false
trusted_oid_mapping_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml
use_cached_catalog = false
use_srv_records = false
usecacheonfailure = true
user = puppet
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache
waitforcert = 120
yamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/yaml (master) executed in 0.98 seconds (agent) 22:18:31$ puppet agent --configprint all
agent_catalog_run_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
agent_disabled_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock
allow_duplicate_certs = false
always_cache_features = false
archive_file_server = puppet
archive_files = false
autoflush = true
autosign = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf
basemodulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
bindaddress =
binder_config =
bucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/bucket
ca = true
ca_name = Puppet CA:
ca_port = 8140
ca_server = puppet
ca_ttl = 157680000
cacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
cacrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
cadir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca
cakey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_key.pem
capass = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private/ca.pass
caprivatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private
capub = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_pub.pem
catalog_cache_terminus = json
catalog_terminus = rest
cert_inventory = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/inventory.txt
certdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs
certificate_revocation = true
certname =
cfacter = false
classfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/classes.txt
client_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data
clientbucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket
clientyamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml
code = ""
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
color = ansi
confdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
config = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
config_file_name = puppet.conf
config_version = ""
configprint = all
configtimeout = 120
csr_attributes = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
csrdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests
daemonize = true
data_binding_terminus = hiera
default_file_terminus = rest
default_manifest = ./manifests
default_schedules = true
deviceconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/device.conf
devicedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/devices
diff = diff
diff_args = -u
digest_algorithm = md5
disable_per_environment_manifest = false
disable_warnings = []
dns_alt_names = ""
document_all = false
environment = production
environment_data_provider = none
environment_timeout = 0
environmentpath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
evaltrace = false
external_nodes = none
factpath = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib/facter:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts
facts_terminus = facter
fileserverconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/fileserver.conf
filetimeout = 15
forge_authorization =
freeze_main = false
genconfig = false
genmanifest = false
graph = false
graphdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/graphs
group = puppet
hiera_config = /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml
hostcert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
hostcrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem
hostcsr = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
hostprivkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
hostpubkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
http_connect_timeout = 120
http_debug = false
http_keepalive_timeout = 4
http_proxy_host = none
http_proxy_password = none
http_proxy_port = 3128
http_proxy_user = none
http_read_timeout =
ignorecache = false
ignoremissingtypes = false
ignoreschedules = false
keylength = 4096
lastrunfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_summary.yaml
lastrunreport = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_report.yaml
ldapattrs = all
ldapbase = ""
ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
ldapparentattr = parentnode
ldappassword = ""
ldapport = 389
ldapserver = ldap
ldapssl = false
ldapstackedattrs = puppetvar
ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
ldaptls = false
ldapuser = ""
libdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
localcacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
log_level = notice
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs
manage_internal_file_permissions = true
manifest = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests
master_url_prefix = /puppet
masterhttplog = /var/log/puppetlabs/masterhttp.log
masterport = 8140
max_deprecations = 10
max_errors = 10
max_warnings = 10
maximum_uid = 4294967290
mkusers = false
module_groups =
module_repository =
module_skeleton_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module/skeleton
module_working_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module
modulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
name = agent
node_cache_terminus =
node_name = cert
node_name_fact = ""
node_name_value =
node_terminus = rest
noop = false
onetime = false
ordering = manifest
passfile = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private/password
path = none
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/
plugindest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
pluginfactdest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d
pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
pluginsignore = .svn CVS .git
pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
pluginsync = true
postrun_command = ""
preferred_serialization_format = pson
prerun_command = ""
priority =
privatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private
privatekeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys
profile = false
publickeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys
puppetdlog = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetd.log
report = true
report_port = 8140
report_server = puppet
reportdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/reports
reports = store
reporturl = http://localhost:3000/reports/upload
req_bits = 4096
requestdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests
resourcefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/resources.txt
rest_authconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf
route_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs
runinterval = 1800
serial = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/serial
server = puppet
server_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/server_data
show_diff = false
signeddir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed
splay = false
splaylimit = 1800
srv_domain =
ssl_client_ca_auth =
ssl_client_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY
ssl_server_ca_auth =
ssldir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
statedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state
statefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
storeconfigs = false
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
strict_hostname_checking = false
strict_variables = false
summarize = false
syslogfacility = daemon
tags = ""
trace = false
trusted_oid_mapping_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml
use_cached_catalog = false
use_srv_records = false
usecacheonfailure = true
user = puppet
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache
waitforcert = 120
yamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/yaml (agent) executed in 1.10 seconds
* test puppet genconfig entries (master) 22:18:33$ puppet agent --genconfig
# The configuration file for agent. Note that this file
# is likely to have unused settings in it; any setting that's
# valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used.
# Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode.
# These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after
# their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its
# own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing.
# The file format supports octothorpe-commented lines, but not partial-line comments.
# Generated on 2015-03-09 22:18:33 -0700.
# Whether or not to use the native facter (cfacter) implementation instead of the Ruby one (facter). Defaults to false.
# cfacter = false
# The main Puppet configuration directory. The default for this setting
# is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or
# the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system
# directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being
# in the user's home directory.
# The default value is '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet'.
confdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
# The main Puppet code directory. The default for this setting
# is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or
# the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system
# directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being
# in the user's home directory.
# The default value is '/etc/puppetlabs/code'.
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
# Where Puppet stores dynamic and growing data. The default for this
# setting is calculated specially, like `confdir`_.
# The default value is '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache'.
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache
# The name of the application, if we are running as one. The
# default is essentially $0 without the path or `.rb`.
# The default value is 'agent'.
name = agent
# The directory in which to store log files
# The default value is '/var/log/puppetlabs'.
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs
# Default logging level for messages from Puppet. Allowed values are:
# * debug
# * info
# * notice
# * warning
# * err
# * alert
# * emerg
# * crit
# The default value is 'notice'.
# log_level = notice
# A comma-separated list of warning types to suppress. If large numbers
# of warnings are making Puppet's logs too large or difficult to use, you
# can temporarily silence them with this setting.
# If you are preparing to upgrade Puppet to a new major version, you
# should re-enable all warnings for a while.
# Valid values for this setting are:
# * `deprecations` --- disables deprecation warnings.
# The default value is '[]'.
# disable_warnings = []
# The scheduling priority of the process. Valid values are 'high',
# 'normal', 'low', or 'idle', which are mapped to platform-specific
# values. The priority can also be specified as an integer value and
# will be passed as is, e.g. -5. Puppet must be running as a privileged
# user in order to increase scheduling priority.
# priority =
# Whether to print stack traces on some errors
# trace = false
# Whether to enable experimental performance profiling
# profile = false
# Whether log files should always flush to disk.
# The default value is 'true'.
# autoflush = true
# What syslog facility to use when logging to syslog.
# Syslog has a fixed list of valid facilities, and you must
# choose one of those; you cannot just make one up.
# The default value is 'daemon'.
# syslogfacility = daemon
# The directory where Puppet state is stored. Generally,
# this directory can be removed without causing harm (although it
# might result in spurious service restarts).
# The default value is '$vardir/state'.
statedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '/var/run/puppetlabs'.
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs
# Whether to just print a manifest to stdout and exit. Only makes
# sense when specified on the command line as `--genmanifest`. Takes into account arguments specified
# on the CLI.
# genmanifest = false
# Print the value of a specific configuration setting. If the name of a
# setting is provided for this, then the value is printed and puppet
# exits. Comma-separate multiple values. For a list of all values,
# specify 'all'.
# The default value is ''.
# configprint =
# Whether to use colors when logging to the console. Valid values are
# `ansi` (equivalent to `true`), `html`, and `false`, which produces no color.
# Defaults to false on Windows, as its console does not support ansi colors.
# The default value is 'ansi'.
# color = ansi
# Whether to create the necessary user and group that puppet agent will run as.
# mkusers = false
# Whether Puppet should manage the owner, group, and mode of files it uses internally
# The default value is 'true'.
# manage_internal_file_permissions = true
# Perform one configuration run and exit, rather than spawning a long-running
# daemon. This is useful for interactively running puppet agent, or
# running puppet agent from cron.
# onetime = false
# The shell search path. Defaults to whatever is inherited
# from the parent process.
# This setting can only be set in the `[main]` section of puppet.conf; it cannot
# be set in `[master]`, `[agent]`, or an environment config section.
# The default value is 'none'.
# path = none
# An extra search path for Puppet. This is only useful
# for those files that Puppet will load on demand, and is only
# guaranteed to work for those cases. In fact, the autoload
# mechanism is responsible for making sure this directory
# is in Ruby's search path
# The default value is '$vardir/lib'.
libdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
# The environment Puppet is running in. For clients
# (e.g., `puppet agent`) this determines the environment itself, which
# is used to find modules and much more. For servers (i.e., `puppet master`)
# this provides the default environment for nodes we know nothing about.
# The default value is 'production'.
# environment = production
# A search path for directory environments, as a list of directories
# separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator
# is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# This setting must have a value set to enable **directory environments.** The
# recommended value is `$codedir/environments`. For more details, see
# The default value is '$codedir/environments'.
environmentpath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
# Affects how we cache attempts to load Puppet 'features'. If false, then
# calls to `Puppet.features.<feature>?` will always attempt to load the
# feature (which can be an expensive operation) unless it has already been
# loaded successfully. This makes it possible for a single agent run to,
# e.g., install a package that provides the underlying capabilities for
# a feature, and then later load that feature during the same run (even if
# the feature had been tested earlier and had not been available).
# If this setting is set to true, then features will only be checked once,
# and if they are not available, the negative result is cached and returned
# for all subsequent attempts to load the feature. This behavior is almost
# always appropriate for the server, and can result in a significant performance
# improvement for features that are checked frequently.
# always_cache_features = false
# Which arguments to pass to the diff command when printing differences between
# files. The command to use can be chosen with the `diff` setting.
# The default value is '-u'.
# diff_args = -u
# Which diff command to use when printing differences between files. This setting
# has no default value on Windows, as standard `diff` is not available, but Puppet can use many
# third-party diff tools.
# The default value is 'diff'.
# diff = diff
# Whether to log and report a contextual diff when files are being replaced.
# This causes partial file contents to pass through Puppet's normal
# logging and reporting system, so this setting should be used with
# caution if you are sending Puppet's reports to an insecure
# destination. This feature currently requires the `diff/lcs` Ruby
# library.
# show_diff = false
# Whether to send the process into the background. This defaults
# to true on POSIX systems, and to false on Windows (where Puppet
# currently cannot daemonize).
# The default value is 'true'.
# daemonize = true
# The maximum allowed UID. Some platforms use negative UIDs
# but then ship with tools that do not know how to handle signed ints,
# so the UIDs show up as huge numbers that can then not be fed back into
# the system. This is a hackish way to fail in a slightly more useful
# way when that happens.
# The default value is '4294967290'.
# maximum_uid = 4294967290
# The YAML file containing indirector route configuration.
# The default value is '$confdir/routes.yaml'.
route_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml
# Where to find information about nodes.
# The default value is 'rest'.
node_terminus = rest
# How to store cached nodes.
# Valid values are (none), 'json', 'msgpack', 'yaml' or write only yaml ('write_only_yaml').
# The master application defaults to 'write_only_yaml', all others to none.
# node_cache_terminus =
# Where to retrive information about data.
# The default value is 'hiera'.
data_binding_terminus = hiera
# The hiera configuration file. Puppet only reads this file on startup, so you must restart the puppet master every time you edit it.
# The default value is '$codedir/hiera.yaml'.
hiera_config = /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml
# The binder configuration file. Puppet reads this file on each request to configure the bindings system.
# If set to nil (the default), a $confdir/binder_config.yaml is optionally loaded. If it does not exists, a default configuration
# is used. If the setting :binding_config is specified, it must reference a valid and existing yaml file.
# binder_config =
# Where to get node catalogs. This is useful to change if, for instance,
# you'd like to pre-compile catalogs and store them in memcached or some other easily-accessed store.
# The default value is 'rest'.
catalog_terminus = rest
# How to store cached catalogs. Valid values are 'json', 'msgpack' and 'yaml'. The agent application defaults to 'json'.
# The default value is 'json'.
catalog_cache_terminus = json
# The node facts terminus.
# The default value is 'facter'.
facts_terminus = facter
# The default source for files if no server is given in a
# uri, e.g. puppet:///file. The default of `rest` causes the file to be
# retrieved using the `server` setting. When running `apply` the default
# is `file_server`, causing requests to be filled locally.
# The default value is 'rest'.
default_file_terminus = rest
# The HTTP proxy host to use for outgoing connections. Note: You
# may need to use a FQDN for the server hostname when using a proxy. Environment variable
# http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY will override this value
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_host = none
# The HTTP proxy port to use for outgoing connections
# The default value is '3128'.
# http_proxy_port = 3128
# The user name for an authenticated HTTP proxy. Requires the `http_proxy_host` setting.
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_user = none
# The password for the user of an authenticated HTTP proxy.
# Requires the `http_proxy_user` setting.
# Note that passwords must be valid when used as part of a URL. If a password
# contains any characters with special meanings in URLs (as specified by RFC 3986
# section 2.2), they must be URL-encoded. (For example, `#` would become `%23`.)
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_password = none
# The maximum amount of time a persistent HTTP connection can remain idle in the connection pool, before it is closed. This timeout should be shorter than the keepalive timeout used on the HTTP server, e.g. Apache KeepAliveTimeout directive.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '4s'.
http_keepalive_timeout = 4
# Whether to write HTTP request and responses to stderr. This should never be used in a production environment.
# http_debug = false
# The maximum amount of time to wait when establishing an HTTP connection. The default
# value is 2 minutes.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
http_connect_timeout = 120
# The time to wait for one block to be read from an HTTP connection. If nothing is
# read after the elapsed interval then the connection will be closed. The default value is unlimited.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# http_read_timeout =
# The minimum time to wait between checking for updates in
# configuration files. This timeout determines how quickly Puppet checks whether
# a file (such as manifests or templates) has changed on disk. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '15s'.
filetimeout = 15
# The time to live for a cached environment.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# This setting can also be set to `unlimited`, which causes the environment to
# be cached until the master is restarted.
# The default value is '0'.
environment_timeout = 0
# The name of a registered environment data provider. The two built in
# and registered providers are 'none' (no environment specific data), and 'function'
# (environment specific data obtained by calling the function 'environment::data()').
# Other environment data providers may be registered in modules on the module path. For such
# custom data providers see the respective module documentation.
# The default value is 'none'.
# environment_data_provider = none
# A command to run before every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero
# return code, the entire Puppet run will fail.
# The default value is ''.
# prerun_command =
# A command to run after every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero
# return code, the entire Puppet run will be considered to have failed, even though it might have
# performed work during the normal run.
# The default value is ''.
# postrun_command =
# Freezes the 'main' class, disallowing any code to be added to it. This
# essentially means that you can't have any code outside of a node,
# class, or definition other than in the site manifest.
# freeze_main = false
# The name to use when handling certificates. When a node
# requests a certificate from the CA puppet master, it uses the value of the
# `certname` setting as its requested Subject CN.
# This is the name used when managing a node's permissions in
# [auth.conf](
# In most cases, it is also used as the node's name when matching
# [node definitions](
# and requesting data from an ENC. (This can be changed with the `node_name_value`
# and `node_name_fact` settings, although you should only do so if you have
# a compelling reason.)
# A node's certname is available in Puppet manifests as `$trusted['certname']`. (See
# [Facts and Built-In Variables](
# for more details.)
# * For best compatibility, you should limit the value of `certname` to
# only use letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. (That is,
# it should match `/A[a-z0-9._-]+Z/`.)
# * The special value `ca` is reserved, and can't be used as the certname
# for a normal node.
# Defaults to the node's fully qualified domain name.
# The default value is ''.
# certname =
# The comma-separated list of alternative DNS names to use for the local host.
# When the node generates a CSR for itself, these are added to the request
# as the desired `subjectAltName` in the certificate: additional DNS labels
# that the certificate is also valid answering as.
# This is generally required if you use a non-hostname `certname`, or if you
# want to use `puppet kick` or `puppet resource -H` and the primary certname
# does not match the DNS name you use to communicate with the host.
# This is unnecessary for agents, unless you intend to use them as a server for
# `puppet kick` or remote `puppet resource` management.
# It is rarely necessary for servers; it is usually helpful only if you need to
# have a pool of multiple load balanced masters, or for the same master to
# respond on two physically separate networks under different names.
# The default value is ''.
# dns_alt_names =
# An optional file containing custom attributes to add to certificate signing
# requests (CSRs). You should ensure that this file does not exist on your CA
# puppet master; if it does, unwanted certificate extensions may leak into
# certificates created with the `puppet cert generate` command.
# If present, this file must be a YAML hash containing a `custom_attributes` key
# and/or an `extension_requests` key. The value of each key must be a hash, where
# each key is a valid OID and each value is an object that can be cast to a string.
# Custom attributes can be used by the CA when deciding whether to sign the
# certificate, but are then discarded. Attribute OIDs can be any OID value except
# the standard CSR attributes (i.e. attributes described in RFC 2985 section 5.4).
# This is useful for embedding a pre-shared key for autosigning policy executables
# (see the `autosign` setting), often by using the `1.2.840.113549.1.9.7`
# ("challenge password") OID.
# Extension requests will be permanently embedded in the final certificate.
# Extension OIDs must be in the "ppRegCertExt" (``) or
# "ppPrivCertExt" (``) OID arcs. The ppRegCertExt arc is
# reserved for four of the most common pieces of data to embed: `pp_uuid` (`.1`),
# `pp_instance_id` (`.2`), `pp_image_name` (`.3`), and `pp_preshared_key` (`.4`)
# --- in the YAML file, these can be referred to by their short descriptive names
# instead of their full OID. The ppPrivCertExt arc is unregulated, and can be used
# for site-specific extensions.
# The default value is '$confdir/csr_attributes.yaml'.
csr_attributes = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
# The certificate directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/certs'.
certdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
# The public key directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/public_keys'.
publickeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys
# Where host certificate requests are stored.
# The default value is '$ssldir/certificate_requests'.
requestdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests
# The private key directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/private_keys'.
privatekeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys
# Where the client stores private certificate information.
# The default value is '$ssldir/private'.
privatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private
# Where puppet agent stores the password for its private key.
# Generally unused.
# The default value is '$privatedir/password'.
passfile = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private/password
# Where individual hosts store and look for their certificate requests.
# The default value is '$ssldir/csr_$certname.pem'.
hostcsr = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their certificates.
# The default value is '$certdir/$certname.pem'.
hostcert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their private key.
# The default value is '$privatekeydir/$certname.pem'.
hostprivkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their public key.
# The default value is '$publickeydir/$certname.pem'.
hostpubkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
# Where each client stores the CA certificate.
# The default value is '$certdir/ca.pem'.
localcacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
# Certificate authorities who issue server certificates. SSL servers will not be
# considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority
# listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA
# certificate (localcacert) will be used.
# ssl_client_ca_auth =
# Certificate authorities who issue client certificates. SSL clients will not be
# considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority
# listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA
# certificate (localcacert) will be used.
# ssl_server_ca_auth =
# Where the host's certificate revocation list can be found.
# This is distinct from the certificate authority's CRL.
# The default value is '$ssldir/crl.pem'.
hostcrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem
# Whether certificate revocation should be supported by downloading a
# Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
# to all clients. If enabled, CA chaining will almost definitely not work.
# The default value is 'true'.
# certificate_revocation = true
# Which digest algorithm to use for file resources and the filebucket.
# Valid values are md5, sha256. Default is md5.
# The default value is 'md5'.
# digest_algorithm = md5
# Where Puppet should store plugins that it pulls down from the central
# server.
# The default value is '$libdir'.
plugindest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
# From where to retrieve plugins. The standard Puppet `file` type
# is used for retrieval, so anything that is a valid file source can
# be used here.
# The default value is 'puppet:///plugins'.
# pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
# Where Puppet should store external facts that are being handled by pluginsync
# The default value is '$vardir/facts.d'.
pluginfactdest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d
# Where to retrieve external facts for pluginsync
# The default value is 'puppet:///pluginfacts'.
# pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
# Whether plugins should be synced with the central server.
# The default value is 'true'.
# pluginsync = true
# What files to ignore when pulling down plugins.
# The default value is '.svn CVS .git'.
# pluginsignore = .svn CVS .git
# Where Puppet should look for facts. Multiple directories should
# be separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path
# separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# The default value is '$vardir/lib/facter:$vardir/facts'.
factpath = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib/facter:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts
# An external command that can produce node information. The command's output
# must be a YAML dump of a hash, and that hash must have a `classes` key and/or
# a `parameters` key, where `classes` is an array or hash and
# `parameters` is a hash. For unknown nodes, the command should
# exit with a non-zero exit code.
# This command makes it straightforward to store your node mapping
# information in other data sources like databases.
# The default value is 'none'.
# external_nodes = none
# The module repository
# The default value is ''.
# module_repository =
# The directory into which module tool data is stored
# The default value is '$vardir/puppet-module'.
module_working_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module
# The directory which the skeleton for module tool generate is stored.
# The default value is '$module_working_dir/skeleton'.
module_skeleton_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module/skeleton
# The authorization key to connect to the Puppet Forge. Leave blank for unauthorized or license based connections
# forge_authorization =
# Extra module groups to request from the Puppet Forge
# module_groups =
# The name to use the Certificate Authority certificate.
# The default value is 'Puppet CA: $certname'.
ca_name = Puppet CA:
# The root directory for the certificate authority.
# The default value is '$ssldir/ca'.
cadir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca
# The CA certificate.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_crt.pem'.
cacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
# The CA private key.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_key.pem'.
cakey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_key.pem
# The CA public key.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_pub.pem'.
capub = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_pub.pem
# The certificate revocation list (CRL) for the CA. Will be used if present but otherwise ignored.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_crl.pem'.
cacrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
# Where the CA stores private certificate information.
# The default value is '$cadir/private'.
caprivatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private
# Where the CA stores certificate requests
# The default value is '$cadir/requests'.
csrdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests
# Where the CA stores signed certificates.
# The default value is '$cadir/signed'.
signeddir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed
# Where the CA stores the password for the private key.
# The default value is '$caprivatedir/ca.pass'.
capass = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private/ca.pass
# Where the serial number for certificates is stored.
# The default value is '$cadir/serial'.
serial = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/serial
# Whether (and how) to autosign certificate requests. This setting
# is only relevant on a puppet master acting as a certificate authority (CA).
# Valid values are true (autosigns all certificate requests; not recommended),
# false (disables autosigning certificates), or the absolute path to a file.
# The file specified in this setting may be either a **configuration file**
# or a **custom policy executable.** Puppet will automatically determine
# what it is: If the Puppet user (see the `user` setting) can execute the
# file, it will be treated as a policy executable; otherwise, it will be
# treated as a config file.
# If a custom policy executable is configured, the CA puppet master will run it
# every time it receives a CSR. The executable will be passed the subject CN of the
# request _as a command line argument,_ and the contents of the CSR in PEM format
# _on stdin._ It should exit with a status of 0 if the cert should be autosigned
# and non-zero if the cert should not be autosigned.
# If a certificate request is not autosigned, it will persist for review. An admin
# user can use the `puppet cert sign` command to manually sign it, or can delete
# the request.
# For info on autosign configuration files, see
# [the guide to Puppet's config files](
# The default value is '$confdir/autosign.conf'.
autosign = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf
# Whether to allow a new certificate
# request to overwrite an existing certificate.
# allow_duplicate_certs = false
# The default TTL for new certificates.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '5y'.
ca_ttl = 157680000
# The bit length of the certificates.
# The default value is '4096'.
# req_bits = 4096
# The bit length of keys.
# The default value is '4096'.
# keylength = 4096
# The inventory file. This is a text file to which the CA writes a
# complete listing of all certificates.
# The default value is '$cadir/inventory.txt'.
cert_inventory = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/inventory.txt
# The name of the puppet config file.
# The default value is 'puppet.conf'.
# config_file_name = puppet.conf
# The configuration file for the current puppet application.
# The default value is '$confdir/${config_file_name}'.
config = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# The file containing the PID of a running process.
# This file is intended to be used by service management frameworks
# and monitoring systems to determine if a puppet process is still in
# the process table.
# The default value is '$rundir/${run_mode}.pid'.
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/
# The address a listening server should bind to.
# The default value is ''.
# bindaddress =
# The entry-point manifest for puppet master. This can be one file
# or a directory of manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order. Puppet manages
# this path as a directory if one exists or if the path ends with a / or \.
# Setting a global value for `manifest` in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from them commandline). Please use
# directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the
# environment's `manifests` directory as the main manifest, you can set
# `manifest` in environment.conf. For more info, see
# manifest =
# The search path for modules, as a list of directories separated by the system
# path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the
# Windows path separator is ';'.)
# Setting a global value for `modulepath` in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from the commandline). Please use
# directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the
# default modulepath of `<ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT'S MODULES DIR>:$basemodulepath`,
# you can set `modulepath` in environment.conf. For more info, see
# The default value is ''.
# modulepath =
# How to determine the configuration version. By default, it will be the
# time that the configuration is parsed, but you can provide a shell script to override how the
# version is determined. The output of this script will be added to every log message in the
# reports, allowing you to correlate changes on your hosts to the source version on the server.
# Setting a global value for config_version in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from the commandline). Please set a
# per-environment value in environment.conf instead. For more info, see
# The default value is ''.
# config_version =
# The user puppet master should run as.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# user = puppet
# The group puppet master should run as.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# group = puppet
# The default main manifest for directory environments. Any environment that
# doesn't set the `manifest` setting in its `environment.conf` file will use
# this manifest.
# This setting's value can be an absolute or relative path. An absolute path
# will make all environments default to the same main manifest; a relative
# path will allow each environment to use its own manifest, and Puppet will
# resolve the path relative to each environment's main directory.
# In either case, the path can point to a single file or to a directory of
# manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order.
# The default value is './manifests'.
# default_manifest = ./manifests
# Whether to disallow an environment-specific main manifest. When set
# to `true`, Puppet will use the manifest specified in the `default_manifest` setting
# for all environments. If an environment specifies a different main manifest in its
# `environment.conf` file, catalog requests for that environment will fail with an error.
# This setting requires `default_manifest` to be set to an absolute path.
# disable_per_environment_manifest = false
# Code to parse directly. This is essentially only used
# by `puppet`, and should only be set if you're writing your own Puppet
# executable.
# The default value is ''.
# code =
# Where the puppet master web server saves its access log. This is
# only used when running a WEBrick puppet master. When puppet master is
# running under a Rack server like Passenger, that web server will have
# its own logging behavior.
# The default value is '$logdir/masterhttp.log'.
masterhttplog = /var/log/puppetlabs/masterhttp.log
# The port for puppet master traffic. For puppet master,
# this is the port to listen on; for puppet agent, this is the port
# to make requests on. Both applications use this setting to get the port.
# The default value is '8140'.
# masterport = 8140
# The prefix at which the puppet master API is mounted.
# The default value is '/puppet'.
# master_url_prefix = /puppet
# How the puppet master determines the client's identity
# and sets the 'hostname', 'fqdn' and 'domain' facts for use in the manifest,
# in particular for determining which 'node' statement applies to the client.
# Possible values are 'cert' (use the subject's CN in the client's
# certificate) and 'facter' (use the hostname that the client
# reported in its facts)
# The default value is 'cert'.
# node_name = cert
# Where FileBucket files are stored.
# The default value is '$vardir/bucket'.
bucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/bucket
# The configuration file that defines the rights to the different
# rest indirections. This can be used as a fine-grained
# authorization system for `puppet master`.
# The default value is '$confdir/auth.conf'.
rest_authconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf
# Whether the master should function as a certificate authority.
# The default value is 'true'.
# ca = true
# File that provides mapping between custom SSL oids and user-friendly names
# The default value is '$confdir/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml'.
trusted_oid_mapping_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml
# The search path for **global** modules. Should be specified as a
# list of directories separated by the system path separator character. (The
# POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# These are the modules that will be used by _all_ environments. Note that
# the `modules` directory of the active environment will have priority over
# any global directories. For more info, see
# The default value is '$codedir/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules'.
basemodulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
# The header containing an authenticated client's SSL DN.
# This header must be set by the proxy to the authenticated client's SSL
# DN (e.g., `/`). Puppet will parse out the Common
# Name (CN) from the Distinguished Name (DN) and use the value of the CN
# field for authorization.
# Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server
# common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted
# to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the
# `X-Client-DN` header, this setting should be `HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN`.
# The default value is 'HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN'.
# ssl_client_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN
# The header containing the status message of the client
# verification. This header must be set by the proxy to 'SUCCESS' if the
# client successfully authenticated, and anything else otherwise.
# Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server
# common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted
# to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the
# `X-Client-Verify` header, this setting should be
# The default value is 'HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY'.
# ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY
# The directory in which YAML data is stored, usually in a subdirectory.
# The default value is '$vardir/yaml'.
yamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/yaml
# The directory in which serialized data is stored, usually in a subdirectory.
# The default value is '$vardir/server_data'.
server_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/server_data
# The list of report handlers to use. When using multiple report handlers,
# their names should be comma-separated, with whitespace allowed. (For example,
# `reports = http, store`.)
# This setting is relevant to puppet master and puppet apply. The puppet
# master will call these report handlers with the reports it receives from
# agent nodes, and puppet apply will call them with its own report. (In
# all cases, the node applying the catalog must have `report = true`.)
# See the report reference for information on the built-in report
# handlers; custom report handlers can also be loaded from modules.
# (Report handlers are loaded from the lib directory, at
# `puppet/reports/NAME.rb`.)
# The default value is 'store'.
# reports = store
# The directory in which to store reports. Each node gets
# a separate subdirectory in this directory. This setting is only
# used when the `store` report processor is enabled (see the
# `reports` setting).
# The default value is '$vardir/reports'.
reportdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/reports
# The URL that reports should be forwarded to. This setting
# is only used when the `http` report processor is enabled (see the
# `reports` setting).
# The default value is 'http://localhost:3000/reports/upload'.
# reporturl = http://localhost:3000/reports/upload
# Where the fileserver configuration is stored.
# The default value is '$confdir/fileserver.conf'.
fileserverconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/fileserver.conf
# Whether to only search for the complete
# hostname as it is in the certificate when searching for node information
# in the catalogs.
# strict_hostname_checking = false
# Whether to store each client's configuration, including catalogs, facts,
# and related data. This also enables the import and export of resources in
# the Puppet language - a mechanism for exchange resources between nodes.
# By default this uses the 'puppetdb' backend.
# You can adjust the backend using the storeconfigs_backend setting.
# storeconfigs = false
# Configure the backend terminus used for StoreConfigs.
# By default, this uses the PuppetDB store, which must be installed
# and configured before turning on StoreConfigs.
# The default value is 'puppetdb'.
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
# The root directory of devices' $vardir.
# The default value is '$vardir/devices'.
devicedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/devices
# Path to the device config file for puppet device.
# The default value is '$confdir/device.conf'.
deviceconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/device.conf
# The explicit value used for the node name for all requests the agent
# makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with
# node_name_fact. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default
# auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see
# for more information.
# The default value is '$certname'.
node_name_value =
# The fact name used to determine the node name used for all requests the agent
# makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with
# node_name_value. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default
# auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see
# for more information.
# The default value is ''.
# node_name_fact =
# Where puppet agent and puppet master store state associated
# with the running configuration. In the case of puppet master,
# this file reflects the state discovered through interacting
# with clients.
# The default value is '$statedir/state.yaml'.
statefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
# The directory in which client-side YAML data is stored.
# The default value is '$vardir/client_yaml'.
clientyamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml
# The directory in which serialized data is stored on the client.
# The default value is '$vardir/client_data'.
client_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data
# The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in
# the separate `puppet` executable using the `--loadclasses`
# option.
# The default value is '$statedir/classes.txt'.
classfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/classes.txt
# The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the resources
# associated with the retrieved configuration.
# The default value is '$statedir/resources.txt'.
resourcefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/resources.txt
# The fallback log file. This is only used when the `--logdest` option
# is not specified AND Puppet is running on an operating system where both
# the POSIX syslog service and the Windows Event Log are unavailable. (Currently,
# no supported operating systems match that description.)
# Despite the name, both puppet agent and puppet master will use this file
# as the fallback logging destination.
# For control over logging destinations, see the `--logdest` command line
# option in the manual pages for puppet master, puppet agent, and puppet
# apply. You can see man pages by running `puppet <SUBCOMMAND> --help`,
# or read them online at
# The default value is '$logdir/puppetd.log'.
puppetdlog = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetd.log
# The puppet master server to which the puppet agent should connect.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# server = puppet
# Whether the server will search for SRV records in DNS for the current domain.
# use_srv_records = false
# The domain which will be queried to find the SRV records of servers to use.
# The default value is ''.
# srv_domain =
# Boolean; whether puppet agent should ignore schedules. This is useful
# for initial puppet agent runs.
# ignoreschedules = false
# Boolean; whether to generate the default schedule resources. Setting this to
# false is useful for keeping external report processors clean of skipped schedule resources.
# The default value is 'true'.
# default_schedules = true
# Whether to apply catalogs in noop mode, which allows Puppet to
# partially simulate a normal run. This setting affects puppet agent and
# puppet apply.
# When running in noop mode, Puppet will check whether each resource is in sync,
# like it does when running normally. However, if a resource attribute is not in
# the desired state (as declared in the catalog), Puppet will take no
# action, and will instead report the changes it _would_ have made. These
# simulated changes will appear in the report sent to the puppet master, or
# be shown on the console if running puppet agent or puppet apply in the
# foreground. The simulated changes will not send refresh events to any
# subscribing or notified resources, although Puppet will log that a refresh
# event _would_ have been sent.
# **Important note:**
# [The `noop` metaparameter](
# allows you to apply individual resources in noop mode, and will override
# the global value of the `noop` setting. This means a resource with
# `noop => false` _will_ be changed if necessary, even when running puppet
# agent with `noop = true` or `--noop`. (Conversely, a resource with
# `noop => true` will only be simulated, even when noop mode is globally disabled.)
# noop = false
# How often puppet agent applies the catalog.
# Note that a runinterval of 0 means "run continuously" rather than
# "never run." If you want puppet agent to never run, you should start
# it with the `--no-client` option. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '30m'.
runinterval = 1800
# The server to use for certificate
# authority requests. It's a separate server because it cannot
# and does not need to horizontally scale.
# The default value is '$server'.
ca_server = puppet
# The port to use for the certificate authority.
# The default value is '$masterport'.
ca_port = 8140
# The preferred means of serializing
# ruby instances for passing over the wire. This won't guarantee that all
# instances will be serialized using this method, since not all classes
# can be guaranteed to support this format, but it will be used for all
# classes that support it.
# The default value is 'pson'.
# preferred_serialization_format = pson
# A lock file to indicate that a puppet agent catalog run is currently in progress.
# The file contains the pid of the process that holds the lock on the catalog run.
# The default value is '$statedir/agent_catalog_run.lock'.
agent_catalog_run_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
# A lock file to indicate that puppet agent runs have been administratively
# disabled. File contains a JSON object with state information.
# The default value is '$statedir/agent_disabled.lock'.
agent_disabled_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock
# Whether to use the cached configuration when the remote
# configuration will not compile. This option is useful for testing
# new configurations, where you want to fix the broken configuration
# rather than reverting to a known-good one.
# The default value is 'true'.
# usecacheonfailure = true
# Whether to only use the cached catalog rather than compiling a new catalog
# on every run. Puppet can be run with this enabled by default and then selectively
# disabled when a recompile is desired.
# use_cached_catalog = false
# Skip searching for classes and definitions that were missing during a
# prior compilation. The list of missing objects is maintained per-environment and
# persists until the environment is cleared or the master is restarted.
# ignoremissingtypes = false
# Ignore cache and always recompile the configuration. This is
# useful for testing new configurations, where the local cache may in
# fact be stale even if the timestamps are up to date - if the facts
# change or if the server changes.
# ignorecache = false
# The maximum time to delay before runs. Defaults to being the same as the
# run interval. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '$runinterval'.
splaylimit = 1800
# Whether to sleep for a pseudo-random (but consistent) amount of time before
# a run.
# splay = false
# Where FileBucket files are stored locally.
# The default value is '$vardir/clientbucket'.
clientbucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket
# How long the client should wait for the configuration to be retrieved
# before considering it a failure. This setting is deprecated and has been replaced
# by http_connect_timeout and http_read_timeout.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
configtimeout = 120
# The server to send transaction reports to.
# The default value is '$server'.
report_server = puppet
# The port to communicate with the report_server.
# The default value is '$masterport'.
report_port = 8140
# Whether to send reports after every transaction.
# The default value is 'true'.
# report = true
# Where puppet agent stores the last run report summary in yaml format.
# The default value is '$statedir/last_run_summary.yaml'.
lastrunfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_summary.yaml
# Where puppet agent stores the last run report in yaml format.
# The default value is '$statedir/last_run_report.yaml'.
lastrunreport = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_report.yaml
# Whether to create dot graph files for the different
# configuration graphs. These dot files can be interpreted by tools
# like OmniGraffle or dot (which is part of ImageMagick).
# graph = false
# Where to store dot-outputted graphs.
# The default value is '$statedir/graphs'.
graphdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/graphs
# How frequently puppet agent should ask for a signed certificate.
# When starting for the first time, puppet agent will submit a certificate
# signing request (CSR) to the server named in the `ca_server` setting
# (usually the puppet master); this may be autosigned, or may need to be
# approved by a human, depending on the CA server's configuration.
# Puppet agent cannot apply configurations until its approved certificate is
# available. Since the certificate may or may not be available immediately,
# puppet agent will repeatedly try to fetch it at this interval. You can
# turn off waiting for certificates by specifying a time of 0, in which case
# puppet agent will exit if it cannot get a cert.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
waitforcert = 120
# How unrelated resources should be ordered when applying a catalog.
# Allowed values are `title-hash`, `manifest`, and `random`. This
# setting affects puppet agent and puppet apply, but not puppet master.
# * `manifest` (the default) will use the order in which the resources were
# declared in their manifest files.
# * `title-hash` (the default in 3.x) will order resources randomly, but
# will use the same order across runs and across nodes. It is only of
# value if you're migrating from 3.x and have errors running with
# `manifest`.
# * `random` will order resources randomly and change their order with each
# run. This can work like a fuzzer for shaking out undeclared dependencies.
# Regardless of this setting's value, Puppet will always obey explicit
# dependencies set with the before/require/notify/subscribe metaparameters
# and the `->`/`~>` chaining arrows; this setting only affects the relative
# ordering of _unrelated_ resources.
# The default value is 'manifest'.
# ordering = manifest
# During an inspect run, whether to archive files whose contents are audited to a file bucket.
# archive_files = false
# During an inspect run, the file bucket server to archive files to if archive_files is set.
# The default value is '$server'.
archive_file_server = puppet
# Tags to use to find resources. If this is set, then
# only resources tagged with the specified tags will be applied.
# Values must be comma-separated.
# The default value is ''.
# tags =
# Whether each resource should log when it is
# being evaluated. This allows you to interactively see exactly
# what is being done.
# evaltrace = false
# Whether to print a transaction summary.
# summarize = false
# Whether SSL should be used when searching for nodes.
# Defaults to false because SSL usually requires certificates
# to be set up on the client side.
# ldapssl = false
# Whether TLS should be used when searching for nodes.
# Defaults to false because TLS usually requires certificates
# to be set up on the client side.
# ldaptls = false
# The LDAP server. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.
# The default value is 'ldap'.
# ldapserver = ldap
# The LDAP port. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.
# The default value is '389'.
# ldapport = 389
# The search string used to find an LDAP node.
# The default value is '(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))'.
# ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
# The LDAP attributes to use to define Puppet classes. Values
# should be comma-separated.
# The default value is 'puppetclass'.
# ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
# The LDAP attributes that should be stacked to arrays by adding
# the values in all hierarchy elements of the tree. Values
# should be comma-separated.
# The default value is 'puppetvar'.
# ldapstackedattrs = puppetvar
# The LDAP attributes to include when querying LDAP for nodes. All
# returned attributes are set as variables in the top-level scope.
# Multiple values should be comma-separated. The value 'all' returns
# all attributes.
# The default value is 'all'.
# ldapattrs = all
# The attribute to use to define the parent node.
# The default value is 'parentnode'.
# ldapparentattr = parentnode
# The user to use to connect to LDAP. Must be specified as a
# full DN.
# The default value is ''.
# ldapuser =
# The password to use to connect to LDAP.
# The default value is ''.
# ldappassword =
# The search base for LDAP searches. It's impossible to provide
# a meaningful default here, although the LDAP libraries might
# have one already set. Generally, it should be the 'ou=Hosts'
# branch under your main directory.
# The default value is ''.
# ldapbase =
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation errors in case
# multiple errors have been detected. A value of 0 is the same as a value of 1; a
# minimum of one error is always raised. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_errors = 10
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation warnings in
# case multiple warnings have been detected. A value of 0 blocks logging of
# warnings. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_warnings = 10
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation deprecation
# warnings in case multiple deprecation warnings have been detected. A value of 0
# blocks the logging of deprecation warnings. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_deprecations = 10
# Makes the parser raise errors when referencing unknown variables. (This does not affect
# referencing variables that are explicitly set to undef).
# strict_variables = false
# Whether to document all resources when using `puppet doc` to
# generate manifest documentation.
# document_all = false (master) executed in 0.85 seconds (agent) 22:18:33$ puppet agent --genconfig
# The configuration file for agent. Note that this file
# is likely to have unused settings in it; any setting that's
# valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used.
# Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode.
# These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after
# their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its
# own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing.
# The file format supports octothorpe-commented lines, but not partial-line comments.
# Generated on 2015-03-09 22:18:33 -0700.
# Whether or not to use the native facter (cfacter) implementation instead of the Ruby one (facter). Defaults to false.
# cfacter = false
# The main Puppet configuration directory. The default for this setting
# is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or
# the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system
# directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being
# in the user's home directory.
# The default value is '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet'.
confdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
# The main Puppet code directory. The default for this setting
# is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or
# the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system
# directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being
# in the user's home directory.
# The default value is '/etc/puppetlabs/code'.
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
# Where Puppet stores dynamic and growing data. The default for this
# setting is calculated specially, like `confdir`_.
# The default value is '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache'.
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache
# The name of the application, if we are running as one. The
# default is essentially $0 without the path or `.rb`.
# The default value is 'agent'.
name = agent
# The directory in which to store log files
# The default value is '/var/log/puppetlabs'.
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs
# Default logging level for messages from Puppet. Allowed values are:
# * debug
# * info
# * notice
# * warning
# * err
# * alert
# * emerg
# * crit
# The default value is 'notice'.
# log_level = notice
# A comma-separated list of warning types to suppress. If large numbers
# of warnings are making Puppet's logs too large or difficult to use, you
# can temporarily silence them with this setting.
# If you are preparing to upgrade Puppet to a new major version, you
# should re-enable all warnings for a while.
# Valid values for this setting are:
# * `deprecations` --- disables deprecation warnings.
# The default value is '[]'.
# disable_warnings = []
# The scheduling priority of the process. Valid values are 'high',
# 'normal', 'low', or 'idle', which are mapped to platform-specific
# values. The priority can also be specified as an integer value and
# will be passed as is, e.g. -5. Puppet must be running as a privileged
# user in order to increase scheduling priority.
# priority =
# Whether to print stack traces on some errors
# trace = false
# Whether to enable experimental performance profiling
# profile = false
# Whether log files should always flush to disk.
# The default value is 'true'.
# autoflush = true
# What syslog facility to use when logging to syslog.
# Syslog has a fixed list of valid facilities, and you must
# choose one of those; you cannot just make one up.
# The default value is 'daemon'.
# syslogfacility = daemon
# The directory where Puppet state is stored. Generally,
# this directory can be removed without causing harm (although it
# might result in spurious service restarts).
# The default value is '$vardir/state'.
statedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '/var/run/puppetlabs'.
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs
# Whether to just print a manifest to stdout and exit. Only makes
# sense when specified on the command line as `--genmanifest`. Takes into account arguments specified
# on the CLI.
# genmanifest = false
# Print the value of a specific configuration setting. If the name of a
# setting is provided for this, then the value is printed and puppet
# exits. Comma-separate multiple values. For a list of all values,
# specify 'all'.
# The default value is ''.
# configprint =
# Whether to use colors when logging to the console. Valid values are
# `ansi` (equivalent to `true`), `html`, and `false`, which produces no color.
# Defaults to false on Windows, as its console does not support ansi colors.
# The default value is 'ansi'.
# color = ansi
# Whether to create the necessary user and group that puppet agent will run as.
# mkusers = false
# Whether Puppet should manage the owner, group, and mode of files it uses internally
# The default value is 'true'.
# manage_internal_file_permissions = true
# Perform one configuration run and exit, rather than spawning a long-running
# daemon. This is useful for interactively running puppet agent, or
# running puppet agent from cron.
# onetime = false
# The shell search path. Defaults to whatever is inherited
# from the parent process.
# This setting can only be set in the `[main]` section of puppet.conf; it cannot
# be set in `[master]`, `[agent]`, or an environment config section.
# The default value is 'none'.
# path = none
# An extra search path for Puppet. This is only useful
# for those files that Puppet will load on demand, and is only
# guaranteed to work for those cases. In fact, the autoload
# mechanism is responsible for making sure this directory
# is in Ruby's search path
# The default value is '$vardir/lib'.
libdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
# The environment Puppet is running in. For clients
# (e.g., `puppet agent`) this determines the environment itself, which
# is used to find modules and much more. For servers (i.e., `puppet master`)
# this provides the default environment for nodes we know nothing about.
# The default value is 'production'.
# environment = production
# A search path for directory environments, as a list of directories
# separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator
# is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# This setting must have a value set to enable **directory environments.** The
# recommended value is `$codedir/environments`. For more details, see
# The default value is '$codedir/environments'.
environmentpath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
# Affects how we cache attempts to load Puppet 'features'. If false, then
# calls to `Puppet.features.<feature>?` will always attempt to load the
# feature (which can be an expensive operation) unless it has already been
# loaded successfully. This makes it possible for a single agent run to,
# e.g., install a package that provides the underlying capabilities for
# a feature, and then later load that feature during the same run (even if
# the feature had been tested earlier and had not been available).
# If this setting is set to true, then features will only be checked once,
# and if they are not available, the negative result is cached and returned
# for all subsequent attempts to load the feature. This behavior is almost
# always appropriate for the server, and can result in a significant performance
# improvement for features that are checked frequently.
# always_cache_features = false
# Which arguments to pass to the diff command when printing differences between
# files. The command to use can be chosen with the `diff` setting.
# The default value is '-u'.
# diff_args = -u
# Which diff command to use when printing differences between files. This setting
# has no default value on Windows, as standard `diff` is not available, but Puppet can use many
# third-party diff tools.
# The default value is 'diff'.
# diff = diff
# Whether to log and report a contextual diff when files are being replaced.
# This causes partial file contents to pass through Puppet's normal
# logging and reporting system, so this setting should be used with
# caution if you are sending Puppet's reports to an insecure
# destination. This feature currently requires the `diff/lcs` Ruby
# library.
# show_diff = false
# Whether to send the process into the background. This defaults
# to true on POSIX systems, and to false on Windows (where Puppet
# currently cannot daemonize).
# The default value is 'true'.
# daemonize = true
# The maximum allowed UID. Some platforms use negative UIDs
# but then ship with tools that do not know how to handle signed ints,
# so the UIDs show up as huge numbers that can then not be fed back into
# the system. This is a hackish way to fail in a slightly more useful
# way when that happens.
# The default value is '4294967290'.
# maximum_uid = 4294967290
# The YAML file containing indirector route configuration.
# The default value is '$confdir/routes.yaml'.
route_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml
# Where to find information about nodes.
# The default value is 'rest'.
node_terminus = rest
# How to store cached nodes.
# Valid values are (none), 'json', 'msgpack', 'yaml' or write only yaml ('write_only_yaml').
# The master application defaults to 'write_only_yaml', all others to none.
# node_cache_terminus =
# Where to retrive information about data.
# The default value is 'hiera'.
data_binding_terminus = hiera
# The hiera configuration file. Puppet only reads this file on startup, so you must restart the puppet master every time you edit it.
# The default value is '$codedir/hiera.yaml'.
hiera_config = /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml
# The binder configuration file. Puppet reads this file on each request to configure the bindings system.
# If set to nil (the default), a $confdir/binder_config.yaml is optionally loaded. If it does not exists, a default configuration
# is used. If the setting :binding_config is specified, it must reference a valid and existing yaml file.
# binder_config =
# Where to get node catalogs. This is useful to change if, for instance,
# you'd like to pre-compile catalogs and store them in memcached or some other easily-accessed store.
# The default value is 'rest'.
catalog_terminus = rest
# How to store cached catalogs. Valid values are 'json', 'msgpack' and 'yaml'. The agent application defaults to 'json'.
# The default value is 'json'.
catalog_cache_terminus = json
# The node facts terminus.
# The default value is 'facter'.
facts_terminus = facter
# The default source for files if no server is given in a
# uri, e.g. puppet:///file. The default of `rest` causes the file to be
# retrieved using the `server` setting. When running `apply` the default
# is `file_server`, causing requests to be filled locally.
# The default value is 'rest'.
default_file_terminus = rest
# The HTTP proxy host to use for outgoing connections. Note: You
# may need to use a FQDN for the server hostname when using a proxy. Environment variable
# http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY will override this value
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_host = none
# The HTTP proxy port to use for outgoing connections
# The default value is '3128'.
# http_proxy_port = 3128
# The user name for an authenticated HTTP proxy. Requires the `http_proxy_host` setting.
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_user = none
# The password for the user of an authenticated HTTP proxy.
# Requires the `http_proxy_user` setting.
# Note that passwords must be valid when used as part of a URL. If a password
# contains any characters with special meanings in URLs (as specified by RFC 3986
# section 2.2), they must be URL-encoded. (For example, `#` would become `%23`.)
# The default value is 'none'.
# http_proxy_password = none
# The maximum amount of time a persistent HTTP connection can remain idle in the connection pool, before it is closed. This timeout should be shorter than the keepalive timeout used on the HTTP server, e.g. Apache KeepAliveTimeout directive.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '4s'.
http_keepalive_timeout = 4
# Whether to write HTTP request and responses to stderr. This should never be used in a production environment.
# http_debug = false
# The maximum amount of time to wait when establishing an HTTP connection. The default
# value is 2 minutes.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
http_connect_timeout = 120
# The time to wait for one block to be read from an HTTP connection. If nothing is
# read after the elapsed interval then the connection will be closed. The default value is unlimited.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# http_read_timeout =
# The minimum time to wait between checking for updates in
# configuration files. This timeout determines how quickly Puppet checks whether
# a file (such as manifests or templates) has changed on disk. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '15s'.
filetimeout = 15
# The time to live for a cached environment.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# This setting can also be set to `unlimited`, which causes the environment to
# be cached until the master is restarted.
# The default value is '0'.
environment_timeout = 0
# The name of a registered environment data provider. The two built in
# and registered providers are 'none' (no environment specific data), and 'function'
# (environment specific data obtained by calling the function 'environment::data()').
# Other environment data providers may be registered in modules on the module path. For such
# custom data providers see the respective module documentation.
# The default value is 'none'.
# environment_data_provider = none
# A command to run before every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero
# return code, the entire Puppet run will fail.
# The default value is ''.
# prerun_command =
# A command to run after every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero
# return code, the entire Puppet run will be considered to have failed, even though it might have
# performed work during the normal run.
# The default value is ''.
# postrun_command =
# Freezes the 'main' class, disallowing any code to be added to it. This
# essentially means that you can't have any code outside of a node,
# class, or definition other than in the site manifest.
# freeze_main = false
# The name to use when handling certificates. When a node
# requests a certificate from the CA puppet master, it uses the value of the
# `certname` setting as its requested Subject CN.
# This is the name used when managing a node's permissions in
# [auth.conf](
# In most cases, it is also used as the node's name when matching
# [node definitions](
# and requesting data from an ENC. (This can be changed with the `node_name_value`
# and `node_name_fact` settings, although you should only do so if you have
# a compelling reason.)
# A node's certname is available in Puppet manifests as `$trusted['certname']`. (See
# [Facts and Built-In Variables](
# for more details.)
# * For best compatibility, you should limit the value of `certname` to
# only use letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. (That is,
# it should match `/A[a-z0-9._-]+Z/`.)
# * The special value `ca` is reserved, and can't be used as the certname
# for a normal node.
# Defaults to the node's fully qualified domain name.
# The default value is ''.
# certname =
# The comma-separated list of alternative DNS names to use for the local host.
# When the node generates a CSR for itself, these are added to the request
# as the desired `subjectAltName` in the certificate: additional DNS labels
# that the certificate is also valid answering as.
# This is generally required if you use a non-hostname `certname`, or if you
# want to use `puppet kick` or `puppet resource -H` and the primary certname
# does not match the DNS name you use to communicate with the host.
# This is unnecessary for agents, unless you intend to use them as a server for
# `puppet kick` or remote `puppet resource` management.
# It is rarely necessary for servers; it is usually helpful only if you need to
# have a pool of multiple load balanced masters, or for the same master to
# respond on two physically separate networks under different names.
# The default value is ''.
# dns_alt_names =
# An optional file containing custom attributes to add to certificate signing
# requests (CSRs). You should ensure that this file does not exist on your CA
# puppet master; if it does, unwanted certificate extensions may leak into
# certificates created with the `puppet cert generate` command.
# If present, this file must be a YAML hash containing a `custom_attributes` key
# and/or an `extension_requests` key. The value of each key must be a hash, where
# each key is a valid OID and each value is an object that can be cast to a string.
# Custom attributes can be used by the CA when deciding whether to sign the
# certificate, but are then discarded. Attribute OIDs can be any OID value except
# the standard CSR attributes (i.e. attributes described in RFC 2985 section 5.4).
# This is useful for embedding a pre-shared key for autosigning policy executables
# (see the `autosign` setting), often by using the `1.2.840.113549.1.9.7`
# ("challenge password") OID.
# Extension requests will be permanently embedded in the final certificate.
# Extension OIDs must be in the "ppRegCertExt" (``) or
# "ppPrivCertExt" (``) OID arcs. The ppRegCertExt arc is
# reserved for four of the most common pieces of data to embed: `pp_uuid` (`.1`),
# `pp_instance_id` (`.2`), `pp_image_name` (`.3`), and `pp_preshared_key` (`.4`)
# --- in the YAML file, these can be referred to by their short descriptive names
# instead of their full OID. The ppPrivCertExt arc is unregulated, and can be used
# for site-specific extensions.
# The default value is '$confdir/csr_attributes.yaml'.
csr_attributes = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
# The certificate directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/certs'.
certdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
# The public key directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/public_keys'.
publickeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys
# Where host certificate requests are stored.
# The default value is '$ssldir/certificate_requests'.
requestdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests
# The private key directory.
# The default value is '$ssldir/private_keys'.
privatekeydir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys
# Where the client stores private certificate information.
# The default value is '$ssldir/private'.
privatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private
# Where puppet agent stores the password for its private key.
# Generally unused.
# The default value is '$privatedir/password'.
passfile = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private/password
# Where individual hosts store and look for their certificate requests.
# The default value is '$ssldir/csr_$certname.pem'.
hostcsr = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their certificates.
# The default value is '$certdir/$certname.pem'.
hostcert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their private key.
# The default value is '$privatekeydir/$certname.pem'.
hostprivkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
# Where individual hosts store and look for their public key.
# The default value is '$publickeydir/$certname.pem'.
hostpubkey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
# Where each client stores the CA certificate.
# The default value is '$certdir/ca.pem'.
localcacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
# Certificate authorities who issue server certificates. SSL servers will not be
# considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority
# listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA
# certificate (localcacert) will be used.
# ssl_client_ca_auth =
# Certificate authorities who issue client certificates. SSL clients will not be
# considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority
# listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA
# certificate (localcacert) will be used.
# ssl_server_ca_auth =
# Where the host's certificate revocation list can be found.
# This is distinct from the certificate authority's CRL.
# The default value is '$ssldir/crl.pem'.
hostcrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem
# Whether certificate revocation should be supported by downloading a
# Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
# to all clients. If enabled, CA chaining will almost definitely not work.
# The default value is 'true'.
# certificate_revocation = true
# Which digest algorithm to use for file resources and the filebucket.
# Valid values are md5, sha256. Default is md5.
# The default value is 'md5'.
# digest_algorithm = md5
# Where Puppet should store plugins that it pulls down from the central
# server.
# The default value is '$libdir'.
plugindest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
# From where to retrieve plugins. The standard Puppet `file` type
# is used for retrieval, so anything that is a valid file source can
# be used here.
# The default value is 'puppet:///plugins'.
# pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
# Where Puppet should store external facts that are being handled by pluginsync
# The default value is '$vardir/facts.d'.
pluginfactdest = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d
# Where to retrieve external facts for pluginsync
# The default value is 'puppet:///pluginfacts'.
# pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
# Whether plugins should be synced with the central server.
# The default value is 'true'.
# pluginsync = true
# What files to ignore when pulling down plugins.
# The default value is '.svn CVS .git'.
# pluginsignore = .svn CVS .git
# Where Puppet should look for facts. Multiple directories should
# be separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path
# separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# The default value is '$vardir/lib/facter:$vardir/facts'.
factpath = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib/facter:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts
# An external command that can produce node information. The command's output
# must be a YAML dump of a hash, and that hash must have a `classes` key and/or
# a `parameters` key, where `classes` is an array or hash and
# `parameters` is a hash. For unknown nodes, the command should
# exit with a non-zero exit code.
# This command makes it straightforward to store your node mapping
# information in other data sources like databases.
# The default value is 'none'.
# external_nodes = none
# The module repository
# The default value is ''.
# module_repository =
# The directory into which module tool data is stored
# The default value is '$vardir/puppet-module'.
module_working_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module
# The directory which the skeleton for module tool generate is stored.
# The default value is '$module_working_dir/skeleton'.
module_skeleton_dir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module/skeleton
# The authorization key to connect to the Puppet Forge. Leave blank for unauthorized or license based connections
# forge_authorization =
# Extra module groups to request from the Puppet Forge
# module_groups =
# The name to use the Certificate Authority certificate.
# The default value is 'Puppet CA: $certname'.
ca_name = Puppet CA:
# The root directory for the certificate authority.
# The default value is '$ssldir/ca'.
cadir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca
# The CA certificate.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_crt.pem'.
cacert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
# The CA private key.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_key.pem'.
cakey = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_key.pem
# The CA public key.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_pub.pem'.
capub = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_pub.pem
# The certificate revocation list (CRL) for the CA. Will be used if present but otherwise ignored.
# The default value is '$cadir/ca_crl.pem'.
cacrl = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
# Where the CA stores private certificate information.
# The default value is '$cadir/private'.
caprivatedir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private
# Where the CA stores certificate requests
# The default value is '$cadir/requests'.
csrdir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests
# Where the CA stores signed certificates.
# The default value is '$cadir/signed'.
signeddir = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed
# Where the CA stores the password for the private key.
# The default value is '$caprivatedir/ca.pass'.
capass = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/private/ca.pass
# Where the serial number for certificates is stored.
# The default value is '$cadir/serial'.
serial = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/serial
# Whether (and how) to autosign certificate requests. This setting
# is only relevant on a puppet master acting as a certificate authority (CA).
# Valid values are true (autosigns all certificate requests; not recommended),
# false (disables autosigning certificates), or the absolute path to a file.
# The file specified in this setting may be either a **configuration file**
# or a **custom policy executable.** Puppet will automatically determine
# what it is: If the Puppet user (see the `user` setting) can execute the
# file, it will be treated as a policy executable; otherwise, it will be
# treated as a config file.
# If a custom policy executable is configured, the CA puppet master will run it
# every time it receives a CSR. The executable will be passed the subject CN of the
# request _as a command line argument,_ and the contents of the CSR in PEM format
# _on stdin._ It should exit with a status of 0 if the cert should be autosigned
# and non-zero if the cert should not be autosigned.
# If a certificate request is not autosigned, it will persist for review. An admin
# user can use the `puppet cert sign` command to manually sign it, or can delete
# the request.
# For info on autosign configuration files, see
# [the guide to Puppet's config files](
# The default value is '$confdir/autosign.conf'.
autosign = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf
# Whether to allow a new certificate
# request to overwrite an existing certificate.
# allow_duplicate_certs = false
# The default TTL for new certificates.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '5y'.
ca_ttl = 157680000
# The bit length of the certificates.
# The default value is '4096'.
# req_bits = 4096
# The bit length of keys.
# The default value is '4096'.
# keylength = 4096
# The inventory file. This is a text file to which the CA writes a
# complete listing of all certificates.
# The default value is '$cadir/inventory.txt'.
cert_inventory = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/inventory.txt
# The name of the puppet config file.
# The default value is 'puppet.conf'.
# config_file_name = puppet.conf
# The configuration file for the current puppet application.
# The default value is '$confdir/${config_file_name}'.
config = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# The file containing the PID of a running process.
# This file is intended to be used by service management frameworks
# and monitoring systems to determine if a puppet process is still in
# the process table.
# The default value is '$rundir/${run_mode}.pid'.
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/
# The address a listening server should bind to.
# The default value is ''.
# bindaddress =
# The entry-point manifest for puppet master. This can be one file
# or a directory of manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order. Puppet manages
# this path as a directory if one exists or if the path ends with a / or \.
# Setting a global value for `manifest` in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from them commandline). Please use
# directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the
# environment's `manifests` directory as the main manifest, you can set
# `manifest` in environment.conf. For more info, see
# manifest =
# The search path for modules, as a list of directories separated by the system
# path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the
# Windows path separator is ';'.)
# Setting a global value for `modulepath` in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from the commandline). Please use
# directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the
# default modulepath of `<ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT'S MODULES DIR>:$basemodulepath`,
# you can set `modulepath` in environment.conf. For more info, see
# The default value is ''.
# modulepath =
# How to determine the configuration version. By default, it will be the
# time that the configuration is parsed, but you can provide a shell script to override how the
# version is determined. The output of this script will be added to every log message in the
# reports, allowing you to correlate changes on your hosts to the source version on the server.
# Setting a global value for config_version in puppet.conf is not allowed
# (but it can be overridden from the commandline). Please set a
# per-environment value in environment.conf instead. For more info, see
# The default value is ''.
# config_version =
# The user puppet master should run as.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# user = puppet
# The group puppet master should run as.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# group = puppet
# The default main manifest for directory environments. Any environment that
# doesn't set the `manifest` setting in its `environment.conf` file will use
# this manifest.
# This setting's value can be an absolute or relative path. An absolute path
# will make all environments default to the same main manifest; a relative
# path will allow each environment to use its own manifest, and Puppet will
# resolve the path relative to each environment's main directory.
# In either case, the path can point to a single file or to a directory of
# manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order.
# The default value is './manifests'.
# default_manifest = ./manifests
# Whether to disallow an environment-specific main manifest. When set
# to `true`, Puppet will use the manifest specified in the `default_manifest` setting
# for all environments. If an environment specifies a different main manifest in its
# `environment.conf` file, catalog requests for that environment will fail with an error.
# This setting requires `default_manifest` to be set to an absolute path.
# disable_per_environment_manifest = false
# Code to parse directly. This is essentially only used
# by `puppet`, and should only be set if you're writing your own Puppet
# executable.
# The default value is ''.
# code =
# Where the puppet master web server saves its access log. This is
# only used when running a WEBrick puppet master. When puppet master is
# running under a Rack server like Passenger, that web server will have
# its own logging behavior.
# The default value is '$logdir/masterhttp.log'.
masterhttplog = /var/log/puppetlabs/masterhttp.log
# The port for puppet master traffic. For puppet master,
# this is the port to listen on; for puppet agent, this is the port
# to make requests on. Both applications use this setting to get the port.
# The default value is '8140'.
# masterport = 8140
# The prefix at which the puppet master API is mounted.
# The default value is '/puppet'.
# master_url_prefix = /puppet
# How the puppet master determines the client's identity
# and sets the 'hostname', 'fqdn' and 'domain' facts for use in the manifest,
# in particular for determining which 'node' statement applies to the client.
# Possible values are 'cert' (use the subject's CN in the client's
# certificate) and 'facter' (use the hostname that the client
# reported in its facts)
# The default value is 'cert'.
# node_name = cert
# Where FileBucket files are stored.
# The default value is '$vardir/bucket'.
bucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/bucket
# The configuration file that defines the rights to the different
# rest indirections. This can be used as a fine-grained
# authorization system for `puppet master`.
# The default value is '$confdir/auth.conf'.
rest_authconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf
# Whether the master should function as a certificate authority.
# The default value is 'true'.
# ca = true
# File that provides mapping between custom SSL oids and user-friendly names
# The default value is '$confdir/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml'.
trusted_oid_mapping_file = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml
# The search path for **global** modules. Should be specified as a
# list of directories separated by the system path separator character. (The
# POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)
# These are the modules that will be used by _all_ environments. Note that
# the `modules` directory of the active environment will have priority over
# any global directories. For more info, see
# The default value is '$codedir/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules'.
basemodulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
# The header containing an authenticated client's SSL DN.
# This header must be set by the proxy to the authenticated client's SSL
# DN (e.g., `/`). Puppet will parse out the Common
# Name (CN) from the Distinguished Name (DN) and use the value of the CN
# field for authorization.
# Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server
# common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted
# to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the
# `X-Client-DN` header, this setting should be `HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN`.
# The default value is 'HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN'.
# ssl_client_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN
# The header containing the status message of the client
# verification. This header must be set by the proxy to 'SUCCESS' if the
# client successfully authenticated, and anything else otherwise.
# Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server
# common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted
# to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the
# `X-Client-Verify` header, this setting should be
# The default value is 'HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY'.
# ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY
# The directory in which YAML data is stored, usually in a subdirectory.
# The default value is '$vardir/yaml'.
yamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/yaml
# The directory in which serialized data is stored, usually in a subdirectory.
# The default value is '$vardir/server_data'.
server_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/server_data
# The list of report handlers to use. When using multiple report handlers,
# their names should be comma-separated, with whitespace allowed. (For example,
# `reports = http, store`.)
# This setting is relevant to puppet master and puppet apply. The puppet
# master will call these report handlers with the reports it receives from
# agent nodes, and puppet apply will call them with its own report. (In
# all cases, the node applying the catalog must have `report = true`.)
# See the report reference for information on the built-in report
# handlers; custom report handlers can also be loaded from modules.
# (Report handlers are loaded from the lib directory, at
# `puppet/reports/NAME.rb`.)
# The default value is 'store'.
# reports = store
# The directory in which to store reports. Each node gets
# a separate subdirectory in this directory. This setting is only
# used when the `store` report processor is enabled (see the
# `reports` setting).
# The default value is '$vardir/reports'.
reportdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/reports
# The URL that reports should be forwarded to. This setting
# is only used when the `http` report processor is enabled (see the
# `reports` setting).
# The default value is 'http://localhost:3000/reports/upload'.
# reporturl = http://localhost:3000/reports/upload
# Where the fileserver configuration is stored.
# The default value is '$confdir/fileserver.conf'.
fileserverconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/fileserver.conf
# Whether to only search for the complete
# hostname as it is in the certificate when searching for node information
# in the catalogs.
# strict_hostname_checking = false
# Whether to store each client's configuration, including catalogs, facts,
# and related data. This also enables the import and export of resources in
# the Puppet language - a mechanism for exchange resources between nodes.
# By default this uses the 'puppetdb' backend.
# You can adjust the backend using the storeconfigs_backend setting.
# storeconfigs = false
# Configure the backend terminus used for StoreConfigs.
# By default, this uses the PuppetDB store, which must be installed
# and configured before turning on StoreConfigs.
# The default value is 'puppetdb'.
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
# The root directory of devices' $vardir.
# The default value is '$vardir/devices'.
devicedir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/devices
# Path to the device config file for puppet device.
# The default value is '$confdir/device.conf'.
deviceconfig = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/device.conf
# The explicit value used for the node name for all requests the agent
# makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with
# node_name_fact. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default
# auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see
# for more information.
# The default value is '$certname'.
node_name_value =
# The fact name used to determine the node name used for all requests the agent
# makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with
# node_name_value. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default
# auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see
# for more information.
# The default value is ''.
# node_name_fact =
# Where puppet agent and puppet master store state associated
# with the running configuration. In the case of puppet master,
# this file reflects the state discovered through interacting
# with clients.
# The default value is '$statedir/state.yaml'.
statefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
# The directory in which client-side YAML data is stored.
# The default value is '$vardir/client_yaml'.
clientyamldir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml
# The directory in which serialized data is stored on the client.
# The default value is '$vardir/client_data'.
client_datadir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data
# The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in
# the separate `puppet` executable using the `--loadclasses`
# option.
# The default value is '$statedir/classes.txt'.
classfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/classes.txt
# The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the resources
# associated with the retrieved configuration.
# The default value is '$statedir/resources.txt'.
resourcefile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/resources.txt
# The fallback log file. This is only used when the `--logdest` option
# is not specified AND Puppet is running on an operating system where both
# the POSIX syslog service and the Windows Event Log are unavailable. (Currently,
# no supported operating systems match that description.)
# Despite the name, both puppet agent and puppet master will use this file
# as the fallback logging destination.
# For control over logging destinations, see the `--logdest` command line
# option in the manual pages for puppet master, puppet agent, and puppet
# apply. You can see man pages by running `puppet <SUBCOMMAND> --help`,
# or read them online at
# The default value is '$logdir/puppetd.log'.
puppetdlog = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetd.log
# The puppet master server to which the puppet agent should connect.
# The default value is 'puppet'.
# server = puppet
# Whether the server will search for SRV records in DNS for the current domain.
# use_srv_records = false
# The domain which will be queried to find the SRV records of servers to use.
# The default value is ''.
# srv_domain =
# Boolean; whether puppet agent should ignore schedules. This is useful
# for initial puppet agent runs.
# ignoreschedules = false
# Boolean; whether to generate the default schedule resources. Setting this to
# false is useful for keeping external report processors clean of skipped schedule resources.
# The default value is 'true'.
# default_schedules = true
# Whether to apply catalogs in noop mode, which allows Puppet to
# partially simulate a normal run. This setting affects puppet agent and
# puppet apply.
# When running in noop mode, Puppet will check whether each resource is in sync,
# like it does when running normally. However, if a resource attribute is not in
# the desired state (as declared in the catalog), Puppet will take no
# action, and will instead report the changes it _would_ have made. These
# simulated changes will appear in the report sent to the puppet master, or
# be shown on the console if running puppet agent or puppet apply in the
# foreground. The simulated changes will not send refresh events to any
# subscribing or notified resources, although Puppet will log that a refresh
# event _would_ have been sent.
# **Important note:**
# [The `noop` metaparameter](
# allows you to apply individual resources in noop mode, and will override
# the global value of the `noop` setting. This means a resource with
# `noop => false` _will_ be changed if necessary, even when running puppet
# agent with `noop = true` or `--noop`. (Conversely, a resource with
# `noop => true` will only be simulated, even when noop mode is globally disabled.)
# noop = false
# How often puppet agent applies the catalog.
# Note that a runinterval of 0 means "run continuously" rather than
# "never run." If you want puppet agent to never run, you should start
# it with the `--no-client` option. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '30m'.
runinterval = 1800
# The server to use for certificate
# authority requests. It's a separate server because it cannot
# and does not need to horizontally scale.
# The default value is '$server'.
ca_server = puppet
# The port to use for the certificate authority.
# The default value is '$masterport'.
ca_port = 8140
# The preferred means of serializing
# ruby instances for passing over the wire. This won't guarantee that all
# instances will be serialized using this method, since not all classes
# can be guaranteed to support this format, but it will be used for all
# classes that support it.
# The default value is 'pson'.
# preferred_serialization_format = pson
# A lock file to indicate that a puppet agent catalog run is currently in progress.
# The file contains the pid of the process that holds the lock on the catalog run.
# The default value is '$statedir/agent_catalog_run.lock'.
agent_catalog_run_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
# A lock file to indicate that puppet agent runs have been administratively
# disabled. File contains a JSON object with state information.
# The default value is '$statedir/agent_disabled.lock'.
agent_disabled_lockfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock
# Whether to use the cached configuration when the remote
# configuration will not compile. This option is useful for testing
# new configurations, where you want to fix the broken configuration
# rather than reverting to a known-good one.
# The default value is 'true'.
# usecacheonfailure = true
# Whether to only use the cached catalog rather than compiling a new catalog
# on every run. Puppet can be run with this enabled by default and then selectively
# disabled when a recompile is desired.
# use_cached_catalog = false
# Skip searching for classes and definitions that were missing during a
# prior compilation. The list of missing objects is maintained per-environment and
# persists until the environment is cleared or the master is restarted.
# ignoremissingtypes = false
# Ignore cache and always recompile the configuration. This is
# useful for testing new configurations, where the local cache may in
# fact be stale even if the timestamps are up to date - if the facts
# change or if the server changes.
# ignorecache = false
# The maximum time to delay before runs. Defaults to being the same as the
# run interval. This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '$runinterval'.
splaylimit = 1800
# Whether to sleep for a pseudo-random (but consistent) amount of time before
# a run.
# splay = false
# Where FileBucket files are stored locally.
# The default value is '$vardir/clientbucket'.
clientbucketdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket
# How long the client should wait for the configuration to be retrieved
# before considering it a failure. This setting is deprecated and has been replaced
# by http_connect_timeout and http_read_timeout.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
configtimeout = 120
# The server to send transaction reports to.
# The default value is '$server'.
report_server = puppet
# The port to communicate with the report_server.
# The default value is '$masterport'.
report_port = 8140
# Whether to send reports after every transaction.
# The default value is 'true'.
# report = true
# Where puppet agent stores the last run report summary in yaml format.
# The default value is '$statedir/last_run_summary.yaml'.
lastrunfile = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_summary.yaml
# Where puppet agent stores the last run report in yaml format.
# The default value is '$statedir/last_run_report.yaml'.
lastrunreport = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/last_run_report.yaml
# Whether to create dot graph files for the different
# configuration graphs. These dot files can be interpreted by tools
# like OmniGraffle or dot (which is part of ImageMagick).
# graph = false
# Where to store dot-outputted graphs.
# The default value is '$statedir/graphs'.
graphdir = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/graphs
# How frequently puppet agent should ask for a signed certificate.
# When starting for the first time, puppet agent will submit a certificate
# signing request (CSR) to the server named in the `ca_server` setting
# (usually the puppet master); this may be autosigned, or may need to be
# approved by a human, depending on the CA server's configuration.
# Puppet agent cannot apply configurations until its approved certificate is
# available. Since the certificate may or may not be available immediately,
# puppet agent will repeatedly try to fetch it at this interval. You can
# turn off waiting for certificates by specifying a time of 0, in which case
# puppet agent will exit if it cannot get a cert.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).
# The default value is '2m'.
waitforcert = 120
# How unrelated resources should be ordered when applying a catalog.
# Allowed values are `title-hash`, `manifest`, and `random`. This
# setting affects puppet agent and puppet apply, but not puppet master.
# * `manifest` (the default) will use the order in which the resources were
# declared in their manifest files.
# * `title-hash` (the default in 3.x) will order resources randomly, but
# will use the same order across runs and across nodes. It is only of
# value if you're migrating from 3.x and have errors running with
# `manifest`.
# * `random` will order resources randomly and change their order with each
# run. This can work like a fuzzer for shaking out undeclared dependencies.
# Regardless of this setting's value, Puppet will always obey explicit
# dependencies set with the before/require/notify/subscribe metaparameters
# and the `->`/`~>` chaining arrows; this setting only affects the relative
# ordering of _unrelated_ resources.
# The default value is 'manifest'.
# ordering = manifest
# During an inspect run, whether to archive files whose contents are audited to a file bucket.
# archive_files = false
# During an inspect run, the file bucket server to archive files to if archive_files is set.
# The default value is '$server'.
archive_file_server = puppet
# Tags to use to find resources. If this is set, then
# only resources tagged with the specified tags will be applied.
# Values must be comma-separated.
# The default value is ''.
# tags =
# Whether each resource should log when it is
# being evaluated. This allows you to interactively see exactly
# what is being done.
# evaltrace = false
# Whether to print a transaction summary.
# summarize = false
# Whether SSL should be used when searching for nodes.
# Defaults to false because SSL usually requires certificates
# to be set up on the client side.
# ldapssl = false
# Whether TLS should be used when searching for nodes.
# Defaults to false because TLS usually requires certificates
# to be set up on the client side.
# ldaptls = false
# The LDAP server. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.
# The default value is 'ldap'.
# ldapserver = ldap
# The LDAP port. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.
# The default value is '389'.
# ldapport = 389
# The search string used to find an LDAP node.
# The default value is '(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))'.
# ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
# The LDAP attributes to use to define Puppet classes. Values
# should be comma-separated.
# The default value is 'puppetclass'.
# ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
# The LDAP attributes that should be stacked to arrays by adding
# the values in all hierarchy elements of the tree. Values
# should be comma-separated.
# The default value is 'puppetvar'.
# ldapstackedattrs = puppetvar
# The LDAP attributes to include when querying LDAP for nodes. All
# returned attributes are set as variables in the top-level scope.
# Multiple values should be comma-separated. The value 'all' returns
# all attributes.
# The default value is 'all'.
# ldapattrs = all
# The attribute to use to define the parent node.
# The default value is 'parentnode'.
# ldapparentattr = parentnode
# The user to use to connect to LDAP. Must be specified as a
# full DN.
# The default value is ''.
# ldapuser =
# The password to use to connect to LDAP.
# The default value is ''.
# ldappassword =
# The search base for LDAP searches. It's impossible to provide
# a meaningful default here, although the LDAP libraries might
# have one already set. Generally, it should be the 'ou=Hosts'
# branch under your main directory.
# The default value is ''.
# ldapbase =
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation errors in case
# multiple errors have been detected. A value of 0 is the same as a value of 1; a
# minimum of one error is always raised. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_errors = 10
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation warnings in
# case multiple warnings have been detected. A value of 0 blocks logging of
# warnings. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_warnings = 10
# Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation deprecation
# warnings in case multiple deprecation warnings have been detected. A value of 0
# blocks the logging of deprecation warnings. The count is per manifest.
# The default value is '10'.
# max_deprecations = 10
# Makes the parser raise errors when referencing unknown variables. (This does not affect
# referencing variables that are explicitly set to undef).
# strict_variables = false
# Whether to document all resources when using `puppet doc` to
# generate manifest documentation.
# document_all = false (agent) executed in 1.73 seconds
* test puppet config paths exist (master) 22:18:35$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/code" (master) executed in 0.09 seconds (master) 22:18:35$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet" (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:18:35$ test -f "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf" (master) executed in 0.16 seconds (master) 22:18:35$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl" (master) executed in 0.28 seconds (master) 22:18:36$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache" (master) executed in 0.30 seconds (master) 22:18:36$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml" (master) executed in 0.31 seconds (master) 22:18:36$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data" (master) executed in 0.34 seconds (master) 22:18:37$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket" (master) executed in 0.24 seconds (master) 22:18:37$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d" (master) executed in 0.08 seconds (master) 22:18:37$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib" (master) executed in 0.14 seconds (master) 22:18:37$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state" (master) executed in 0.30 seconds (master) 22:18:37$ test -d "/var/log/puppetlabs" (master) executed in 0.32 seconds (master) 22:18:38$ test -d "/var/run/puppetlabs" (master) executed in 0.34 seconds (agent) 22:18:38$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/code" (agent) executed in 0.28 seconds (agent) 22:18:38$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:18:38$ test -f "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf" (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:18:38$ test -d "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl" (agent) executed in 0.22 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_yaml" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/clientbucket" (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d" (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib" (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state" (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/var/log/puppetlabs" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:18:39$ test -d "/var/run/puppetlabs" (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
* test puppet binaries exist (master) 22:18:39$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet" (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:18:39$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/facter" (master) executed in 0.10 seconds (master) 22:18:39$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/hiera" (master) executed in 0.16 seconds (master) 22:18:39$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco" (master) executed in 0.19 seconds (master) 22:18:40$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/cfacter" (master) executed in 0.22 seconds (agent) 22:18:40$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet" (agent) executed in 0.21 seconds (agent) 22:18:40$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/facter" (agent) executed in 0.24 seconds (agent) 22:18:40$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/hiera" (agent) executed in 0.26 seconds (agent) 22:18:41$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco" (agent) executed in 0.28 seconds (agent) 22:18:41$ test -L "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/cfacter" (agent) executed in 0.31 seconds
tests/ensure_puppet-agent_paths.rb passed in 10.69 seconds
Begin tests/file_hello_world.rb
The challenging 'Hello, World' manifest (master) 22:18:41$ mktemp -t hello-world.txt.XXXXXX
/tmp/hello-world.txt.iSD3wO (master) executed in 0.32 seconds
* ensure we are clean before testing... (master) 22:18:41$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.txt.iSD3wO (master) executed in 0.35 seconds
* run the manifest itself (master) 22:18:42$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TUFlON (master) executed in 0.38 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1yr1urd master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TUFlON {:ignore => } (master) 22:18:43$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TUFlON
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964725'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/hello-world.txt.iSD3wO]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}82bb413746aee42f89dea2b59614f9ef'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.50 seconds
* verify the content of the generated files. (master) 22:18:46$ grep 'Hello, World' /tmp/hello-world.txt.iSD3wO
Hello, World (master) executed in 0.47 seconds
* clean up after our test run. (master) 22:18:46$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.txt.iSD3wO (master) executed in 0.49 seconds (agent) 22:18:47$ mktemp -t hello-world.txt.XXXXXX
/tmp/hello-world.txt.HaND2V (agent) executed in 0.50 seconds
* ensure we are clean before testing... (agent) 22:18:47$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.txt.HaND2V (agent) executed in 0.51 seconds
* run the manifest itself (agent) 22:18:48$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qT1nKY (agent) executed in 0.52 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-arau05 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qT1nKY {:ignore => } (agent) 22:18:50$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qT1nKY
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.50 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964731'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/hello-world.txt.HaND2V]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}82bb413746aee42f89dea2b59614f9ef'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.45 seconds
* verify the content of the generated files. (agent) 22:18:52$ grep 'Hello, World' /tmp/hello-world.txt.HaND2V
Hello, World (agent) executed in 0.39 seconds
* clean up after our test run. (agent) 22:18:53$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.txt.HaND2V (agent) executed in 0.43 seconds
tests/file_hello_world.rb passed in 11.96 seconds
Begin tests/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb
generate a helpful error message when hostname doesn't match server certificate (master) 22:18:53$ mktemp -dt helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb (master) executed in 0.47 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:18:54$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.91 seconds (master) 22:18:54$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.96 seconds (master) 22:18:55$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.54 seconds (master) 22:18:56$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.56 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1rutlzr master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:18:58$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.10 seconds (master) 22:18:59$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.26 seconds (master) 22:19:00$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.42 seconds (master) 22:19:00$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.92 seconds (master) 22:19:01$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.98 seconds (master) 22:19:02$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.57 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1mlmm7y master:/tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:19:04$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
certname = foobar_not_my_hostname
dns_alt_names = one_cert,two_cert,red_cert,blue_cert (master) executed in 0.10 seconds (master) 22:19:04$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.88 seconds (master) 22:19:05$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 34.36 seconds (master) 22:19:39$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:19:40$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:19:40$ puppet agent --test --server
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///pluginfacts: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Wrapped exception:
Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///plugins: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Wrapped exception:
Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert (master) executed in 3.36 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:19:43$ puppet agent --test --server
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///pluginfacts: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Wrapped exception:
Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///plugins: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Wrapped exception:
Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: Server hostname '' did not match server certificate; expected one of foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname, DNS:one_cert, DNS:two_cert, DNS:red_cert, DNS:blue_cert (agent) executed in 3.39 seconds
Exited: 1 (master) 22:19:47$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.68 seconds (master) 22:19:47$ if [ -f '/tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb.83f6Jb/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.23 seconds (master) 22:19:47$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.95 seconds (master) 22:19:48$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.22 seconds (master) 22:20:17$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:20:17$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/helpful_error_message_when_hostname_not_match_server_certificate.rb passed in 84.11 seconds
Begin tests/puppet_apply_a_file_should_create_a_file_and_report_the_md5.rb
puppet apply should create a file and report an MD5 (master) 22:20:17$ mktemp -t hello-world.XXXXXX
/tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs (master) executed in 0.36 seconds
* clean up /tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs for testing (master) 22:20:18$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs (master) executed in 0.35 seconds
* Run the manifest and verify MD5 was printed (master) 22:20:18$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.0ckOlI (master) executed in 0.38 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1ewp0m6 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.0ckOlI {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:20$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.0ckOlI
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.49 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964821'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.52 seconds
* clean up /tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs after testing (master) 22:20:22$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.7mEwqs (master) executed in 0.47 seconds (agent) 22:20:23$ mktemp -t hello-world.XXXXXX
/tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5 (agent) executed in 0.49 seconds
* clean up /tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5 for testing (agent) 22:20:23$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5 (agent) executed in 0.27 seconds
* Run the manifest and verify MD5 was printed (agent) 22:20:23$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Bxxx3m (agent) executed in 0.26 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-oilchq agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Bxxx3m {:ignore => } (agent) 22:20:24$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Bxxx3m
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.50 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964825'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 1.94 seconds
* clean up /tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5 after testing (agent) 22:20:26$ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.Lxa1V5 (agent) executed in 0.07 seconds
tests/puppet_apply_a_file_should_create_a_file_and_report_the_md5.rb passed in 8.69 seconds
Begin tests/puppet_apply_basics.rb
Trivial puppet tests
* check that puppet apply displays notices (master) 22:20:26$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HxQ5ji (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-nzdtou master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HxQ5ji {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:26$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HxQ5ji
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello World
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.32 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964827'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.09 seconds (agent) 22:20:28$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.L97YyT (agent) executed in 0.26 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-czy1gh agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.L97YyT {:ignore => } (agent) 22:20:30$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.L97YyT
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello World
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964831'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.27 seconds
* verify help displays something for puppet master (master) 22:20:32$ puppet master --help
puppet-master(8) -- The puppet master daemon
The central puppet server. Functions as a certificate authority by
puppet master [-D|--daemonize|--no-daemonize] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help]
[-l|--logdest syslog|<FILE>|console] [-v|--verbose] [-V|--version]
[--compile <NODE-NAME>]
This command starts an instance of puppet master, running as a daemon
and using Ruby's built-in Webrick webserver. Puppet master can also be
managed by other application servers; when this is the case, this
executable is not used.
Note that any Puppet setting that's valid in the configuration file is also a
valid long argument. For example, 'server' is a valid setting, so you can
specify '--server <servername>' as an argument. Boolean settings translate into
'--setting' and '--no-setting' pairs.
See the configuration file documentation at for the
full list of acceptable settings. A commented list of all settings can also be
generated by running puppet master with '--genconfig'.
* --daemonize:
Send the process into the background. This is the default.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf. Note the special 'no-'
prefix for boolean settings on the command line.)
* --no-daemonize:
Do not send the process into the background.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf. Note the special 'no-'
prefix for boolean settings on the command line.)
* --debug:
Enable full debugging.
* --help:
Print this help message.
* --logdest:
Where to send log messages. Choose between 'syslog' (the POSIX syslog
service), 'console', or the path to a log file. If debugging or verbosity is
enabled, this defaults to 'console'. Otherwise, it defaults to 'syslog'.
* --masterport:
The port on which to listen for traffic.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf.)
* --verbose:
Enable verbosity.
* --version:
Print the puppet version number and exit.
* --compile:
Compile a catalogue and output it in JSON from the puppet master. Uses
facts contained in the $vardir/yaml/ directory to compile the catalog.
puppet master
When running as a standalone daemon, puppet master accepts the
following signals:
Restart the puppet master server.
Shut down the puppet master server.
Close file descriptors for log files and reopen them. Used with logrotate.
Luke Kanies
Copyright (c) 2012 Puppet Labs, LLC Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (master) executed in 0.82 seconds
tests/puppet_apply_basics.rb passed in 6.81 seconds
Begin tests/puppet_apply_should_show_a_notice.rb
puppet apply should show a notice (master) 22:20:33$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gcHrCe (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-5vkii3 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gcHrCe {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:34$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gcHrCe
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello World
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.32 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964835'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.39 seconds (agent) 22:20:36$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.R9GGC0 (agent) executed in 0.48 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1kts9 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.R9GGC0 {:ignore => } (agent) 22:20:38$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.R9GGC0
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello World
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964839'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.27 seconds
tests/puppet_apply_should_show_a_notice.rb passed in 7.75 seconds
Begin tests/puppet_master_help_should_mention_puppet_master.rb
puppet master help should mention puppet master (master) 22:20:40$ puppet master --help
puppet-master(8) -- The puppet master daemon
The central puppet server. Functions as a certificate authority by
puppet master [-D|--daemonize|--no-daemonize] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help]
[-l|--logdest syslog|<FILE>|console] [-v|--verbose] [-V|--version]
[--compile <NODE-NAME>]
This command starts an instance of puppet master, running as a daemon
and using Ruby's built-in Webrick webserver. Puppet master can also be
managed by other application servers; when this is the case, this
executable is not used.
Note that any Puppet setting that's valid in the configuration file is also a
valid long argument. For example, 'server' is a valid setting, so you can
specify '--server <servername>' as an argument. Boolean settings translate into
'--setting' and '--no-setting' pairs.
See the configuration file documentation at for the
full list of acceptable settings. A commented list of all settings can also be
generated by running puppet master with '--genconfig'.
* --daemonize:
Send the process into the background. This is the default.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf. Note the special 'no-'
prefix for boolean settings on the command line.)
* --no-daemonize:
Do not send the process into the background.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf. Note the special 'no-'
prefix for boolean settings on the command line.)
* --debug:
Enable full debugging.
* --help:
Print this help message.
* --logdest:
Where to send log messages. Choose between 'syslog' (the POSIX syslog
service), 'console', or the path to a log file. If debugging or verbosity is
enabled, this defaults to 'console'. Otherwise, it defaults to 'syslog'.
* --masterport:
The port on which to listen for traffic.
(This is a Puppet setting, and can go in puppet.conf.)
* --verbose:
Enable verbosity.
* --version:
Print the puppet version number and exit.
* --compile:
Compile a catalogue and output it in JSON from the puppet master. Uses
facts contained in the $vardir/yaml/ directory to compile the catalog.
puppet master
When running as a standalone daemon, puppet master accepts the
following signals:
Restart the puppet master server.
Shut down the puppet master server.
Close file descriptors for log files and reopen them. Used with logrotate.
Luke Kanies
Copyright (c) 2012 Puppet Labs, LLC Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (master) executed in 0.95 seconds
tests/puppet_master_help_should_mention_puppet_master.rb passed in 0.95 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_12572_no_last_run_summary_diff.rb
#12572: Don't print a diff for last_run_summary when show_diff is on (master) 22:20:41$ puppet apply --verbose --show_diff
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): hello
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.32 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964843'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.37 seconds (master) 22:20:44$ puppet apply --verbose --show_diff
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): hello
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.32 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964845'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.33 seconds (agent) 22:20:46$ puppet apply --verbose --show_diff
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): hello
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964847'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.12 seconds (agent) 22:20:48$ puppet apply --verbose --show_diff
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): hello
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964849'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.26 seconds
tests/ticket_12572_no_last_run_summary_diff.rb passed in 9.08 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb
the $libdir setting hook is called on startup (master) 22:20:50$ mktemp -dt ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag (master) executed in 0.38 seconds (master) 22:20:51$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag (master) executed in 0.39 seconds (agent) 22:20:51$ mktemp -dt ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:20:51$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E (agent) executed in 0.13 seconds
* write our simple module out to the master (master) 22:20:51$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (master) executed in 0.82 seconds (master) 22:20:52$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (master) executed in 0.85 seconds (master) 22:20:53$ mkdir -p /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/application (master) executed in 0.42 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-78p7pk master:/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:54$ chown puppet:puppet /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb (master) executed in 0.18 seconds (master) 22:20:54$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:20:54$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (master) executed in 0.76 seconds (master) 22:20:55$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (master) executed in 0.83 seconds (master) 22:20:56$ mkdir -p /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/face (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1hnrok2 master:/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:56$ chown puppet:puppet /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:20:56$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb (master) executed in 0.10 seconds
* verify that the app file exists on the master (master) 22:20:57$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:20:57$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules/superbogus/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
* start the master (master) 22:20:57$ mktemp -dt ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:20:57$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.58 seconds (master) 22:20:57$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:20:58$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.08 seconds (master) 22:20:58$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1wnhj9o master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:20:58$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.52 seconds (master) 22:20:59$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:20:59$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.07 seconds (master) 22:20:59$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:20:59$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:21:00$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1lrq64v master:/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:21:00$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
node_terminus = plain
basemodulepath = /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/master_modules (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:21:00$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.75 seconds (master) 22:21:01$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 27.69 seconds (master) 22:21:29$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:21:29$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* verify that the module files don't exist on the agent path (master) 22:21:29$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
Exited: 1 (master) 22:21:29$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:21:29$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb" (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:21:29$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb" (agent) executed in 0.07 seconds
Exited: 1
* run the agent
* capture the existing ssldir, in case the default package puppet.conf sets it within vardir (rhel...) (master) 22:21:29$ puppet agent --configprint ssldir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:21:30$ puppet agent --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var" --ssldir="/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl" --trace --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/application]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}f39411e2e4c7a7caf890778afc24887f'
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/face]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}75d454702df04250ac39981e09e8eb70'
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964895'
Info: Creating state file /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/state/state.yaml
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds (master) executed in 5.96 seconds
* capture the existing ssldir, in case the default package puppet.conf sets it within vardir (rhel...) (agent) 22:21:36$ puppet agent --configprint ssldir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl (agent) executed in 0.57 seconds (agent) 22:21:36$ puppet agent --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var" --ssldir="/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl" --trace --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/application]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}f39411e2e4c7a7caf890778afc24887f'
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/face]/ensure: created
Notice: /File[/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}75d454702df04250ac39981e09e8eb70'
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425964899'
Info: Creating state file /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/state/state.yaml
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds (agent) executed in 3.73 seconds (master) 22:21:40$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.46 seconds (master) 22:21:40$ if [ -f '/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb.Un6lDK/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:21:40$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.67 seconds (master) 22:21:41$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 25.52 seconds (master) 22:22:07$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:22:07$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* verify that the module files were synced down to the agent (master) 22:22:07$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:22:07$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb" (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:22:07$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/application/superbogus.rb" (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (agent) 22:22:07$ test -f "/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/puppet/face/superbogus.rb" (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
* verify that the application shows up in help (master) 22:22:07$ puppet help --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var"
Usage: puppet <subcommand> [options] <action> [options]
Available subcommands:
agent The puppet agent daemon
apply Apply Puppet manifests locally
ca Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
catalog Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
cert Manage certificates and requests
certificate Provide access to the CA for certificate management.
certificate_request Manage certificate requests.
certificate_revocation_list Manage the list of revoked certificates.
config Interact with Puppet's settings.
describe Display help about resource types
device Manage remote network devices
doc Generate Puppet references
epp Interact directly with the EPP template parser/renderer.
facts Retrieve and store facts.
file Retrieve and store files in a filebucket
filebucket Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
help Display Puppet help.
inspect Send an inspection report
key Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
man Display Puppet manual pages.
master The puppet master daemon
module Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.
node View and manage node definitions.
parser Interact directly with the parser.
plugin Interact with the Puppet plugin system.
report Create, display, and submit reports.
resource The resource abstraction layer shell
resource_type View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.
status View puppet server status.
superbogus a simple face for testing face delivery via plugin sync
See 'puppet help <subcommand> <action>' for help on a specific subcommand action.
See 'puppet help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
Puppet v3.7.4 (master) executed in 1.05 seconds (agent) 22:22:08$ puppet help --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var"
Usage: puppet <subcommand> [options] <action> [options]
Available subcommands:
agent The puppet agent daemon
apply Apply Puppet manifests locally
ca Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
catalog Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
cert Manage certificates and requests
certificate Provide access to the CA for certificate management.
certificate_request Manage certificate requests.
certificate_revocation_list Manage the list of revoked certificates.
config Interact with Puppet's settings.
describe Display help about resource types
device Manage remote network devices
doc Generate Puppet references
epp Interact directly with the EPP template parser/renderer.
facts Retrieve and store facts.
file Retrieve and store files in a filebucket
filebucket Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
help Display Puppet help.
inspect Send an inspection report
key Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
man Display Puppet manual pages.
master The puppet master daemon
module Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.
node View and manage node definitions.
parser Interact directly with the parser.
plugin Interact with the Puppet plugin system.
report Create, display, and submit reports.
resource The resource abstraction layer shell
resource_type View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.
status View puppet server status.
superbogus a simple face for testing face delivery via plugin sync
See 'puppet help <subcommand> <action>' for help on a specific subcommand action.
See 'puppet help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
Puppet v3.7.4 (agent) executed in 1.15 seconds
* verify that we can run the application (master) 22:22:09$ puppet superbogus --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var"
Hello from the superbogus face (master) executed in 0.94 seconds (agent) 22:22:10$ puppet superbogus --vardir="/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var"
Hello from the superbogus face (agent) executed in 0.55 seconds
* clear out the libdir on the agents in preparation for the next test (master) 22:22:11$ rm -rf '/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag/agent_var/lib/*' (master) executed in 0.11 seconds (agent) 22:22:11$ rm -rf '/tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E/agent_var/lib/*' (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds (master) 22:22:11$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.azDbag (master) executed in 0.13 seconds (agent) 22:22:11$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.zywe8E (agent) executed in 0.04 seconds
tests/ticket_13948_lib_dir_hook_should_be_called_on_initialization.rb passed in 80.71 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_15560_managehome.rb
#15560: Manage home directories
Warning: No suitable hosts with: {:platform=>"windows"}
No suitable hosts found
tests/ticket_15560_managehome.rb skipped in 0.00 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_17458_puppet_command_prints_help.rb
puppet command with an unknown external command prints help (master) 22:22:11$ puppet unknown
Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand 'unknown'
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands (master) executed in 0.94 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:22:12$ puppet unknown
Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand 'unknown'
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands (agent) executed in 0.49 seconds
Exited: 1
tests/ticket_17458_puppet_command_prints_help.rb passed in 1.42 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb
#3360: Allow duplicate CSR when allow_duplicate_certs is on (master) 22:22:13$ mktemp -dt ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC (master) executed in 0.08 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:22:13$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.57 seconds (master) 22:22:13$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:22:14$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.07 seconds (master) 22:22:14$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-gpdcts master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:22:14$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.47 seconds (master) 22:22:15$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:22:15$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:22:15$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.46 seconds (master) 22:22:15$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.56 seconds (master) 22:22:16$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1m6ngg8 master:/tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:22:16$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
allow_duplicate_certs = true (master) executed in 0.10 seconds (master) 22:22:16$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.79 seconds (master) 22:22:17$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 26.42 seconds (master) 22:22:43$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:22:44$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* Generate a certificate request for the agent (master) 22:22:44$ facter fqdn (master) executed in 0.15 seconds (master) 22:22:44$ puppet certificate generate --ca-location remote --server
true (master) executed in 1.49 seconds
* Generate a certificate request for the agent (agent) 22:22:45$ facter fqdn (agent) executed in 0.14 seconds (agent) 22:22:46$ puppet certificate generate --ca-location remote --server
true (agent) executed in 1.59 seconds
* Collect the original certs (master) 22:22:47$ puppet cert --sign --all
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/'
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/' (master) executed in 2.33 seconds (master) 22:22:49$ puppet cert --list --all
+ "" (SHA256) 69:C9:CA:7D:F8:57:5C:47:C1:C7:72:D8:2B:DA:03:27:77:3B:89:BF:5C:77:48:CB:92:6B:17:1B:84:B0:27:96
+ "foobar_not_my_hostname" (SHA256) BA:5D:55:81:62:CA:20:38:C7:F3:36:FD:CB:9A:67:B7:2E:83:DB:1F:B0:9A:78:ED:A3:4A:64:DA:98:97:9C:E8 (alt names: "DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname", "DNS:one_cert", "DNS:two_cert", "DNS:red_cert", "DNS:blue_cert")
+ "" (SHA256) A0:9B:75:AA:38:0F:BB:E4:09:D5:D4:D9:39:23:BA:9F:7B:9E:20:EE:13:2C:8F:F1:54:FC:B5:67:4C:3E:F7:86 (master) executed in 1.72 seconds (master) 22:22:51$ facter fqdn (master) executed in 0.13 seconds
* Make another request with the same certname (master) 22:22:51$ puppet certificate generate --ca-location remote --server
true (master) executed in 1.25 seconds (agent) 22:22:53$ facter fqdn (agent) executed in 0.16 seconds
* Make another request with the same certname (agent) 22:22:53$ puppet certificate generate --ca-location remote --server
true (agent) executed in 1.39 seconds
* Collect the new certs (master) 22:22:54$ puppet cert --sign --all
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/'
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/' (master) executed in 1.18 seconds (master) 22:22:55$ puppet cert --list --all
+ "" (SHA256) 4C:DA:4E:00:F8:5F:CB:98:DE:4F:2B:F0:1D:9C:4C:D7:3C:A0:6C:63:9E:3E:81:D3:E5:9E:3B:58:8D:62:04:00
+ "foobar_not_my_hostname" (SHA256) BA:5D:55:81:62:CA:20:38:C7:F3:36:FD:CB:9A:67:B7:2E:83:DB:1F:B0:9A:78:ED:A3:4A:64:DA:98:97:9C:E8 (alt names: "DNS:foobar_not_my_hostname", "DNS:one_cert", "DNS:two_cert", "DNS:red_cert", "DNS:blue_cert")
+ "" (SHA256) 56:17:1A:8F:5E:E4:FA:03:B7:CC:24:04:A3:4F:EA:B9:8F:CB:FB:13:8C:DF:47:EB:5A:6C:44:1E:EF:19:B5:50 (master) executed in 1.08 seconds
* Verify the certs have changed (master) 22:22:56$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:22:57$ if [ -f '/tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb.I9AMVC/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:22:57$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.76 seconds (master) 22:22:58$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 27.53 seconds (master) 22:23:25$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:23:26$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb passed in 73.06 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_3656_requiring_multiple_resources.rb
#3656: requiring multiple resources (master) 22:23:26$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y2EXeM (master) executed in 0.11 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-gaasly master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y2EXeM {:ignore => } (master) 22:23:26$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y2EXeM
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965007'
Notice: foo
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[foo]/message: defined 'message' as 'foo'
Notice: bar
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[bar]/message: defined 'message' as 'bar'
Notice: baz
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[baz]/message: defined 'message' as 'baz'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.05 seconds (agent) 22:23:28$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.OsFDPS (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-p45q70 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.OsFDPS {:ignore => } (agent) 22:23:28$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.OsFDPS
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.41 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965009'
Notice: foo
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[foo]/message: defined 'message' as 'foo'
Notice: bar
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[bar]/message: defined 'message' as 'bar'
Notice: baz
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[baz]/message: defined 'message' as 'baz'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.01 seconds
tests/ticket_3656_requiring_multiple_resources.rb passed in 4.69 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_3961_puppet_ca_should_produce_certs.rb
#3961: puppet ca should produce certs spec (master) 22:23:30$ mktemp -dt puppet-ssl-3961.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2 (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
* removing the SSL scratch directory... (master) 22:23:30$ rm -rf /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2 (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* generate a certificate in /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2 (master) 22:23:31$ puppet cert --confdir=/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2 --vardir=/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2 --trace --generate
Notice: Signed certificate request for ca
Notice: has a waiting certificate request
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2/ssl/ca/requests/'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2/ssl/certificate_requests/' (master) executed in 15.58 seconds
* verify the certificate for exists (master) 22:23:46$ test -f /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2/ssl/certs/ (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* verify the private key for exists (master) 22:23:46$ grep 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.r1RiX2/ssl/private_keys/ > /dev/null 2>&1 (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:23:46$ mktemp -dt puppet-ssl-3961.XXXXXX
/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
* removing the SSL scratch directory... (agent) 22:23:46$ rm -rf /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
* generate a certificate in /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4 (agent) 22:23:46$ puppet cert --confdir=/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4 --vardir=/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4 --trace --generate
Notice: Signed certificate request for ca
Notice: has a waiting certificate request
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4/ssl/ca/requests/'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4/ssl/certificate_requests/' (agent) executed in 26.84 seconds
* verify the certificate for exists (agent) 22:24:13$ test -f /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4/ssl/certs/ (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
* verify the private key for exists (agent) 22:24:13$ grep 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' /tmp/puppet-ssl-3961.ICO4Q4/ssl/private_keys/ > /dev/null 2>&1 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
tests/ticket_3961_puppet_ca_should_produce_certs.rb passed in 42.89 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4059_ralsh_can_change_settings.rb
#4059: ralsh can change settings (master) 22:24:13$ mktemp -t hosts-#4059.XXXXXX
/tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* cleanup the target file (master) 22:24:13$ rm -f /tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
* run the resource agent (master) 22:24:13$ puppet resource host ensure=present ip= target=/tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu
Notice: /Host[]/ensure: created
host { '':
ensure => 'present',
ip => '',
target => '/tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu',
} (master) executed in 0.63 seconds (master) 22:24:14$ cat /tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at 2015-03-09 22:24:14 -0700
# HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended. (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* cleanup at the end of the test (master) 22:24:14$ rm -f /tmp/hosts-#4059.YZ4ADu (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:24:14$ mktemp -t hosts-#4059.XXXXXX
/tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
* cleanup the target file (agent) 22:24:14$ rm -f /tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1 (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
* run the resource agent (agent) 22:24:14$ puppet resource host ensure=present ip= target=/tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1
Notice: /Host[]/ensure: created
host { '':
ensure => 'present',
ip => '',
target => '/tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1',
} (agent) executed in 0.71 seconds (agent) 22:24:15$ cat /tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at 2015-03-09 22:24:14 -0700
# HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended. (agent) executed in 0.07 seconds
* cleanup at the end of the test (agent) 22:24:15$ rm -f /tmp/hosts-#4059.UTHKH1 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
tests/ticket_4059_ralsh_can_change_settings.rb passed in 1.82 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4233_resource_with_a_newline.rb
#4233: resource with a newline (master) 22:24:15$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.B9x6ZE (master) executed in 0.33 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1vnyls1 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.B9x6ZE {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:16$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.B9x6ZE
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.36 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965057'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Exec[/bin/echo -e "\nHello World\n"]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.18 seconds (agent) 22:24:18$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eBM5hL (agent) executed in 0.08 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1s1j2uy agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eBM5hL {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:18$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eBM5hL
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.42 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965059'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Exec[/bin/echo -e "\nHello World\n"]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.00 seconds
tests/ticket_4233_resource_with_a_newline.rb passed in 5.00 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4285_file_resource_fail_when_name_defined_instead_of_path.rb
Bug #4285: ArgumentError: Cannot alias File[mytitle] to [nil] (master) 22:24:20$ mktemp -dt 4285-aliasing.XXXXXX
/tmp/4285-aliasing.v9kaR1 (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:24:20$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mQwFgP (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-4bg7yx master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mQwFgP {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:20$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mQwFgP
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965062'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[file1]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[file2]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.12 seconds (agent) 22:24:23$ mktemp -dt 4285-aliasing.XXXXXX
/tmp/4285-aliasing.G1A2LM (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:24:23$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.MhSmK2 (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1wsmsrm agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.MhSmK2 {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:23$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.MhSmK2
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.50 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965064'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[file1]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[file2]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 1.96 seconds
tests/ticket_4285_file_resource_fail_when_name_defined_instead_of_path.rb passed in 4.74 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4289_facter_should_recognize_OEL_operatingsystemrelease.rb
#4289: facter should recognize OEL operatingsystemrelease
* determine the operating system of (master) 22:24:25$ facter operatingsystem
RedHat (master) executed in 0.15 seconds
* determine the operating system of (agent) 22:24:25$ facter operatingsystem
Debian (agent) executed in 0.18 seconds
tests/ticket_4289_facter_should_recognize_OEL_operatingsystemrelease.rb passed in 0.34 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4293_define_and_use_a_define_within_a_class.rb (master) 22:24:25$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.aqBwe8 (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-r85vke master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.aqBwe8 {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:25$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.aqBwe8
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965066'
Notice: Message for test_one: a_message_for_you
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Foo::Do_notify[test_one]/Notify[Message for test_one: a_message_for_you]/message: defined 'message' as 'Message for test_one: a_message_for_you'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.08 seconds (agent) 22:24:28$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EeXguk (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1vimo4y agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EeXguk {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:28$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EeXguk
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.40 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965069'
Notice: Message for test_one: a_message_for_you
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Foo::Do_notify[test_one]/Notify[Message for test_one: a_message_for_you]/message: defined 'message' as 'Message for test_one: a_message_for_you'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.00 seconds
tests/ticket_4293_define_and_use_a_define_within_a_class.rb passed in 4.60 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4404_should_allow_stage_main_on_left_side_of_relationship.rb (master) 22:24:30$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.I3cawI (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1tby70k master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.I3cawI {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:30$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.I3cawI
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.33 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965071'
Notice: class one, first stage
Notice: /Stage[pre]/One/Notify[class one, first stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class one, first stage'
Notice: class two, second stage
Notice: /Stage[main]/Two/Notify[class two, second stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class two, second stage'
Notice: class three, third stage
Notice: /Stage[post]/Three/Notify[class three, third stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class three, third stage'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.11 seconds (agent) 22:24:32$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.30djhk (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-dvzcdn agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.30djhk {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:32$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.30djhk
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965073'
Notice: class one, first stage
Notice: /Stage[pre]/One/Notify[class one, first stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class one, first stage'
Notice: class two, second stage
Notice: /Stage[main]/Two/Notify[class two, second stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class two, second stage'
Notice: class three, third stage
Notice: /Stage[post]/Three/Notify[class three, third stage]/message: defined 'message' as 'class three, third stage'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 1.96 seconds
tests/ticket_4404_should_allow_stage_main_on_left_side_of_relationship.rb passed in 4.64 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_4423_cannot_declare_two_parameterized_classes.rb
#4423: cannot declare two parameterized classes
* Declaring one parameterized class works just fine (master) 22:24:34$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.nL6r3r (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-rohvdn master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.nL6r3r {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:35$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.nL6r3r
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.35 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965076'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.12 seconds (agent) 22:24:37$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Gwz8RK (agent) executed in 0.11 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1gwcxk1 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Gwz8RK {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:37$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Gwz8RK
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965078'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 1.99 seconds
* Make sure we try both classes stand-alone (master) 22:24:39$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kZVESz (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1boadvo master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kZVESz {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:39$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kZVESz
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.36 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965080'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.07 seconds (agent) 22:24:41$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.RIfPTy (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-f8h3wo agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.RIfPTy {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:42$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.RIfPTy
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.40 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965083'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.00 seconds
* Putting both classes in the same manifest should work. (master) 22:24:44$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.SjdegY (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-uf29rc master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.SjdegY {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:44$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.SjdegY
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.33 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965085'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.10 seconds (agent) 22:24:46$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.BwaC8w (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-16fq2sj agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.BwaC8w {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:46$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.BwaC8w
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965087'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 1.95 seconds
* Putting both classes in the same manifest should work. (master) 22:24:48$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kTDLZ5 (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-v1w8vh master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kTDLZ5 {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:49$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.kTDLZ5
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965090'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: prism:[true] water:[false]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow::Location/Notify[rainbow::location]/message: defined 'message' as 'prism:[true] water:[false]'
Notice: pretty:[false] ugly:[true]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow::Type/Notify[rainbow::type]/message: defined 'message' as 'pretty:[false] ugly:[true]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.10 seconds (agent) 22:24:51$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.9JMWGD (agent) executed in 0.10 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-l9ulg6 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.9JMWGD {:ignore => } (agent) 22:24:51$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.9JMWGD
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965092'
Notice: Color is [green]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow/Notify[color]/message: defined 'message' as 'Color is [green]'
Notice: Moons are [1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Planet/Notify[planet]/message: defined 'message' as 'Moons are [1]'
Notice: prism:[true] water:[false]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow::Location/Notify[rainbow::location]/message: defined 'message' as 'prism:[true] water:[false]'
Notice: pretty:[false] ugly:[true]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Rainbow::Type/Notify[rainbow::type]/message: defined 'message' as 'pretty:[false] ugly:[true]'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.03 seconds
tests/ticket_4423_cannot_declare_two_parameterized_classes.rb passed in 18.66 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_5477_master_not_dectect_sitepp.rb
Ticket 5477, Puppet Master does not detect newly created site.pp file (master) 22:24:53$ mktemp -dt missing_site_pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3 (master) executed in 0.26 seconds (master) 22:24:53$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (master) executed in 0.78 seconds (master) 22:24:54$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (master) executed in 0.93 seconds (master) 22:24:55$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mNYpJr (master) executed in 0.42 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-l9wo2y master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mNYpJr {:ignore => } (master) 22:24:57$ puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.mNYpJr
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.43 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965098'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'puppet'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3]/group: group changed 'root' to 'puppet'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3]/mode: mode changed '0700' to '0750'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments/production]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments/production/manifests]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.65 seconds
Exited: 2
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:24:59$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.96 seconds (master) 22:25:00$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.98 seconds (master) 22:25:01$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.59 seconds (master) 22:25:02$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.60 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-rhj6mj master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:25:04$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.91 seconds (master) 22:25:05$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.99 seconds (master) 22:25:06$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.38 seconds (master) 22:25:07$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.84 seconds (master) 22:25:07$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.90 seconds (master) 22:25:08$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.49 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-kwrvof master:/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:25:10$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
environmentpath = /tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments
filetimeout = 1
environment_timeout = 0 (master) executed in 0.27 seconds (master) 22:25:11$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.93 seconds (master) 22:25:12$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.01 seconds (master) 22:25:40$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:25:40$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* Agent: agent --test (master) 22:25:40$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965146'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 7.40 seconds (agent) 22:25:48$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965150'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 3.63 seconds
* Master: create basic site.pp file
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-13theot master:/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments/production/manifests/site.pp {:ignore => } (master) 22:25:53$ chmod 644 /tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/environments/production/manifests/site.pp (master) executed in 0.44 seconds
* Agent: puppet agent --test (master) 22:25:56$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965159'
Notice: ticket_5477_notify
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[ticket_5477_notify]/message: defined 'message' as 'ticket_5477_notify'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 3.91 seconds
Exited: 2 (agent) 22:26:00$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965163'
Notice: ticket_5477_notify
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[ticket_5477_notify]/message: defined 'message' as 'ticket_5477_notify'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 3.42 seconds
Exited: 2 (master) 22:26:04$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.93 seconds (master) 22:26:04$ if [ -f '/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/missing_site_pp.QBg5K3/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (master) 22:26:05$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.24 seconds (master) 22:26:06$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.62 seconds (master) 22:26:35$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:26:36$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/ticket_5477_master_not_dectect_sitepp.rb passed in 103.28 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6418_file_recursion_and_audit.rb
#6418: file recursion and audit (master) 22:26:36$ mktemp -dt 6418-recurse-audit.XXXXXX
/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt (master) executed in 0.58 seconds
* Query agent for statefile (master) 22:26:37$ puppet agent --configprint statefile
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml (master) executed in 1.29 seconds
* Remove the statefile on the agent (master) 22:26:38$ rm -f '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml' (master) executed in 0.49 seconds
* Apply the manifest (master) 22:26:39$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qOcRqQ (master) executed in 0.54 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1fhds16 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qOcRqQ {:ignore => } (master) 22:26:41$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.qOcRqQ
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.48 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965204'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt/6418]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt/6418/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt/6418/dir/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt/6418/dir/dir/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.38L2Dt/6418-copy]/ensure: created
Info: Creating state file /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 4.51 seconds
* Verify correct file recursion and audit state (master) 22:26:45$ grep ensure.*directory '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml' (master) executed in 0.59 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:26:46$ mktemp -dt 6418-recurse-audit.XXXXXX
/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt (agent) executed in 0.56 seconds
* Query agent for statefile (agent) 22:26:46$ puppet agent --configprint statefile
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml (agent) executed in 0.83 seconds
* Remove the statefile on the agent (agent) 22:26:47$ rm -f '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml' (agent) executed in 0.59 seconds
* Apply the manifest (agent) 22:26:48$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.DqNDVa (agent) executed in 0.60 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-b7fk7h agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.DqNDVa {:ignore => } (agent) 22:26:51$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.DqNDVa
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965212'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt/6418]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt/6418/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt/6418/dir/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt/6418/dir/dir/dir]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6418-recurse-audit.F7YHpt/6418-copy]/ensure: created
Info: Creating state file /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 2.31 seconds
* Verify correct file recursion and audit state (agent) 22:26:54$ grep ensure.*directory '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/state.yaml' (agent) executed in 0.39 seconds
Exited: 1
tests/ticket_6418_file_recursion_and_audit.rb passed in 17.72 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6541_invalid_filebucket_files.rb
#6541: file type truncates target when filebucket cannot retrieve hash (master) 22:26:54$ mktemp -t 6541-target.XXXXXX
/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN (master) executed in 0.42 seconds (master) 22:26:54$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 0.94 seconds (master) 22:26:55$ rm -rf "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/*bucket" (master) executed in 0.38 seconds
* write zero length file (master) 22:26:56$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EDm9jk (master) executed in 0.40 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-o3po3l master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EDm9jk {:ignore => } (master) 22:26:58$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EDm9jk
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965219'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.44 seconds
* overwrite file, causing zero-length file to be backed up (master) 22:27:00$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.WmEGGc (master) executed in 0.46 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1h22l9u master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.WmEGGc {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:02$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.WmEGGc
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.42 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965223'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN to puppet with sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]/content: content changed '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' to '{md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.53 seconds
verify invalid hashes should not change the file (master) 22:27:04$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPUzby (master) executed in 0.58 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1sedba master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPUzby {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:07$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPUzby
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.45 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965228'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Error: Could not retrieve content for {md5}notahash from filebucket: Invalid checksum "notahash"
Wrapped exception:
Invalid checksum "notahash"
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]/content: change from {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3 to {md5}notahash failed: Could not retrieve content for {md5}notahash from filebucket: Invalid checksum "notahash"
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.68 seconds
verify valid but unbucketed hashes should not change the file (master) 22:27:09$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.4TyxiT (master) executed in 1.17 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1lnarlh master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.4TyxiT {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:12$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.4TyxiT
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965233'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Error: Could not retrieve content for {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 from filebucket: File not found
Wrapped exception:
File not found
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]/content: change from {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3 to {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 failed: Could not retrieve content for {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 from filebucket: File not found
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.46 seconds
verify that an empty file can be retrieved from the filebucket (master) 22:27:14$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GiQWpG (master) executed in 0.36 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-xbhv3 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GiQWpG {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:16$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GiQWpG
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965238'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.nDwapN to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: FileBucket read d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.nDwapN]/content: content changed '{md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3' to '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.23 seconds (agent) 22:27:19$ mktemp -t 6541-target.XXXXXX
/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg (agent) executed in 0.64 seconds (agent) 22:27:19$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 1.00 seconds (agent) 22:27:20$ rm -rf "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/*bucket" (agent) executed in 0.49 seconds
* write zero length file (agent) 22:27:21$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.V3Lh8K (agent) executed in 0.82 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1gamhfq agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.V3Lh8K {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:23$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.V3Lh8K
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.49 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965245'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.69 seconds
* overwrite file, causing zero-length file to be backed up (agent) 22:27:26$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.dR31tG (agent) executed in 0.69 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1jegow agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.dR31tG {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:27$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.dR31tG
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965248'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg to puppet with sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]/content: content changed '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' to '{md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 2.20 seconds
verify invalid hashes should not change the file (agent) 22:27:29$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPmnnq (agent) executed in 0.71 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-13l8f1z agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPmnnq {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:31$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.yPmnnq
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965253'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Error: Could not retrieve content for {md5}notahash from filebucket: Invalid checksum "notahash"
Wrapped exception:
Invalid checksum "notahash"
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]/content: change from {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3 to {md5}notahash failed: Could not retrieve content for {md5}notahash from filebucket: Invalid checksum "notahash"
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 2.66 seconds
verify valid but unbucketed hashes should not change the file (agent) 22:27:34$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.YMyxjc (agent) executed in 0.85 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-eg6xef agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.YMyxjc {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:36$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.YMyxjc
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.50 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965258'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Error: Could not retrieve content for {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 from filebucket: File not found
Wrapped exception:
File not found
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]/content: change from {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3 to {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 failed: Could not retrieve content for {md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78 from filebucket: File not found
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 2.63 seconds
verify that an empty file can be retrieved from the filebucket (agent) 22:27:39$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.olxSCA (agent) executed in 0.70 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1lfgwfk agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.olxSCA {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:41$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.olxSCA
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965262'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]: Filebucketed /tmp/6541-target.abtpeg to puppet with sum 552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3
Info: FileBucket read d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/6541-target.abtpeg]/content: content changed '{md5}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3' to '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.05 seconds (agent) executed in 2.60 seconds
tests/ticket_6541_invalid_filebucket_files.rb passed in 49.62 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6710_relationship_syntax_should_work_with_title_arrays.rb
#6710: Relationship syntax should work with title arrays (master) 22:27:44$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.CIk2Dx (master) executed in 0.58 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-rg15st master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.CIk2Dx {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:46$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.CIk2Dx
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.33 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965267'
Notice: left_one
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_one]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_one'
Notice: left_two
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_two]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_two'
Notice: right_one
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one'
Notice: right_two
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_two]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_two'
Notice: left
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left]/message: defined 'message' as 'left'
Notice: right
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right]/message: defined 'message' as 'right'
Notice: left_one_to_many
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_one_to_many]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_one_to_many'
Notice: right_one_to_many_1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one_to_many_1]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one_to_many_1'
Notice: right_one_to_many_2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one_to_many_2]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one_to_many_2'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.49 seconds (agent) 22:27:48$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.26Eg9W (agent) executed in 0.49 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1u05xcx agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.26Eg9W {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:50$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.26Eg9W
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.39 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965271'
Notice: left_one
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_one]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_one'
Notice: left_two
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_two]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_two'
Notice: right_one
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one'
Notice: right_two
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_two]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_two'
Notice: left
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left]/message: defined 'message' as 'left'
Notice: right
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right]/message: defined 'message' as 'right'
Notice: left_one_to_many
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[left_one_to_many]/message: defined 'message' as 'left_one_to_many'
Notice: right_one_to_many_1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one_to_many_1]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one_to_many_1'
Notice: right_one_to_many_2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[right_one_to_many_2]/message: defined 'message' as 'right_one_to_many_2'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.37 seconds
tests/ticket_6710_relationship_syntax_should_work_with_title_arrays.rb passed in 8.53 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6857_password-disclosure-when-changing-a-users-password.rb
#6857: redact password hashes when applying in noop mode (master) 22:27:52$ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby -e 'require "shadow" or raise' (master) executed in 0.42 seconds (agent) 22:27:53$ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby -e 'require "shadow" or raise' (agent) executed in 0.44 seconds (master) 22:27:53$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EPw3c5 (master) executed in 0.45 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-u3n8ck master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EPw3c5 {:ignore => } (master) 22:27:55$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.EPw3c5
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.48 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965276'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[passwordtestuser]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.07 seconds (master) executed in 2.58 seconds (agent) 22:27:58$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HuKioU (agent) executed in 0.58 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-ihyzp0 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HuKioU {:ignore => } (agent) 22:27:59$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.HuKioU
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.56 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965280'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[passwordtestuser]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.12 seconds (agent) executed in 2.50 seconds (master) 22:28:02$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.u3oljG (master) executed in 0.48 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-p3fgoz master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.u3oljG {:ignore => } (master) 22:28:04$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.u3oljG
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.48 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965285'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[passwordtestuser]/password: current_value [old password hash redacted], should be [new password hash redacted] (noop)
Notice: Class[Main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.48 seconds (agent) 22:28:06$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iaQoSj (agent) executed in 0.63 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-12rrcod agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iaQoSj {:ignore => } (agent) 22:28:08$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.iaQoSj
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.56 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965289'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[passwordtestuser]/password: current_value [old password hash redacted], should be [new password hash redacted] (noop)
Notice: Class[Main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 2.45 seconds
tests/ticket_6857_password-disclosure-when-changing-a-users-password.rb passed in 18.13 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6907_use_provider_in_same_run_it_becomes_suitable.rb
providers should be useable in the same run they become suitable (master) 22:28:10$ mktemp -dt provider-6907.XXXXXX
/tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ (master) executed in 0.52 seconds (master) 22:28:11$ mkdir -p /tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/lib/puppet/{type,provider/test6907} (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (master) 22:28:11$ cat > /tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/lib/puppet/type/test6907.rb (master) executed in 0.81 seconds (master) 22:28:12$ cat > /tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/lib/puppet/provider/test6907/only.rb (master) executed in 0.85 seconds (master) 22:28:13$ puppet apply --libdir /tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/lib --trace
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/must_exist.exe]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Test6907[test-6907]/file: file changed 'not correct' to '/tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/test_file'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.70 seconds (master) 22:28:16$ ls /tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/test_file
/tmp/provider-6907.SRoyPQ/test_file (master) executed in 1.12 seconds (agent) 22:28:17$ mktemp -dt provider-6907.XXXXXX
/tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg (agent) executed in 0.82 seconds (agent) 22:28:18$ mkdir -p /tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/lib/puppet/{type,provider/test6907} (agent) executed in 0.60 seconds (agent) 22:28:18$ cat > /tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/lib/puppet/type/test6907.rb (agent) executed in 0.83 seconds (agent) 22:28:19$ cat > /tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/lib/puppet/provider/test6907/only.rb (agent) executed in 0.14 seconds (agent) 22:28:19$ puppet apply --libdir /tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/lib --trace
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/must_exist.exe]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Test6907[test-6907]/file: file changed 'not correct' to '/tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/test_file'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.14 seconds (agent) 22:28:21$ ls /tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/test_file
/tmp/provider-6907.haEEyg/test_file (agent) executed in 0.80 seconds
tests/ticket_6907_use_provider_in_same_run_it_becomes_suitable.rb passed in 11.85 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_6928_puppet_master_parse_fails.rb
#6928: Puppet --parseonly should return deprication message
* Master: create valid, invalid formatted manifests
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-13pyjmm master:/tmp/good.pp {:ignore => }
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-5x4ngk master:/tmp/bad.pp {:ignore => }
* Master: use --parseonly on an invalid manifest, should return 1 and issue deprecation warning (master) 22:28:25$ puppet master --parseonly /tmp/bad.pp
--parseonly has been removed. Please use 'puppet parser validate <manifest>' (master) executed in 1.00 seconds
Exited: 1
* Agents: create valid, invalid formatted manifests (master) 22:28:26$ mktemp -t good-6928.XXXXXX
/tmp/good-6928.Mutm9O (master) executed in 0.49 seconds (master) 22:28:27$ mktemp -t bad-6928.XXXXXX
/tmp/bad-6928.dyNVwY (master) executed in 0.52 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-efuaqy master:/tmp/good-6928.Mutm9O {:ignore => }
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1bk79lp master:/tmp/bad-6928.dyNVwY {:ignore => }
* Agents: use --parseonly on an invalid manifest, should return 1 and issue deprecation warning (master) 22:28:30$ puppet apply --parseonly /tmp/bad-6928.dyNVwY
--parseonly has been removed. Please use 'puppet parser validate <manifest>' (master) executed in 1.00 seconds
Exited: 1
* Test Face for 'parser validate' with good manifest -- should pass (master) 22:28:31$ puppet parser validate /tmp/good-6928.Mutm9O (master) executed in 1.20 seconds
* Test Faces for 'parser validate' with bad manifest -- should fail (master) 22:28:33$ puppet parser validate /tmp/bad-6928.dyNVwY
Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at end of file in /tmp/bad-6928.dyNVwY (master) executed in 1.13 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:28:34$ mktemp -t good-6928.XXXXXX
/tmp/good-6928.mOcIXk (agent) executed in 0.64 seconds (agent) 22:28:34$ mktemp -t bad-6928.XXXXXX
/tmp/bad-6928.SZfEqK (agent) executed in 0.65 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-13v97ml agent:/tmp/good-6928.mOcIXk {:ignore => }
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1wqboa0 agent:/tmp/bad-6928.SZfEqK {:ignore => }
* Agents: use --parseonly on an invalid manifest, should return 1 and issue deprecation warning (agent) 22:28:38$ puppet apply --parseonly /tmp/bad-6928.SZfEqK
--parseonly has been removed. Please use 'puppet parser validate <manifest>' (agent) executed in 1.04 seconds
Exited: 1
* Test Face for 'parser validate' with good manifest -- should pass (agent) 22:28:39$ puppet parser validate /tmp/good-6928.mOcIXk (agent) executed in 1.40 seconds
* Test Faces for 'parser validate' with bad manifest -- should fail (agent) 22:28:40$ puppet parser validate /tmp/bad-6928.SZfEqK
Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at end of file in /tmp/bad-6928.SZfEqK (agent) executed in 1.55 seconds
Exited: 1
tests/ticket_6928_puppet_master_parse_fails.rb passed in 19.73 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_7101_template_compile.rb
#7101: template compile (master) 22:28:42$ mktemp -t template_7101.erb.XXXXXX
/tmp/template_7101.erb.EKSL4d (master) executed in 0.48 seconds (master) 22:28:42$ mktemp -t file_7101.erb.XXXXXX
/tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ (master) executed in 0.46 seconds
* Agents: Create template file
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1kdgom0 master:/tmp/template_7101.erb.EKSL4d {:ignore => }
* Run manifest referencing template file (master) 22:28:44$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gZsCoW (master) executed in 0.38 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1qnc3p2 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gZsCoW {:ignore => } (master) 22:28:46$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.gZsCoW
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.44 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965327'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ]: Filebucketed /tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ to puppet with sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ]/content: content changed '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' to '{md5}e51118464101dbdce3b6216ba1d766ae'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (master) executed in 2.57 seconds
* Agents: Verify file is created with correct contents (master) 22:28:49$ cat /tmp/file_7101.erb.5DqfUJ
test 7101 (master) executed in 0.50 seconds (agent) 22:28:49$ mktemp -t template_7101.erb.XXXXXX
/tmp/template_7101.erb.1CwpiQ (agent) executed in 0.72 seconds (agent) 22:28:50$ mktemp -t file_7101.erb.XXXXXX
/tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O (agent) executed in 0.79 seconds
* Agents: Create template file
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-fuua4p agent:/tmp/template_7101.erb.1CwpiQ {:ignore => }
* Run manifest referencing template file (agent) 22:28:52$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GsENO4 (agent) executed in 0.63 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-dnvzqc agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GsENO4 {:ignore => } (agent) 22:28:54$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.GsENO4
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.51 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965335'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O]: Filebucketed /tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O to puppet with sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O]/content: content changed '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' to '{md5}e51118464101dbdce3b6216ba1d766ae'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds (agent) executed in 2.46 seconds
* Agents: Verify file is created with correct contents (agent) 22:28:56$ cat /tmp/file_7101.erb.nLvv2O
test 7101 (agent) executed in 0.78 seconds
tests/ticket_7101_template_compile.rb passed in 15.15 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_7139_puppet_resource_file_qualified_paths.rb
#7139: Puppet resource file fails on path with leading '/' (master) 22:28:57$ mktemp -t ticket-7139.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket-7139.SLBlGD (master) executed in 0.55 seconds
* Agents: create valid, invalid formatted manifests
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1pb9oib master:/tmp/ticket-7139.SLBlGD {:ignore => }
* Run puppet file resource on /tmp/ticket-7139.SLBlGD (master) 22:28:59$ puppet resource file /tmp/ticket-7139.SLBlGD
file { '/tmp/ticket-7139.SLBlGD':
ensure => 'file',
content => '{md5}1f1f84d4ee65edc006609d25767d5461',
ctime => '2015-03-09 22:28:58 -0700',
group => '0',
mode => '0600',
mtime => '2015-03-09 22:28:58 -0700',
owner => '0',
selrange => 's0',
selrole => 'object_r',
seltype => 'user_tmp_t',
seluser => 'unconfined_u',
type => 'file',
} (master) executed in 1.01 seconds (agent) 22:29:00$ mktemp -t ticket-7139.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket-7139.pNF37U (agent) executed in 0.60 seconds
* Agents: create valid, invalid formatted manifests
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-2pmvcq agent:/tmp/ticket-7139.pNF37U {:ignore => }
* Run puppet file resource on /tmp/ticket-7139.pNF37U (agent) 22:29:02$ puppet resource file /tmp/ticket-7139.pNF37U
file { '/tmp/ticket-7139.pNF37U':
ensure => 'file',
content => '{md5}1f1f84d4ee65edc006609d25767d5461',
ctime => '2015-03-09 22:29:01 -0700',
group => '0',
mode => '0600',
mtime => '2015-03-09 22:29:01 -0700',
owner => '0',
type => 'file',
} (agent) executed in 1.38 seconds
tests/ticket_7139_puppet_resource_file_qualified_paths.rb passed in 6.45 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_7165_no_refresh_after_starting_service.rb
Bug #7165: Don't refresh service immediately after starting it (master) 22:29:04$ mktemp -dt 7165-no-refresh.XXXXXX
/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n (master) executed in 0.54 seconds (master) 22:29:04$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.b88AzJ (master) executed in 0.55 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-drlnwf master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.b88AzJ {:ignore => } (master) 22:29:06$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.b88AzJ
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.58 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965348'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify]: Scheduling refresh of Service[service]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[service]
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.06 seconds (master) executed in 2.80 seconds (master) 22:29:09$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/service (master) executed in 0.47 seconds (master) 22:29:10$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/service_restarted (master) executed in 0.51 seconds
Exited: 1 (master) 22:29:10$ echo bar > /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:29:11$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TRPSPC (master) executed in 0.60 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-16fmy5v master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TRPSPC {:ignore => } (master) 22:29:13$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.TRPSPC
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.57 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965355'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify]: Filebucketed /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify to puppet with sum c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify]/content: content changed '{md5}c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552' to '{md5}acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/notify]: Scheduling refresh of Service[service]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.09 seconds (master) executed in 2.94 seconds (master) 22:29:16$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/service (master) executed in 0.45 seconds (master) 22:29:16$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.7NYZ3n/service_restarted (master) executed in 0.49 seconds (agent) 22:29:17$ mktemp -dt 7165-no-refresh.XXXXXX
/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs (agent) executed in 0.67 seconds (agent) 22:29:17$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.LFSC5B (agent) executed in 0.64 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1nkgbu agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.LFSC5B {:ignore => } (agent) 22:29:20$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.LFSC5B
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.67 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965361'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify]: Scheduling refresh of Service[service]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[service]
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.05 seconds (agent) executed in 2.64 seconds (agent) 22:29:22$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/service (agent) executed in 0.51 seconds (agent) 22:29:23$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/service_restarted (agent) executed in 0.52 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:29:23$ echo bar > /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify (agent) executed in 0.46 seconds (agent) 22:29:24$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eniUdM (agent) executed in 0.72 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-143fx47 agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eniUdM {:ignore => } (agent) 22:29:26$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.eniUdM
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.66 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965367'
Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify]: Filebucketed /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify to puppet with sum c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify]/content: content changed '{md5}c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552' to '{md5}acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8'
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/notify]: Scheduling refresh of Service[service]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[service]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.07 seconds (agent) executed in 2.70 seconds (agent) 22:29:29$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/service (agent) executed in 0.53 seconds (agent) 22:29:29$ test -e /tmp/7165-no-refresh.BtiTLs/service_restarted (agent) executed in 0.57 seconds
tests/ticket_7165_no_refresh_after_starting_service.rb passed in 26.20 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_7728_don't_log_whits_on_failure.rb
#7728: Don't log whits on resource failure (master) 22:29:30$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.pWi7XC (master) executed in 0.61 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1a7uqhp master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.pWi7XC {:ignore => } (master) 22:29:32$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.pWi7XC
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.37 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965374'
Notice: before
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[before]/message: defined 'message' as 'before'
Error: false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Foo/Exec[test]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[after]: Dependency Exec[test] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[after]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
Info: Class[Foo]: Unscheduling all events on Class[Foo]
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 2.71 seconds (agent) 22:29:35$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.xibpkT (agent) executed in 0.67 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1svgjqp agent:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.xibpkT {:ignore => } (agent) 22:29:37$ puppet apply --verbose /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.xibpkT
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.43 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965378'
Notice: before
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[before]/message: defined 'message' as 'before'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[after]: Dependency Exec[test] has failures: true
Info: Class[Foo]: Unscheduling all events on Class[Foo]
Error: false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Foo/Exec[test]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Warning: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[after]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.05 seconds (agent) executed in 2.61 seconds
tests/ticket_7728_don't_log_whits_on_failure.rb passed in 9.86 seconds
Begin tests/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.rb
#9862: puppet runs without service user or group present (master) 22:29:40$ mktemp -dt ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK (master) executed in 0.48 seconds (master) 22:29:40$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (agent) 22:29:41$ mktemp -dt ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XXXXXX
/tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe (agent) executed in 0.82 seconds (agent) 22:29:41$ chmod 755 /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe (agent) executed in 0.57 seconds
* when the user and group are missing (master) 22:29:42$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log (master) executed in 0.59 seconds (master) 22:29:43$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }" --logdir /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log --user missinguser --group missinggroup
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.59 seconds (master) 22:29:45$ stat --format '%U:%G' /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log
root:root (master) executed in 0.60 seconds (agent) 22:29:46$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log (agent) executed in 0.57 seconds (agent) 22:29:46$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }" --logdir /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log --user missinguser --group missinggroup
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.54 seconds (agent) 22:29:49$ stat --format '%U:%G' /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log
root:root (agent) executed in 0.65 seconds
* when the user and group exist (master) 22:29:50$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log (master) executed in 0.49 seconds (master) 22:29:50$ puppet resource user existinguser ensure=present
Notice: /User[existinguser]/ensure: created
user { 'existinguser':
ensure => 'present',
} (master) executed in 1.27 seconds (master) 22:29:51$ puppet resource group existinggroup ensure=present
Notice: /Group[existinggroup]/ensure: created
group { 'existinggroup':
ensure => 'present',
} (master) executed in 1.21 seconds (master) 22:29:53$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }" --logdir /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log --user existinguser --group existinggroup
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.33 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.59 seconds (master) 22:29:55$ stat --format '%U:%G' /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.WBEcGK/log
existinguser:existinggroup (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (agent) 22:29:56$ rm -rf /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log (agent) executed in 0.58 seconds (agent) 22:29:56$ puppet resource user existinguser ensure=present
Notice: /User[existinguser]/ensure: created
user { 'existinguser':
ensure => 'present',
} (agent) executed in 1.73 seconds (agent) 22:29:58$ puppet resource group existinggroup ensure=present
Notice: /Group[existinggroup]/ensure: created
group { 'existinggroup':
ensure => 'present',
} (agent) executed in 1.57 seconds (agent) 22:30:00$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }" --logdir /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log --user existinguser --group existinggroup
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.68 seconds (agent) 22:30:02$ stat --format '%U:%G' /tmp/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.XLPFqe/log
existinguser:existinggroup (agent) executed in 0.86 seconds
* ensure puppet resets it's user/group settings (master) 22:30:03$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }"
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.66 seconds (master) 22:30:06$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 1.15 seconds (master) 22:30:07$ find "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache" -user existinguser (master) executed in 0.60 seconds (master) 22:30:07$ puppet resource user existinguser ensure=absent
Notice: /User[existinguser]/ensure: removed
user { 'existinguser':
ensure => 'absent',
} (master) executed in 1.40 seconds (master) 22:30:09$ puppet resource group existinggroup ensure=absent
Notice: /Group[existinggroup]/ensure: removed
group { 'existinggroup':
ensure => 'absent',
} (master) executed in 1.26 seconds
* ensure puppet resets it's user/group settings (agent) 22:30:10$ puppet apply -e "notify { puppet_run: }"
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.40 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.75 seconds (agent) 22:30:13$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 1.12 seconds (agent) 22:30:14$ find "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache" -user existinguser (agent) executed in 0.61 seconds (agent) 22:30:15$ puppet resource user existinguser ensure=absent
Notice: /User[existinguser]/ensure: removed
user { 'existinguser':
ensure => 'absent',
} (agent) executed in 1.62 seconds (agent) 22:30:16$ puppet resource group existinggroup ensure=absent
Notice: /Group[existinggroup]/ensure: removed
group { 'existinggroup':
ensure => 'absent',
} (agent) executed in 1.59 seconds
tests/ticket_9862_puppet_runs_without_service_user_or_group_present.rb passed in 38.25 seconds
Begin tests/agent/agent_disable_lockfile.rb
the agent --disable/--enable functionality should manage the agent lockfile properly (master) 22:30:18$ mktemp -dt agent_disable_lockfile.XXXXXX
/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.vnt4AF (master) executed in 0.52 seconds (master) 22:30:18$ chmod 755 /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.vnt4AF (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (agent) 22:30:19$ mktemp -dt agent_disable_lockfile.XXXXXX
/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.eZGlBy (agent) executed in 0.87 seconds (agent) 22:30:20$ chmod 755 /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.eZGlBy (agent) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:30:20$ mktemp -dt agent_disable_lockfile.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF (master) executed in 0.54 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:30:21$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.00 seconds (master) 22:30:22$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.96 seconds (master) 22:30:23$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.56 seconds (master) 22:30:23$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.57 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-3qsaz4 master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:30:26$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.91 seconds (master) 22:30:26$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.46 seconds (master) 22:30:27$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.44 seconds (master) 22:30:27$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.92 seconds (master) 22:30:28$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.94 seconds (master) 22:30:29$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.46 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-dtaflv master:/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:30:32$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (master) 22:30:32$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.22 seconds (master) 22:30:33$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 29.15 seconds (master) 22:31:03$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:31:03$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* disable the agent; specify message? 'false', message: 'reason not specified' (master) 22:31:03$ puppet agent --disable (master) executed in 1.66 seconds (master) 22:31:05$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 1.16 seconds (master) 22:31:06$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (master) executed in 0.42 seconds (master) 22:31:06$ cat "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock"
{"disabled_message":"reason not specified"} (master) executed in 0.44 seconds (agent) 22:31:07$ puppet agent --disable (agent) executed in 1.47 seconds (agent) 22:31:08$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 0.98 seconds (agent) 22:31:09$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (agent) executed in 0.50 seconds (agent) 22:31:10$ cat "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock"
{"disabled_message":"reason not specified"} (agent) executed in 0.78 seconds
* attempt to run the agent (message: 'reason not specified') (master) 22:31:11$ puppet agent --test --server
Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'reason not specified');
Use 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable. (master) executed in 1.97 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:31:13$ puppet agent --test --server
Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'reason not specified');
Use 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable. (agent) executed in 1.57 seconds
Exited: 1
* enable the agent (message: 'reason not specified') (master) 22:31:14$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 0.84 seconds (master) 22:31:15$ puppet agent --enable (master) executed in 1.42 seconds (master) 22:31:16$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (master) executed in 0.49 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:31:17$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 0.83 seconds (agent) 22:31:18$ puppet agent --enable (agent) executed in 1.42 seconds (agent) 22:31:19$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (agent) executed in 0.40 seconds
Exited: 1
* verify that we can run the agent (message: 'reason not specified') (master) 22:31:20$ puppet agent --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965484'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (master) executed in 5.05 seconds (agent) 22:31:25$ puppet agent --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965487'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 3.61 seconds (master) 22:31:28$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.75 seconds (master) 22:31:29$ if [ -f '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.2uBFoF/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.35 seconds (master) 22:31:29$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.10 seconds (master) 22:31:30$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 29.01 seconds (master) 22:31:59$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:32:00$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:32:00$ mktemp -dt agent_disable_lockfile.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9 (master) executed in 0.32 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:32:00$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.90 seconds (master) 22:32:01$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.80 seconds (master) 22:32:02$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.42 seconds (master) 22:32:03$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.48 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1dzb8jx master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:32:04$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 1.13 seconds (master) 22:32:05$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.41 seconds (master) 22:32:06$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.44 seconds (master) 22:32:06$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.13 seconds (master) 22:32:07$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 1.10 seconds (master) 22:32:08$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.24 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1ezhkci master:/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:32:09$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.32 seconds (master) 22:32:10$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 1.00 seconds (master) 22:32:11$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.95 seconds (master) 22:32:40$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:32:40$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* disable the agent; specify message? 'true', message: 'I'm busy; go away.'' (master) 22:32:40$ puppet agent --disable "I'm busy; go away.'" (master) executed in 1.53 seconds (master) 22:32:42$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 1.59 seconds (master) 22:32:44$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (master) executed in 0.36 seconds (master) 22:32:44$ cat "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock"
{"disabled_message":"I'm busy; go away.'"} (master) executed in 0.41 seconds (agent) 22:32:44$ puppet agent --disable "I'm busy; go away.'" (agent) executed in 1.41 seconds (agent) 22:32:46$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 0.89 seconds (agent) 22:32:47$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (agent) executed in 0.41 seconds (agent) 22:32:47$ cat "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock"
{"disabled_message":"I'm busy; go away.'"} (agent) executed in 0.49 seconds
* attempt to run the agent (message: 'I'm busy; go away.'') (master) 22:32:48$ puppet agent --test --server
Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'I'm busy; go away.'');
Use 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable. (master) executed in 1.48 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:32:49$ puppet agent --test --server
Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'I'm busy; go away.'');
Use 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable. (agent) executed in 1.64 seconds
Exited: 1
* enable the agent (message: 'I'm busy; go away.'') (master) 22:32:51$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (master) executed in 0.83 seconds (master) 22:32:51$ puppet agent --enable (master) executed in 1.46 seconds (master) 22:32:53$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (master) executed in 0.37 seconds
Exited: 1 (agent) 22:32:53$ puppet agent --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache (agent) executed in 0.92 seconds (agent) 22:32:54$ puppet agent --enable (agent) executed in 1.47 seconds (agent) 22:32:56$ test -f "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_disabled.lock" (agent) executed in 0.39 seconds
Exited: 1
* verify that we can run the agent (message: 'I'm busy; go away.'') (master) 22:32:56$ puppet agent --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965580'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 5.10 seconds (agent) 22:33:01$ puppet agent --test --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965584'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 3.51 seconds (master) 22:33:05$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.53 seconds (master) 22:33:05$ if [ -f '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.rb.Tx6xr9/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.08 seconds (master) 22:33:05$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.82 seconds (master) 22:33:06$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.72 seconds (master) 22:33:35$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:33:35$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:33:35$ rm -rf /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.vnt4AF (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (agent) 22:33:35$ rm -rf /tmp/agent_disable_lockfile.eZGlBy (agent) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:33:35$ puppet agent --enable (master) executed in 1.16 seconds (agent) 22:33:37$ puppet agent --enable (agent) executed in 1.11 seconds
tests/agent/agent_disable_lockfile.rb passed in 199.80 seconds
Begin tests/agent/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb
fallback to the cached catalog
* run agents once to cache the catalog (master) 22:33:38$ mktemp -dt fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.XXXXXX
/tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29 (master) executed in 0.08 seconds
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:33:38$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.66 seconds (master) 22:33:38$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.68 seconds (master) 22:33:39$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.09 seconds (master) 22:33:39$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.08 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-jycepp master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:33:39$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.54 seconds (master) 22:33:40$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:33:40$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:33:40$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.59 seconds (master) 22:33:41$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.54 seconds (master) 22:33:41$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.09 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1wmk6l master:/tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:33:42$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:33:42$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.91 seconds (master) 22:33:43$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.57 seconds (master) 22:34:11$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:34:12$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful. (master) 22:34:12$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965657'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 6.60 seconds (agent) 22:34:18$ puppet agent -t --server
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965660'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (agent) executed in 3.34 seconds (master) 22:34:21$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.54 seconds (master) 22:34:22$ if [ -f '/tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb.03yf29/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:34:22$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.77 seconds (master) 22:34:23$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.65 seconds (master) 22:34:51$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:34:52$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* run agents again, verify they use cached catalog (master) 22:34:52$ puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --server --verbose
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///pluginfacts: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Wrapped exception:
getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///plugins: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Wrapped exception:
getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Notice: Using cached catalog
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965657'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds
Error: Could not send report: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (master) executed in 2.81 seconds (agent) 22:34:55$ puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --server --verbose
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///pluginfacts: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Wrapped exception:
getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///plugins: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Wrapped exception:
getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Notice: Using cached catalog
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965660'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds
Error: Could not send report: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (agent) executed in 2.08 seconds
tests/agent/fallback_to_cached_catalog.rb passed in 79.09 seconds
Begin tests/aix/aix_package_provider.rb
aix package provider should work correctly
Warning: No suitable hosts with: {:platform=>/aix/}
No suitable hosts found
tests/aix/aix_package_provider.rb skipped in 0.00 seconds
Begin tests/aix/nim_package_provider.rb
NIM package provider should work correctly
Warning: No suitable hosts with: {:platform=>"aix"}
No suitable hosts found
tests/aix/nim_package_provider.rb skipped in 0.00 seconds
Begin tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb
concurrent catalog requests (PUP-2659)
* setup a manifest (master) 22:34:57$ mktemp -dt concurrent.XXXXXX
/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU (master) executed in 0.07 seconds (master) 22:34:57$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:34:57$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (master) executed in 0.99 seconds (master) 22:34:58$ mktemp -t apply_manifest.pp.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y5OVRp (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1c6gdw4 master:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y5OVRp {:ignore => } (master) 22:34:59$ puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.y5OVRp
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.48 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1425965700'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'puppet'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU]/group: group changed 'root' to 'puppet'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU]/mode: mode changed '0700' to '0750'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/busy]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/busy/one.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}292d98a18faec6f6d36528b77cba9b6f'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/busy/two.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}5fbb7155a0befac885a9495c668eeb3c'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/busy/three.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}23dcd54fdb48821cdba0eac55a081136'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}7bde39ee0a505d87b630d0e5f4b4e41b'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.07 seconds (master) executed in 2.45 seconds
Exited: 2
* start master
Setting curl retries to 30 (master) 22:35:01$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.58 seconds (master) 22:35:02$ puppet master --configprint vardir
/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:35:02$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf (master) executed in 0.05 seconds (master) 22:35:02$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
{"jruby-puppet":{"ruby-load-path":["/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"],"gem-home":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems","master-conf-dir":"/etc/puppetlabs/puppet","master-var-dir":"/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver"},"http-client":{},"profiler":{},"puppet-admin":{"client-whitelist":[]}} (master) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-m9gasr master:/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:35:03$ puppet master --configprint confdir
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:35:03$ test -e /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:35:03$ cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf /tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/puppet.conf.bak (master) executed in 0.07 seconds (master) 22:35:03$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:35:04$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:35:04$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
# This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
# See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
# -
# -
# -
# -
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-jzcghh master:/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/puppet.conf {:ignore => } (master) 22:35:05$ cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
environmentpath = /tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments (master) executed in 0.06 seconds (master) 22:35:05$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.76 seconds (master) 22:35:05$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.65 seconds (master) 22:35:34$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:35:34$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
* concurrent catalog curls (with alliterative alacrity) (master) 22:35:34$ puppet config print hostcert
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ (master) executed in 0.59 seconds (master) 22:35:35$ puppet config print hostprivkey
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ (master) executed in 0.71 seconds (master) 22:35:36$ puppet config print localcacert
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem (master) executed in 0.61 seconds (master) 22:35:36$ puppet config print certname (master) executed in 1.11 seconds (master) 22:35:37$ mktemp -dt concurrent-loop-script.XXXXXX
/tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa (master) executed in 0.13 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-6vtas master:/tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/ {:ignore => } (master) 22:35:38$ chmod +x /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/ (master) executed in 0.10 seconds (master) 22:35:38$ /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/
Launched 18842
Launched 18843
Launched 18844
Launched 18845
Launched 18846
Launched 18847
All requests are finished (master) executed in 23.95 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #0 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-0.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965759,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.13 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #1 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-1.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965759,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.17 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #2 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-2.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965759,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.13 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #3 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-3.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965761,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #4 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-4.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965761,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.06 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #5 (master) 22:36:02$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.v3VwHa/catalog-request-5.out
* About to connect() to port 8140 (#0)
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: none
* NSS: client certificate from file
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Mar 09 05:14:02 2015 GMT
* expire date: Mar 08 05:14:02 2020 GMT
* common name:
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965760,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}5256 Completed (master) executed in 0.07 seconds (agent) 22:36:02$ puppet config print hostcert
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ (agent) executed in 0.58 seconds (agent) 22:36:03$ puppet config print hostprivkey
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ (agent) executed in 0.59 seconds (agent) 22:36:04$ puppet config print localcacert
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem (agent) executed in 0.59 seconds (agent) 22:36:04$ puppet config print certname (agent) executed in 0.58 seconds (agent) 22:36:05$ mktemp -dt concurrent-loop-script.XXXXXX
/tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt (agent) executed in 0.07 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-13ngwjp agent:/tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/ {:ignore => } (agent) 22:36:05$ chmod +x /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/ (agent) executed in 0.05 seconds (agent) 22:36:05$ /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/
Launched 16640
Launched 16641
Launched 16642
Launched 16643
Launched 16644
Launched 16645
All requests are finished (agent) executed in 2.09 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #0 (agent) 22:36:07$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-0.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:05 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965765,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.16 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #1 (agent) 22:36:07$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-1.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:06 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965766,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.18 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #2 (agent) 22:36:08$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-2.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:05 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965766,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.16 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #3 (agent) 22:36:08$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-3.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:05 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965765,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.17 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #4 (agent) 22:36:08$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-4.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:05 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965767,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.18 seconds
* Checking the results of catalog request #5 (agent) 22:36:08$ cat /tmp/concurrent-loop-script.oUZPyt/catalog-request-5.out
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8140 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-SHA256
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: 2015-03-09 05:14:02 GMT
* expire date: 2020-03-08 05:14:02 GMT
* subjectAltName: matched
* issuer: CN=Puppet CA:
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /puppet/v3/catalog/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: text/pson
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:36:06 GMT
< Content-Type: text/pson;charset=ISO-8859-1
< X-Puppet-Version: 3.7.4
< Content-Length: 832
* Server Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
{ [data not shown]
######################################################################## 100.0%* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"tags":["settings"],"name":"","version":1425965766,"environment":"production","resources":[{"type":"Stage","title":"main","tags":["stage"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Class","title":"Settings","tags":["class","settings"],"exported":false},{"type":"Class","title":"main","tags":["class"],"exported":false,"parameters":{"name":"main"}},{"type":"Notify","title":"end","tags":["notify","end","class"],"file":"/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/environments/production/manifests/site.pp","line":11,"exported":false,"parameters":{"message":"\n\n 'touched the file system for a bit'\n "}}],"edges":[{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[Settings]"},{"source":"Stage[main]","target":"Class[main]"},{"source":"Class[main]","target":"Notify[end]"}],"classes":["settings"]}9209 Completed (agent) executed in 0.17 seconds (master) 22:36:08$ puppet master --configprint config
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf (master) executed in 0.55 seconds (master) 22:36:09$ if [ -f '/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/puppet.conf.bak' ]; then cat '/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/puppet.conf.bak' > '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'; rm -f '/tmp/concurrent.0PQjiU/puppet.conf.bak'; fi (master) executed in 0.12 seconds (master) 22:36:09$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'stopped',
} (master) executed in 0.85 seconds (master) 22:36:10$ puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Notice: /Service[puppetserver]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
service { 'puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
} (master) executed in 28.94 seconds (master) 22:36:39$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140
Trying command 30 times.
. (master) 22:36:39$ curl -m 1 https://localhost:8140 ostensibly successful.
tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb passed in 102.69 seconds
Begin tests/config/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.rb
#17371 file metadata specified in puppet.conf needs to be applied (master) 22:36:39$ mktemp -dt apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103 (master) executed in 0.51 seconds (master) 22:36:40$ chmod 755 /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103 (master) executed in 0.45 seconds (agent) 22:36:40$ mktemp -dt apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.XXXXXX
/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB (agent) executed in 0.53 seconds (agent) 22:36:41$ chmod 755 /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB (agent) executed in 0.36 seconds (master) 22:36:41$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (master) executed in 1.04 seconds (master) 22:36:42$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (master) executed in 0.86 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1m8sfoj master:/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/site.pp {:ignore => } (master) 22:36:44$ chown puppet:puppet /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/site.pp (master) executed in 0.32 seconds (master) 22:36:45$ chmod 755 /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/site.pp (master) executed in 0.30 seconds (master) 22:36:45$ puppet config set logdir '/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/log { owner = root, group = root, mode = 0700 }' --confdir /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/ (master) executed in 0.76 seconds (master) 22:36:46$ puppet apply /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/site.pp --confdir /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.34 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds (master) executed in 2.26 seconds (master) 22:36:48$ stat --format '%U:%G %a' /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.Sfy103/log
root:root 700 (master) executed in 0.47 seconds (agent) 22:36:48$ puppet agent --configprint user
puppet (agent) executed in 0.96 seconds (agent) 22:36:49$ puppet agent --configprint group
puppet (agent) executed in 0.92 seconds
localhost $ scp /var/folders/6v/63w2j07x5vv4fdcx449fphxw0000gp/T/beaker20150309-19232-1hwff8s agent:/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/site.pp {:ignore => } (agent) 22:36:51$ chown puppet:puppet /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/site.pp (agent) executed in 0.39 seconds (agent) 22:36:52$ chmod 755 /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/site.pp (agent) executed in 0.42 seconds (agent) 22:36:52$ puppet config set logdir '/tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/log { owner = root, group = root, mode = 0700 }' --confdir /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/ (agent) executed in 0.97 seconds (agent) 22:36:53$ puppet apply /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/site.pp --confdir /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.38 seconds
Notice: puppet_run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/Notify[puppet_run]/message: defined 'message' as 'puppet_run'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds (agent) executed in 2.43 seconds (agent) 22:36:56$ stat --format '%U:%G %a' /tmp/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.483lYB/log
root:root 700 (agent) executed in 0.64 seconds
tests/config/apply_file_metadata_specified_in_config.rb passed in 16.79 seconds
Begin tests/config/puppet_manages_own_configuration_in_robust_manner.rb
Puppet manages its own configuration in a robust manner
JVM Puppet cannot change its user while running.
tests/config/puppet_manages_own_configuration_in_robust_manner.rb skipped in 0.00 seconds
Begin tests/doc/should_print_function_reference.rb
verify we can print the function reference (master) 22:36:56$ puppet doc -r function
# Function Reference
**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on 2015-03-09 22:36:57 -0700)*
There are two types of functions in Puppet: Statements and rvalues.
Statements stand on their own and do not return arguments; they are used for
performing stand-alone work like importing. Rvalues return values and can
only be used in a statement requiring a value, such as an assignment or a case
Functions execute on the Puppet master. They do not execute on the Puppet agent.
Hence they only have access to the commands and data available on the Puppet master
Here are the functions available in Puppet:
Log a message on the server at level alert.
- *Type*: statement
Returns the given value if it is an instance of the given type, and raises an error otherwise.
Optionally, if a block is given (accepting two parameters), it will be called instead of raising
an error. This to enable giving the user richer feedback, or to supply a default value.
Example: assert that `$b` is a non empty `String` and assign to `$a`:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b)
Example using custom error message:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| {
fail('The name cannot be empty')
Example, using a warning and a default:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| {
warning('Name is empty, using default')
See the documentation for 'The Puppet Type System' for more information about types.
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Contain one or more classes inside the current class. If any of
these classes are undeclared, they will be declared as if called with the
`include` function. Accepts a class name, an array of class names, or a
comma-separated list of class names.
A contained class will not be applied before the containing class is
begun, and will be finished before the containing class is finished.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced by
evaluating resource and relationship expressions.
- Since 4.0.0 support for Class and Resource Type values, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Converts a hash into a set of resources and adds them to the catalog.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: a resource type, and a hash describing
a set of resources. The hash should be in the form `{title => {parameters} }`:
# A hash of user resources:
$myusers = {
'nick' => { uid => '1330',
gid => allstaff,
groups => ['developers', 'operations', 'release'], },
'dan' => { uid => '1308',
gid => allstaff,
groups => ['developers', 'prosvc', 'release'], },
create_resources(user, $myusers)
A third, optional parameter may be given, also as a hash:
$defaults = {
'ensure' => present,
'provider' => 'ldap',
create_resources(user, $myusers, $defaults)
The values given on the third argument are added to the parameters of each resource
present in the set given on the second argument. If a parameter is present on both
the second and third arguments, the one on the second argument takes precedence.
This function can be used to create defined resources and classes, as well
as native resources.
Virtual and Exported resources may be created by prefixing the type name
with @ or @@ respectively. For example, the $myusers hash may be exported
in the following manner:
create_resources("@@user", $myusers)
The $myusers may be declared as virtual resources using:
create_resources("@user", $myusers)
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level crit.
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level debug.
- *Type*: statement
Determine whether
a given class or resource type is defined. This function can also determine whether a
specific resource has been defined, or whether a variable has been assigned a value
(including `undef` - as opposed to never having been assigned anything). Returns `true`
or `false`. Accepts class names, type names, resource references, and variable
reference strings of the form `'$name'`. When more than one argument is
supplied, `defined()` returns `true` if any are defined.
The `defined` function checks both native and defined types, including types
provided as plugins via modules. Types and classes are both checked using their names:
Resource declarations are checked using resource references, e.g.
`defined( File['/tmp/myfile'] )`. Checking whether a given resource
has been declared is, unfortunately, dependent on the evaluation order of
the configuration, and the following code will not work:
if defined(File['/tmp/foo']) {
notify { "This configuration includes the /tmp/foo file.":}
file { "/tmp/foo":
ensure => present,
However, this order requirement refers to evaluation order only, and ordering of
resources in the configuration graph (e.g. with `before` or `require`) does not
affect the behavior of `defined`.
You may also search using types:
- Since 2.7.0
- Since 3.6.0 variable reference and future parser types
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a hash value from a provided string using the digest_algorithm setting from the Puppet config file.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of selected entries from the first
argument and returns the first argument.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array or a Hash or something that is
of enumerable type (integer, Integer range, or String), and the second
a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.each |$x| { ... }
each($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument is an Array (or of enumerable type other than Hash), the parameterized block
should define one or two block parameters.
For each application of the block, the next element from the array is selected, and it is passed to
the block if the block has one parameter. If the block has two parameters, the first is the elements
index, and the second the value. The index starts from 0.
$a.each |$index, $value| { ... }
each($a) |$index, $value| { ... }
When the first argument is a Hash, the parameterized block should define one or two parameters.
When one parameter is defined, the iteration is performed with each entry as an array of `[key, value]`,
and when two parameters are defined the iteration is performed with key and value.
$a.each |$entry| { ..."key ${$entry[0]}, value ${$entry[1]}" }
$a.each |$key, $value| { ..."key ${key}, value ${value}" }
Example using each:
[1,2,3].each |$val| { ... } # 1, 2, 3
[5,6,7].each |$index, $val| { ... } # (0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7)
{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}].each |$val| { ... } # ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]
{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}.each |$key, $val| { ... } # ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)
Integer[ 10, 20 ].each |$index, $value| { ... } # (0, 10), (1, 11) ...
"hello".each |$char| { ... } # 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'
3.each |$number| { ... } # 0, 1, 2
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level emerg.
- *Type*: statement
Evaluates an Embedded Puppet Template (EPP) file and returns the rendered text result as a String.
The first argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<TEMPLATE FILE>`
reference, which will load `<TEMPLATE FILE>` from a module's `templates`
directory. (For example, the reference `apache/vhost.conf.epp` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/apache/templates/vhost.conf.epp`.)
The second argument is optional; if present, it should be a hash containing parameters for the
template. (See below.)
EPP supports the following tags:
* `<%= puppet expression %>` - This tag renders the value of the expression it contains.
* `<% puppet expression(s) %>` - This tag will execute the expression(s) it contains, but renders nothing.
* `<%# comment %>` - The tag and its content renders nothing.
* `<%%` or `%%>` - Renders a literal `<%` or `%>` respectively.
* `<%-` - Same as `<%` but suppresses any leading whitespace.
* `-%>` - Same as `%>` but suppresses any trailing whitespace on the same line (including line break).
* `<%- |parameters| -%>` - When placed as the first tag declares the template's parameters.
File based EPP supports the following visibilities of variables in scope:
* Global scope (i.e. top + node scopes) - global scope is always visible
* Global + all given arguments - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and arguments are given
* Global + declared parameters - if the EPP declares parameters, given argument names must match
EPP supports parameters by placing an optional parameter list as the very first element in the EPP. As an example,
`<%- |$x, $y, $z = 'unicorn'| -%>` when placed first in the EPP text declares that the parameters `x` and `y` must be
given as template arguments when calling `inline_epp`, and that `z` if not given as a template argument
defaults to `'unicorn'`. Template parameters are available as variables, e.g.arguments `$x`, `$y` and `$z` in the example.
Note that `<%-` must be used or any leading whitespace will be interpreted as text
Arguments are passed to the template by calling `epp` with a Hash as the last argument, where parameters
are bound to values, e.g. `epp('...', {'x'=>10, 'y'=>20})`. Excess arguments may be given
(i.e. undeclared parameters) only if the EPP templates does not declare any parameters at all.
Template parameters shadow variables in outer scopes. File based epp does never have access to variables in the
scope where the `epp` function is called from.
- See function inline_epp for examples of EPP
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level err.
- *Type*: statement
Fail with a parse error.
- *Type*: statement
Loads a file from a module and returns its contents as a string.
The argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<FILE>`
reference, which will load `<FILE>` from a module's `files`
directory. (For example, the reference `mysql/` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/mysql/files/`.)
This function can also accept:
* An absolute path, which can load a file from anywhere on disk.
* Multiple arguments, which will return the contents of the **first** file
found, skipping any files that don't exist.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument and returns an array or hash (same type as left operand for array/hash, and array for
other enumerable types) with the entries for which the block evaluates to `true`.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, a Hash, or an
Enumerable object (integer, Integer range, or String),
and the second a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.filter |$x| { ... }
filter($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument is something other than a Hash, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a Hash the entry is an array with `[key, value]`.
Example Using filter with one parameter
# selects all that end with berry
$a = ["raspberry", "blueberry", "orange"]
$a.filter |$x| { $x =~ /berry$/ } # rasberry, blueberry
If the block defines two parameters, they will be set to `index, value` (with index starting at 0) for all
enumerables except Hash, and to `key, value` for a Hash.
Example Using filter with two parameters
# selects all that end with 'berry' at an even numbered index
$a = ["raspberry", "blueberry", "orange"]
$a.filter |$index, $x| { $index % 2 == 0 and $x =~ /berry$/ } # raspberry
# selects all that end with 'berry' and value >= 1
$a = {"raspberry"=>0, "blueberry"=>1, "orange"=>1}
$a.filter |$key, $x| { $x =~ /berry$/ and $x >= 1 } # blueberry
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: statement
Usage: `fqdn_rand(MAX, [SEED])`. MAX is required and must be a positive
integer; SEED is optional and may be any number or string.
Generates a random whole number greater than or equal to 0 and less than MAX,
combining the `$fqdn` fact and the value of SEED for repeatable randomness.
(That is, each node will get a different random number from this function, but
a given node's result will be the same every time unless its hostname changes.)
This function is usually used for spacing out runs of resource-intensive cron
tasks that run on many nodes, which could cause a thundering herd or degrade
other services if they all fire at once. Adding a SEED can be useful when you
have more than one such task and need several unrelated random numbers per
node. (For example, `fqdn_rand(30)`, `fqdn_rand(30, 'expensive job 1')`, and
`fqdn_rand(30, 'expensive job 2')` will produce totally different numbers.)
- *Type*: rvalue
Calls an external command on the Puppet master and returns
the results of the command. Any arguments are passed to the external command as
arguments. If the generator does not exit with return code of 0,
the generator is considered to have failed and a parse error is
thrown. Generators can only have file separators, alphanumerics, dashes,
and periods in them. This function will attempt to protect you from
malicious generator calls (e.g., those with '..' in them), but it can
never be entirely safe. No subshell is used to execute
generators, so all shell metacharacters are passed directly to
the generator.
- *Type*: rvalue
Performs a
standard priority lookup and returns the most specific value for a given key.
The returned value can be data of any type (strings, arrays, or hashes).
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
More thorough examples of `hiera` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns all
matches throughout the hierarchy --- not just the first match --- as a flattened array of unique values.
If any of the matched values are arrays, they're flattened and included in the results.
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
If any matched value is a hash, puppet will raise a type mismatch error.
More thorough examples of `hiera` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a merged hash of matches from throughout the hierarchy. In cases where two or
more hashes share keys, the hierarchy order determines which key/value pair will be
used in the returned hash, with the pair in the highest priority data source winning.
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
`hiera_hash` expects that all values returned will be hashes. If any of the values
found in the data sources are strings or arrays, puppet will raise a type mismatch error.
More thorough examples of `hiera_hash` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Assigns classes to a node
using an array merge lookup that retrieves the value for a user-specified key
from a Hiera data source.
To use `hiera_include`, the following configuration is required:
- A key name to use for classes, e.g. `classes`.
- A line in the puppet `sites.pp` file (e.g. `/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/sites.pp`)
reading `hiera_include('classes')`. Note that this line must be outside any node
definition and below any top-scope variables in use for Hiera lookups.
- Class keys in the appropriate data sources. In a data source keyed to a node's role,
one might have:
- apache
- apache::passenger
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the array to be used in the subsequent call to include.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
More thorough examples of `hiera_include` are available at:
- *Type*: statement
Declares one or more classes, causing the resources in them to be
evaluated and added to the catalog. Accepts a class name, an array of class
names, or a comma-separated list of class names.
The `include` function can be used multiple times on the same class and will
only declare a given class once. If a class declared with `include` has any
parameters, Puppet will automatically look up values for them in Hiera, using
`<class name>::<parameter name>` as the lookup key.
Contrast this behavior with resource-like class declarations
(`class {'name': parameter => 'value',}`), which must be used in only one place
per class and can directly set parameters. You should avoid using both `include`
and resource-like declarations with the same class.
The `include` function does not cause classes to be contained in the class
where they are declared. For that, see the `contain` function. It also
does not create a dependency relationship between the declared class and the
surrounding class; for that, see the `require` function.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced by
the future parser's resource and relationship expressions.
- Since < 3.0.0
- Since 4.0.0 support for class and resource type values, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level info.
- *Type*: statement
Evaluates an Embedded Puppet Template (EPP) string and returns the rendered text result as a String.
EPP support the following tags:
* `<%= puppet expression %>` - This tag renders the value of the expression it contains.
* `<% puppet expression(s) %>` - This tag will execute the expression(s) it contains, but renders nothing.
* `<%# comment %>` - The tag and its content renders nothing.
* `<%%` or `%%>` - Renders a literal `<%` or `%>` respectively.
* `<%-` - Same as `<%` but suppresses any leading whitespace.
* `-%>` - Same as `%>` but suppresses any trailing whitespace on the same line (including line break).
* `<%- |parameters| -%>` - When placed as the first tag declares the template's parameters.
Inline EPP supports the following visibilities of variables in scope which depends on how EPP parameters
are used - see further below:
* Global scope (i.e. top + node scopes) - global scope is always visible
* Global + Enclosing scope - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and no arguments are given
* Global + all given arguments - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and arguments are given
* Global + declared parameters - if the EPP declares parameters, given argument names must match
EPP supports parameters by placing an optional parameter list as the very first element in the EPP. As an example,
`<%- |$x, $y, $z='unicorn'| -%>` when placed first in the EPP text declares that the parameters `x` and `y` must be
given as template arguments when calling `inline_epp`, and that `z` if not given as a template argument
defaults to `'unicorn'`. Template parameters are available as variables, e.g.arguments `$x`, `$y` and `$z` in the example.
Note that `<%-` must be used or any leading whitespace will be interpreted as text
Arguments are passed to the template by calling `inline_epp` with a Hash as the last argument, where parameters
are bound to values, e.g. `inline_epp('...', {'x'=>10, 'y'=>20})`. Excess arguments may be given
(i.e. undeclared parameters) only if the EPP templates does not declare any parameters at all.
Template parameters shadow variables in outer scopes.
Note: An inline template is best stated using a single-quoted string, or a heredoc since a double-quoted string
is subject to expression interpolation before the string is parsed as an EPP template. Here are examples
(using heredoc to define the EPP text):
# produces 'Hello local variable world!'
$x ='local variable'
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> world!
# produces 'Hello given argument world!'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> world!
# produces 'Hello given argument world!'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %>!
# results in error, missing value for y
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x, $y| -%>
Hello <%= $x %>!
# Produces 'Hello given argument planet'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x, $y=planet| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> <%= $y %>!
- Since 3.5
- Requires Future Parser
- *Type*: rvalue
Evaluate a template string and return its value. See
[the templating docs]( for
more information. Note that if multiple template strings are specified, their
output is all concatenated and returned as the output of the function.
- *Type*: rvalue
Looks up data defined using Data Binding, and Data Providers using different strategies. The lookup searches in
Data Bindings first (if configured; typically Hiera), then in the environments data provider (if any), and last in
the module's data provider (if any) of the module the call to lookup originates from. Thus, the global Data Binding
has higher priority than data provided in the environment, which has higher priority than data provided in a module,
The lookup function can be called in one of these ways:
lookup(name, value_type)
lookup(name, value_type, merge)
lookup(name, value_type, merge, default_value)
lookup(name, options_hash)
The function may optionally be called with a code block / lambda with the following signature:
lookup(...) |$name| { ... }
The block, if present, is mutually exclusive to the `default_value` and will be called with the `name` used in the
lookup when no value is found. The value produced by the block then becomes the value produced by the lookup.
The meaning of the parameters or content of the options hash is:
* `name` - The name or array of names to lookup (first found is returned)
* `value_type` - The type to assert. Defaults to 'Data' See 'Type Specification' below.
* `default_value` - The default value if there was no value found (must comply with the data type)
* `override` - a hash with map from names to values that are used instead of the underlying bindings. If the name
is found here it wins. Defaults to an empty hash.
* `default_values_hash` - a hash with map from names to values that are used as a last resort to obtain a value.
Defaults to an empty hash.
* `merge` - A string of type Enum[unique, hash, merge] or a hash with the key 'strategy' set to that string. See
'Merge Strategies' below.
It is not permitted to pass the `name` as both a parameter and in the options hash.
The search will proceed as follows:
1. For each name given in the `name` array (or once, if it's just one name):
- If a matching key is found in the `override` hash, it's value is immediately type checked and returned
- Search and optionally merge Data Binding, environment data providers, and module data providers
- Type check and return the value if a matching key is found
2. For each name given in the `name` array (or once, if it's just one name):
- Type check and return the value if a matching key is found in the `default_values_hash`
3. Type check and return either the given `default_value` or the result of calling the code block if either exist
4. Raise an error indicating that no matching value was found
*Merge Strategies*
The default behavior of the lookup is to return the first value that is found for the given `name`. The optional
`merge` parameter will change this so that a lookup makes an attempt to find values in all three sources (the Data
Binder, the environment, and the module scope) and then merge these values according to the given strategy. This
does not apply to values found in the 'override' hash. Such values are returned immediately without merging.
Note that `merge` is passed on to allow the underlying provider to return a merged result
The valid strategies are:
- 'hash' Performs a simple hash-merge by overwriting keys of lower lookup priority. Merged values must be of Hash type
- 'unique' Appends everything to an array containing no nested arrays and where all duplicates have been removed. Can
append values of Scalar or Array[Scalar] type
- 'deep' Performs a deep merge on values of Array and Hash type. See documentation for the DeepMerge gem's deep_merge
operation for details and options.
The 'deep' strategy can use additional options to control its behavior. Options can be passed as top level
keys in the `merge` parameter when it is a given as a hash. Recognized options are:
- 'knockout_prefix' Set to string value to signify prefix which deletes elements from existing element. Defaults is _undef_
- 'sort_merged_arrays' Set to _true_ to sort all arrays that are merged together. Default is _false_
- 'unpack_arrays' Set to string value used as a deliminator to join all array values and then split them again. Default is _undef_
- 'merge_hash_arrays' Set to _true_ to merge hashes within arrays. Default is _false_
*Type Specification*
The type specification is a type in the Puppet Type System, e.g.:
* `Integer`, an integral value with optional range e.g.:
* `Integer[0, default]` - 0 or positive
* `Integer[default, -1]` - negative,
* `Integer[1,100]` - value between 1 and 100 inclusive
* `String`- any string
* `Float` - floating point number (same signature as for Integer for `Integer` ranges)
* `Boolean` - true of false (strict)
* `Array` - an array (of Data by default), or parameterized as `Array[<element_type>]`, where
`<element_type>` is the expected type of elements
* `Hash`, - a hash (of default `Literal` keys and `Data` values), or parameterized as
`Hash[<value_type>]`, `Hash[<key_type>, <value_type>]`, where `<key_type>`, and
`<value_type>` are the types of the keys and values respectively
(key is `Literal` by default).
* `Data` - abstract type representing any `Literal` (including _undef_), `Array[Data]`, or `Hash[Literal, Data]`
* `Pattern[<p1>, <p2>, ..., <pn>]` - an enumeration of valid patterns (one or more) where
a pattern is a regular expression string or regular expression,
e.g. `Pattern['.com$', '.net$']`, `Pattern[/[a-z]+[0-9]+/]`
* `Enum[<s1>, <s2>, ..., <sn>]`, - an enumeration of exact string values (one or more)
e.g. `Enum[blue, red, green]`.
* `Variant[<t1>, <t2>,...<tn>]` - matches one of the listed types (at least one must be given)
e.g. `Variant[Integer[8000,8999], Integer[20000, 99999]]` to accept a value in either range
* `Regexp`- a regular expression (i.e. the result is a regular expression, not a string
matching a regular expression).
For more options and details about types, see the Puppet Language Reference
*Handling of undef*
When no match is found for the given `name` when searching all sources, (including the `override`and
`default_values_hash`), then the value used is either the `default_value` or the value produced by the given block.
If neither is provided, then the lookup will always raise an error. Note that this only applies when there's no
match for the given `name`. It does not happen when a value is found and that value happens to be _undef_.
*Validation of returned value*
The produced value is subject to type validation using the `value_type` (if given) and an error is raised unless
the resulting value is of correct type.
When called with one argument; **the name**, it
returns the bound value with the given name after having asserted it has the default datatype `Data`:
When called with two arguments; **the name**, and **the expected type**, it
returns the bound value with the given name after having asserted it has the given data
type ('String' in the example):
lookup('the_name', String)
When called with four arguments, **the name**, the **expected type**, the **merge** strategy, and a
**default value**, it returns the bound value with the given name, or the default after having asserted the value
has the given data type:
lookup('the_name', String, undef, 'Fred')
lookup('the_name', Array[String], 'unique', [Fred])
Using a lambda to provide a default value by calling a function:
lookup('the_size', Integer[1,100]) |$name| {
There are two ways to make lookup return undef when no matching key was found instead of raising an error.
Either call it with four arguments (the `merge` argument must be present even when using the default strategy
to ensure that the four argument variant is used):
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', Optional[String], undef, undef)
or call it using an options hash:
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', { 'default_value' => undef })
$are_you_there = lookup({ 'name' => 'peekaboo', 'default_value' => undef })
or with a block that produces an undef value:
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', Optional[String]) |$name| { undef }
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument and returns an array with the result of each invocation of the parameterized block.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, Hash, or of Enumerable type
(integer, Integer range, or String), and the second a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$ |$x| { ... }
map($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument `$a` is an Array or of enumerable type, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a hash the entry is an array with `[key, value]`.
Example Using map with two arguments
# Turns hash into array of values
$ |$x|{ $x[1] }
# Turns hash into array of keys
$ |$x| { $x[0] }
When using a block with 2 parameters, the element's index (starting from 0) for an array, and the key for a hash
is given to the block's first parameter, and the value is given to the block's second parameter.args.
Example Using map with two arguments
# Turns hash into array of values
$ |$key,$val|{ $val }
# Turns hash into array of keys
$ |$key,$val|{ $key }
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns the match result of matching a String or Array[String] with one of:
* Regexp
* String - transformed to a Regexp
* Pattern type
* Regexp type
Returns An Array with the entire match at index 0, and each subsequent submatch at index 1-n.
If there was no match `undef` is returned. If the value to match is an Array, a array
with mapped match results is returned.
Example matching:
"abc123".match(/([a-z]+)[1-9]+/) # => ["abc"]
"abc123".match(/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/) # => ["abc", "123"]
See the documentation for "The Puppet Type System" for more information about types.
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: statement
Returns a MD5 hash value from a provided string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level notice.
- *Type*: statement
Make a virtual object real. This is useful
when you want to know the name of the virtual object and don't want to
bother with a full collection. It is slightly faster than a collection,
and, of course, is a bit shorter. You must pass the object using a
reference; e.g.: `realize User[luke]`.
- *Type*: statement
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument (_the enumerable_) and returns the last result of the invocation of the parameterized block.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, Hash, or something of
enumerable type, and the last a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.reduce |$memo, $x| { ... }
reduce($a) |$memo, $x| { ... }
When the first argument is an Array or someting of an enumerable type, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a hash each entry is converted to an array with `[key, value]` before being
fed to the block. An optional 'start memo' value may be supplied as an argument between the array/hash
and mandatory block.
$a.reduce(start) |$memo, $x| { ... }
reduce($a, start) |$memo, $x| { ... }
If no 'start memo' is given, the first invocation of the parameterized block will be given the first and second
elements of the enumeration, and if the enumerable has fewer than 2 elements, the first
element is produced as the result of the reduction without invocation of the block.
On each subsequent invocation, the produced value of the invoked parameterized block is given as the memo in the
next invocation.
Example Using reduce
# Reduce an array
$a = [1,2,3]
$a.reduce |$memo, $entry| { $memo + $entry }
#=> 6
# Reduce hash values
$a = {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
$a.reduce |$memo, $entry| { [sum, $memo[1]+$entry[1]] }
#=> [sum, 6]
# reverse a string
"abc".reduce |$memo, $char| { "$char$memo" }
It is possible to provide a starting 'memo' as an argument.
Example Using reduce with given start 'memo'
# Reduce an array
$a = [1,2,3]
$a.reduce(4) |$memo, $entry| { $memo + $entry }
#=> 10
# Reduce hash values
$a = {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
$a.reduce([na, 4]) |$memo, $entry| { [sum, $memo[1]+$entry[1]] }
#=> [sum, 10]
Example Using reduce with an Integer range
Integer[1,4].reduce |$memo, $x| { $memo + $x }
#=> 10
- since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Perform regexp replacement on a string or array of strings.
* *Parameters* (in order):
* _target_ The string or array of strings to operate on. If an array, the replacement will be performed on each of the elements in the array, and the return value will be an array.
* _regexp_ The regular expression matching the target string. If you want it anchored at the start and or end of the string, you must do that with ^ and $ yourself.
* _replacement_ Replacement string. Can contain backreferences to what was matched using \0 (whole match), \1 (first set of parentheses), and so on.
* _flags_ Optional. String of single letter flags for how the regexp is interpreted:
- *E* Extended regexps
- *I* Ignore case in regexps
- *M* Multiline regexps
- *G* Global replacement; all occurrences of the regexp in each target string will be replaced. Without this, only the first occurrence will be replaced.
* _encoding_ Optional. How to handle multibyte characters. A single-character string with the following values:
- *N* None
- *E* EUC
- *S* SJIS
- *U* UTF-8
* *Examples*
Get the third octet from the node's IP address:
$i3 = regsubst($ipaddress,'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$','\3')
Put angle brackets around each octet in the node's IP address:
$x = regsubst($ipaddress, '([0-9]+)', '<\1>', 'G')
- *Type*: rvalue
Evaluate one or more classes, adding the required class as a dependency.
The relationship metaparameters work well for specifying relationships
between individual resources, but they can be clumsy for specifying
relationships between classes. This function is a superset of the
'include' function, adding a class relationship so that the requiring
class depends on the required class.
Warning: using require in place of include can lead to unwanted dependency cycles.
For instance the following manifest, with 'require' instead of 'include' would produce a nasty dependence cycle, because notify imposes a before between File[/foo] and Service[foo]:
class myservice {
service { foo: ensure => running }
class otherstuff {
include myservice
file { '/foo': notify => Service[foo] }
Note that this function only works with clients 0.25 and later, and it will
fail if used with earlier clients.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced when evaluating
resource and relationship expressions.
- Since 4.0.0 Class and Resource types, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Scans a string and returns an array of one or more converted values as directed by a given format string.args
See the documenation of Ruby's String::scanf method for details about the supported formats (which
are similar but not identical to the formats used in Puppet's `sprintf` function.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first is the String to
convert, and the second the format String. The result of the scan is an Array,
with each sucessfully scanned and transformed value.args The scanning stops if
a scan is unsuccesful and the scanned result up to that point is returned. If
there was no succesful scan at all, the result is an empty Array.
scanf("42", "%i")[0] == 42
When used with the future parser, an optional parameterized block may be given.
The block is called with the result that is produced by scanf if no block is
present, the result of the block is then returned by the function.
The optional code block is typically used to assert that the scan was
succesful, and either produce the same input, or perform unwrapping of
the result:
"42".scanf("%i") |$x| {
unless $x[0] =~ Integer {
fail "Expected a well formed integer value, got '$x[0]'"
- since 3.7.4 with `parser = future`
- since 3.7.5 with classic parser
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a SHA1 hash value from a provided string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Quote and concatenate arguments for use in Bourne shell.
Each argument is quoted separately, and then all are concatenated
with spaces. If an argument is an array, the elements of that
array is interpolated within the rest of the arguments; this makes
it possible to have an array of arguments and pass that array to
shellquote instead of having to specify each argument
individually in the call.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each _slice_ of elements in a sequence of selected entries from the first
argument and returns the first argument, or if no block is given returns a new array with a concatenation of
the slices.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first, `$a`, should be an Array, Hash, or something of
enumerable type (integer, Integer range, or String), and the second, `$n`, the number of elements to include
in each slice. The optional third argument should be a a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.slice($n) |$x| { ... }
slice($a) |$x| { ... }
The parameterized block should have either one parameter (receiving an array with the slice), or the same number
of parameters as specified by the slice size (each parameter receiving its part of the slice).
In case there are fewer remaining elements than the slice size for the last slice it will contain the remaining
elements. When the block has multiple parameters, excess parameters are set to undef for an array or
enumerable type, and to empty arrays for a Hash.
$a.slice(2) |$first, $second| { ... }
When the first argument is a Hash, each `key,value` entry is counted as one, e.g, a slice size of 2 will produce
an array of two arrays with key, and value.
Example Using slice with Hash
$a.slice(2) |$entry| { notice "first ${$entry[0]}, second ${$entry[1]}" }
$a.slice(2) |$first, $second| { notice "first ${first}, second ${second}" }
When called without a block, the function produces a concatenated result of the slices.
Example Using slice without a block
slice([1,2,3,4,5,6], 2) # produces [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
slice(Integer[1,6], 2) # produces [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
slice(4,2) # produces [[0,1], [2,3]]
slice('hello',2) # produces [[h, e], [l, l], [o]]
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Split a string variable into an array using the specified split regexp.
$string = 'v1.v2:v3.v4'
$array_var1 = split($string, ':')
$array_var2 = split($string, '[.]')
$array_var3 = split($string, '[.:]')
`$array_var1` now holds the result `['v1.v2', 'v3.v4']`,
while `$array_var2` holds `['v1', 'v2:v3', 'v4']`, and
`$array_var3` holds `['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4']`.
Note that in the second example, we split on a literal string that contains
a regexp meta-character (.), which must be escaped. A simple
way to do that for a single character is to enclose it in square
brackets; a backslash will also escape a single character.
- *Type*: rvalue
Perform printf-style formatting of text.
The first parameter is format string describing how the rest of the parameters should be formatted. See the documentation for the `Kernel::sprintf` function in Ruby for all the details.
- *Type*: rvalue
Add the specified tags to the containing class
or definition. All contained objects will then acquire that tag, also.
- *Type*: statement
A boolean function that
tells you whether the current container is tagged with the specified tags.
The tags are ANDed, so that all of the specified tags must be included for
the function to return true.
- *Type*: rvalue
Loads an ERB template from a module, evaluates it, and returns the resulting
value as a string.
The argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<TEMPLATE FILE>`
reference, which will load `<TEMPLATE FILE>` from a module's `templates`
directory. (For example, the reference `apache/vhost.conf.erb` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/apache/templates/vhost.conf.erb`.)
This function can also accept:
* An absolute path, which can load a template file from anywhere on disk.
* Multiple arguments, which will evaluate all of the specified templates and
return their outputs concatenated into a single string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Compares two version numbers.
$result = versioncmp(a, b)
Where a and b are arbitrary version strings.
This function returns:
* `1` if version a is greater than version b
* `0` if the versions are equal
* `-1` if version a is less than version b
if versioncmp('2.6-1', '2.4.5') > 0 {
notice('2.6-1 is > than 2.4.5')
This function uses the same version comparison algorithm used by Puppet's
`package` type.
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level warning.
- *Type*: statement
Call a lambda code block with the given arguments. Since the parameters of the lambda
are local to the lambda's scope, this can be used to create private sections
of logic in a class so that the variables are not visible outside of the
# notices the array [1, 2, 'foo']
with(1, 2, 'foo') |$x, $y, $z| { notice [$x, $y, $z] }
- since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
*This page autogenerated on 2015-03-09 22:36:57 -0700* (master) executed in 1.57 seconds (agent) 22:36:58$ puppet doc -r function
# Function Reference
**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on 2015-03-09 22:36:58 -0700)*
There are two types of functions in Puppet: Statements and rvalues.
Statements stand on their own and do not return arguments; they are used for
performing stand-alone work like importing. Rvalues return values and can
only be used in a statement requiring a value, such as an assignment or a case
Functions execute on the Puppet master. They do not execute on the Puppet agent.
Hence they only have access to the commands and data available on the Puppet master
Here are the functions available in Puppet:
Log a message on the server at level alert.
- *Type*: statement
Returns the given value if it is an instance of the given type, and raises an error otherwise.
Optionally, if a block is given (accepting two parameters), it will be called instead of raising
an error. This to enable giving the user richer feedback, or to supply a default value.
Example: assert that `$b` is a non empty `String` and assign to `$a`:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b)
Example using custom error message:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| {
fail('The name cannot be empty')
Example, using a warning and a default:
$a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| {
warning('Name is empty, using default')
See the documentation for 'The Puppet Type System' for more information about types.
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Contain one or more classes inside the current class. If any of
these classes are undeclared, they will be declared as if called with the
`include` function. Accepts a class name, an array of class names, or a
comma-separated list of class names.
A contained class will not be applied before the containing class is
begun, and will be finished before the containing class is finished.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced by
evaluating resource and relationship expressions.
- Since 4.0.0 support for Class and Resource Type values, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Converts a hash into a set of resources and adds them to the catalog.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: a resource type, and a hash describing
a set of resources. The hash should be in the form `{title => {parameters} }`:
# A hash of user resources:
$myusers = {
'nick' => { uid => '1330',
gid => allstaff,
groups => ['developers', 'operations', 'release'], },
'dan' => { uid => '1308',
gid => allstaff,
groups => ['developers', 'prosvc', 'release'], },
create_resources(user, $myusers)
A third, optional parameter may be given, also as a hash:
$defaults = {
'ensure' => present,
'provider' => 'ldap',
create_resources(user, $myusers, $defaults)
The values given on the third argument are added to the parameters of each resource
present in the set given on the second argument. If a parameter is present on both
the second and third arguments, the one on the second argument takes precedence.
This function can be used to create defined resources and classes, as well
as native resources.
Virtual and Exported resources may be created by prefixing the type name
with @ or @@ respectively. For example, the $myusers hash may be exported
in the following manner:
create_resources("@@user", $myusers)
The $myusers may be declared as virtual resources using:
create_resources("@user", $myusers)
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level crit.
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level debug.
- *Type*: statement
Determine whether
a given class or resource type is defined. This function can also determine whether a
specific resource has been defined, or whether a variable has been assigned a value
(including `undef` - as opposed to never having been assigned anything). Returns `true`
or `false`. Accepts class names, type names, resource references, and variable
reference strings of the form `'$name'`. When more than one argument is
supplied, `defined()` returns `true` if any are defined.
The `defined` function checks both native and defined types, including types
provided as plugins via modules. Types and classes are both checked using their names:
Resource declarations are checked using resource references, e.g.
`defined( File['/tmp/myfile'] )`. Checking whether a given resource
has been declared is, unfortunately, dependent on the evaluation order of
the configuration, and the following code will not work:
if defined(File['/tmp/foo']) {
notify { "This configuration includes the /tmp/foo file.":}
file { "/tmp/foo":
ensure => present,
However, this order requirement refers to evaluation order only, and ordering of
resources in the configuration graph (e.g. with `before` or `require`) does not
affect the behavior of `defined`.
You may also search using types:
- Since 2.7.0
- Since 3.6.0 variable reference and future parser types
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a hash value from a provided string using the digest_algorithm setting from the Puppet config file.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of selected entries from the first
argument and returns the first argument.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array or a Hash or something that is
of enumerable type (integer, Integer range, or String), and the second
a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.each |$x| { ... }
each($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument is an Array (or of enumerable type other than Hash), the parameterized block
should define one or two block parameters.
For each application of the block, the next element from the array is selected, and it is passed to
the block if the block has one parameter. If the block has two parameters, the first is the elements
index, and the second the value. The index starts from 0.
$a.each |$index, $value| { ... }
each($a) |$index, $value| { ... }
When the first argument is a Hash, the parameterized block should define one or two parameters.
When one parameter is defined, the iteration is performed with each entry as an array of `[key, value]`,
and when two parameters are defined the iteration is performed with key and value.
$a.each |$entry| { ..."key ${$entry[0]}, value ${$entry[1]}" }
$a.each |$key, $value| { ..."key ${key}, value ${value}" }
Example using each:
[1,2,3].each |$val| { ... } # 1, 2, 3
[5,6,7].each |$index, $val| { ... } # (0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7)
{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}].each |$val| { ... } # ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]
{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}.each |$key, $val| { ... } # ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)
Integer[ 10, 20 ].each |$index, $value| { ... } # (0, 10), (1, 11) ...
"hello".each |$char| { ... } # 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'
3.each |$number| { ... } # 0, 1, 2
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level emerg.
- *Type*: statement
Evaluates an Embedded Puppet Template (EPP) file and returns the rendered text result as a String.
The first argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<TEMPLATE FILE>`
reference, which will load `<TEMPLATE FILE>` from a module's `templates`
directory. (For example, the reference `apache/vhost.conf.epp` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/apache/templates/vhost.conf.epp`.)
The second argument is optional; if present, it should be a hash containing parameters for the
template. (See below.)
EPP supports the following tags:
* `<%= puppet expression %>` - This tag renders the value of the expression it contains.
* `<% puppet expression(s) %>` - This tag will execute the expression(s) it contains, but renders nothing.
* `<%# comment %>` - The tag and its content renders nothing.
* `<%%` or `%%>` - Renders a literal `<%` or `%>` respectively.
* `<%-` - Same as `<%` but suppresses any leading whitespace.
* `-%>` - Same as `%>` but suppresses any trailing whitespace on the same line (including line break).
* `<%- |parameters| -%>` - When placed as the first tag declares the template's parameters.
File based EPP supports the following visibilities of variables in scope:
* Global scope (i.e. top + node scopes) - global scope is always visible
* Global + all given arguments - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and arguments are given
* Global + declared parameters - if the EPP declares parameters, given argument names must match
EPP supports parameters by placing an optional parameter list as the very first element in the EPP. As an example,
`<%- |$x, $y, $z = 'unicorn'| -%>` when placed first in the EPP text declares that the parameters `x` and `y` must be
given as template arguments when calling `inline_epp`, and that `z` if not given as a template argument
defaults to `'unicorn'`. Template parameters are available as variables, e.g.arguments `$x`, `$y` and `$z` in the example.
Note that `<%-` must be used or any leading whitespace will be interpreted as text
Arguments are passed to the template by calling `epp` with a Hash as the last argument, where parameters
are bound to values, e.g. `epp('...', {'x'=>10, 'y'=>20})`. Excess arguments may be given
(i.e. undeclared parameters) only if the EPP templates does not declare any parameters at all.
Template parameters shadow variables in outer scopes. File based epp does never have access to variables in the
scope where the `epp` function is called from.
- See function inline_epp for examples of EPP
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level err.
- *Type*: statement
Fail with a parse error.
- *Type*: statement
Loads a file from a module and returns its contents as a string.
The argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<FILE>`
reference, which will load `<FILE>` from a module's `files`
directory. (For example, the reference `mysql/` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/mysql/files/`.)
This function can also accept:
* An absolute path, which can load a file from anywhere on disk.
* Multiple arguments, which will return the contents of the **first** file
found, skipping any files that don't exist.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument and returns an array or hash (same type as left operand for array/hash, and array for
other enumerable types) with the entries for which the block evaluates to `true`.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, a Hash, or an
Enumerable object (integer, Integer range, or String),
and the second a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.filter |$x| { ... }
filter($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument is something other than a Hash, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a Hash the entry is an array with `[key, value]`.
Example Using filter with one parameter
# selects all that end with berry
$a = ["raspberry", "blueberry", "orange"]
$a.filter |$x| { $x =~ /berry$/ } # rasberry, blueberry
If the block defines two parameters, they will be set to `index, value` (with index starting at 0) for all
enumerables except Hash, and to `key, value` for a Hash.
Example Using filter with two parameters
# selects all that end with 'berry' at an even numbered index
$a = ["raspberry", "blueberry", "orange"]
$a.filter |$index, $x| { $index % 2 == 0 and $x =~ /berry$/ } # raspberry
# selects all that end with 'berry' and value >= 1
$a = {"raspberry"=>0, "blueberry"=>1, "orange"=>1}
$a.filter |$key, $x| { $x =~ /berry$/ and $x >= 1 } # blueberry
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: statement
Usage: `fqdn_rand(MAX, [SEED])`. MAX is required and must be a positive
integer; SEED is optional and may be any number or string.
Generates a random whole number greater than or equal to 0 and less than MAX,
combining the `$fqdn` fact and the value of SEED for repeatable randomness.
(That is, each node will get a different random number from this function, but
a given node's result will be the same every time unless its hostname changes.)
This function is usually used for spacing out runs of resource-intensive cron
tasks that run on many nodes, which could cause a thundering herd or degrade
other services if they all fire at once. Adding a SEED can be useful when you
have more than one such task and need several unrelated random numbers per
node. (For example, `fqdn_rand(30)`, `fqdn_rand(30, 'expensive job 1')`, and
`fqdn_rand(30, 'expensive job 2')` will produce totally different numbers.)
- *Type*: rvalue
Calls an external command on the Puppet master and returns
the results of the command. Any arguments are passed to the external command as
arguments. If the generator does not exit with return code of 0,
the generator is considered to have failed and a parse error is
thrown. Generators can only have file separators, alphanumerics, dashes,
and periods in them. This function will attempt to protect you from
malicious generator calls (e.g., those with '..' in them), but it can
never be entirely safe. No subshell is used to execute
generators, so all shell metacharacters are passed directly to
the generator.
- *Type*: rvalue
Performs a
standard priority lookup and returns the most specific value for a given key.
The returned value can be data of any type (strings, arrays, or hashes).
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
More thorough examples of `hiera` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns all
matches throughout the hierarchy --- not just the first match --- as a flattened array of unique values.
If any of the matched values are arrays, they're flattened and included in the results.
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
If any matched value is a hash, puppet will raise a type mismatch error.
More thorough examples of `hiera` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a merged hash of matches from throughout the hierarchy. In cases where two or
more hashes share keys, the hierarchy order determines which key/value pair will be
used in the returned hash, with the pair in the highest priority data source winning.
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the value.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
`hiera_hash` expects that all values returned will be hashes. If any of the values
found in the data sources are strings or arrays, puppet will raise a type mismatch error.
More thorough examples of `hiera_hash` are available at:
- *Type*: rvalue
Assigns classes to a node
using an array merge lookup that retrieves the value for a user-specified key
from a Hiera data source.
To use `hiera_include`, the following configuration is required:
- A key name to use for classes, e.g. `classes`.
- A line in the puppet `sites.pp` file (e.g. `/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/sites.pp`)
reading `hiera_include('classes')`. Note that this line must be outside any node
definition and below any top-scope variables in use for Hiera lookups.
- Class keys in the appropriate data sources. In a data source keyed to a node's role,
one might have:
- apache
- apache::passenger
The function can be called in one of three ways:
1. Using 1 to 3 arguments where the arguments are:
'key' [String] Required
The key to lookup.
'default` [Any] Optional
A value to return when there's no match for `key`. Optional
`override` [Any] Optional
An argument in the third position, providing a data source
to consult for matching values, even if it would not ordinarily be
part of the matched hierarchy. If Hiera doesn't find a matching key
in the named override data source, it will continue to search through the
rest of the hierarchy.
2. Using a 'key' and an optional 'override' parameter like in #1 but with a block to
provide the default value. The block is called with one parameter (the key) and
should return the array to be used in the subsequent call to include.
3. Like #1 but with all arguments passed in an array.
More thorough examples of `hiera_include` are available at:
- *Type*: statement
Declares one or more classes, causing the resources in them to be
evaluated and added to the catalog. Accepts a class name, an array of class
names, or a comma-separated list of class names.
The `include` function can be used multiple times on the same class and will
only declare a given class once. If a class declared with `include` has any
parameters, Puppet will automatically look up values for them in Hiera, using
`<class name>::<parameter name>` as the lookup key.
Contrast this behavior with resource-like class declarations
(`class {'name': parameter => 'value',}`), which must be used in only one place
per class and can directly set parameters. You should avoid using both `include`
and resource-like declarations with the same class.
The `include` function does not cause classes to be contained in the class
where they are declared. For that, see the `contain` function. It also
does not create a dependency relationship between the declared class and the
surrounding class; for that, see the `require` function.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced by
the future parser's resource and relationship expressions.
- Since < 3.0.0
- Since 4.0.0 support for class and resource type values, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Log a message on the server at level info.
- *Type*: statement
Evaluates an Embedded Puppet Template (EPP) string and returns the rendered text result as a String.
EPP support the following tags:
* `<%= puppet expression %>` - This tag renders the value of the expression it contains.
* `<% puppet expression(s) %>` - This tag will execute the expression(s) it contains, but renders nothing.
* `<%# comment %>` - The tag and its content renders nothing.
* `<%%` or `%%>` - Renders a literal `<%` or `%>` respectively.
* `<%-` - Same as `<%` but suppresses any leading whitespace.
* `-%>` - Same as `%>` but suppresses any trailing whitespace on the same line (including line break).
* `<%- |parameters| -%>` - When placed as the first tag declares the template's parameters.
Inline EPP supports the following visibilities of variables in scope which depends on how EPP parameters
are used - see further below:
* Global scope (i.e. top + node scopes) - global scope is always visible
* Global + Enclosing scope - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and no arguments are given
* Global + all given arguments - if the EPP template does not declare parameters, and arguments are given
* Global + declared parameters - if the EPP declares parameters, given argument names must match
EPP supports parameters by placing an optional parameter list as the very first element in the EPP. As an example,
`<%- |$x, $y, $z='unicorn'| -%>` when placed first in the EPP text declares that the parameters `x` and `y` must be
given as template arguments when calling `inline_epp`, and that `z` if not given as a template argument
defaults to `'unicorn'`. Template parameters are available as variables, e.g.arguments `$x`, `$y` and `$z` in the example.
Note that `<%-` must be used or any leading whitespace will be interpreted as text
Arguments are passed to the template by calling `inline_epp` with a Hash as the last argument, where parameters
are bound to values, e.g. `inline_epp('...', {'x'=>10, 'y'=>20})`. Excess arguments may be given
(i.e. undeclared parameters) only if the EPP templates does not declare any parameters at all.
Template parameters shadow variables in outer scopes.
Note: An inline template is best stated using a single-quoted string, or a heredoc since a double-quoted string
is subject to expression interpolation before the string is parsed as an EPP template. Here are examples
(using heredoc to define the EPP text):
# produces 'Hello local variable world!'
$x ='local variable'
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> world!
# produces 'Hello given argument world!'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> world!
# produces 'Hello given argument world!'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x| -%>
Hello <%= $x %>!
# results in error, missing value for y
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x, $y| -%>
Hello <%= $x %>!
# Produces 'Hello given argument planet'
$x ='local variable world'
inline_epptemplate(@(END:epp), { x =>'given argument'})
<%- |$x, $y=planet| -%>
Hello <%= $x %> <%= $y %>!
- Since 3.5
- Requires Future Parser
- *Type*: rvalue
Evaluate a template string and return its value. See
[the templating docs]( for
more information. Note that if multiple template strings are specified, their
output is all concatenated and returned as the output of the function.
- *Type*: rvalue
Looks up data defined using Data Binding, and Data Providers using different strategies. The lookup searches in
Data Bindings first (if configured; typically Hiera), then in the environments data provider (if any), and last in
the module's data provider (if any) of the module the call to lookup originates from. Thus, the global Data Binding
has higher priority than data provided in the environment, which has higher priority than data provided in a module,
The lookup function can be called in one of these ways:
lookup(name, value_type)
lookup(name, value_type, merge)
lookup(name, value_type, merge, default_value)
lookup(name, options_hash)
The function may optionally be called with a code block / lambda with the following signature:
lookup(...) |$name| { ... }
The block, if present, is mutually exclusive to the `default_value` and will be called with the `name` used in the
lookup when no value is found. The value produced by the block then becomes the value produced by the lookup.
The meaning of the parameters or content of the options hash is:
* `name` - The name or array of names to lookup (first found is returned)
* `value_type` - The type to assert. Defaults to 'Data' See 'Type Specification' below.
* `default_value` - The default value if there was no value found (must comply with the data type)
* `override` - a hash with map from names to values that are used instead of the underlying bindings. If the name
is found here it wins. Defaults to an empty hash.
* `default_values_hash` - a hash with map from names to values that are used as a last resort to obtain a value.
Defaults to an empty hash.
* `merge` - A string of type Enum[unique, hash, merge] or a hash with the key 'strategy' set to that string. See
'Merge Strategies' below.
It is not permitted to pass the `name` as both a parameter and in the options hash.
The search will proceed as follows:
1. For each name given in the `name` array (or once, if it's just one name):
- If a matching key is found in the `override` hash, it's value is immediately type checked and returned
- Search and optionally merge Data Binding, environment data providers, and module data providers
- Type check and return the value if a matching key is found
2. For each name given in the `name` array (or once, if it's just one name):
- Type check and return the value if a matching key is found in the `default_values_hash`
3. Type check and return either the given `default_value` or the result of calling the code block if either exist
4. Raise an error indicating that no matching value was found
*Merge Strategies*
The default behavior of the lookup is to return the first value that is found for the given `name`. The optional
`merge` parameter will change this so that a lookup makes an attempt to find values in all three sources (the Data
Binder, the environment, and the module scope) and then merge these values according to the given strategy. This
does not apply to values found in the 'override' hash. Such values are returned immediately without merging.
Note that `merge` is passed on to allow the underlying provider to return a merged result
The valid strategies are:
- 'hash' Performs a simple hash-merge by overwriting keys of lower lookup priority. Merged values must be of Hash type
- 'unique' Appends everything to an array containing no nested arrays and where all duplicates have been removed. Can
append values of Scalar or Array[Scalar] type
- 'deep' Performs a deep merge on values of Array and Hash type. See documentation for the DeepMerge gem's deep_merge
operation for details and options.
The 'deep' strategy can use additional options to control its behavior. Options can be passed as top level
keys in the `merge` parameter when it is a given as a hash. Recognized options are:
- 'knockout_prefix' Set to string value to signify prefix which deletes elements from existing element. Defaults is _undef_
- 'sort_merged_arrays' Set to _true_ to sort all arrays that are merged together. Default is _false_
- 'unpack_arrays' Set to string value used as a deliminator to join all array values and then split them again. Default is _undef_
- 'merge_hash_arrays' Set to _true_ to merge hashes within arrays. Default is _false_
*Type Specification*
The type specification is a type in the Puppet Type System, e.g.:
* `Integer`, an integral value with optional range e.g.:
* `Integer[0, default]` - 0 or positive
* `Integer[default, -1]` - negative,
* `Integer[1,100]` - value between 1 and 100 inclusive
* `String`- any string
* `Float` - floating point number (same signature as for Integer for `Integer` ranges)
* `Boolean` - true of false (strict)
* `Array` - an array (of Data by default), or parameterized as `Array[<element_type>]`, where
`<element_type>` is the expected type of elements
* `Hash`, - a hash (of default `Literal` keys and `Data` values), or parameterized as
`Hash[<value_type>]`, `Hash[<key_type>, <value_type>]`, where `<key_type>`, and
`<value_type>` are the types of the keys and values respectively
(key is `Literal` by default).
* `Data` - abstract type representing any `Literal` (including _undef_), `Array[Data]`, or `Hash[Literal, Data]`
* `Pattern[<p1>, <p2>, ..., <pn>]` - an enumeration of valid patterns (one or more) where
a pattern is a regular expression string or regular expression,
e.g. `Pattern['.com$', '.net$']`, `Pattern[/[a-z]+[0-9]+/]`
* `Enum[<s1>, <s2>, ..., <sn>]`, - an enumeration of exact string values (one or more)
e.g. `Enum[blue, red, green]`.
* `Variant[<t1>, <t2>,...<tn>]` - matches one of the listed types (at least one must be given)
e.g. `Variant[Integer[8000,8999], Integer[20000, 99999]]` to accept a value in either range
* `Regexp`- a regular expression (i.e. the result is a regular expression, not a string
matching a regular expression).
For more options and details about types, see the Puppet Language Reference
*Handling of undef*
When no match is found for the given `name` when searching all sources, (including the `override`and
`default_values_hash`), then the value used is either the `default_value` or the value produced by the given block.
If neither is provided, then the lookup will always raise an error. Note that this only applies when there's no
match for the given `name`. It does not happen when a value is found and that value happens to be _undef_.
*Validation of returned value*
The produced value is subject to type validation using the `value_type` (if given) and an error is raised unless
the resulting value is of correct type.
When called with one argument; **the name**, it
returns the bound value with the given name after having asserted it has the default datatype `Data`:
When called with two arguments; **the name**, and **the expected type**, it
returns the bound value with the given name after having asserted it has the given data
type ('String' in the example):
lookup('the_name', String)
When called with four arguments, **the name**, the **expected type**, the **merge** strategy, and a
**default value**, it returns the bound value with the given name, or the default after having asserted the value
has the given data type:
lookup('the_name', String, undef, 'Fred')
lookup('the_name', Array[String], 'unique', [Fred])
Using a lambda to provide a default value by calling a function:
lookup('the_size', Integer[1,100]) |$name| {
There are two ways to make lookup return undef when no matching key was found instead of raising an error.
Either call it with four arguments (the `merge` argument must be present even when using the default strategy
to ensure that the four argument variant is used):
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', Optional[String], undef, undef)
or call it using an options hash:
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', { 'default_value' => undef })
$are_you_there = lookup({ 'name' => 'peekaboo', 'default_value' => undef })
or with a block that produces an undef value:
$are_you_there = lookup('peekaboo', Optional[String]) |$name| { undef }
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument and returns an array with the result of each invocation of the parameterized block.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, Hash, or of Enumerable type
(integer, Integer range, or String), and the second a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$ |$x| { ... }
map($a) |$x| { ... }
When the first argument `$a` is an Array or of enumerable type, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a hash the entry is an array with `[key, value]`.
Example Using map with two arguments
# Turns hash into array of values
$ |$x|{ $x[1] }
# Turns hash into array of keys
$ |$x| { $x[0] }
When using a block with 2 parameters, the element's index (starting from 0) for an array, and the key for a hash
is given to the block's first parameter, and the value is given to the block's second parameter.args.
Example Using map with two arguments
# Turns hash into array of values
$ |$key,$val|{ $val }
# Turns hash into array of keys
$ |$key,$val|{ $key }
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns the match result of matching a String or Array[String] with one of:
* Regexp
* String - transformed to a Regexp
* Pattern type
* Regexp type
Returns An Array with the entire match at index 0, and each subsequent submatch at index 1-n.
If there was no match `undef` is returned. If the value to match is an Array, a array
with mapped match results is returned.
Example matching:
"abc123".match(/([a-z]+)[1-9]+/) # => ["abc"]
"abc123".match(/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/) # => ["abc", "123"]
See the documentation for "The Puppet Type System" for more information about types.
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: statement
Returns a MD5 hash value from a provided string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level notice.
- *Type*: statement
Make a virtual object real. This is useful
when you want to know the name of the virtual object and don't want to
bother with a full collection. It is slightly faster than a collection,
and, of course, is a bit shorter. You must pass the object using a
reference; e.g.: `realize User[luke]`.
- *Type*: statement
Applies a parameterized block to each element in a sequence of entries from the first
argument (_the enumerable_) and returns the last result of the invocation of the parameterized block.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first should be an Array, Hash, or something of
enumerable type, and the last a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.reduce |$memo, $x| { ... }
reduce($a) |$memo, $x| { ... }
When the first argument is an Array or someting of an enumerable type, the block is called with each entry in turn.
When the first argument is a hash each entry is converted to an array with `[key, value]` before being
fed to the block. An optional 'start memo' value may be supplied as an argument between the array/hash
and mandatory block.
$a.reduce(start) |$memo, $x| { ... }
reduce($a, start) |$memo, $x| { ... }
If no 'start memo' is given, the first invocation of the parameterized block will be given the first and second
elements of the enumeration, and if the enumerable has fewer than 2 elements, the first
element is produced as the result of the reduction without invocation of the block.
On each subsequent invocation, the produced value of the invoked parameterized block is given as the memo in the
next invocation.
Example Using reduce
# Reduce an array
$a = [1,2,3]
$a.reduce |$memo, $entry| { $memo + $entry }
#=> 6
# Reduce hash values
$a = {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
$a.reduce |$memo, $entry| { [sum, $memo[1]+$entry[1]] }
#=> [sum, 6]
# reverse a string
"abc".reduce |$memo, $char| { "$char$memo" }
It is possible to provide a starting 'memo' as an argument.
Example Using reduce with given start 'memo'
# Reduce an array
$a = [1,2,3]
$a.reduce(4) |$memo, $entry| { $memo + $entry }
#=> 10
# Reduce hash values
$a = {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
$a.reduce([na, 4]) |$memo, $entry| { [sum, $memo[1]+$entry[1]] }
#=> [sum, 10]
Example Using reduce with an Integer range
Integer[1,4].reduce |$memo, $x| { $memo + $x }
#=> 10
- since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Perform regexp replacement on a string or array of strings.
* *Parameters* (in order):
* _target_ The string or array of strings to operate on. If an array, the replacement will be performed on each of the elements in the array, and the return value will be an array.
* _regexp_ The regular expression matching the target string. If you want it anchored at the start and or end of the string, you must do that with ^ and $ yourself.
* _replacement_ Replacement string. Can contain backreferences to what was matched using \0 (whole match), \1 (first set of parentheses), and so on.
* _flags_ Optional. String of single letter flags for how the regexp is interpreted:
- *E* Extended regexps
- *I* Ignore case in regexps
- *M* Multiline regexps
- *G* Global replacement; all occurrences of the regexp in each target string will be replaced. Without this, only the first occurrence will be replaced.
* _encoding_ Optional. How to handle multibyte characters. A single-character string with the following values:
- *N* None
- *E* EUC
- *S* SJIS
- *U* UTF-8
* *Examples*
Get the third octet from the node's IP address:
$i3 = regsubst($ipaddress,'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$','\3')
Put angle brackets around each octet in the node's IP address:
$x = regsubst($ipaddress, '([0-9]+)', '<\1>', 'G')
- *Type*: rvalue
Evaluate one or more classes, adding the required class as a dependency.
The relationship metaparameters work well for specifying relationships
between individual resources, but they can be clumsy for specifying
relationships between classes. This function is a superset of the
'include' function, adding a class relationship so that the requiring
class depends on the required class.
Warning: using require in place of include can lead to unwanted dependency cycles.
For instance the following manifest, with 'require' instead of 'include' would produce a nasty dependence cycle, because notify imposes a before between File[/foo] and Service[foo]:
class myservice {
service { foo: ensure => running }
class otherstuff {
include myservice
file { '/foo': notify => Service[foo] }
Note that this function only works with clients 0.25 and later, and it will
fail if used with earlier clients.
You must use the class's full name;
relative names are not allowed. In addition to names in string form,
you may also directly use Class and Resource Type values that are produced when evaluating
resource and relationship expressions.
- Since 4.0.0 Class and Resource types, absolute names
- *Type*: statement
Scans a string and returns an array of one or more converted values as directed by a given format string.args
See the documenation of Ruby's String::scanf method for details about the supported formats (which
are similar but not identical to the formats used in Puppet's `sprintf` function.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first is the String to
convert, and the second the format String. The result of the scan is an Array,
with each sucessfully scanned and transformed value.args The scanning stops if
a scan is unsuccesful and the scanned result up to that point is returned. If
there was no succesful scan at all, the result is an empty Array.
scanf("42", "%i")[0] == 42
When used with the future parser, an optional parameterized block may be given.
The block is called with the result that is produced by scanf if no block is
present, the result of the block is then returned by the function.
The optional code block is typically used to assert that the scan was
succesful, and either produce the same input, or perform unwrapping of
the result:
"42".scanf("%i") |$x| {
unless $x[0] =~ Integer {
fail "Expected a well formed integer value, got '$x[0]'"
- since 3.7.4 with `parser = future`
- since 3.7.5 with classic parser
- *Type*: rvalue
Returns a SHA1 hash value from a provided string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Quote and concatenate arguments for use in Bourne shell.
Each argument is quoted separately, and then all are concatenated
with spaces. If an argument is an array, the elements of that
array is interpolated within the rest of the arguments; this makes
it possible to have an array of arguments and pass that array to
shellquote instead of having to specify each argument
individually in the call.
- *Type*: rvalue
Applies a parameterized block to each _slice_ of elements in a sequence of selected entries from the first
argument and returns the first argument, or if no block is given returns a new array with a concatenation of
the slices.
This function takes two mandatory arguments: the first, `$a`, should be an Array, Hash, or something of
enumerable type (integer, Integer range, or String), and the second, `$n`, the number of elements to include
in each slice. The optional third argument should be a a parameterized block as produced by the puppet syntax:
$a.slice($n) |$x| { ... }
slice($a) |$x| { ... }
The parameterized block should have either one parameter (receiving an array with the slice), or the same number
of parameters as specified by the slice size (each parameter receiving its part of the slice).
In case there are fewer remaining elements than the slice size for the last slice it will contain the remaining
elements. When the block has multiple parameters, excess parameters are set to undef for an array or
enumerable type, and to empty arrays for a Hash.
$a.slice(2) |$first, $second| { ... }
When the first argument is a Hash, each `key,value` entry is counted as one, e.g, a slice size of 2 will produce
an array of two arrays with key, and value.
Example Using slice with Hash
$a.slice(2) |$entry| { notice "first ${$entry[0]}, second ${$entry[1]}" }
$a.slice(2) |$first, $second| { notice "first ${first}, second ${second}" }
When called without a block, the function produces a concatenated result of the slices.
Example Using slice without a block
slice([1,2,3,4,5,6], 2) # produces [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
slice(Integer[1,6], 2) # produces [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
slice(4,2) # produces [[0,1], [2,3]]
slice('hello',2) # produces [[h, e], [l, l], [o]]
- Since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
Split a string variable into an array using the specified split regexp.
$string = 'v1.v2:v3.v4'
$array_var1 = split($string, ':')
$array_var2 = split($string, '[.]')
$array_var3 = split($string, '[.:]')
`$array_var1` now holds the result `['v1.v2', 'v3.v4']`,
while `$array_var2` holds `['v1', 'v2:v3', 'v4']`, and
`$array_var3` holds `['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4']`.
Note that in the second example, we split on a literal string that contains
a regexp meta-character (.), which must be escaped. A simple
way to do that for a single character is to enclose it in square
brackets; a backslash will also escape a single character.
- *Type*: rvalue
Perform printf-style formatting of text.
The first parameter is format string describing how the rest of the parameters should be formatted. See the documentation for the `Kernel::sprintf` function in Ruby for all the details.
- *Type*: rvalue
Add the specified tags to the containing class
or definition. All contained objects will then acquire that tag, also.
- *Type*: statement
A boolean function that
tells you whether the current container is tagged with the specified tags.
The tags are ANDed, so that all of the specified tags must be included for
the function to return true.
- *Type*: rvalue
Loads an ERB template from a module, evaluates it, and returns the resulting
value as a string.
The argument to this function should be a `<MODULE NAME>/<TEMPLATE FILE>`
reference, which will load `<TEMPLATE FILE>` from a module's `templates`
directory. (For example, the reference `apache/vhost.conf.erb` will load the
file `<MODULES DIRECTORY>/apache/templates/vhost.conf.erb`.)
This function can also accept:
* An absolute path, which can load a template file from anywhere on disk.
* Multiple arguments, which will evaluate all of the specified templates and
return their outputs concatenated into a single string.
- *Type*: rvalue
Compares two version numbers.
$result = versioncmp(a, b)
Where a and b are arbitrary version strings.
This function returns:
* `1` if version a is greater than version b
* `0` if the versions are equal
* `-1` if version a is less than version b
if versioncmp('2.6-1', '2.4.5') > 0 {
notice('2.6-1 is > than 2.4.5')
This function uses the same version comparison algorithm used by Puppet's
`package` type.
- *Type*: rvalue
Log a message on the server at level warning.
- *Type*: statement
Call a lambda code block with the given arguments. Since the parameters of the lambda
are local to the lambda's scope, this can be used to create private sections
of logic in a class so that the variables are not visible outside of the
# notices the array [1, 2, 'foo']
with(1, 2, 'foo') |$x, $y, $z| { notice [$x, $y, $z] }
- since 4.0.0
- *Type*: rvalue
*This page autogenerated on 2015-03-09 22:36:58 -0700* (agent) executed in 2.50 seconds
tests/doc/should_print_function_reference.rb passed in 4.08 seconds
Begin tests/doc/ticket_4120_cannot_generate_type_reference.rb
verify we can print the function reference (master) 22:37:00$ puppet doc -r type
# Type Reference
**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on 2015-03-09 22:37:01 -0700)*
## Resource Types
- The *namevar* is the parameter used to uniquely identify a type instance.
This is the parameter that gets assigned when a string is provided before
the colon in a type declaration. In general, only developers will need to
worry about which parameter is the `namevar`.
In the following code:
file { "/etc/passwd":
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "0644"
`/etc/passwd` is considered the title of the file object (used for things like
dependency handling), and because `path` is the namevar for `file`, that
string is assigned to the `path` parameter.
- *Parameters* determine the specific configuration of the instance. They either
directly modify the system (internally, these are called properties) or they affect
how the instance behaves (e.g., adding a search path for `exec` instances or determining recursion on `file` instances).
- *Providers* provide low-level functionality for a given resource type. This is
usually in the form of calling out to external commands.
When required binaries are specified for providers, fully qualifed paths
indicate that the binary must exist at that specific path and unqualified
binaries indicate that Puppet will search for the binary using the shell
- *Features* are abilities that some providers might not support. You can use the list
of supported features to determine how a given provider can be used.
Resource types define features they can use, and providers can be tested to see
which features they provide.
### augeas
Apply a change or an array of changes to the filesystem
using the augeas tool.
- [Augeas](
- The ruby-augeas bindings
Sample usage with a string:
augeas{"test1" :
context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot",
changes => "set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES",
onlyif => "match other_value size > 0",
Sample usage with an array and custom lenses:
context => "/files",
changes => [
"set etc/jbossas/jbossas.conf/JBOSS_IP $ipaddress",
"set etc/jbossas/jbossas.conf/JAVA_HOME /usr",
load_path => "$/usr/share/jbossas/lenses",
#### Features
- *execute_changes*: Actually make the changes
- *need_to_run?*: If the command should run
- *parse_commands*: Parse the command string
Provider | execute_changes | need_to_run? | parse_commands |
-------- | --------------- | ------------ | -------------- |
augeas | *X* | *X* | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The changes which should be applied to the filesystem. This
can be a command or an array of commands. The following commands are supported:
* `set <PATH> <VALUE>` --- Sets the value `VALUE` at loction `PATH`
* `setm <PATH> <SUB> <VALUE>` --- Sets multiple nodes (matching `SUB` relative to `PATH`) to `VALUE`
* `rm <PATH>` --- Removes the node at location `PATH`
* `remove <PATH>` --- Synonym for `rm`
* `clear <PATH>` --- Sets the node at `PATH` to `NULL`, creating it if needed
* `clearm <PATH> <SUB>` --- Sets multiple nodes (matching `SUB` relative to `PATH`) to `NULL`
* `touch <PATH>` --- Creates `PATH` with the value `NULL` if it does not exist
* `ins <LABEL> (before|after) <PATH>` --- Inserts an empty node `LABEL` either before or after `PATH`.
* `insert <LABEL> <WHERE> <PATH>` --- Synonym for `ins`
* `mv <PATH> <OTHER PATH>` --- Moves a node at `PATH` to the new location `OTHER PATH`
* `move <PATH> <OTHER PATH>` --- Synonym for `mv`
* `defvar <NAME> <PATH>` --- Sets Augeas variable `$NAME` to `PATH`
* `defnode <NAME> <PATH> <VALUE>` --- Sets Augeas variable `$NAME` to `PATH`, creating it with `VALUE` if needed
If the `context` parameter is set, that value is prepended to any relative `PATH`s.
: Optional context path. This value is prepended to the paths of all
changes if the path is relative. If the `incl` parameter is set,
defaults to `/files + incl`; otherwise, defaults to the empty string.
: Optional command to force the augeas type to execute even if it thinks changes
will not be made. This does not overide the `onlyif` parameter.
: Load only a specific file, e.g. `/etc/hosts`. This can greatly speed
up the execution the resource. When this parameter is set, you must also
set the `lens` parameter to indicate which lens to use.
: Use a specific lens, e.g. `Hosts.lns`. When this parameter is set, you
must also set the `incl` parameter to indicate which file to load.
The Augeas documentation includes [a list of available lenses](
: Optional colon-separated list or array of directories; these directories are searched for schema definitions. The agent's `$libdir/augeas/lenses` path will always be added to support pluginsync.
: The name of this task. Used for uniqueness.
: Optional augeas command and comparisons to control the execution of this type.
Supported onlyif syntax:
* `match <MATCH_PATH> size <COMPARATOR> <INT>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> include <STRING>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> not_include <STRING>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> == <AN_ARRAY>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> != <AN_ARRAY>`
* `AUGEAS_PATH` is a valid path scoped by the context
* `MATCH_PATH` is a valid match syntax scoped by the context
* `COMPARATOR` is one of `>, >=, !=, ==, <=,` or `<`
* `STRING` is a string
* `INT` is a number
* `AN_ARRAY` is in the form `['a string', 'another']`
: The specific backend to use for this `augeas`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Supported features: `execute_changes`, `need_to_run?`, `parse_commands`.
: The expected return code from the augeas command. Should not be set.
: A file system path; all files loaded by Augeas are loaded underneath `root`.
: Whether to display differences when the file changes, defaulting to
true. This parameter is useful for files that may contain passwords or
other secret data, which might otherwise be included in Puppet reports or
other insecure outputs. If the global `show_diff` setting
is false, then no diffs will be shown even if this parameter is true.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether augeas should perform typechecking. Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### computer
Computer object management using DirectoryService
on OS X.
Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts',
as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to
This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service
domain, not in remote directories.
If you wish to manage `/etc/hosts` file on Mac OS X, then simply use the host
type as per other platforms.
This type primarily exists to create localhost Computer objects that MCX
policy can then be attached to.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the plist file representing a
Computer object (located at `/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/{name}.plist`),
the Computer resource will autorequire it.
#### Parameters
: The MAC address of the primary network interface. Must match en0.
: Control the existences of this computer record. Set this attribute to
`present` to ensure the computer record exists. Set it to `absent`
to delete any computer records with this name
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The IP Address of the Computer object.
: The authoritative 'short' name of the computer record.
: The specific backend to use for this `computer`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Computer object management using DirectoryService on OS X.
Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts',
as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to
This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service
domain, not in remote directories.
If you wish to manage /etc/hosts on Mac OS X, then simply use the host
type as per other platforms.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
: The 'long' name of the computer record.
### cron
Installs and manages cron jobs. Every cron resource created by Puppet
requires a command and at least one periodic attribute (hour, minute,
month, monthday, weekday, or special). While the name of the cron job is
not part of the actual job, the name is stored in a comment beginning with
`# Puppet Name: `. These comments are used to match crontab entries created
by Puppet with cron resources.
If an existing crontab entry happens to match the scheduling and command of a
cron resource that has never been synched, Puppet will defer to the existing
crontab entry and will not create a new entry tagged with the `# Puppet Name: `
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => 2,
minute => 0
Note that all periodic attributes can be specified as an array of values:
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => [2, 4]
...or using ranges or the step syntax `*/2` (although there's no guarantee
that your `cron` daemon supports these):
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => ['2-4'],
minute => '*/10'
An important note: _the Cron type will not reset parameters that are
removed from a manifest_. For example, removing a `minute => 10` parameter
will not reset the minute component of the associated cronjob to `*`.
These changes must be expressed by setting the parameter to
`minute => absent` because Puppet only manages parameters that are out of
sync with manifest entries.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user account specified by the
`user` property of a cron resource, then the cron resource will autorequire
that user.
#### Parameters
: The command to execute in the cron job. The environment
provided to the command varies by local system rules, and it is
best to always provide a fully qualified command. The user's
profile is not sourced when the command is run, so if the
user's environment is desired it should be sourced manually.
All cron parameters support `absent` as a value; this will
remove any existing values for that field.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Any environment settings associated with this cron job. They
will be stored between the header and the job in the crontab. There
can be no guarantees that other, earlier settings will not also
affect a given cron job.
Also, Puppet cannot automatically determine whether an existing,
unmanaged environment setting is associated with a given cron
job. If you already have cron jobs with environment settings,
then Puppet will keep those settings in the same place in the file,
but will not associate them with a specific job.
Settings should be specified exactly as they should appear in
the crontab, e.g., `PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin`.
: The hour at which to run the cron job. Optional;
if specified, must be between 0 and 23, inclusive.
: The minute at which to run the cron job.
Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 59, inclusive.
: The month of the year. Optional; if specified
must be between 1 and 12 or the month name (e.g., December).
: The day of the month on which to run the
command. Optional; if specified, must be between 1 and 31.
: The symbolic name of the cron job. This name
is used for human reference only and is generated automatically
for cron jobs found on the system. This generally won't
matter, as Puppet will do its best to match existing cron jobs
against specified jobs (and Puppet adds a comment to cron jobs it adds),
but it is at least possible that converting from unmanaged jobs to
managed jobs might require manual intervention.
: The specific backend to use for this `cron`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `crontab`.
: A special value such as 'reboot' or 'annually'.
Only available on supported systems such as Vixie Cron.
Overrides more specific time of day/week settings.
Set to 'absent' to make puppet revert to a plain numeric schedule.
: The name of the crontab file in which the cron job should be stored.
This property defaults to the value of the `user` property if set, the
user running Puppet or `root`.
For the default crontab provider, this property is functionally
equivalent to the `user` property and should be avoided. In particular,
setting both `user` and `target` to different values will result in
undefined behavior.
: The user who owns the cron job. This user must
be allowed to run cron jobs, which is not currently checked by
This property defaults to the user running Puppet or `root`.
The default crontab provider executes the system `crontab` using
the user account specified by this property.
: The weekday on which to run the command.
Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 7, inclusive, with
0 (or 7) being Sunday, or must be the name of the day (e.g., Tuesday).
### exec
Executes external commands.
Any command in an `exec` resource **must** be able to run multiple times
without causing harm --- that is, it must be *idempotent*. There are three
main ways for an exec to be idempotent:
* The command itself is already idempotent. (For example, `apt-get update`.)
* The exec has an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` attribute, which prevents
Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met.
* The exec has `refreshonly => true`, which only allows Puppet to run the
command when some other resource is changed. (See the notes on refreshing
A caution: There's a widespread tendency to use collections of execs to
manage resources that aren't covered by an existing resource type. This
works fine for simple tasks, but once your exec pile gets complex enough
that you really have to think to understand what's happening, you should
consider developing a custom resource type instead, as it will be much
more predictable and maintainable.
**Refresh:** `exec` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). The refresh behavior of execs
is non-standard, and can be affected by the `refresh` and
`refreshonly` attributes:
* If `refreshonly` is set to true, the exec will _only_ run when it receives an
event. This is the most reliable way to use refresh with execs.
* If the exec already would have run and receives an event, it will run its
command **up to two times.** (If an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` condition
is no longer met after the first run, the second run will not occur.)
* If the exec already would have run, has a `refresh` command, and receives an
event, it will run its normal command, then run its `refresh` command
(as long as any `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` conditions are still met
after the normal command finishes).
* If the exec would **not** have run (due to an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates`
attribute) and receives an event, it still will not run.
* If the exec has `noop => true`, would otherwise have run, and receives
an event from a non-noop resource, it will run once (or run its `refresh`
command instead, if it has one).
In short: If there's a possibility of your exec receiving refresh events,
it becomes doubly important to make sure the run conditions are restricted.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing an exec's cwd or the executable
file used in an exec's command, the exec resource will autorequire those
files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as, the
exec resource will autorequire that user.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The actual command to execute. Must either be fully qualified
or a search path for the command must be provided. If the command
succeeds, any output produced will be logged at the instance's
normal log level (usually `notice`), but if the command fails
(meaning its return code does not match the specified code) then
any output is logged at the `err` log level.
: A file to look for before running the command. The command will
only run if the file **doesn't exist.**
This parameter doesn't cause Puppet to create a file; it is only
useful if **the command itself** creates a file.
exec { "tar -xf /Volumes/nfs02/important.tar":
cwd => "/var/tmp",
creates => "/var/tmp/myfile",
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"]
In this example, `myfile` is assumed to be a file inside
`important.tar`. If it is ever deleted, the exec will bring it
back by re-extracting the tarball. If `important.tar` does **not**
actually contain `myfile`, the exec will keep running every time
Puppet runs.
: The directory from which to run the command. If
this directory does not exist, the command will fail.
: Any additional environment variables you want to set for a
command. Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override
the `path` attribute. Multiple environment variables should be
specified as an array.
: The group to run the command as. This seems to work quite
haphazardly on different platforms -- it is a platform issue
not a Ruby or Puppet one, since the same variety exists when
running commands as different users in the shell.
: Whether to log command output in addition to logging the
exit code. Defaults to `on_failure`, which only logs the output
when the command has an exit code that does not match any value
specified by the `returns` attribute. As with any resource type,
the log level can be controlled with the `loglevel` metaparameter.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `on_failure`.
: If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will only run if
the command has an exit code of 0. For example:
exec { "logrotate":
path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
onlyif => "test `du /var/log/messages | cut -f1` -gt 100000"
This would run `logrotate` only if that test returned true.
Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command,
which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set.
It also uses the same provider as the main command, so any behavior
that differs by provider will match.
Also note that onlyif can take an array as its value, e.g.:
onlyif => ["test -f /tmp/file1", "test -f /tmp/file2"]
This will only run the exec if _all_ conditions in the array return true.
: The search path used for command execution.
Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths
can be specified as an array or as a ':' separated list.
: The specific backend to use for this `exec`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Executes external binaries directly, without passing through a shell or
performing any interpolation. This is a safer and more predictable way
to execute most commands, but prevents the use of globbing and shell
built-ins (including control logic like "for" and "if" statements).
* Default for `feature` == `posix`.
: Passes the provided command through `/bin/sh`; only available on
POSIX systems. This allows the use of shell globbing and built-ins, and
does not require that the path to a command be fully-qualified. Although
this can be more convenient than the `posix` provider, it also means that
you need to be more careful with escaping; as ever, with great power comes
etc. etc.
This provider closely resembles the behavior of the `exec` type
in Puppet 0.25.x.
: Execute external binaries on Windows systems. As with the `posix`
provider, this provider directly calls the command with the arguments
given, without passing it through a shell or performing any interpolation.
To use shell built-ins --- that is, to emulate the `shell` provider on
Windows --- a command must explicitly invoke the shell:
exec {'echo foo':
command => 'cmd.exe /c echo "foo"',
If no extension is specified for a command, Windows will use the `PATHEXT`
environment variable to locate the executable.
**Note on PowerShell scripts:** PowerShell's default `restricted`
execution policy doesn't allow it to run saved scripts. To run PowerShell
scripts, specify the `remotesigned` execution policy as part of the
exec { 'test':
path => 'C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0',
command => 'powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C:/test.ps1',
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
: How to refresh this command. By default, the exec is just
called again when it receives an event from another resource,
but this parameter allows you to define a different command
for refreshing.
: The command should only be run as a
refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. It only
makes sense to use this option when this command depends on some
other object; it is useful for triggering an action:
# Pull down the main aliases file
file { "/etc/aliases":
source => "puppet://server/module/aliases"
# Rebuild the database, but only when the file changes
exec { newaliases:
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
subscribe => File["/etc/aliases"],
refreshonly => true
Note that only `subscribe` and `notify` can trigger actions, not `require`,
so it only makes sense to use `refreshonly` with `subscribe` or `notify`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The expected exit code(s). An error will be returned if the
executed command has some other exit code. Defaults to 0. Can be
specified as an array of acceptable exit codes or a single value.
On POSIX systems, exit codes are always integers between 0 and 255.
On Windows, **most** exit codes should be integers between 0
and 2147483647.
Larger exit codes on Windows can behave inconsistently across different
tools. The Win32 APIs define exit codes as 32-bit unsigned integers, but
both the cmd.exe shell and the .NET runtime cast them to signed
integers. This means some tools will report negative numbers for exit
codes above 2147483647. (For example, cmd.exe reports 4294967295 as -1.)
Since Puppet uses the plain Win32 APIs, it will report the very large
number instead of the negative number, which might not be what you
expect if you got the exit code from a cmd.exe session.
Microsoft recommends against using negative/very large exit codes, and
you should avoid them when possible. To convert a negative exit code to
the positive one Puppet will use, add it to 4294967296.
: The maximum time the command should take. If the command takes
longer than the timeout, the command is considered to have failed
and will be stopped. The timeout is specified in seconds. The default
timeout is 300 seconds and you can set it to 0 to disable the timeout.
: The number of times execution of the command should be tried.
Defaults to '1'. This many attempts will be made to execute
the command until an acceptable return code is returned.
Note that the timeout parameter applies to each try rather than
to the complete set of tries.
: The time to sleep in seconds between 'tries'.
: Sets the umask to be used while executing this command
: If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will run unless
the command has an exit code of 0. For example:
exec { "/bin/echo root >> /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow":
path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
unless => "grep root /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow 2>/dev/null"
This would add `root` to the cron.allow file (on Solaris) unless
`grep` determines it's already there.
Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command,
which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set.
It also uses the same provider as the main command, so any behavior
that differs by provider will match.
: The user to run the command as. Note that if you
use this then any error output is not currently captured. This
is because of a bug within Ruby. If you are using Puppet to
create this user, the exec will automatically require the user,
as long as it is specified by name.
Please note that the $HOME environment variable is not automatically set
when using this attribute.
### file
Manages files, including their content, ownership, and permissions.
The `file` type can manage normal files, directories, and symlinks; the
type should be specified in the `ensure` attribute.
File contents can be managed directly with the `content` attribute, or
downloaded from a remote source using the `source` attribute; the latter
can also be used to recursively serve directories (when the `recurse`
attribute is set to `true` or `local`). On Windows, note that file
contents are managed in binary mode; Puppet never automatically translates
line endings.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a
file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any
parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them.
#### Features
- *manages_symlinks*: The provider can manage symbolic links.
Provider | manages_symlinks |
-------- | ---------------- |
posix | *X* |
windows | *X* |
#### Parameters
: Whether (and how) file content should be backed up before being replaced.
This attribute works best as a resource default in the site manifest
(`File { backup => main }`), so it can affect all file resources.
* If set to `false`, file content won't be backed up.
* If set to a string beginning with `.` (e.g., `.puppet-bak`), Puppet will
use copy the file in the same directory with that value as the extension
of the backup. (A value of `true` is a synonym for `.puppet-bak`.)
* If set to any other string, Puppet will try to back up to a filebucket
with that title. See the `filebucket` resource type for more details.
(This is the preferred method for backup, since it can be centralized
and queried.)
Default value: `puppet`, which backs up to a filebucket of the same name.
(Puppet automatically creates a **local** filebucket named `puppet` if one
doesn't already exist.)
Backing up to a local filebucket isn't particularly useful. If you want
to make organized use of backups, you will generally want to use the
puppet master server's filebucket service. This requires declaring a
filebucket resource and a resource default for the `backup` attribute
in site.pp:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
filebucket { 'main':
path => false, # This is required for remote filebuckets.
server => '', # Optional; defaults to the configured puppet master.
File { backup => main, }
If you are using multiple puppet master servers, you will want to
centralize the contents of the filebucket. Either configure your load
balancer to direct all filebucket traffic to a single master, or use
something like an out-of-band rsync task to synchronize the content on all
: The checksum type to use when determining whether to replace a file's contents.
The default checksum type is md5.
Valid values are `md5`, `md5lite`, `sha256`, `sha256lite`, `mtime`, `ctime`, `none`.
: The desired contents of a file, as a string. This attribute is mutually
exclusive with `source` and `target`.
Newlines and tabs can be specified in double-quoted strings using
standard escaped syntax --- \n for a newline, and \t for a tab.
With very small files, you can construct content strings directly in
the manifest...
define resolve(nameserver1, nameserver2, domain, search) {
$str = "search $search
domain $domain
nameserver $nameserver1
nameserver $nameserver2
file { "/etc/resolv.conf":
content => "$str",
...but for larger files, this attribute is more useful when combined with the
or [file](
: A read-only state to check the file ctime. On most modern \*nix-like
systems, this is the time of the most recent change to the owner, group,
permissions, or content of the file.
: Whether the file should exist, and if so what kind of file it should be.
Possible values are `present`, `absent`, `file`, `directory`, and `link`.
* `present` will accept any form of file existence, and will create a
normal file if the file is missing. (The file will have no content
unless the `content` or `source` attribute is used.)
* `absent` will make sure the file doesn't exist, deleting it
if necessary.
* `file` will make sure it's a normal file, and enables use of the
`content` or `source` attribute.
* `directory` will make sure it's a directory, and enables use of the
`source`, `recurse`, `recurselimit`, `ignore`, and `purge` attributes.
* `link` will make sure the file is a symlink, and **requires** that you
also set the `target` attribute. Symlinks are supported on all Posix
systems and on Windows Vista / 2008 and higher. On Windows, managing
symlinks requires puppet agent's user account to have the "Create
Symbolic Links" privilege; this can be configured in the "User Rights
Assignment" section in the Windows policy editor. By default, puppet
agent runs as the Administrator account, which does have this privilege.
Puppet avoids destroying directories unless the `force` attribute is set
to `true`. This means that if a file is currently a directory, setting
`ensure` to anything but `directory` or `present` will cause Puppet to
skip managing the resource and log either a notice or an error.
There is one other non-standard value for `ensure`. If you specify the
path to another file as the ensure value, it is equivalent to specifying
`link` and using that path as the `target`:
# Equivalent resources:
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => "/etc/inet/inetd.conf",
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => link,
target => "/etc/inet/inetd.conf",
However, we recommend using `link` and `target` explicitly, since this
behavior can be harder to read.
Valid values are `absent` (also called `false`), `file`, `present`, `directory`, `link`. Values can match `/./`.
: Perform the file operation even if it will destroy one or more directories.
You must use `force` in order to:
* `purge` subdirectories
* Replace directories with files or links
* Remove a directory when `ensure => absent`
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Which group should own the file. Argument can be either a group
name or a group ID.
On Windows, a user (such as "Administrator") can be set as a file's group
and a group (such as "Administrators") can be set as a file's owner;
however, a file's owner and group shouldn't be the same. (If the owner
is also the group, files with modes like `0640` will cause log churn, as
they will always appear out of sync.)
: A parameter which omits action on files matching
specified patterns during recursion. Uses Ruby's builtin globbing
engine, so shell metacharacters are fully supported, e.g. `[a-z]*`.
Matches that would descend into the directory structure are ignored,
e.g., `*/*`.
: How to handle links during file actions. During file copying,
`follow` will copy the target file instead of the link, `manage`
will copy the link itself, and `ignore` will just pass it by.
When not copying, `manage` and `ignore` behave equivalently
(because you cannot really ignore links entirely during local
recursion), and `follow` will manage the file to which the link points.
Valid values are `follow`, `manage`.
: The desired permissions mode for the file, in symbolic or numeric
notation. This value **must** be specified as a string; do not use
un-quoted numbers to represent file modes.
The `file` type uses traditional Unix permission schemes and translates
them to equivalent permissions for systems which represent permissions
differently, including Windows. For detailed ACL controls on Windows,
you can leave `mode` unmanaged and use
[the puppetlabs/acl module.](
Numeric modes should use the standard octal notation of
* Each of the "owner," "group," and "other" digits should be a sum of the
permissions for that class of users, where read = 4, write = 2, and
execute/search = 1.
* The setuid/setgid/sticky digit is also a sum, where setuid = 4, setgid = 2,
and sticky = 1.
* The setuid/setgid/sticky digit is optional. If it is absent, Puppet will
clear any existing setuid/setgid/sticky permissions. (So to make your intent
clear, you should use at least four digits for numeric modes.)
* When specifying numeric permissions for directories, Puppet sets the search
permission wherever the read permission is set.
Symbolic modes should be represented as a string of comma-separated
permission clauses, in the form `<WHO><OP><PERM>`:
* "Who" should be u (user), g (group), o (other), and/or a (all)
* "Op" should be = (set exact permissions), + (add select permissions),
or - (remove select permissions)
* "Perm" should be one or more of:
* r (read)
* w (write)
* x (execute/search)
* t (sticky)
* s (setuid/setgid)
* X (execute/search if directory or if any one user can execute)
* u (user's current permissions)
* g (group's current permissions)
* o (other's current permissions)
Thus, mode `0664` could be represented symbolically as either `a=r,ug+w`
or `ug=rw,o=r`. However, symbolic modes are more expressive than numeric
modes: a mode only affects the specified bits, so `mode => 'ug+w'` will
set the user and group write bits, without affecting any other bits.
See the manual page for GNU or BSD `chmod` for more details
on numeric and symbolic modes.
On Windows, permissions are translated as follows:
* Owner and group names are mapped to Windows SIDs
* The "other" class of users maps to the "Everyone" SID
* The read/write/execute permissions map to the `FILE_GENERIC_READ`,
file's owner always has the `FULL_CONTROL` right
* "Other" users can't have any permissions a file's group lacks,
and its group can't have any permissions its owner lacks; that is, 0644
is an acceptable mode, but 0464 is not.
: A read-only state to check the file mtime. On \*nix-like systems, this
is the time of the most recent change to the content of the file.
: The user to whom the file should belong. Argument can be a user name or a
user ID.
On Windows, a group (such as "Administrators") can be set as a file's owner
and a user (such as "Administrator") can be set as a file's group; however,
a file's owner and group shouldn't be the same. (If the owner is also
the group, files with modes like `0640` will cause log churn, as they
will always appear out of sync.)
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The path to the file to manage. Must be fully qualified.
On Windows, the path should include the drive letter and should use `/` as
the separator character (rather than `\\`).
: The specific backend to use for this `file`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Uses POSIX functionality to manage file ownership and permissions.
* Supported features: `manages_symlinks`.
: Uses Microsoft Windows functionality to manage file ownership and permissions.
* Supported features: `manages_symlinks`.
: Whether unmanaged files should be purged. This option only makes
sense when `ensure => directory` and `recurse => true`.
* When recursively duplicating an entire directory with the `source`
attribute, `purge => true` will automatically purge any files
that are not in the source directory.
* When managing files in a directory as individual resources,
setting `purge => true` will purge any files that aren't being
specifically managed.
If you have a filebucket configured, the purged files will be uploaded,
but if you do not, this will destroy data.
Unless `force => true` is set, purging will **not** delete directories,
although it will delete the files they contain.
If `recurselimit` is set and you aren't using `force => true`, purging
will obey the recursion limit; files in any subdirectories deeper than the
limit will be treated as unmanaged and left alone.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether to recursively manage the _contents_ of a directory. This attribute
is only used when `ensure => directory` is set. The allowed values are:
* `false` --- The default behavior. The contents of the directory will not be
automatically managed.
* `remote` --- If the `source` attribute is set, Puppet will automatically
manage the contents of the source directory (or directories), ensuring
that equivalent files and directories exist on the target system and
that their contents match.
Using `remote` will disable the `purge` attribute, but results in faster
catalog application than `recurse => true`.
The `source` attribute is mandatory when `recurse => remote`.
* `true` --- If the `source` attribute is set, this behaves similarly to
`recurse => remote`, automatically managing files from the source directory.
This also enables the `purge` attribute, which can delete unmanaged
files from a directory. See the description of `purge` for more details.
The `source` attribute is not mandatory when using `recurse => true`, so you
can enable purging in directories where all files are managed individually.
By default, setting recurse to `remote` or `true` will manage _all_
subdirectories. You can use the `recurselimit` attribute to limit the
recursion depth.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `remote`.
: How far Puppet should descend into subdirectories, when using
`ensure => directory` and either `recurse => true` or `recurse => remote`.
The recursion limit affects which files will be copied from the `source`
directory, as well as which files can be purged when `purge => true`.
Setting `recurselimit => 0` is the same as setting `recurse => false` ---
Puppet will manage the directory, but all of its contents will be treated
as unmanaged.
Setting `recurselimit => 1` will manage files and directories that are
directly inside the directory, but will not manage the contents of any
Setting `recurselimit => 2` will manage the direct contents of the
directory, as well as the contents of the _first_ level of subdirectories.
And so on --- 3 will manage the contents of the second level of
subdirectories, etc.
Values can match `/^[0-9]+$/`.
: Whether to replace a file or symlink that already exists on the local system but
whose content doesn't match what the `source` or `content` attribute
specifies. Setting this to false allows file resources to initialize files
without overwriting future changes. Note that this only affects content;
Puppet will still manage ownership and permissions. Defaults to `true`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: If this is set then Puppet will not ask SELinux (via matchpathcon) to
supply defaults for the SELinux attributes (seluser, selrole,
seltype, and selrange). In general, you should leave this set at its
default and only set it to true when you need Puppet to not try to fix
SELinux labels automatically.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: What the SELinux range component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux range component is accepted. For example `s0` or
`SystemHigh`. If not specified it defaults to the value returned by
matchpathcon for the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with
SELinux support enabled and that have support for MCS (Multi-Category
: What the SELinux role component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux role component is accepted. For example `role_r`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: What the SELinux type component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux type component is accepted. For example `tmp_t`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: What the SELinux user component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux user component is accepted. For example `user_u`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: Whether to display differences when the file changes, defaulting to
true. This parameter is useful for files that may contain passwords or
other secret data, which might otherwise be included in Puppet reports or
other insecure outputs. If the global `show_diff` setting
is false, then no diffs will be shown even if this parameter is true.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: A source file, which will be copied into place on the local system.
Values can be URIs pointing to remote files, or fully qualified paths to
files available on the local system (including files on NFS shares or
Windows mapped drives). This attribute is mutually exclusive with
`content` and `target`.
The available URI schemes are *puppet* and *file*. *Puppet*
URIs will retrieve files from Puppet's built-in file server, and are
usually formatted as:
This will fetch a file from a module on the puppet master (or from a
local module when using puppet apply). Given a `modulepath` of
`/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules`, the example above would resolve to
Unlike `content`, the `source` attribute can be used to recursively copy
directories if the `recurse` attribute is set to `true` or `remote`. If
a source directory contains symlinks, use the `links` attribute to
specify whether to recreate links or follow them.
Multiple `source` values can be specified as an array, and Puppet will
use the first source that exists. This can be used to serve different
files to different system types:
file { "/etc/nfs.conf":
source => [
Alternately, when serving directories recursively, multiple sources can
be combined by setting the `sourceselect` attribute to `all`.
: Whether (and how) Puppet should copy owner, group, and mode permissions from
the `source` to `file` resources when the permissions are not explicitly
specified. (In all cases, explicit permissions will take precedence.)
Valid values are `use`, `use_when_creating`, and `ignore`:
* `ignore` (the default) will never apply the owner, group, or mode from
the `source` when managing a file. When creating new files without explicit
permissions, the permissions they receive will depend on platform-specific
behavior. On POSIX, Puppet will use the umask of the user it is running as.
On Windows, Puppet will use the default DACL associated with the user it is
running as.
* `use` will cause Puppet to apply the owner, group,
and mode from the `source` to any files it is managing.
* `use_when_creating` will only apply the owner, group, and mode from the
`source` when creating a file; existing files will not have their permissions
Valid values are `use`, `use_when_creating`, `ignore`.
: Whether to copy all valid sources, or just the first one. This parameter
only affects recursive directory copies; by default, the first valid
source is the only one used, but if this parameter is set to `all`, then
all valid sources will have all of their contents copied to the local
system. If a given file exists in more than one source, the version from
the earliest source in the list will be used.
Valid values are `first`, `all`.
: The target for creating a link. Currently, symlinks are the
only type supported. This attribute is mutually exclusive with `source`
and `content`.
Symlink targets can be relative, as well as absolute:
# (Useful on Solaris)
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => link,
target => "inet/inetd.conf",
Directories of symlinks can be served recursively by instead using the
`source` attribute, setting `ensure` to `directory`, and setting the
`links` attribute to `manage`.
Valid values are `notlink`. Values can match `/./`.
: A read-only state to check the file type.
: A command for validating the file's syntax before replacing it. If
Puppet would need to rewrite a file due to new `source` or `content`, it
will check the new content's validity first. If validation fails, the file
resource will fail.
This command must have a fully qualified path, and should contain a
percent (`%`) token where it would expect an input file. It must exit `0`
if the syntax is correct, and non-zero otherwise. The command will be
run on the target system while applying the catalog, not on the puppet master.
file { '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf':
content => 'example',
validate_cmd => '/usr/sbin/apache2 -t -f %',
This would replace apache2.conf only if the test returned true.
Note that if a validation command requires a `%` as part of its text,
you can specify a different placeholder token with the
`validate_replacement` attribute.
: The replacement string in a `validate_cmd` that will be replaced
with an input file name. Defaults to: `%`
### filebucket
A repository for storing and retrieving file content by MD5 checksum. Can
be local to each agent node, or centralized on a puppet master server. All
puppet masters provide a filebucket service that agent nodes can access
via HTTP, but you must declare a filebucket resource before any agents
will do so.
Filebuckets are used for the following features:
- **Content backups.** If the `file` type's `backup` attribute is set to
the name of a filebucket, Puppet will back up the _old_ content whenever
it rewrites a file; see the documentation for the `file` type for more
details. These backups can be used for manual recovery of content, but
are more commonly used to display changes and differences in a tool like
Puppet Dashboard.
- **Content distribution.** The optional static compiler populates the
puppet master's filebucket with the _desired_ content for each file,
then instructs the agent to retrieve the content for a specific
checksum. For more details,
[see the `static_compiler` section in the catalog indirection docs](
To use a central filebucket for backups, you will usually want to declare
a filebucket resource and a resource default for the `backup` attribute
in site.pp:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
filebucket { 'main':
path => false, # This is required for remote filebuckets.
server => '', # Optional; defaults to the configured puppet master.
File { backup => main, }
Puppet master servers automatically provide the filebucket service, so
this will work in a default configuration. If you have a heavily
restricted `auth.conf` file, you may need to allow access to the
`file_bucket_file` endpoint.
#### Parameters
: The name of the filebucket.
: The path to the _local_ filebucket; defaults to the value of the
`clientbucketdir` setting. To use a remote filebucket, you _must_ set
this attribute to `false`.
: The port on which the remote server is listening. Defaults to the
value of the `masterport` setting, which is usually 8140.
: The server providing the remote filebucket service. Defaults to the
value of the `server` setting (that is, the currently configured
puppet master server).
This setting is _only_ consulted if the `path` attribute is set to `false`.
### group
Manage groups. On most platforms this can only create groups.
Group membership must be managed on individual users.
On some platforms such as OS X, group membership is managed as an
attribute of the group, not the user record. Providers must have
the feature 'manages_members' to manage the 'members' property of
a group record.
#### Features
- *libuser*: Allows local groups to be managed on systems that also use some other remote NSS method of managing accounts.
- *manages_aix_lam*: The provider can manage AIX Loadable Authentication Module (LAM) system.
- *manages_members*: For directories where membership is an attribute of groups not users.
- *system_groups*: The provider allows you to create system groups with lower GIDs.
Provider | libuser | manages_aix_lam | manages_members | system_groups |
---------------- | ------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |
aix | | *X* | *X* | |
directoryservice | | | *X* | |
groupadd | *X* | | | *X* |
ldap | | | | |
pw | | | *X* | |
windows_adsi | | | *X* | |
#### Parameters
: Whether to allow duplicate GIDs. Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether specified attribute value pairs should be treated as the only attributes
of the user or whether they should merely
be treated as the minimum list.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: Specify group AIX attributes in an array of `key=value` pairs.
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: whether the provider is authoritative for group membership.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Create or remove the group.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Forces the management of local accounts when accounts are also
being managed by some other NSS
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
Requires features libuser.
: The group ID. Must be specified numerically. If no group ID is
specified when creating a new group, then one will be chosen
automatically according to local system standards. This will likely
result in the same group having different GIDs on different systems,
which is not recommended.
On Windows, this property is read-only and will return the group's security
identifier (SID).
: The name of the I&A module to use to manage this user
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: The members of the group. For directory services where group
membership is stored in the group objects, not the users.
Requires features manages_members.
: The group name. While naming limitations vary by operating system,
it is advisable to restrict names to the lowest common denominator,
which is a maximum of 8 characters beginning with a letter.
Note that Puppet considers group names to be case-sensitive, regardless
of the platform's own rules; be sure to always use the same case when
referring to a given group.
: The specific backend to use for this `group`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Group management for AIX.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/chgroup`, `/usr/bin/mkgroup`, `/usr/sbin/lsgroup`, `/usr/sbin/rmgroup`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `manages_aix_lam`, `manages_members`.
: Group management using DirectoryService on OS X.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dscl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Group management via `groupadd` and its ilk. The default for most platforms.
* Required binaries: `groupadd`, `groupdel`, `groupmod`, `lgroupadd`.
* Supported features: `libuser`, `system_groups`.
: Group management via LDAP.
This provider requires that you have valid values for all of the
LDAP-related settings in `puppet.conf`, including `ldapbase`. You will
almost definitely need settings for `ldapuser` and `ldappassword` in order
for your clients to write to LDAP.
Note that this provider will automatically generate a GID for you if you do
not specify one, but it is a potentially expensive operation, as it
iterates across all existing groups to pick the appropriate next one.
: Group management via `pw` on FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD.
* Required binaries: `pw`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd, dragonfly`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Local group management for Windows. Group members can be both users and groups.
Additionally, local groups can contain domain users.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Whether the group is a system group with lower GID.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
### host
Installs and manages host entries. For most systems, these
entries will just be in `/etc/hosts`, but some systems (notably OS X)
will have different solutions.
#### Parameters
: A comment that will be attached to the line with a # character.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Any aliases the host might have. Multiple values must be
specified as an array.
: The host's IP address, IPv4 or IPv6.
: The host name.
: The specific backend to use for this `host`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The file in which to store service information. Only used by
those providers that write to disk. On most systems this defaults to `/etc/hosts`.
### interface
This represents a router or switch interface. It is possible to manage
interface mode (access or trunking, native vlan and encapsulation) and
switchport characteristics (speed, duplex).
#### Parameters
: Allowed list of Vlans that this trunk can forward.
Valid values are `all`. Values can match `/./`.
: Interface description.
: The URL at which the router or switch can be reached.
: Interface duplex.
Valid values are `auto`, `full`, `half`.
: Interface switchport encapsulation.
Valid values are `none`, `dot1q`, `isl`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present` (also called `no_shutdown`), `absent` (also called `shutdown`).
: Channel group this interface is part of.
Values can match `/^\d+/`.
: IP Address of this interface. Note that it might not be possible to set
an interface IP address; it depends on the interface type and device type.
Valid format of ip addresses are:
* IPV4, like
* IPV4/prefixlength like
* IPV6/prefixlength like FE80::21A:2FFF:FE30:ECF0/128
* an optional suffix for IPV6 addresses from this list: `eui-64`, `link-local`
It is also possible to supply an array of values.
: Interface switchport mode.
Valid values are `access`, `trunk`.
: The interface's name.
: Interface native vlan (for access mode only).
Values can match `/^\d+/`.
: The specific backend to use for this `interface`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Cisco switch/router provider for interface.
: Interface speed.
Valid values are `auto`. Values can match `/^\d+/`.
### k5login
Manage the `.k5login` file for a user. Specify the full path to
the `.k5login` file as the name, and an array of principals as the
`principals` attribute.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired permissions mode of the `.k5login` file. Defaults to `644`.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The path to the `.k5login` file to manage. Must be fully qualified.
: The principals present in the `.k5login` file. This should be specified as an array.
: The specific backend to use for this `k5login`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The k5login provider is the only provider for the k5login
### macauthorization
Manage the Mac OS X authorization database. See the
[Apple developer site](
for more information.
Note that authorization store directives with hyphens in their names have
been renamed to use underscores, as Puppet does not react well to hyphens
in identifiers.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the `/etc/authorization` file, each
macauthorization resource will autorequire it.
#### Parameters
: Corresponds to `allow-root` in the authorization store. Specifies
whether a right should be allowed automatically if the requesting process
is running with `uid == 0`. AuthorizationServices defaults this attribute
to false if not specified.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Corresponds to `class` in the authorization store; renamed due
to 'class' being a reserved word in Puppet.
Valid values are `user`, `evaluate-mechanisms`, `allow`, `deny`, `rule`.
: Type --- this can be a `right` or a `rule`. The `comment` type has
not yet been implemented.
Valid values are `right`, `rule`.
: Corresponds to `authenticate-user` in the authorization store.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The `comment` attribute for authorization resources.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: A group which the user must authenticate as a member of. This
must be a single group.
: How large a subset of rule mechanisms must succeed for successful
authentication. If there are 'n' mechanisms, then 'k' (the integer value
of this parameter) mechanisms must succeed. The most common setting for
this parameter is `1`. If `k-of-n` is not set, then every mechanism ---
that is, 'n-of-n' --- must succeed.
: An array of suitable mechanisms.
: The name of the right or rule to be managed.
Corresponds to `key` in Authorization Services. The key is the name
of a rule. A key uses the same naming conventions as a right. The
Security Server uses a rule's key to match the rule with a right.
Wildcard keys end with a '.'. The generic rule has an empty key value.
Any rights that do not match a specific rule use the generic rule.
: The specific backend to use for this `macauthorization`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage Mac OS X authorization database rules and rights.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/security`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
: The rule(s) that this right refers to.
: Whether the session owner automatically matches this rule or right.
Corresponds to `session-owner` in the authorization store.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Whether the Security Server should mark the credentials used to gain
this right as shared. The Security Server may use any shared credentials
to authorize this right. For maximum security, set sharing to false so
credentials stored by the Security Server for one application may not be
used by another application.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The number of seconds in which the credential used by this rule will
expire. For maximum security where the user must authenticate every time,
set the timeout to 0. For minimum security, remove the timeout attribute
so the user authenticates only once per session.
: The number of tries allowed.
### mailalias
Creates an email alias in the local alias database.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: A file containing the alias's contents. The file and the
recipient entries are mutually exclusive.
: The alias name.
: The specific backend to use for this `mailalias`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Where email should be sent. Multiple values
should be specified as an array. The file and the
recipient entries are mutually exclusive.
: The file in which to store the aliases. Only used by
those providers that write to disk.
### maillist
Manage email lists. This resource type can only create
and remove lists; it cannot currently reconfigure them.
#### Parameters
: The email address of the administrator.
: The description of the mailing list.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`, `purged`.
: The name of the host handling email for the list.
: The name of the email list.
: The admin password.
: The specific backend to use for this `maillist`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists`, `/usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist`, `/usr/lib/mailman/bin/rmlist`, `/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman`.
: The name of the host providing web archives and the administrative interface.
### mcx
MCX object management using DirectoryService on OS X.
The default provider of this type merely manages the XML plist as
reported by the `dscl -mcxexport` command. This is similar to the
content property of the file type in Puppet.
The recommended method of using this type is to use Work Group Manager
to manage users and groups on the local computer, record the resulting
puppet manifest using the command `puppet resource mcx`, then deploy it
to other machines.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user, group, or computer that these
MCX settings refer to, the MCX resource will autorequire that user, group, or computer.
#### Features
- *manages_content*: The provider can manage MCXSettings as a string.
Provider | manages_content |
---------- | --------------- |
mcxcontent | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The XML Plist used as the value of MCXSettings in DirectoryService.
This is the standard output from the system command:
dscl localhost -mcxexport /Local/Default/<ds_type>/ds_name
Note that `ds_type` is capitalized and plural in the dscl command.
Requires features manages_content.
: The name to attach the MCX Setting to. (For example, `localhost`
when `ds_type => computer`.) This setting is not required, as it can be
automatically discovered when the resource name is parseable. (For
example, in `/Groups/admin`, `group` will be used as the dstype.)
: The DirectoryService type this MCX setting attaches to.
Valid values are `user`, `group`, `computer`, `computerlist`.
: Create or remove the MCX setting.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name of the resource being managed.
The default naming convention follows Directory Service paths:
The `ds_type` and `ds_name` type parameters are not necessary if the
default naming convention is followed.
: The specific backend to use for this `mcx`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: MCX Settings management using DirectoryService on OS X.
This provider manages the entire MCXSettings attribute available
to some directory services nodes. This management is 'all or nothing'
in that discrete application domain key value pairs are not managed
by this provider.
It is recommended to use WorkGroup Manager to configure Users, Groups,
Computers, or ComputerLists, then use 'ralsh mcx' to generate a puppet
manifest from the resulting configuration.
Original Author: Jeff McCune (
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dscl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `manages_content`.
### mount
Manages mounted filesystems, including putting mount
information into the mount table. The actual behavior depends
on the value of the 'ensure' parameter.
**Refresh:** `mount` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). If a `mount` receives an event
from another resource **and** its `ensure` attribute is set to `mounted`,
Puppet will try to unmount then remount that filesystem.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing any parents of a mount resource ---
that is, other mount points higher up in the filesystem --- the child
mount will autorequire them.
#### Features
- *refreshable*: The provider can remount the filesystem.
Provider | refreshable |
-------- | ----------- |
parsed | *X* |
#### Parameters
: Whether to mount the mount at boot. Not all platforms
support this.
: The device to fsck. This is property is only valid
on Solaris, and in most cases will default to the correct
: The device providing the mount. This can be whatever
device is supporting by the mount, including network
devices or devices specified by UUID rather than device
path, depending on the operating system.
: Whether to dump the mount. Not all platform support this.
Valid values are `1` or `0` (or `2` on FreeBSD). Default is `0`.
Values can match `/(0|1)/`.
: Control what to do with this mount. Set this attribute to
`unmounted` to make sure the filesystem is in the filesystem table
but not mounted (if the filesystem is currently mounted, it will be
unmounted). Set it to `absent` to unmount (if necessary) and remove
the filesystem from the fstab. Set to `mounted` to add it to the
fstab and mount it. Set to `present` to add to fstab but not change
mount/unmount status.
Valid values are `defined` (also called `present`), `unmounted`, `absent`, `mounted`.
: The mount type. Valid values depend on the
operating system. This is a required option.
: The mount path for the mount.
: A single string containing options for the mount, as they would
appear in fstab. For many platforms this is a comma delimited string.
Consult the fstab(5) man page for system-specific details.
: The pass in which the mount is checked.
: The specific backend to use for this `mount`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `mount`, `umount`.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: Whether the mount can be remounted `mount -o remount`. If
this is false, then the filesystem will be unmounted and remounted
manually, which is prone to failure.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The file in which to store the mount table. Only used by
those providers that write to disk.
### nagios_command
The Nagios type command. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_command.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_command resource.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_command`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_contact
The Nagios type contact. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_contact.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_contact resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_contact`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_contactgroup
The Nagios type contactgroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_contactgroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_contactgroup resource.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_contactgroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_host
The Nagios type host. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_host resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_host`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostdependency
The Nagios type hostdependency. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostdependency.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostdependency resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostdependency`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostescalation
The Nagios type hostescalation. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostescalation.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostescalation resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostescalation`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostextinfo
The Nagios type hostextinfo. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostextinfo.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostextinfo`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostgroup
The Nagios type hostgroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostgroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostgroup resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostgroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_service
The Nagios type service. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_service.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_service resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_service`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_servicedependency
The Nagios type servicedependency. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_servicedependency.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_servicedependency resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_servicedependency`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_serviceescalation
The Nagios type serviceescalation. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_serviceescalation.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_serviceescalation`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_serviceextinfo
The Nagios type serviceextinfo. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_serviceextinfo.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_serviceextinfo`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_servicegroup
The Nagios type servicegroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_servicegroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_servicegroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_servicegroup resource.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_timeperiod
The Nagios type timeperiod. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_timeperiod.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_timeperiod`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_timeperiod resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### notify
Sends an arbitrary message to the agent run-time log.
#### Parameters
: The message to be sent to the log.
: An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the name of the message.
: Whether to show the full object path. Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### package
Manage packages. There is a basic dichotomy in package
support right now: Some package types (e.g., yum and apt) can
retrieve their own package files, while others (e.g., rpm and sun)
cannot. For those package formats that cannot retrieve their own files,
you can use the `source` parameter to point to the correct file.
Puppet will automatically guess the packaging format that you are
using based on the platform you are on, but you can override it
using the `provider` parameter; each provider defines what it
requires in order to function, and you must meet those requirements
to use a given provider.
You can declare multiple package resources with the same `name`, as long
as they specify different providers and have unique titles.
Note that you must use the _title_ to make a reference to a package
resource; `Package[<NAME>]` is not a synonym for `Package[<TITLE>]` like
it is for many other resource types.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the files specified as a
package's `adminfile`, `responsefile`, or `source`, the package
resource will autorequire those files.
#### Features
- *holdable*: The provider is capable of placing packages on hold such that they are not automatically upgraded as a result of other package dependencies unless explicit action is taken by a user or another package. Held is considered a superset of installed.
- *install_options*: The provider accepts options to be passed to the installer command.
- *installable*: The provider can install packages.
- *package_settings*: The provider accepts package_settings to be ensured for the given package. The meaning and format of these settings is provider-specific.
- *purgeable*: The provider can purge packages. This generally means that all traces of the package are removed, including existing configuration files. This feature is thus destructive and should be used with the utmost care.
- *reinstallable*: The provider can reinstall packages.
- *uninstall_options*: The provider accepts options to be passed to the uninstaller command.
- *uninstallable*: The provider can uninstall packages.
- *upgradeable*: The provider can upgrade to the latest version of a package. This feature is used by specifying `latest` as the desired value for the package.
- *versionable*: The provider is capable of interrogating the package database for installed version(s), and can select which out of a set of available versions of a package to install if asked.
- *virtual_packages*: The provider accepts virtual package names for install and uninstall.
Provider | holdable | install_options | installable | package_settings | purgeable | reinstallable | uninstall_options | uninstallable | upgradeable | versionable | virtual_packages |
----------- | -------- | --------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | --------- | ------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | ---------------- |
aix | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
appdmg | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
apple | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
apt | *X* | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
aptitude | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
aptrpm | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
blastwave | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
dpkg | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
fink | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
freebsd | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
gem | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
hpux | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | | | |
macports | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
nim | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
openbsd | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
opkg | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
pacman | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | | *X* |
pip | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkg | *X* | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkgdmg | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
pkgin | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkgutil | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
portage | | | *X* | | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
ports | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
portupgrade | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
rpm | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
rug | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
sun | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
sunfreeware | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
up2date | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
urpmi | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
windows | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | |
yum | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
zypper | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
#### Parameters
: A file containing package defaults for installing packages.
This attribute is only used on Solaris. Its value should be a path to a
local file stored on the target system. Solaris's package tools expect
either an absolute file path or a relative path to a file in
The value of `adminfile` will be passed directly to the `pkgadd` or
`pkgrm` command with the `-a <ADMINFILE>` option.
: Specifies if virtual package names are allowed for install and uninstall.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
Requires features virtual_packages.
: Tells apt to allow cdrom sources in the sources.list file.
Normally apt will bail if you try this.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: Whether configfiles should be kept or replaced. Most packages
types do not support this parameter. Defaults to `keep`.
Valid values are `keep`, `replace`.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: What state the package should be in. On packaging systems that can
retrieve new packages on their own, you can choose which package to
retrieve by specifying a version number or `latest` as the ensure
value. On packaging systems that manage configuration files separately
from "normal" system files, you can uninstall config files by
specifying `purged` as the ensure value. This defaults to `installed`.
Valid values are `present` (also called `installed`), `absent`, `purged`, `held`, `latest`. Values can match `/./`.
: OpenBSD supports 'flavors', which are further specifications for
which type of package you want.
: An array of additional options to pass when installing a package. These
options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software
vendor. One commonly implemented option is `INSTALLDIR`:
package { 'mysql':
ensure => installed,
source => 'N:/packages/mysql-5.5.16-winx64.msi',
install_options => [ '/S', { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\mysql-5.5' } ],
Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each
key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each
option will automatically be quoted when passed to the install command.
On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash
separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted
strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted
strings _may_ be double-escaped.
Requires features install_options.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: The package name. This is the name that the packaging
system uses internally, which is sometimes (especially on Solaris)
a name that is basically useless to humans. If a package goes by
several names, you can use a single title and then set the name
# In the 'openssl' class
$ssl = $operatingsystem ? {
solaris => SMCossl,
default => openssl
package { 'openssl':
name => $ssl,
ensure => installed
. etc. .
$ssh = $operatingsystem ? {
solaris => SMCossh,
default => openssh
package { 'openssh':
name => $ssh
ensure => installed,
require => Package['openssl']
: Settings that can change the contents or configuration of a package.
The formatting and effects of package_settings are provider-specific; any
provider that implements them must explain how to use them in its
documentation. (Our general expectation is that if a package is
installed but its settings are out of sync, the provider should
re-install that package with the desired settings.)
An example of how package_settings could be used is FreeBSD's port build
options --- a future version of the provider could accept a hash of options,
and would reinstall the port if the installed version lacked the correct
package { 'www/apache22':
package_settings => { 'SUEXEC' => false }
Again, check the documentation of your platform's package provider to see
the actual usage.
Requires features package_settings.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The specific backend to use for this `package`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Installation from an AIX software directory, using the AIX `installp`
command. The `source` parameter is required for this provider, and should
be set to the absolute path (on the puppet agent machine) of a directory
containing one or more BFF package files.
The `installp` command will generate a table of contents file (named `.toc`)
in this directory, and the `name` parameter (or resource title) that you
specify for your `package` resource must match a package name that exists
in the `.toc` file.
Note that package downgrades are *not* supported; if your resource specifies
a specific version number and there is already a newer version of the package
installed on the machine, the resource will fail with an error message.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lslpp`, `/usr/sbin/installp`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management which copies application bundles to a target.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/curl`, `/usr/bin/ditto`, `/usr/bin/hdiutil`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management based on OS X's builtin packaging system. This is
essentially the simplest and least functional package system in existence --
it only supports installation; no deletion or upgrades. The provider will
automatically add the `.pkg` extension, so leave that off when specifying
the package name.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/installer`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management via `apt-get`.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to apt-get.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/apt-cache`, `/usr/bin/apt-get`, `/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `debian, ubuntu`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management via `aptitude`.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/apt-cache`, `/usr/bin/aptitude`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management via `apt-get` ported to `rpm`.
* Required binaries: `apt-cache`, `apt-get`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management using's `pkg-get` command on Solaris.
* Required binaries: `pkg-get`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management via `dpkg`. Because this only uses `dpkg`
and not `apt`, you must specify the source of any packages you want
to manage.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dpkg-deb`, `/usr/bin/dpkg-query`, `/usr/bin/dpkg`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management via `fink`.
* Required binaries: `/sw/bin/apt-cache`, `/sw/bin/apt-get`, `/sw/bin/dpkg-query`, `/sw/bin/fink`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: The specific form of package management on FreeBSD. This is an
extremely quirky packaging system, in that it freely mixes between
ports and packages. Apparently all of the tools are written in Ruby,
so there are plans to rewrite this support to directly use those
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/pkg_add`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_delete`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Ruby Gem support. If a URL is passed via `source`, then that URL is used as the
remote gem repository; if a source is present but is not a valid URL, it will be
interpreted as the path to a local gem file. If source is not present at all,
the gem will be installed from the default gem repositories.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to the gem command.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `gem`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: HP-UX's packaging system.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/swinstall`, `/usr/sbin/swlist`, `/usr/sbin/swremove`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `hp-ux`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`.
: Package management using MacPorts on OS X.
Supports MacPorts versions and revisions, but not variants.
Variant preferences may be specified using
[the MacPorts variants.conf file](
When specifying a version in the Puppet DSL, only specify the version, not the revision.
Revisions are only used internally for ensuring the latest version/revision of a port.
* Required binaries: `/opt/local/bin/port`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Installation from an AIX NIM LPP source. The `source` parameter is required
for this provider, and should specify the name of a NIM `lpp_source` resource
that is visible to the puppet agent machine. This provider supports the
management of both BFF/installp and RPM packages.
Note that package downgrades are *not* supported; if your resource specifies
a specific version number and there is already a newer version of the package
installed on the machine, the resource will fail with an error message.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lslpp`, `/usr/sbin/nimclient`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: OpenBSD's form of `pkg_add` support.
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to pkg_add and pkg_delete.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `pkg_add`, `pkg_delete`, `pkg_info`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openbsd`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Opkg packaging support. Common on OpenWrt and OpenEmbedded platforms
* Required binaries: `opkg`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openwrt`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for the Package Manager Utility (pacman) used in Archlinux.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to pacman.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pacman`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `archlinux, manjarolinux`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Python packages via `pip`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: OpenSolaris image packaging system. See pkg(5) for more information
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pkg`.
* Default for `kernelrelease` == `5.11` and `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management based on Apple's and
This provider works by checking the contents of a DMG image for Apple pkg or
mpkg files. Any number of pkg or mpkg files may exist in the root directory
of the DMG file system, and Puppet will install all of them. Subdirectories
are not checked for packages.
This provider can also accept plain .pkg (but not .mpkg) files in addition
to .dmg files.
* The `source` attribute is mandatory. It must be either a local disk path
or an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL to the package.
* The `name` of the resource must be the filename (without path) of the DMG file.
* When installing the packages from a DMG, this provider writes a file to
disk at `/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_NAME`. If that file is present,
Puppet assumes all packages from that DMG are already installed.
* This provider is not versionable and uses DMG filenames to determine
whether a package has been installed. Thus, to install new a version of a
package, you must create a new DMG with a different filename.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/curl`, `/usr/bin/hdiutil`, `/usr/sbin/installer`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management using pkgin, a binary package manager for pkgsrc.
* Required binaries: `pkgin`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `dragonfly, smartos`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management using Peter Bonivart's ``pkgutil`` command on Solaris.
* Required binaries: `pkgutil`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Provides packaging support for Gentoo's portage system.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/eix-update`, `/usr/bin/eix`, `/usr/bin/emerge`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `gentoo`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `reinstallable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Support for FreeBSD's ports. Note that this, too, mixes packages and ports.
* Required binaries: `/usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade`, `/usr/local/sbin/portversion`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for FreeBSD's ports using the portupgrade ports management software.
Use the port's full origin as the resource name. eg (ports-mgmt/portupgrade)
for the portupgrade port.
* Required binaries: `/usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade`, `/usr/local/sbin/portversion`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: RPM packaging support; should work anywhere with a working `rpm`
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to rpm.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `rpm`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Support for suse `rug` package manager.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/rug`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Sun's packaging system. Requires that you specify the source for
the packages you're managing.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to pkgadd.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pkginfo`, `/usr/sbin/pkgadd`, `/usr/sbin/pkgrm`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management using's `pkg-get` command on Solaris.
At this point, support is exactly the same as `blastwave` support and
has not actually been tested.
* Required binaries: `pkg-get`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for Red Hat's proprietary `up2date` package update
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/up2date-nox`.
* Default for `lsbdistrelease` == `2.1, 3, 4` and `osfamily` == `redhat`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support via `urpmi`.
* Required binaries: `rpm`, `urpme`, `urpmi`, `urpmq`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `mandriva, mandrake`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Windows package management.
This provider supports either MSI or self-extracting executable installers.
This provider requires a `source` attribute when installing the package.
It accepts paths to local files, mapped drives, or UNC paths.
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to the installer.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
If the executable requires special arguments to perform a silent install or
uninstall, then the appropriate arguments should be specified using the
`install_options` or `uninstall_options` attributes, respectively. Puppet
will automatically quote any option that contains spaces.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `versionable`.
: Support via `yum`.
Using this provider's `uninstallable` feature will not remove dependent packages. To
remove dependent packages with this provider use the `purgeable` feature, but note this
feature is destructive and should be used with the utmost care.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to yum.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `rpm`, `yum`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `redhat`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Support for SuSE `zypper` package manager. Found in SLES10sp2+ and SLES11.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to zypper.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/zypper`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `suse, sles, sled, opensuse`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Whether this resource should respond to refresh events (via `subscribe`,
`notify`, or the `~>` arrow) by reinstalling the package. Only works for
providers that support the `reinstallable` feature.
This is useful for source-based distributions, where you may want to
recompile a package if the build options change.
If you use this, be careful of notifying classes when you want to restart
services. If the class also contains a refreshable package, doing so could
cause unnecessary re-installs.
Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: A file containing any necessary answers to questions asked by
the package. This is currently used on Solaris and Debian. The
value will be validated according to system rules, but it should
generally be a fully qualified path.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: Where to find the package file. This is only used by providers that don't
automatically download packages from a central repository. (For example:
the `yum` and `apt` providers ignore this attribute, but the `rpm` and
`dpkg` providers require it.)
Different providers accept different values for `source`. Most providers
accept paths to local files stored on the target system. Some providers
may also accept URLs or network drive paths. Puppet will not
automatically retrieve source files for you, and usually just passes the
value of `source` to the package installation command.
You can use a `file` resource if you need to manually copy package files
to the target system.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: An array of additional options to pass when uninstalling a package. These
options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software
vendor. For example:
package { 'VMware Tools':
ensure => absent,
uninstall_options => [ { 'REMOVE' => 'Sync,VSS' } ],
Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each
key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each
option will automatically be quoted when passed to the uninstall
On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash
separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted
strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted
strings _may_ be double-escaped.
Requires features uninstall_options.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
### resources
This is a metatype that can manage other resource types. Any
metaparams specified here will be passed on to any generated resources,
so you can purge umanaged resources but set `noop` to true so the
purging is only logged and does not actually happen.
#### Parameters
: The name of the type to be managed.
: Whether to purge unmanaged resources. When set to `true`, this will
delete any resource that is not specified in your configuration and is not
autorequired by any managed resources. **Note:** The `ssh_authorized_key`
resource type can't be purged this way; instead, see the `purge_ssh_keys`
attribute of the `user` type.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: This keeps system users from being purged. By default, it
does not purge users whose UIDs are less than the minimum UID for the system (typically 500 or 1000), but you can specify
a different UID as the inclusive limit.
Valid values are `true`, `false`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
: This keeps specific uids or ranges of uids from being purged when purge is true.
Accepts integers, integer strings, and arrays of integers or integer strings.
To specify a range of uids, consider using the range() function from stdlib.
### router
Manages connected router.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
An SSH or telnet URL at which to access the router, in the form
`ssh://user:pass:enable@host/` or `telnet://user:pass:enable@host/`.
### schedule
Define schedules for Puppet. Resources can be limited to a schedule by using the
Currently, **schedules can only be used to stop a resource from being
applied;** they cannot cause a resource to be applied when it otherwise
wouldn't be, and they cannot accurately specify a time when a resource
should run.
Every time Puppet applies its configuration, it will apply the
set of resources whose schedule does not eliminate them from
running right then, but there is currently no system in place to
guarantee that a given resource runs at a given time. If you
specify a very restrictive schedule and Puppet happens to run at a
time within that schedule, then the resources will get applied;
otherwise, that work may never get done.
Thus, it is advisable to use wider scheduling (e.g., over a couple of
hours) combined with periods and repetitions. For instance, if you
wanted to restrict certain resources to only running once, between
the hours of two and 4 AM, then you would use this schedule:
schedule { 'maint':
range => "2 - 4",
period => daily,
repeat => 1,
With this schedule, the first time that Puppet runs between 2 and 4 AM,
all resources with this schedule will get applied, but they won't
get applied again between 2 and 4 because they will have already
run once that day, and they won't get applied outside that schedule
because they will be outside the scheduled range.
Puppet automatically creates a schedule for each of the valid periods
with the same name as that period (e.g., hourly and daily).
Additionally, a schedule named `puppet` is created and used as the
default, with the following attributes:
schedule { 'puppet':
period => hourly,
repeat => 2,
This will cause resources to be applied every 30 minutes by default.
#### Parameters
: The name of the schedule. This name is used when assigning the schedule
to a resource with the `schedule` metaparameter:
schedule { 'everyday':
period => daily,
range => "2 - 4",
exec { "/usr/bin/apt-get update":
schedule => 'everyday',
: The period of repetition for resources on this schedule. The default is
for resources to get applied every time Puppet runs.
Note that the period defines how often a given resource will get
applied but not when; if you would like to restrict the hours
that a given resource can be applied (e.g., only at night during
a maintenance window), then use the `range` attribute.
If the provided periods are not sufficient, you can provide a
value to the *repeat* attribute, which will cause Puppet to
schedule the affected resources evenly in the period the
specified number of times. Take this schedule:
schedule { 'veryoften':
period => hourly,
repeat => 6,
This can cause Puppet to apply that resource up to every 10 minutes.
At the moment, Puppet cannot guarantee that level of repetition; that
is, the resource can applied _up to_ every 10 minutes, but internal
factors might prevent it from actually running that often (e.g. if a
Puppet run is still in progress when the next run is scheduled to start,
that next run will be suppressed).
See the `periodmatch` attribute for tuning whether to match
times by their distance apart or by their specific value.
Valid values are `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, `never`.
: Whether periods should be matched by number (e.g., the two times
are in the same hour) or by distance (e.g., the two times are
60 minutes apart).
Valid values are `number`, `distance`.
: The earliest and latest that a resource can be applied. This is
always a hyphen-separated range within a 24 hour period, and hours
must be specified in numbers between 0 and 23, inclusive. Minutes and
seconds can optionally be provided, using the normal colon as a
separator. For instance:
schedule { 'maintenance':
range => "1:30 - 4:30",
This is mostly useful for restricting certain resources to being
applied in maintenance windows or during off-peak hours. Multiple
ranges can be applied in array context. As a convenience when specifying
ranges, you may cross midnight (e.g.: range => "22:00 - 04:00").
: How often a given resource may be applied in this schedule's `period`.
Defaults to 1; must be an integer.
: The days of the week in which the schedule should be valid.
You may specify the full day name (Tuesday), the three character
abbreviation (Tue), or a number corresponding to the day of the
week where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. Multiple days can be specified
as an array. If not specified, the day of the week will not be
considered in the schedule.
If you are also using a range match that spans across midnight
then this parameter will match the day that it was at the start
of the range, not necessarily the day that it is when it matches.
For example, consider this schedule:
schedule { 'maintenance_window':
range => '22:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Saturday',
This will match at 11 PM on Saturday and 2 AM on Sunday, but not
at 2 AM on Saturday.
### scheduled_task
Installs and manages Windows Scheduled Tasks. All attributes
except `name`, `command`, and `trigger` are optional; see the description
of the `trigger` attribute for details on setting schedules.
#### Parameters
: Any arguments or flags that should be passed to the command. Multiple arguments
should be specified as a space-separated string.
: The full path to the application to run, without any arguments.
: Whether the triggers for this task should be enabled. This attribute
affects every trigger for the task; triggers cannot be enabled or
disabled individually.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name assigned to the scheduled task. This will uniquely
identify the task on the system.
: The password for the user specified in the 'user' attribute.
This is only used if specifying a user other than 'SYSTEM'.
Since there is no way to retrieve the password used to set the
account information for a task, this parameter will not be used
to determine if a scheduled task is in sync or not.
: The specific backend to use for this `scheduled_task`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: This provider manages scheduled tasks on Windows.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
: One or more triggers defining when the task should run. A single trigger is
represented as a hash, and multiple triggers can be specified with an array of
A trigger can contain the following keys:
* For all triggers:
* `schedule` **(Required)** --- What kind of trigger this is.
Valid values are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, or `once`. Each kind
of trigger is configured with a different set of keys; see the
sections below. (`once` triggers only need a start time/date.)
* `start_time` **(Required)** --- The time of day when the trigger should
first become active. Several time formats will work, but we
suggest 24-hour time formatted as HH:MM.
* `start_date` --- The date when the trigger should first become active.
Defaults to the current date. You should format dates as YYYY-MM-DD,
although other date formats may work. (Under the hood, this uses `Date.parse`.)
* For `daily` triggers:
* `every` --- How often the task should run, as a number of days. Defaults
to 1. ("2" means every other day, "3" means every three days, etc.)
* For `weekly` triggers:
* `every` --- How often the task should run, as a number of weeks. Defaults
to 1. ("2" means every other week, "3" means every three weeks, etc.)
* `day_of_week` --- Which days of the week the task should run, as an array.
Defaults to all days. Each day must be one of `mon`, `tues`,
`wed`, `thurs`, `fri`, `sat`, `sun`, or `all`.
* For `monthly` (by date) triggers:
* `months` --- Which months the task should run, as an array. Defaults to
all months. Each month must be an integer between 1 and 12.
* `on` **(Required)** --- Which days of the month the task should run,
as an array. Each day must beeither an integer between 1 and 31,
or the special value `last,` which is always the last day of the month.
* For `monthly` (by weekday) triggers:
* `months` --- Which months the task should run, as an array. Defaults to
all months. Each month must be an integer between 1 and 12.
* `day_of_week` **(Required)** --- Which day of the week the task should
run, as an array with only one element. Each day must be one of `mon`,
`tues`, `wed`, `thurs`, `fri`, `sat`, `sun`, or `all`.
* `which_occurrence` **(Required)** --- The occurrence of the chosen weekday
when the task should run. Must be one of `first`, `second`, `third`,
`fourth`, `fifth`, or `last`.
# Run at 8am on the 1st, 15th, and last day of the month in January, March,
# May, July, September, and November, starting after August 31st, 2011.
trigger => {
schedule => monthly,
start_date => '2011-08-31', # Defaults to current date
start_time => '08:00', # Must be specified
months => [1,3,5,7,9,11], # Defaults to all
on => [1, 15, last], # Must be specified
# Run at 8am on the first Monday of the month for January, March, and May,
# starting after August 31st, 2011.
trigger => {
schedule => monthly,
start_date => '2011-08-31', # Defaults to current date
start_time => '08:00', # Must be specified
months => [1,3,5], # Defaults to all
which_occurrence => first, # Must be specified
day_of_week => [mon], # Must be specified
: The user to run the scheduled task as. Please note that not
all security configurations will allow running a scheduled task
as 'SYSTEM', and saving the scheduled task under these
conditions will fail with a reported error of 'The operation
completed successfully'. It is recommended that you either
choose another user to run the scheduled task, or alter the
security policy to allow v1 scheduled tasks to run as the
'SYSTEM' account. Defaults to 'SYSTEM'.
Please also note that Puppet must be running as a privileged user
in order to manage `scheduled_task` resources. Running as an
unprivileged user will result in 'access denied' errors.
: The full path of the directory in which to start the command.
### selboolean
Manages SELinux booleans on systems with SELinux support. The supported booleans
are any of the ones found in `/selinux/booleans/`.
#### Parameters
: The name of the SELinux boolean to be managed.
: If set true, SELinux booleans will be written to disk and persist across reboots.
The default is `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The specific backend to use for this `selboolean`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage SELinux booleans using the getsebool and setsebool binaries.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/getsebool`, `/usr/sbin/setsebool`.
: Whether the SELinux boolean should be enabled or disabled.
Valid values are `on`, `off`.
### selmodule
Manages loading and unloading of SELinux policy modules
on the system. Requires SELinux support. See man semodule(8)
for more information on SELinux policy modules.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the file containing this SELinux
policy module (which is either explicitly specified in the `selmodulepath`
attribute or will be found at {`selmoduledir`}/{`name`}.pp), the selmodule
resource will autorequire that file.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name of the SELinux policy to be managed. You should not
include the customary trailing .pp extension.
: The specific backend to use for this `selmodule`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage SELinux policy modules using the semodule binary.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/semodule`.
: The directory to look for the compiled pp module file in.
Currently defaults to `/usr/share/selinux/targeted`. If the
`selmodulepath` attribute is not specified, Puppet will expect to find
the module in `<selmoduledir>/<name>.pp`, where `name` is the value of the
`name` parameter.
: The full path to the compiled .pp policy module. You only need to use
this if the module file is not in the `selmoduledir` directory.
: If set to `true`, the policy will be reloaded if the
version found in the on-disk file differs from the loaded
version. If set to `false` (the default) the only check
that will be made is if the policy is loaded at all or not.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### service
Manage running services. Service support unfortunately varies
widely by platform --- some platforms have very little if any concept of a
running service, and some have a very codified and powerful concept.
Puppet's service support is usually capable of doing the right thing, but
the more information you can provide, the better behaviour you will get.
Puppet 2.7 and newer expect init scripts to have a working status command.
If this isn't the case for any of your services' init scripts, you will
need to set `hasstatus` to false and possibly specify a custom status
command in the `status` attribute. As a last resort, Puppet will attempt to
search the process table by calling whatever command is listed in the `ps`
fact. The default search pattern is the name of the service, but you can
specify it with the `pattern` attribute.
**Refresh:** `service` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). If a `service` receives an
event from another resource, Puppet will restart the service it manages.
The actual command used to restart the service depends on the platform and
can be configured:
* If you set `hasrestart` to true, Puppet will use the init script's restart command.
* You can provide an explicit command for restarting with the `restart` attribute.
* If you do neither, the service's stop and start commands will be used.
#### Features
- *controllable*: The provider uses a control variable.
- *enableable*: The provider can enable and disable the service
- *flaggable*: The provider can pass flags to the service.
- *refreshable*: The provider can restart the service.
Provider | controllable | enableable | flaggable | refreshable |
----------- | ------------ | ---------- | --------- | ----------- |
base | | | | *X* |
bsd | | *X* | | *X* |
daemontools | | *X* | | *X* |
debian | | *X* | | *X* |
freebsd | | *X* | | *X* |
gentoo | | *X* | | *X* |
init | | | | *X* |
launchd | | *X* | | *X* |
openbsd | | *X* | *X* | *X* |
openrc | | *X* | | *X* |
openwrt | | *X* | | *X* |
redhat | | *X* | | *X* |
runit | | *X* | | *X* |
service | | | | *X* |
smf | | *X* | | *X* |
src | | *X* | | *X* |
systemd | | *X* | | *X* |
upstart | | *X* | | *X* |
windows | | *X* | | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The path to the daemon. This is only used for
systems that do not support init scripts. This binary will be
used to start the service if no `start` parameter is
: The control variable used to manage services (originally for HP-UX).
Defaults to the upcased service name plus `START` replacing dots with
underscores, for those providers that support the `controllable` feature.
: Whether a service should be enabled to start at boot.
This property behaves quite differently depending on the platform;
wherever possible, it relies on local tools to enable or disable
a given service.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `manual`.
Requires features enableable.
: Whether a service should be running.
Valid values are `stopped` (also called `false`), `running` (also called `true`).
: Specify a string of flags to pass to the startup script.
Requires features flaggable.
: Specify that an init script has a `restart` command. If this is
false and you do not specify a command in the `restart` attribute,
the init script's `stop` and `start` commands will be used.
Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Declare whether the service's init script has a functional status
command; defaults to `true`. This attribute's default value changed in
Puppet 2.7.0.
The init script's status command must return 0 if the service is
running and a nonzero value otherwise. Ideally, these exit codes
should conform to [the LSB's specification][lsb-exit-codes] for init
script status actions, but Puppet only considers the difference
between 0 and nonzero to be relevant.
If a service's init script does not support any kind of status command,
you should set `hasstatus` to false and either provide a specific
command using the `status` attribute or expect that Puppet will look for
the service name in the process table. Be aware that 'virtual' init
scripts (like 'network' under Red Hat systems) will respond poorly to
refresh events from other resources if you override the default behavior
without providing a status command.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Specify a command to config a service, or a path to a manifest to do so.
: The name of the service to run.
This name is used to find the service; on platforms where services
have short system names and long display names, this should be the
short name. (To take an example from Windows, you would use "wuauserv"
rather than "Automatic Updates.")
: The search path for finding init scripts. Multiple values should
be separated by colons or provided as an array.
: The pattern to search for in the process table.
This is used for stopping services on platforms that do not
support init scripts, and is also used for determining service
status on those service whose init scripts do not include a status
Defaults to the name of the service. The pattern can be a simple string
or any legal Ruby pattern, including regular expressions (which should
be quoted without enclosing slashes).
: The specific backend to use for this `service`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The simplest form of Unix service support.
You have to specify enough about your service for this to work; the
minimum you can specify is a binary for starting the process, and this
same binary will be searched for in the process table to stop the
service. As with `init`-style services, it is preferable to specify start,
stop, and status commands.
* Required binaries: `kill`.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: FreeBSD's (and probably NetBSD's?) form of `init`-style service management.
Uses `rc.conf.d` for service enabling and disabling.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Daemontools service management.
This provider manages daemons supervised by D.J. Bernstein daemontools.
When detecting the service directory it will check, in order of preference:
* `/service`
* `/etc/service`
* `/var/lib/svscan`
The daemon directory should be in one of the following locations:
* `/var/lib/service`
* `/etc`
...or this can be overriden in the resource's attributes:
service { "myservice":
provider => "daemontools",
path => "/path/to/daemons",
This provider supports out of the box:
* start/stop (mapped to enable/disable)
* enable/disable
* restart
* status
If a service has `ensure => "running"`, it will link /path/to/daemon to
/path/to/service, which will automatically enable the service.
If a service has `ensure => "stopped"`, it will only shut down the service, not
remove the `/path/to/service` link.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/svc`, `/usr/bin/svstat`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Debian's form of `init`-style management.
The only differences from `init` are support for enabling and disabling
services via `update-rc.d` and the ability to determine enabled status via
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d`, `/usr/sbin/update-rc.d`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `debian`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Provider for FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD. Uses the `rcvar` argument of init scripts and parses/edits rc files.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd, dragonfly`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Gentoo's form of `init`-style service management.
Uses `rc-update` for service enabling and disabling.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/rc-update`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Standard `init`-style service management.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: This provider manages jobs with `launchd`, which is the default service
framework for Mac OS X (and may be available for use on other platforms).
For `launchd` documentation, see:
* <>
* <>
This provider reads plists out of the following directories:
* `/System/Library/LaunchDaemons`
* `/System/Library/LaunchAgents`
* `/Library/LaunchDaemons`
* `/Library/LaunchAgents`
...and builds up a list of services based upon each plist's "Label" entry.
This provider supports:
* ensure => running/stopped,
* enable => true/false
* status
* restart
Here is how the Puppet states correspond to `launchd` states:
* stopped --- job unloaded
* started --- job loaded
* enabled --- 'Disable' removed from job plist file
* disabled --- 'Disable' added to job plist file
Note that this allows you to do something `launchctl` can't do, which is to
be in a state of "stopped/enabled" or "running/disabled".
Note that this provider does not support overriding 'restart' or 'status'.
* Required binaries: `/bin/launchctl`, `/usr/bin/plutil`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Provider for OpenBSD's rc.d daemon control scripts
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/rcctl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openbsd`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `flaggable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for Gentoo's OpenRC initskripts
Uses rc-update, rc-status and rc-service to manage services.
* Required binaries: `/bin/rc-status`, `/sbin/rc-service`, `/sbin/rc-update`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `gentoo`. Default for `operatingsystem` == `funtoo`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for OpenWrt flavored init scripts.
Uses /etc/init.d/service_name enable, disable, and enabled.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openwrt`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Red Hat's (and probably many others') form of `init`-style service
management. Uses `chkconfig` for service enabling and disabling.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/chkconfig`, `/sbin/service`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `redhat, suse`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Runit service management.
This provider manages daemons running supervised by Runit.
When detecting the service directory it will check, in order of preference:
* `/service`
* `/etc/service`
* `/var/service`
The daemon directory should be in one of the following locations:
* `/etc/sv`
* `/var/lib/service`
or this can be overriden in the service resource parameters::
service { "myservice":
provider => "runit",
path => "/path/to/daemons",
This provider supports out of the box:
* start/stop
* enable/disable
* restart
* status
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/sv`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: The simplest form of service support.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: Support for Sun's new Service Management Framework.
Starting a service is effectively equivalent to enabling it, so there is
only support for starting and stopping services, which also enables and
disables them, respectively.
By specifying `manifest => "/path/to/service.xml"`, the SMF manifest will
be imported if it does not exist.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/svcs`, `/usr/sbin/svcadm`, `/usr/sbin/svccfg`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for AIX's System Resource controller.
Services are started/stopped based on the `stopsrc` and `startsrc`
commands, and some services can be refreshed with `refresh` command.
Enabling and disabling services is not supported, as it requires
modifications to `/etc/inittab`. Starting and stopping groups of subsystems
is not yet supported.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lssrc`, `/usr/bin/refresh`, `/usr/bin/startsrc`, `/usr/bin/stopsrc`, `/usr/sbin/chitab`, `/usr/sbin/lsitab`, `/usr/sbin/mkitab`, `/usr/sbin/rmitab`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Manages `systemd` services using `systemctl`.
* Required binaries: `systemctl`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `archlinux`. Default for `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `7` and `osfamily` == `redhat`. Default for `operatingsystem` == `fedora` and `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `17, 18, 19, 20, 21` and `osfamily` == `redhat`. Default for `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `12, 13` and `osfamily` == `suse`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Ubuntu service management with `upstart`.
This provider manages `upstart` jobs on Ubuntu. For `upstart` documentation,
see <>.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/initctl`, `/sbin/restart`, `/sbin/start`, `/sbin/status`, `/sbin/stop`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `ubuntu`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). This provider can
start, stop, enable, and disable services, and the SCM provides working
status methods for all services.
Control of service groups (dependencies) is not yet supported, nor is running
services as a specific user.
* Required binaries: `net.exe`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Specify a *restart* command manually. If left
unspecified, the service will be stopped and then started.
: Specify a *start* command manually. Most service subsystems
support a `start` command, so this will not need to be
: Specify a *status* command manually. This command must
return 0 if the service is running and a nonzero value otherwise.
Ideally, these exit codes should conform to [the LSB's
specification][lsb-exit-codes] for init script status actions, but
Puppet only considers the difference between 0 and nonzero to be
If left unspecified, the status of the service will be determined
automatically, usually by looking for the service in the process
: Specify a *stop* command manually.
### ssh_authorized_key
Manages SSH authorized keys. Currently only type 2 keys are supported.
In their native habitat, SSH keys usually appear as a single long line. This
resource type requires you to split that line into several attributes. Thus, a
key that appears in your `~/.ssh/` file like this...
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAy5mtOAMHwA2ZAIfW6Ap70r+I4EclYHEec5xIN59ROUjss23Skb1OtjzYpVPaPH8mSdSmsN0JHaBLiRcu7stl4O8D8zA4mz/vw32yyQ/Kqaxw8l0K76k6t2hKOGqLTY4aFbFISV6GDh7MYLn8KU7cGp96J+caO5R5TqtsStytsUhSyqH+iIDh4e4+BrwTc6V4Y0hgFxaZV5d18mLA4EPYKeG5+zyBCVu+jueYwFqM55E0tHbfiaIN9IzdLV+7NEEfdLkp6w2baLKPqWUBmuvPF1Mn3FwaFLjVsMT3GQeMue6b3FtUdTDeyAYoTxrsRo/WnDkS6Pa3YhrFwjtUqXfdaQ== nick@magpie.puppetlabs.lan
...would translate to the following resource:
ssh_authorized_key { 'nick@magpie.puppetlabs.lan':
user => 'nick',
type => 'ssh-rsa',
key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAy5mtOAMHwA2ZAIfW6Ap70r+I4EclYHEec5xIN59ROUjss23Skb1OtjzYpVPaPH8mSdSmsN0JHaBLiRcu7stl4O8D8zA4mz/vw32yyQ/Kqaxw8l0K76k6t2hKOGqLTY4aFbFISV6GDh7MYLn8KU7cGp96J+caO5R5TqtsStytsUhSyqH+iIDh4e4+BrwTc6V4Y0hgFxaZV5d18mLA4EPYKeG5+zyBCVu+jueYwFqM55E0tHbfiaIN9IzdLV+7NEEfdLkp6w2baLKPqWUBmuvPF1Mn3FwaFLjVsMT3GQeMue6b3FtUdTDeyAYoTxrsRo/WnDkS6Pa3YhrFwjtUqXfdaQ==',
To ensure that only the currently approved keys are present, you can purge
unmanaged SSH keys on a per-user basis. Do this with the `user` resource
type's `purge_ssh_keys` attribute:
user { 'nick':
ensure => present,
purge_ssh_keys => true,
This will remove any keys in `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` that aren't being
managed with `ssh_authorized_key` resources. See the documentation of the
`user` type for more details.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user account in which this
SSH key should be installed, the `ssh_authorized_key` resource will autorequire
that user.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The public key itself; generally a long string of hex characters. The `key`
attribute may not contain whitespace.
Make sure to omit the following in this attribute (and specify them in
other attributes):
* Key headers (e.g. 'ssh-rsa') --- put these in the `type` attribute.
* Key identifiers / comments (e.g. 'joe@joescomputer.local') --- put these in
the `name` attribute/resource title.
: The SSH key comment. This attribute is currently used as a
system-wide primary key and therefore has to be unique.
: Key options; see sshd(8) for possible values. Multiple values
should be specified as an array.
: The specific backend to use for this `ssh_authorized_key`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Parse and generate authorized_keys files for SSH.
: The absolute filename in which to store the SSH key. This
property is optional and should only be used in cases where keys
are stored in a non-standard location (i.e.` not in
: The encryption type used.
Valid values are `ssh-dss` (also called `dsa`), `ssh-rsa` (also called `rsa`), `ecdsa-sha2-nistp256`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp384`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp521`, `ssh-ed25519` (also called `ed25519`).
: The user account in which the SSH key should be installed. The resource
will autorequire this user if it is being managed as a `user` resource.
### sshkey
Installs and manages ssh host keys. At this point, this type
only knows how to install keys into `/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts`. See
the `ssh_authorized_key` type to manage authorized keys.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Any aliases the host might have. Multiple values must be
specified as an array.
: The key itself; generally a long string of uuencoded characters.
: The host name that the key is associated with.
: The specific backend to use for this `sshkey`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Parse and generate host-wide known hosts files for SSH.
: The file in which to store the ssh key. Only used by
the `parsed` provider.
: The encryption type used. Probably ssh-dss or ssh-rsa.
Valid values are `ssh-dss` (also called `dsa`), `ssh-ed25519` (also called `ed25519`), `ssh-rsa` (also called `rsa`), `ecdsa-sha2-nistp256`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp384`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp521`.
### stage
A resource type for creating new run stages. Once a stage is available,
classes can be assigned to it by declaring them with the resource-like syntax
and using
[the `stage` metaparameter](
Note that new stages are not useful unless you also declare their order
in relation to the default `main` stage.
A complete run stage example:
stage { 'pre':
before => Stage['main'],
class { 'apt-updates':
stage => 'pre',
Individual resources cannot be assigned to run stages; you can only set stages
for classes.
#### Parameters
: The name of the stage. Use this as the value for the `stage` metaparameter
when assigning classes to this stage.
### tidy
Remove unwanted files based on specific criteria. Multiple
criteria are OR'd together, so a file that is too large but is not
old enough will still get tidied.
If you don't specify either `age` or `size`, then all files will
be removed.
This resource type works by generating a file resource for every file
that should be deleted and then letting that resource perform the
actual deletion.
#### Parameters
: Tidy files whose age is equal to or greater than
the specified time. You can choose seconds, minutes,
hours, days, or weeks by specifying the first letter of any
of those words (e.g., '1w').
Specifying 0 will remove all files.
: Whether tidied files should be backed up. Any values are passed
directly to the file resources used for actual file deletion, so consult
the `file` type's backup documentation to determine valid values.
: One or more (shell type) file glob patterns, which restrict
the list of files to be tidied to those whose basenames match
at least one of the patterns specified. Multiple patterns can
be specified using an array.
tidy { "/tmp":
age => "1w",
recurse => 1,
matches => [ "[0-9]pub*.tmp", "*.temp", "tmpfile?" ]
This removes files from `/tmp` if they are one week old or older,
are not in a subdirectory and match one of the shell globs given.
Note that the patterns are matched against the basename of each
file -- that is, your glob patterns should not have any '/'
characters in them, since you are only specifying against the last
bit of the file.
Finally, note that you must now specify a non-zero/non-false value
for recurse if matches is used, as matches only apply to files found
by recursion (there's no reason to use static patterns match against
a statically determined path). Requiering explicit recursion clears
up a common source of confusion.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The path to the file or directory to manage. Must be fully
: If target is a directory, recursively descend
into the directory looking for files to tidy.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `inf`. Values can match `/^[0-9]+$/`.
: Tidy directories in addition to files; that is, remove
directories whose age is older than the specified criteria.
This will only remove empty directories, so all contained
files must also be tidied before a directory gets removed.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Tidy files whose size is equal to or greater than
the specified size. Unqualified values are in kilobytes, but
*b*, *k*, *m*, *g*, and *t* can be appended to specify *bytes*,
*kilobytes*, *megabytes*, *gigabytes*, and *terabytes*, respectively.
Only the first character is significant, so the full word can also
be used.
: Set the mechanism for determining age. Default: atime.
Valid values are `atime`, `mtime`, `ctime`.
### user
Manage users. This type is mostly built to manage system
users, so it is lacking some features useful for managing normal
This resource type uses the prescribed native tools for creating
groups and generally uses POSIX APIs for retrieving information
about them. It does not directly modify `/etc/passwd` or anything.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user's primary group (as
provided in the `gid` attribute), the user resource will autorequire
that group. If Puppet is managing any role accounts corresponding to the
user's roles, the user resource will autorequire those role accounts.
#### Features
- *allows_duplicates*: The provider supports duplicate users with the same UID.
- *libuser*: Allows local users to be managed on systems that also use some other remote NSS method of managing accounts.
- *manages_aix_lam*: The provider can manage AIX Loadable Authentication Module (LAM) system.
- *manages_expiry*: The provider can manage the expiry date for a user.
- *manages_homedir*: The provider can create and remove home directories.
- *manages_loginclass*: The provider can manage the login class for a user.
- *manages_password_age*: The provider can set age requirements and restrictions for passwords.
- *manages_password_salt*: The provider can set a password salt. This is for providers that implement PBKDF2 passwords with salt properties.
- *manages_passwords*: The provider can modify user passwords, by accepting a password hash.
- *manages_shell*: The provider allows for setting shell and validates if possible
- *manages_solaris_rbac*: The provider can manage roles and normal users
- *system_users*: The provider allows you to create system users with lower UIDs.
Provider | allows_duplicates | libuser | manages_aix_lam | manages_expiry | manages_homedir | manages_loginclass | manages_password_age | manages_password_salt | manages_passwords | manages_shell | manages_solaris_rbac | system_users |
---------------- | ----------------- | ------- | --------------- | -------------- | --------------- | ------------------ | -------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | -------------------- | ------------ |
aix | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | | |
directoryservice | | | | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | | |
hpuxuseradd | *X* | | | | *X* | | | | *X* | | | |
ldap | | | | | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
openbsd | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | *X* |
pw | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
user_role_add | *X* | | | | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
useradd | *X* | *X* | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | | *X* |
windows_adsi | | | | | *X* | | | | *X* | | | |
#### Parameters
: Whether to allow duplicate UIDs. Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether specified attribute value pairs should be treated as the
**complete list** (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of
attribute/value pairs for the user. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: Specify AIX attributes for the user in an array of attribute = value pairs.
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: Whether specified auths should be considered the **complete list**
(`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of auths the user
has. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: The auths the user has. Multiple auths should be
specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.
: A description of the user. Generally the user's full name.
: The basic state that the object should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`, `role`.
: The expiry date for this user. Must be provided in
a zero-padded YYYY-MM-DD format --- e.g. 2010-02-19.
If you want to ensure the user account never expires,
you can pass the special value `absent`.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/`.
Requires features manages_expiry.
: Forces the management of local accounts when accounts are also
being managed by some other NSS
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
Requires features libuser.
: The user's primary group. Can be specified numerically or by name.
This attribute is not supported on Windows systems; use the `groups`
attribute instead. (On Windows, designating a primary group is only
meaningful for domain accounts, which Puppet does not currently manage.)
: The groups to which the user belongs. The primary group should
not be listed, and groups should be identified by name rather than by
GID. Multiple groups should be specified as an array.
: The home directory of the user. The directory must be created
separately and is not currently checked for existence.
: The name of the I&A module to use to manage this user.
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: This is the number of iterations of a chained computation of the
password hash ( This parameter
is used in OS X. This field is required for managing passwords on OS X >= 10.8.
Requires features manages_password_salt.
: Whether specified key/value pairs should be considered the
**complete list** (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of
the user's attributes. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: Specify user attributes in an array of key = value pairs.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.
: The name of login class to which the user belongs.
Requires features manages_loginclass.
: Whether to manage the home directory when managing the user.
This will create the home directory when `ensure => present`, and
delete the home directory when `ensure => absent`. Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether specified groups should be considered the **complete list**
(`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of groups to which
the user belongs. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: The user name. While naming limitations vary by operating system,
it is advisable to restrict names to the lowest common denominator,
which is a maximum of 8 characters beginning with a letter.
Note that Puppet considers user names to be case-sensitive, regardless
of the platform's own rules; be sure to always use the same case when
referring to a given user.
: The user's password, in whatever encrypted format the local
system requires.
* Most modern Unix-like systems use salted SHA1 password hashes. You can use
Puppet's built-in `sha1` function to generate a hash from a password.
* Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 also use salted SHA1 hashes.
* Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) uses salted SHA512 hashes. The Puppet Labs [stdlib][]
module contains a `str2saltedsha512` function which can generate password
hashes for Lion.
* Mac OS X 10.8 and higher use salted SHA512 PBKDF2 hashes. When
managing passwords on these systems the salt and iterations properties
need to be specified as well as the password.
* Windows passwords can only be managed in cleartext, as there is no Windows API
for setting the password hash.
Be sure to enclose any value that includes a dollar sign ($) in single
quotes (') to avoid accidental variable interpolation.
Requires features manages_passwords.
: The maximum number of days a password may be used before it must be changed.
Requires features manages_password_age.
: The minimum number of days a password must be used before it may be changed.
Requires features manages_password_age.
: Whether specified roles should be treated as the **complete list**
(`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of roles
of which the user is a member. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: The profiles the user has. Multiple profiles should be
specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.
: The name of the project associated with a user.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.
: The specific backend to use for this `user`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: User management for AIX.
* Required binaries: `/bin/chpasswd`, `/usr/bin/chuser`, `/usr/bin/mkuser`, `/usr/sbin/lsgroup`, `/usr/sbin/lsuser`, `/usr/sbin/rmuser`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `manages_aix_lam`, `manages_expiry`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_password_age`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`.
: User management on OS X.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dscacheutil`, `/usr/bin/dscl`, `/usr/bin/dsimport`, `/usr/bin/plutil`, `/usr/bin/uuidgen`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `manages_password_salt`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`.
: User management for HP-UX. This provider uses the undocumented `-F`
switch to HP-UX's special `usermod` binary to work around the fact that
its standard `usermod` cannot make changes while the user is logged in.
New functionality provides for changing trusted computing passwords and
resetting password expirations under trusted computing
* Required binaries: `/usr/sam/lbin/useradd.sam`, `/usr/sam/lbin/userdel.sam`, `/usr/sam/lbin/usermod.sam`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `hp-ux`.
* Supported features: `allows_duplicates`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_passwords`.
: User management via LDAP.
This provider requires that you have valid values for all of the
LDAP-related settings in `puppet.conf`, including `ldapbase`. You will
almost definitely need settings for `ldapuser` and `ldappassword` in order
for your clients to write to LDAP.
Note that this provider will automatically generate a UID for you if
you do not specify one, but it is a potentially expensive operation,
as it iterates across all existing users to pick the appropriate next one.
* Supported features: `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`.
: User management via `useradd` and its ilk for OpenBSD. Note that you
will need to install Ruby's shadow password library (package known as
`ruby-shadow`) if you wish to manage user passwords.
* Required binaries: `passwd`, `useradd`, `userdel`, `usermod`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openbsd`.
* Supported features: `manages_expiry`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_loginclass`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`, `system_users`.
: User management via `pw` on FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD.
* Required binaries: `pw`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd, dragonfly`.
* Supported features: `allows_duplicates`, `manages_expiry`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`.
: User and role management on Solaris, via `useradd` and `roleadd`.
* Required binaries: `passwd`, `roleadd`, `roledel`, `rolemod`, `useradd`, `userdel`, `usermod`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `allows_duplicates`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_password_age`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`, `manages_solaris_rbac`.
: User management via `useradd` and its ilk. Note that you will need to
install Ruby's shadow password library (often known as `ruby-libshadow`)
if you wish to manage user passwords.
* Required binaries: `chage`, `luseradd`, `useradd`, `userdel`, `usermod`.
* Supported features: `allows_duplicates`, `libuser`, `manages_expiry`, `manages_homedir`, `manages_password_age`, `manages_passwords`, `manages_shell`, `system_users`.
: Local user management for Windows.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `manages_homedir`, `manages_passwords`.
: Whether to purge authorized SSH keys for this user if they are not managed
with the `ssh_authorized_key` resource type. Allowed values are:
* `false` (default) --- don't purge SSH keys for this user.
* `true` --- look for keys in the `.ssh/authorized_keys` file in the user's
home directory. Purge any keys that aren't managed as `ssh_authorized_key`
* An array of file paths --- look for keys in all of the files listed. Purge
any keys that aren't managed as `ssh_authorized_key` resources. If any of
these paths starts with `~` or `%h`, that token will be replaced with
the user's home directory.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Whether specified roles should be considered the **complete list**
(`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of roles the user
has. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: The roles the user has. Multiple roles should be
specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.
: This is the 32 byte salt used to generate the PBKDF2 password used in
OS X. This field is required for managing passwords on OS X >= 10.8.
Requires features manages_password_salt.
: The user's login shell. The shell must exist and be
This attribute cannot be managed on Windows systems.
Requires features manages_shell.
: Whether the user is a system user, according to the OS's criteria;
on most platforms, a UID less than or equal to 500 indicates a system
user. This parameter is only used when the resource is created and will
not affect the UID when the user is present. Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: The user ID; must be specified numerically. If no user ID is
specified when creating a new user, then one will be chosen
automatically. This will likely result in the same user having
different UIDs on different systems, which is not recommended. This is
especially noteworthy when managing the same user on both Darwin and
other platforms, since Puppet does UID generation on Darwin, but
the underlying tools do so on other platforms.
On Windows, this property is read-only and will return the user's
security identifier (SID).
### vlan
Manages a VLAN on a router or switch.
#### Parameters
: The VLAN's name.
: The URL of the router or switch maintaining this VLAN.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The numeric VLAN ID.
Values can match `/^\d+/`.
: The specific backend to use for this `vlan`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Cisco switch/router provider for vlans.
### yumrepo
The client-side description of a yum repository. Repository
configurations are found by parsing `/etc/yum.conf` and
the files indicated by the `reposdir` option in that file
(see `yum.conf(5)` for details).
Most parameters are identical to the ones documented
in the `yum.conf(5)` man page.
Continuation lines that yum supports (for the `baseurl`, for example)
are not supported. This type does not attempt to read or verify the
exinstence of files listed in the `include` attribute.
#### Parameters
: Determines if yum prompts for confirmation of critical actions.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Use to specify the maximum available network bandwidth
in bytes/second. Used with the `throttle` option. If `throttle`
is a percentage and `bandwidth` is `0` then bandwidth throttling
will be disabled. If `throttle` is expressed as a data rate then
this option is ignored.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+[kMG]?$/`.
: The URL for this repository. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Cost of this repository. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
: Percentage value that determines when to download deltarpm metadata.
When the deltarpm metadata is larger than this percentage value of the
package, deltarpm metadata is not downloaded.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
: Percentage value that determines when to use deltas for this repo.
When the delta is larger than this percentage value of the package, the
delta is not used.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
: A human-readable description of the repository.
This corresponds to the name parameter in `yum.conf(5)`.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Whether this repository is enabled.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Whether yum will allow the use of package groups for this
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: List of shell globs. Matching packages will never be
considered in updates or installs for this repo.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: The failover method for this repository; should be either
`roundrobin` or `priority`. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^roundrobin|priority$/`.
: The URL for the GPG CA key for this repository. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Whether to check the GPG signature on packages installed
from this repository.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: The URL for the GPG key with which packages from this
repository are signed. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: What to cache from this repository. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(packages|all|none)$/`.
: The URL of a remote file containing additional yum configuration
settings. Puppet does not check for this file's existence or validity.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: List of shell globs. If this is set, only packages
matching one of the globs will be considered for
update or install from this repo. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Whether HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be used with this repository.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Number of seconds after which the metadata will expire.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^([0-9]+[dhm]?|never)$/`.
: Metalink for mirrors. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: The URL that holds the list of mirrors for this repository.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Time (in seconds) after which the mirrorlist locally cached
will expire.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^[0-9]+$/`.
: The name of the repository. This corresponds to the
`repositoryid` parameter in `yum.conf(5)`.
: Priority of this repository from 1-99. Requires that
the `priorities` plugin is installed and enabled.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Enable or disable protection for this repository. Requires
that the `protectbase` plugin is installed and enabled.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: The specific backend to use for this `yumrepo`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage yum repo configurations by parsing yum INI configuration files.
## Fetching instances
When fetching repo instances, directory entries in '/etc/yum/repos.d',
'/etc/yum.repos.d', and the directory optionally specified by the reposdir
key in '/etc/yum.conf' will be checked. If a given directory does not exist it
will be ignored. In addition, all sections in '/etc/yum.conf' aside from
'main' will be created as sections.
## Storing instances
When creating a new repository, a new section will be added in the first
yum repo directory that exists. The custom directory specified by the
'/etc/yum.conf' reposdir property is checked first, followed by
'/etc/yum/repos.d', and then '/etc/yum.repos.d'. If none of these exist, the
section will be created in '/etc/yum.conf'.
: URL of a proxy server that Yum should use when accessing this repository.
This attribute can also be set to `'_none_'`, which will make Yum bypass any
global proxy settings when accessing this repository.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Password for this proxy. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Username for this proxy. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Whether to check the GPG signature on repodata.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Set the number of times any attempt to retrieve a file should
retry before returning an error. Setting this to `0` makes yum
try forever.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^[0-9]+$/`.
: Access the repo via S3.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Should yum skip this repository if unable to reach it.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: Path to the directory containing the databases of the
certificate authorities yum should use to verify SSL certificates.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Path to the SSL client certificate yum should use to connect
to repos/remote sites. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Path to the SSL client key yum should use to connect
to repos/remote sites. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/.*/`.
: Should yum verify SSL certificates/hosts at all.
Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i`.
: The filename to write the yum repository to.
: Enable bandwidth throttling for downloads. This option
can be expressed as a absolute data rate in bytes/sec or a
percentage `60%`. An SI prefix (k, M or G) may be appended
to the data rate values.
Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+[kMG%]?$/`.
: Number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing
out. Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely.
Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
### zfs
Manage zfs. Create destroy and set properties on zfs instances.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the zpool at the root of this zfs
instance, the zfs resource will autorequire it. If Puppet is managing any
parent zfs instances, the zfs resource will autorequire them.
#### Parameters
: The aclinherit property. Valid values are `discard`, `noallow`, `restricted`, `passthrough`, `passthrough-x`.
: The aclmode property. Valid values are `discard`, `groupmask`, `passthrough`.
: The atime property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The canmount property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, `noauto`.
: The checksum property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, `fletcher2`, `fletcher4`, `sha256`.
: The compression property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, `lzjb`, `gzip`, `gzip-[1-9]`, `zle`.
: The copies property. Valid values are `1`, `2`, `3`.
: The dedup property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The devices property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The exec property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The logbias property. Valid values are `latency`, `throughput`.
: The mountpoint property. Valid values are `<path>`, `legacy`, `none`.
: The full name for this filesystem (including the zpool).
: The nbmand property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The primarycache property. Valid values are `all`, `none`, `metadata`.
: The specific backend to use for this `zfs`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Provider for zfs.
* Required binaries: `zfs`.
: The quota property. Valid values are `<size>`, `none`.
: The readonly property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The recordsize property. Valid values are powers of two between 512 and 128k.
: The refquota property. Valid values are `<size>`, `none`.
: The refreservation property. Valid values are `<size>`, `none`.
: The reservation property. Valid values are `<size>`, `none`.
: The secondarycache property. Valid values are `all`, `none`, `metadata`.
: The setuid property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The shareiscsi property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, `type=<type>`.
: The sharenfs property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, share(1M) options
: The sharesmb property. Valid values are `on`, `off`, sharemgr(1M) options
: The snapdir property. Valid values are `hidden`, `visible`.
: The version property. Valid values are `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `current`.
: The volsize property. Valid values are `<size>`
: The vscan property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The xattr property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
: The zoned property. Valid values are `on`, `off`.
### zone
Manages Solaris zones.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the directory specified as the root of
the zone's filesystem (with the `path` attribute), the zone resource will
autorequire that directory.
#### Parameters
: Whether the zone should automatically boot.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Instead of installing the zone, clone it from another zone.
If the zone root resides on a zfs file system, a snapshot will be
used to create the clone; if it resides on a ufs filesystem, a copy of the
zone will be used. The zone from which you clone must not be running.
: Arguments to the `zonecfg` create command. This can be used to create branded zones.
: The list of datasets delegated to the non-global zone from the
global zone. All datasets must be zfs filesystem names which are
different from the mountpoint.
: The running state of the zone. The valid states directly reflect
the states that `zoneadm` provides. The states are linear,
in that a zone must be `configured`, then `installed`, and
only then can be `running`. Note also that `halt` is currently
used to stop zones.
Valid values are `absent`, `configured`, `installed`, `running`.
: The numerical ID of the zone. This number is autogenerated
and cannot be changed.
: The list of directories that the zone inherits from the global
zone. All directories must be fully qualified.
: Arguments to the `zoneadm` install command. This can be used to create branded zones.
: The IP address of the zone. IP addresses **must** be specified
with an interface, and may optionally be specified with a default router
(sometimes called a defrouter). The interface, IP address, and default
router should be separated by colons to form a complete IP address string.
For example: `bge0:` would be a valid IP address string
without a default router, and `bge0:` adds a
default router to it.
For zones with multiple interfaces, the value of this attribute should be
an array of IP address strings (each of which must include an interface
and may include a default router).
: The IP stack type of the zone.
Valid values are `shared`, `exclusive`.
: The name of the zone.
: The root of the zone's filesystem. Must be a fully qualified
file name. If you include `%s` in the path, then it will be
replaced with the zone's name. Currently, you cannot use
Puppet to move a zone. Consequently this is a readonly property.
: The resource pool for this zone.
: The specific backend to use for this `zone`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Provider for Solaris Zones.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/zoneadm`, `/usr/sbin/zonecfg`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
: The actual hostname of the zone.
: Number of FSS CPU shares allocated to the zone.
: The text to go into the `sysidcfg` file when the zone is first
booted. The best way is to use a template:
# $confdir/modules/site/templates/sysidcfg.erb
root_password=<%= password %>
name_service=DNS {domain_name=<%= domain %> name_server=<%= nameserver %>}
network_interface=primary {hostname=<%= realhostname %>
ip_address=<%= ip %>
netmask=<%= netmask %>
default_route=<%= defaultroute %>}
And then call that:
zone { myzone:
ip => "bge0:",
sysidcfg => template("site/sysidcfg.erb"),
path => "/opt/zones/myzone",
realhostname => ""
The `sysidcfg` only matters on the first booting of the zone,
so Puppet only checks for it at that time.
### zpool
Manage zpools. Create and delete zpools. The provider WILL NOT SYNC, only report differences.
Supports vdevs with mirrors, raidz, logs and spares.
#### Parameters
: The disk(s) for this pool. Can be an array or a space separated string.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Log disks for this pool. This type does not currently support mirroring of log disks.
: List of all the devices to mirror for this pool. Each mirror should be a
space separated string:
mirror => ["disk1 disk2", "disk3 disk4"],
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name for this pool.
: The specific backend to use for this `zpool`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Provider for zpool.
* Required binaries: `zpool`.
: Determines parity when using the `raidz` parameter.
: List of all the devices to raid for this pool. Should be an array of
space separated strings:
raidz => ["disk1 disk2", "disk3 disk4"],
: Spare disk(s) for this pool.
*This page autogenerated on 2015-03-09 22:37:02 -0700* (master) executed in 3.44 seconds (agent) 22:37:04$ puppet doc -r type
# Type Reference
**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on 2015-03-09 22:37:04 -0700)*
## Resource Types
- The *namevar* is the parameter used to uniquely identify a type instance.
This is the parameter that gets assigned when a string is provided before
the colon in a type declaration. In general, only developers will need to
worry about which parameter is the `namevar`.
In the following code:
file { "/etc/passwd":
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "0644"
`/etc/passwd` is considered the title of the file object (used for things like
dependency handling), and because `path` is the namevar for `file`, that
string is assigned to the `path` parameter.
- *Parameters* determine the specific configuration of the instance. They either
directly modify the system (internally, these are called properties) or they affect
how the instance behaves (e.g., adding a search path for `exec` instances or determining recursion on `file` instances).
- *Providers* provide low-level functionality for a given resource type. This is
usually in the form of calling out to external commands.
When required binaries are specified for providers, fully qualifed paths
indicate that the binary must exist at that specific path and unqualified
binaries indicate that Puppet will search for the binary using the shell
- *Features* are abilities that some providers might not support. You can use the list
of supported features to determine how a given provider can be used.
Resource types define features they can use, and providers can be tested to see
which features they provide.
### augeas
Apply a change or an array of changes to the filesystem
using the augeas tool.
- [Augeas](
- The ruby-augeas bindings
Sample usage with a string:
augeas{"test1" :
context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot",
changes => "set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES",
onlyif => "match other_value size > 0",
Sample usage with an array and custom lenses:
context => "/files",
changes => [
"set etc/jbossas/jbossas.conf/JBOSS_IP $ipaddress",
"set etc/jbossas/jbossas.conf/JAVA_HOME /usr",
load_path => "$/usr/share/jbossas/lenses",
#### Features
- *execute_changes*: Actually make the changes
- *need_to_run?*: If the command should run
- *parse_commands*: Parse the command string
Provider | execute_changes | need_to_run? | parse_commands |
-------- | --------------- | ------------ | -------------- |
augeas | *X* | *X* | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The changes which should be applied to the filesystem. This
can be a command or an array of commands. The following commands are supported:
* `set <PATH> <VALUE>` --- Sets the value `VALUE` at loction `PATH`
* `setm <PATH> <SUB> <VALUE>` --- Sets multiple nodes (matching `SUB` relative to `PATH`) to `VALUE`
* `rm <PATH>` --- Removes the node at location `PATH`
* `remove <PATH>` --- Synonym for `rm`
* `clear <PATH>` --- Sets the node at `PATH` to `NULL`, creating it if needed
* `clearm <PATH> <SUB>` --- Sets multiple nodes (matching `SUB` relative to `PATH`) to `NULL`
* `touch <PATH>` --- Creates `PATH` with the value `NULL` if it does not exist
* `ins <LABEL> (before|after) <PATH>` --- Inserts an empty node `LABEL` either before or after `PATH`.
* `insert <LABEL> <WHERE> <PATH>` --- Synonym for `ins`
* `mv <PATH> <OTHER PATH>` --- Moves a node at `PATH` to the new location `OTHER PATH`
* `move <PATH> <OTHER PATH>` --- Synonym for `mv`
* `defvar <NAME> <PATH>` --- Sets Augeas variable `$NAME` to `PATH`
* `defnode <NAME> <PATH> <VALUE>` --- Sets Augeas variable `$NAME` to `PATH`, creating it with `VALUE` if needed
If the `context` parameter is set, that value is prepended to any relative `PATH`s.
: Optional context path. This value is prepended to the paths of all
changes if the path is relative. If the `incl` parameter is set,
defaults to `/files + incl`; otherwise, defaults to the empty string.
: Optional command to force the augeas type to execute even if it thinks changes
will not be made. This does not overide the `onlyif` parameter.
: Load only a specific file, e.g. `/etc/hosts`. This can greatly speed
up the execution the resource. When this parameter is set, you must also
set the `lens` parameter to indicate which lens to use.
: Use a specific lens, e.g. `Hosts.lns`. When this parameter is set, you
must also set the `incl` parameter to indicate which file to load.
The Augeas documentation includes [a list of available lenses](
: Optional colon-separated list or array of directories; these directories are searched for schema definitions. The agent's `$libdir/augeas/lenses` path will always be added to support pluginsync.
: The name of this task. Used for uniqueness.
: Optional augeas command and comparisons to control the execution of this type.
Supported onlyif syntax:
* `match <MATCH_PATH> size <COMPARATOR> <INT>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> include <STRING>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> not_include <STRING>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> == <AN_ARRAY>`
* `match <MATCH_PATH> != <AN_ARRAY>`
* `AUGEAS_PATH` is a valid path scoped by the context
* `MATCH_PATH` is a valid match syntax scoped by the context
* `COMPARATOR` is one of `>, >=, !=, ==, <=,` or `<`
* `STRING` is a string
* `INT` is a number
* `AN_ARRAY` is in the form `['a string', 'another']`
: The specific backend to use for this `augeas`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Supported features: `execute_changes`, `need_to_run?`, `parse_commands`.
: The expected return code from the augeas command. Should not be set.
: A file system path; all files loaded by Augeas are loaded underneath `root`.
: Whether to display differences when the file changes, defaulting to
true. This parameter is useful for files that may contain passwords or
other secret data, which might otherwise be included in Puppet reports or
other insecure outputs. If the global `show_diff` setting
is false, then no diffs will be shown even if this parameter is true.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether augeas should perform typechecking. Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### computer
Computer object management using DirectoryService
on OS X.
Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts',
as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to
This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service
domain, not in remote directories.
If you wish to manage `/etc/hosts` file on Mac OS X, then simply use the host
type as per other platforms.
This type primarily exists to create localhost Computer objects that MCX
policy can then be attached to.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the plist file representing a
Computer object (located at `/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/{name}.plist`),
the Computer resource will autorequire it.
#### Parameters
: The MAC address of the primary network interface. Must match en0.
: Control the existences of this computer record. Set this attribute to
`present` to ensure the computer record exists. Set it to `absent`
to delete any computer records with this name
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The IP Address of the Computer object.
: The authoritative 'short' name of the computer record.
: The specific backend to use for this `computer`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Computer object management using DirectoryService on OS X.
Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts',
as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to
This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service
domain, not in remote directories.
If you wish to manage /etc/hosts on Mac OS X, then simply use the host
type as per other platforms.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
: The 'long' name of the computer record.
### cron
Installs and manages cron jobs. Every cron resource created by Puppet
requires a command and at least one periodic attribute (hour, minute,
month, monthday, weekday, or special). While the name of the cron job is
not part of the actual job, the name is stored in a comment beginning with
`# Puppet Name: `. These comments are used to match crontab entries created
by Puppet with cron resources.
If an existing crontab entry happens to match the scheduling and command of a
cron resource that has never been synched, Puppet will defer to the existing
crontab entry and will not create a new entry tagged with the `# Puppet Name: `
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => 2,
minute => 0
Note that all periodic attributes can be specified as an array of values:
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => [2, 4]
...or using ranges or the step syntax `*/2` (although there's no guarantee
that your `cron` daemon supports these):
cron { logrotate:
command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate",
user => root,
hour => ['2-4'],
minute => '*/10'
An important note: _the Cron type will not reset parameters that are
removed from a manifest_. For example, removing a `minute => 10` parameter
will not reset the minute component of the associated cronjob to `*`.
These changes must be expressed by setting the parameter to
`minute => absent` because Puppet only manages parameters that are out of
sync with manifest entries.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user account specified by the
`user` property of a cron resource, then the cron resource will autorequire
that user.
#### Parameters
: The command to execute in the cron job. The environment
provided to the command varies by local system rules, and it is
best to always provide a fully qualified command. The user's
profile is not sourced when the command is run, so if the
user's environment is desired it should be sourced manually.
All cron parameters support `absent` as a value; this will
remove any existing values for that field.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Any environment settings associated with this cron job. They
will be stored between the header and the job in the crontab. There
can be no guarantees that other, earlier settings will not also
affect a given cron job.
Also, Puppet cannot automatically determine whether an existing,
unmanaged environment setting is associated with a given cron
job. If you already have cron jobs with environment settings,
then Puppet will keep those settings in the same place in the file,
but will not associate them with a specific job.
Settings should be specified exactly as they should appear in
the crontab, e.g., `PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin`.
: The hour at which to run the cron job. Optional;
if specified, must be between 0 and 23, inclusive.
: The minute at which to run the cron job.
Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 59, inclusive.
: The month of the year. Optional; if specified
must be between 1 and 12 or the month name (e.g., December).
: The day of the month on which to run the
command. Optional; if specified, must be between 1 and 31.
: The symbolic name of the cron job. This name
is used for human reference only and is generated automatically
for cron jobs found on the system. This generally won't
matter, as Puppet will do its best to match existing cron jobs
against specified jobs (and Puppet adds a comment to cron jobs it adds),
but it is at least possible that converting from unmanaged jobs to
managed jobs might require manual intervention.
: The specific backend to use for this `cron`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `crontab`.
: A special value such as 'reboot' or 'annually'.
Only available on supported systems such as Vixie Cron.
Overrides more specific time of day/week settings.
Set to 'absent' to make puppet revert to a plain numeric schedule.
: The name of the crontab file in which the cron job should be stored.
This property defaults to the value of the `user` property if set, the
user running Puppet or `root`.
For the default crontab provider, this property is functionally
equivalent to the `user` property and should be avoided. In particular,
setting both `user` and `target` to different values will result in
undefined behavior.
: The user who owns the cron job. This user must
be allowed to run cron jobs, which is not currently checked by
This property defaults to the user running Puppet or `root`.
The default crontab provider executes the system `crontab` using
the user account specified by this property.
: The weekday on which to run the command.
Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 7, inclusive, with
0 (or 7) being Sunday, or must be the name of the day (e.g., Tuesday).
### exec
Executes external commands.
Any command in an `exec` resource **must** be able to run multiple times
without causing harm --- that is, it must be *idempotent*. There are three
main ways for an exec to be idempotent:
* The command itself is already idempotent. (For example, `apt-get update`.)
* The exec has an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` attribute, which prevents
Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met.
* The exec has `refreshonly => true`, which only allows Puppet to run the
command when some other resource is changed. (See the notes on refreshing
A caution: There's a widespread tendency to use collections of execs to
manage resources that aren't covered by an existing resource type. This
works fine for simple tasks, but once your exec pile gets complex enough
that you really have to think to understand what's happening, you should
consider developing a custom resource type instead, as it will be much
more predictable and maintainable.
**Refresh:** `exec` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). The refresh behavior of execs
is non-standard, and can be affected by the `refresh` and
`refreshonly` attributes:
* If `refreshonly` is set to true, the exec will _only_ run when it receives an
event. This is the most reliable way to use refresh with execs.
* If the exec already would have run and receives an event, it will run its
command **up to two times.** (If an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` condition
is no longer met after the first run, the second run will not occur.)
* If the exec already would have run, has a `refresh` command, and receives an
event, it will run its normal command, then run its `refresh` command
(as long as any `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates` conditions are still met
after the normal command finishes).
* If the exec would **not** have run (due to an `onlyif`, `unless`, or `creates`
attribute) and receives an event, it still will not run.
* If the exec has `noop => true`, would otherwise have run, and receives
an event from a non-noop resource, it will run once (or run its `refresh`
command instead, if it has one).
In short: If there's a possibility of your exec receiving refresh events,
it becomes doubly important to make sure the run conditions are restricted.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing an exec's cwd or the executable
file used in an exec's command, the exec resource will autorequire those
files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as, the
exec resource will autorequire that user.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The actual command to execute. Must either be fully qualified
or a search path for the command must be provided. If the command
succeeds, any output produced will be logged at the instance's
normal log level (usually `notice`), but if the command fails
(meaning its return code does not match the specified code) then
any output is logged at the `err` log level.
: A file to look for before running the command. The command will
only run if the file **doesn't exist.**
This parameter doesn't cause Puppet to create a file; it is only
useful if **the command itself** creates a file.
exec { "tar -xf /Volumes/nfs02/important.tar":
cwd => "/var/tmp",
creates => "/var/tmp/myfile",
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"]
In this example, `myfile` is assumed to be a file inside
`important.tar`. If it is ever deleted, the exec will bring it
back by re-extracting the tarball. If `important.tar` does **not**
actually contain `myfile`, the exec will keep running every time
Puppet runs.
: The directory from which to run the command. If
this directory does not exist, the command will fail.
: Any additional environment variables you want to set for a
command. Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override
the `path` attribute. Multiple environment variables should be
specified as an array.
: The group to run the command as. This seems to work quite
haphazardly on different platforms -- it is a platform issue
not a Ruby or Puppet one, since the same variety exists when
running commands as different users in the shell.
: Whether to log command output in addition to logging the
exit code. Defaults to `on_failure`, which only logs the output
when the command has an exit code that does not match any value
specified by the `returns` attribute. As with any resource type,
the log level can be controlled with the `loglevel` metaparameter.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `on_failure`.
: If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will only run if
the command has an exit code of 0. For example:
exec { "logrotate":
path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
onlyif => "test `du /var/log/messages | cut -f1` -gt 100000"
This would run `logrotate` only if that test returned true.
Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command,
which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set.
It also uses the same provider as the main command, so any behavior
that differs by provider will match.
Also note that onlyif can take an array as its value, e.g.:
onlyif => ["test -f /tmp/file1", "test -f /tmp/file2"]
This will only run the exec if _all_ conditions in the array return true.
: The search path used for command execution.
Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths
can be specified as an array or as a ':' separated list.
: The specific backend to use for this `exec`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Executes external binaries directly, without passing through a shell or
performing any interpolation. This is a safer and more predictable way
to execute most commands, but prevents the use of globbing and shell
built-ins (including control logic like "for" and "if" statements).
* Default for `feature` == `posix`.
: Passes the provided command through `/bin/sh`; only available on
POSIX systems. This allows the use of shell globbing and built-ins, and
does not require that the path to a command be fully-qualified. Although
this can be more convenient than the `posix` provider, it also means that
you need to be more careful with escaping; as ever, with great power comes
etc. etc.
This provider closely resembles the behavior of the `exec` type
in Puppet 0.25.x.
: Execute external binaries on Windows systems. As with the `posix`
provider, this provider directly calls the command with the arguments
given, without passing it through a shell or performing any interpolation.
To use shell built-ins --- that is, to emulate the `shell` provider on
Windows --- a command must explicitly invoke the shell:
exec {'echo foo':
command => 'cmd.exe /c echo "foo"',
If no extension is specified for a command, Windows will use the `PATHEXT`
environment variable to locate the executable.
**Note on PowerShell scripts:** PowerShell's default `restricted`
execution policy doesn't allow it to run saved scripts. To run PowerShell
scripts, specify the `remotesigned` execution policy as part of the
exec { 'test':
path => 'C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0',
command => 'powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C:/test.ps1',
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
: How to refresh this command. By default, the exec is just
called again when it receives an event from another resource,
but this parameter allows you to define a different command
for refreshing.
: The command should only be run as a
refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. It only
makes sense to use this option when this command depends on some
other object; it is useful for triggering an action:
# Pull down the main aliases file
file { "/etc/aliases":
source => "puppet://server/module/aliases"
# Rebuild the database, but only when the file changes
exec { newaliases:
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
subscribe => File["/etc/aliases"],
refreshonly => true
Note that only `subscribe` and `notify` can trigger actions, not `require`,
so it only makes sense to use `refreshonly` with `subscribe` or `notify`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The expected exit code(s). An error will be returned if the
executed command has some other exit code. Defaults to 0. Can be
specified as an array of acceptable exit codes or a single value.
On POSIX systems, exit codes are always integers between 0 and 255.
On Windows, **most** exit codes should be integers between 0
and 2147483647.
Larger exit codes on Windows can behave inconsistently across different
tools. The Win32 APIs define exit codes as 32-bit unsigned integers, but
both the cmd.exe shell and the .NET runtime cast them to signed
integers. This means some tools will report negative numbers for exit
codes above 2147483647. (For example, cmd.exe reports 4294967295 as -1.)
Since Puppet uses the plain Win32 APIs, it will report the very large
number instead of the negative number, which might not be what you
expect if you got the exit code from a cmd.exe session.
Microsoft recommends against using negative/very large exit codes, and
you should avoid them when possible. To convert a negative exit code to
the positive one Puppet will use, add it to 4294967296.
: The maximum time the command should take. If the command takes
longer than the timeout, the command is considered to have failed
and will be stopped. The timeout is specified in seconds. The default
timeout is 300 seconds and you can set it to 0 to disable the timeout.
: The number of times execution of the command should be tried.
Defaults to '1'. This many attempts will be made to execute
the command until an acceptable return code is returned.
Note that the timeout parameter applies to each try rather than
to the complete set of tries.
: The time to sleep in seconds between 'tries'.
: Sets the umask to be used while executing this command
: If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will run unless
the command has an exit code of 0. For example:
exec { "/bin/echo root >> /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow":
path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
unless => "grep root /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow 2>/dev/null"
This would add `root` to the cron.allow file (on Solaris) unless
`grep` determines it's already there.
Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command,
which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set.
It also uses the same provider as the main command, so any behavior
that differs by provider will match.
: The user to run the command as. Note that if you
use this then any error output is not currently captured. This
is because of a bug within Ruby. If you are using Puppet to
create this user, the exec will automatically require the user,
as long as it is specified by name.
Please note that the $HOME environment variable is not automatically set
when using this attribute.
### file
Manages files, including their content, ownership, and permissions.
The `file` type can manage normal files, directories, and symlinks; the
type should be specified in the `ensure` attribute.
File contents can be managed directly with the `content` attribute, or
downloaded from a remote source using the `source` attribute; the latter
can also be used to recursively serve directories (when the `recurse`
attribute is set to `true` or `local`). On Windows, note that file
contents are managed in binary mode; Puppet never automatically translates
line endings.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a
file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any
parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them.
#### Features
- *manages_symlinks*: The provider can manage symbolic links.
Provider | manages_symlinks |
-------- | ---------------- |
posix | *X* |
windows | *X* |
#### Parameters
: Whether (and how) file content should be backed up before being replaced.
This attribute works best as a resource default in the site manifest
(`File { backup => main }`), so it can affect all file resources.
* If set to `false`, file content won't be backed up.
* If set to a string beginning with `.` (e.g., `.puppet-bak`), Puppet will
use copy the file in the same directory with that value as the extension
of the backup. (A value of `true` is a synonym for `.puppet-bak`.)
* If set to any other string, Puppet will try to back up to a filebucket
with that title. See the `filebucket` resource type for more details.
(This is the preferred method for backup, since it can be centralized
and queried.)
Default value: `puppet`, which backs up to a filebucket of the same name.
(Puppet automatically creates a **local** filebucket named `puppet` if one
doesn't already exist.)
Backing up to a local filebucket isn't particularly useful. If you want
to make organized use of backups, you will generally want to use the
puppet master server's filebucket service. This requires declaring a
filebucket resource and a resource default for the `backup` attribute
in site.pp:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
filebucket { 'main':
path => false, # This is required for remote filebuckets.
server => '', # Optional; defaults to the configured puppet master.
File { backup => main, }
If you are using multiple puppet master servers, you will want to
centralize the contents of the filebucket. Either configure your load
balancer to direct all filebucket traffic to a single master, or use
something like an out-of-band rsync task to synchronize the content on all
: The checksum type to use when determining whether to replace a file's contents.
The default checksum type is md5.
Valid values are `md5`, `md5lite`, `sha256`, `sha256lite`, `mtime`, `ctime`, `none`.
: The desired contents of a file, as a string. This attribute is mutually
exclusive with `source` and `target`.
Newlines and tabs can be specified in double-quoted strings using
standard escaped syntax --- \n for a newline, and \t for a tab.
With very small files, you can construct content strings directly in
the manifest...
define resolve(nameserver1, nameserver2, domain, search) {
$str = "search $search
domain $domain
nameserver $nameserver1
nameserver $nameserver2
file { "/etc/resolv.conf":
content => "$str",
...but for larger files, this attribute is more useful when combined with the
or [file](
: A read-only state to check the file ctime. On most modern \*nix-like
systems, this is the time of the most recent change to the owner, group,
permissions, or content of the file.
: Whether the file should exist, and if so what kind of file it should be.
Possible values are `present`, `absent`, `file`, `directory`, and `link`.
* `present` will accept any form of file existence, and will create a
normal file if the file is missing. (The file will have no content
unless the `content` or `source` attribute is used.)
* `absent` will make sure the file doesn't exist, deleting it
if necessary.
* `file` will make sure it's a normal file, and enables use of the
`content` or `source` attribute.
* `directory` will make sure it's a directory, and enables use of the
`source`, `recurse`, `recurselimit`, `ignore`, and `purge` attributes.
* `link` will make sure the file is a symlink, and **requires** that you
also set the `target` attribute. Symlinks are supported on all Posix
systems and on Windows Vista / 2008 and higher. On Windows, managing
symlinks requires puppet agent's user account to have the "Create
Symbolic Links" privilege; this can be configured in the "User Rights
Assignment" section in the Windows policy editor. By default, puppet
agent runs as the Administrator account, which does have this privilege.
Puppet avoids destroying directories unless the `force` attribute is set
to `true`. This means that if a file is currently a directory, setting
`ensure` to anything but `directory` or `present` will cause Puppet to
skip managing the resource and log either a notice or an error.
There is one other non-standard value for `ensure`. If you specify the
path to another file as the ensure value, it is equivalent to specifying
`link` and using that path as the `target`:
# Equivalent resources:
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => "/etc/inet/inetd.conf",
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => link,
target => "/etc/inet/inetd.conf",
However, we recommend using `link` and `target` explicitly, since this
behavior can be harder to read.
Valid values are `absent` (also called `false`), `file`, `present`, `directory`, `link`. Values can match `/./`.
: Perform the file operation even if it will destroy one or more directories.
You must use `force` in order to:
* `purge` subdirectories
* Replace directories with files or links
* Remove a directory when `ensure => absent`
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Which group should own the file. Argument can be either a group
name or a group ID.
On Windows, a user (such as "Administrator") can be set as a file's group
and a group (such as "Administrators") can be set as a file's owner;
however, a file's owner and group shouldn't be the same. (If the owner
is also the group, files with modes like `0640` will cause log churn, as
they will always appear out of sync.)
: A parameter which omits action on files matching
specified patterns during recursion. Uses Ruby's builtin globbing
engine, so shell metacharacters are fully supported, e.g. `[a-z]*`.
Matches that would descend into the directory structure are ignored,
e.g., `*/*`.
: How to handle links during file actions. During file copying,
`follow` will copy the target file instead of the link, `manage`
will copy the link itself, and `ignore` will just pass it by.
When not copying, `manage` and `ignore` behave equivalently
(because you cannot really ignore links entirely during local
recursion), and `follow` will manage the file to which the link points.
Valid values are `follow`, `manage`.
: The desired permissions mode for the file, in symbolic or numeric
notation. This value **must** be specified as a string; do not use
un-quoted numbers to represent file modes.
The `file` type uses traditional Unix permission schemes and translates
them to equivalent permissions for systems which represent permissions
differently, including Windows. For detailed ACL controls on Windows,
you can leave `mode` unmanaged and use
[the puppetlabs/acl module.](
Numeric modes should use the standard octal notation of
* Each of the "owner," "group," and "other" digits should be a sum of the
permissions for that class of users, where read = 4, write = 2, and
execute/search = 1.
* The setuid/setgid/sticky digit is also a sum, where setuid = 4, setgid = 2,
and sticky = 1.
* The setuid/setgid/sticky digit is optional. If it is absent, Puppet will
clear any existing setuid/setgid/sticky permissions. (So to make your intent
clear, you should use at least four digits for numeric modes.)
* When specifying numeric permissions for directories, Puppet sets the search
permission wherever the read permission is set.
Symbolic modes should be represented as a string of comma-separated
permission clauses, in the form `<WHO><OP><PERM>`:
* "Who" should be u (user), g (group), o (other), and/or a (all)
* "Op" should be = (set exact permissions), + (add select permissions),
or - (remove select permissions)
* "Perm" should be one or more of:
* r (read)
* w (write)
* x (execute/search)
* t (sticky)
* s (setuid/setgid)
* X (execute/search if directory or if any one user can execute)
* u (user's current permissions)
* g (group's current permissions)
* o (other's current permissions)
Thus, mode `0664` could be represented symbolically as either `a=r,ug+w`
or `ug=rw,o=r`. However, symbolic modes are more expressive than numeric
modes: a mode only affects the specified bits, so `mode => 'ug+w'` will
set the user and group write bits, without affecting any other bits.
See the manual page for GNU or BSD `chmod` for more details
on numeric and symbolic modes.
On Windows, permissions are translated as follows:
* Owner and group names are mapped to Windows SIDs
* The "other" class of users maps to the "Everyone" SID
* The read/write/execute permissions map to the `FILE_GENERIC_READ`,
file's owner always has the `FULL_CONTROL` right
* "Other" users can't have any permissions a file's group lacks,
and its group can't have any permissions its owner lacks; that is, 0644
is an acceptable mode, but 0464 is not.
: A read-only state to check the file mtime. On \*nix-like systems, this
is the time of the most recent change to the content of the file.
: The user to whom the file should belong. Argument can be a user name or a
user ID.
On Windows, a group (such as "Administrators") can be set as a file's owner
and a user (such as "Administrator") can be set as a file's group; however,
a file's owner and group shouldn't be the same. (If the owner is also
the group, files with modes like `0640` will cause log churn, as they
will always appear out of sync.)
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The path to the file to manage. Must be fully qualified.
On Windows, the path should include the drive letter and should use `/` as
the separator character (rather than `\\`).
: The specific backend to use for this `file`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Uses POSIX functionality to manage file ownership and permissions.
* Supported features: `manages_symlinks`.
: Uses Microsoft Windows functionality to manage file ownership and permissions.
* Supported features: `manages_symlinks`.
: Whether unmanaged files should be purged. This option only makes
sense when `ensure => directory` and `recurse => true`.
* When recursively duplicating an entire directory with the `source`
attribute, `purge => true` will automatically purge any files
that are not in the source directory.
* When managing files in a directory as individual resources,
setting `purge => true` will purge any files that aren't being
specifically managed.
If you have a filebucket configured, the purged files will be uploaded,
but if you do not, this will destroy data.
Unless `force => true` is set, purging will **not** delete directories,
although it will delete the files they contain.
If `recurselimit` is set and you aren't using `force => true`, purging
will obey the recursion limit; files in any subdirectories deeper than the
limit will be treated as unmanaged and left alone.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether to recursively manage the _contents_ of a directory. This attribute
is only used when `ensure => directory` is set. The allowed values are:
* `false` --- The default behavior. The contents of the directory will not be
automatically managed.
* `remote` --- If the `source` attribute is set, Puppet will automatically
manage the contents of the source directory (or directories), ensuring
that equivalent files and directories exist on the target system and
that their contents match.
Using `remote` will disable the `purge` attribute, but results in faster
catalog application than `recurse => true`.
The `source` attribute is mandatory when `recurse => remote`.
* `true` --- If the `source` attribute is set, this behaves similarly to
`recurse => remote`, automatically managing files from the source directory.
This also enables the `purge` attribute, which can delete unmanaged
files from a directory. See the description of `purge` for more details.
The `source` attribute is not mandatory when using `recurse => true`, so you
can enable purging in directories where all files are managed individually.
By default, setting recurse to `remote` or `true` will manage _all_
subdirectories. You can use the `recurselimit` attribute to limit the
recursion depth.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `remote`.
: How far Puppet should descend into subdirectories, when using
`ensure => directory` and either `recurse => true` or `recurse => remote`.
The recursion limit affects which files will be copied from the `source`
directory, as well as which files can be purged when `purge => true`.
Setting `recurselimit => 0` is the same as setting `recurse => false` ---
Puppet will manage the directory, but all of its contents will be treated
as unmanaged.
Setting `recurselimit => 1` will manage files and directories that are
directly inside the directory, but will not manage the contents of any
Setting `recurselimit => 2` will manage the direct contents of the
directory, as well as the contents of the _first_ level of subdirectories.
And so on --- 3 will manage the contents of the second level of
subdirectories, etc.
Values can match `/^[0-9]+$/`.
: Whether to replace a file or symlink that already exists on the local system but
whose content doesn't match what the `source` or `content` attribute
specifies. Setting this to false allows file resources to initialize files
without overwriting future changes. Note that this only affects content;
Puppet will still manage ownership and permissions. Defaults to `true`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: If this is set then Puppet will not ask SELinux (via matchpathcon) to
supply defaults for the SELinux attributes (seluser, selrole,
seltype, and selrange). In general, you should leave this set at its
default and only set it to true when you need Puppet to not try to fix
SELinux labels automatically.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: What the SELinux range component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux range component is accepted. For example `s0` or
`SystemHigh`. If not specified it defaults to the value returned by
matchpathcon for the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with
SELinux support enabled and that have support for MCS (Multi-Category
: What the SELinux role component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux role component is accepted. For example `role_r`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: What the SELinux type component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux type component is accepted. For example `tmp_t`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: What the SELinux user component of the context of the file should be.
Any valid SELinux user component is accepted. For example `user_u`.
If not specified it defaults to the value returned by matchpathcon for
the file, if any exists. Only valid on systems with SELinux support
: Whether to display differences when the file changes, defaulting to
true. This parameter is useful for files that may contain passwords or
other secret data, which might otherwise be included in Puppet reports or
other insecure outputs. If the global `show_diff` setting
is false, then no diffs will be shown even if this parameter is true.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: A source file, which will be copied into place on the local system.
Values can be URIs pointing to remote files, or fully qualified paths to
files available on the local system (including files on NFS shares or
Windows mapped drives). This attribute is mutually exclusive with
`content` and `target`.
The available URI schemes are *puppet* and *file*. *Puppet*
URIs will retrieve files from Puppet's built-in file server, and are
usually formatted as:
This will fetch a file from a module on the puppet master (or from a
local module when using puppet apply). Given a `modulepath` of
`/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules`, the example above would resolve to
Unlike `content`, the `source` attribute can be used to recursively copy
directories if the `recurse` attribute is set to `true` or `remote`. If
a source directory contains symlinks, use the `links` attribute to
specify whether to recreate links or follow them.
Multiple `source` values can be specified as an array, and Puppet will
use the first source that exists. This can be used to serve different
files to different system types:
file { "/etc/nfs.conf":
source => [
Alternately, when serving directories recursively, multiple sources can
be combined by setting the `sourceselect` attribute to `all`.
: Whether (and how) Puppet should copy owner, group, and mode permissions from
the `source` to `file` resources when the permissions are not explicitly
specified. (In all cases, explicit permissions will take precedence.)
Valid values are `use`, `use_when_creating`, and `ignore`:
* `ignore` (the default) will never apply the owner, group, or mode from
the `source` when managing a file. When creating new files without explicit
permissions, the permissions they receive will depend on platform-specific
behavior. On POSIX, Puppet will use the umask of the user it is running as.
On Windows, Puppet will use the default DACL associated with the user it is
running as.
* `use` will cause Puppet to apply the owner, group,
and mode from the `source` to any files it is managing.
* `use_when_creating` will only apply the owner, group, and mode from the
`source` when creating a file; existing files will not have their permissions
Valid values are `use`, `use_when_creating`, `ignore`.
: Whether to copy all valid sources, or just the first one. This parameter
only affects recursive directory copies; by default, the first valid
source is the only one used, but if this parameter is set to `all`, then
all valid sources will have all of their contents copied to the local
system. If a given file exists in more than one source, the version from
the earliest source in the list will be used.
Valid values are `first`, `all`.
: The target for creating a link. Currently, symlinks are the
only type supported. This attribute is mutually exclusive with `source`
and `content`.
Symlink targets can be relative, as well as absolute:
# (Useful on Solaris)
file { "/etc/inetd.conf":
ensure => link,
target => "inet/inetd.conf",
Directories of symlinks can be served recursively by instead using the
`source` attribute, setting `ensure` to `directory`, and setting the
`links` attribute to `manage`.
Valid values are `notlink`. Values can match `/./`.
: A read-only state to check the file type.
: A command for validating the file's syntax before replacing it. If
Puppet would need to rewrite a file due to new `source` or `content`, it
will check the new content's validity first. If validation fails, the file
resource will fail.
This command must have a fully qualified path, and should contain a
percent (`%`) token where it would expect an input file. It must exit `0`
if the syntax is correct, and non-zero otherwise. The command will be
run on the target system while applying the catalog, not on the puppet master.
file { '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf':
content => 'example',
validate_cmd => '/usr/sbin/apache2 -t -f %',
This would replace apache2.conf only if the test returned true.
Note that if a validation command requires a `%` as part of its text,
you can specify a different placeholder token with the
`validate_replacement` attribute.
: The replacement string in a `validate_cmd` that will be replaced
with an input file name. Defaults to: `%`
### filebucket
A repository for storing and retrieving file content by MD5 checksum. Can
be local to each agent node, or centralized on a puppet master server. All
puppet masters provide a filebucket service that agent nodes can access
via HTTP, but you must declare a filebucket resource before any agents
will do so.
Filebuckets are used for the following features:
- **Content backups.** If the `file` type's `backup` attribute is set to
the name of a filebucket, Puppet will back up the _old_ content whenever
it rewrites a file; see the documentation for the `file` type for more
details. These backups can be used for manual recovery of content, but
are more commonly used to display changes and differences in a tool like
Puppet Dashboard.
- **Content distribution.** The optional static compiler populates the
puppet master's filebucket with the _desired_ content for each file,
then instructs the agent to retrieve the content for a specific
checksum. For more details,
[see the `static_compiler` section in the catalog indirection docs](
To use a central filebucket for backups, you will usually want to declare
a filebucket resource and a resource default for the `backup` attribute
in site.pp:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
filebucket { 'main':
path => false, # This is required for remote filebuckets.
server => '', # Optional; defaults to the configured puppet master.
File { backup => main, }
Puppet master servers automatically provide the filebucket service, so
this will work in a default configuration. If you have a heavily
restricted `auth.conf` file, you may need to allow access to the
`file_bucket_file` endpoint.
#### Parameters
: The name of the filebucket.
: The path to the _local_ filebucket; defaults to the value of the
`clientbucketdir` setting. To use a remote filebucket, you _must_ set
this attribute to `false`.
: The port on which the remote server is listening. Defaults to the
value of the `masterport` setting, which is usually 8140.
: The server providing the remote filebucket service. Defaults to the
value of the `server` setting (that is, the currently configured
puppet master server).
This setting is _only_ consulted if the `path` attribute is set to `false`.
### group
Manage groups. On most platforms this can only create groups.
Group membership must be managed on individual users.
On some platforms such as OS X, group membership is managed as an
attribute of the group, not the user record. Providers must have
the feature 'manages_members' to manage the 'members' property of
a group record.
#### Features
- *libuser*: Allows local groups to be managed on systems that also use some other remote NSS method of managing accounts.
- *manages_aix_lam*: The provider can manage AIX Loadable Authentication Module (LAM) system.
- *manages_members*: For directories where membership is an attribute of groups not users.
- *system_groups*: The provider allows you to create system groups with lower GIDs.
Provider | libuser | manages_aix_lam | manages_members | system_groups |
---------------- | ------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------- |
aix | | *X* | *X* | |
directoryservice | | | *X* | |
groupadd | | | | *X* |
ldap | | | | |
pw | | | *X* | |
windows_adsi | | | *X* | |
#### Parameters
: Whether to allow duplicate GIDs. Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Whether specified attribute value pairs should be treated as the only attributes
of the user or whether they should merely
be treated as the minimum list.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.
: Specify group AIX attributes in an array of `key=value` pairs.
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: whether the provider is authoritative for group membership.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: Create or remove the group.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Forces the management of local accounts when accounts are also
being managed by some other NSS
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
Requires features libuser.
: The group ID. Must be specified numerically. If no group ID is
specified when creating a new group, then one will be chosen
automatically according to local system standards. This will likely
result in the same group having different GIDs on different systems,
which is not recommended.
On Windows, this property is read-only and will return the group's security
identifier (SID).
: The name of the I&A module to use to manage this user
Requires features manages_aix_lam.
: The members of the group. For directory services where group
membership is stored in the group objects, not the users.
Requires features manages_members.
: The group name. While naming limitations vary by operating system,
it is advisable to restrict names to the lowest common denominator,
which is a maximum of 8 characters beginning with a letter.
Note that Puppet considers group names to be case-sensitive, regardless
of the platform's own rules; be sure to always use the same case when
referring to a given group.
: The specific backend to use for this `group`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Group management for AIX.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/chgroup`, `/usr/bin/mkgroup`, `/usr/sbin/lsgroup`, `/usr/sbin/rmgroup`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `manages_aix_lam`, `manages_members`.
: Group management using DirectoryService on OS X.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dscl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Group management via `groupadd` and its ilk. The default for most platforms.
* Required binaries: `groupadd`, `groupdel`, `groupmod`, `lgroupadd`.
* Supported features: `system_groups`.
: Group management via LDAP.
This provider requires that you have valid values for all of the
LDAP-related settings in `puppet.conf`, including `ldapbase`. You will
almost definitely need settings for `ldapuser` and `ldappassword` in order
for your clients to write to LDAP.
Note that this provider will automatically generate a GID for you if you do
not specify one, but it is a potentially expensive operation, as it
iterates across all existing groups to pick the appropriate next one.
: Group management via `pw` on FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD.
* Required binaries: `pw`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd, dragonfly`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Local group management for Windows. Group members can be both users and groups.
Additionally, local groups can contain domain users.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `manages_members`.
: Whether the group is a system group with lower GID.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
### host
Installs and manages host entries. For most systems, these
entries will just be in `/etc/hosts`, but some systems (notably OS X)
will have different solutions.
#### Parameters
: A comment that will be attached to the line with a # character.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Any aliases the host might have. Multiple values must be
specified as an array.
: The host's IP address, IPv4 or IPv6.
: The host name.
: The specific backend to use for this `host`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The file in which to store service information. Only used by
those providers that write to disk. On most systems this defaults to `/etc/hosts`.
### interface
This represents a router or switch interface. It is possible to manage
interface mode (access or trunking, native vlan and encapsulation) and
switchport characteristics (speed, duplex).
#### Parameters
: Allowed list of Vlans that this trunk can forward.
Valid values are `all`. Values can match `/./`.
: Interface description.
: The URL at which the router or switch can be reached.
: Interface duplex.
Valid values are `auto`, `full`, `half`.
: Interface switchport encapsulation.
Valid values are `none`, `dot1q`, `isl`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present` (also called `no_shutdown`), `absent` (also called `shutdown`).
: Channel group this interface is part of.
Values can match `/^\d+/`.
: IP Address of this interface. Note that it might not be possible to set
an interface IP address; it depends on the interface type and device type.
Valid format of ip addresses are:
* IPV4, like
* IPV4/prefixlength like
* IPV6/prefixlength like FE80::21A:2FFF:FE30:ECF0/128
* an optional suffix for IPV6 addresses from this list: `eui-64`, `link-local`
It is also possible to supply an array of values.
: Interface switchport mode.
Valid values are `access`, `trunk`.
: The interface's name.
: Interface native vlan (for access mode only).
Values can match `/^\d+/`.
: The specific backend to use for this `interface`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Cisco switch/router provider for interface.
: Interface speed.
Valid values are `auto`. Values can match `/^\d+/`.
### k5login
Manage the `.k5login` file for a user. Specify the full path to
the `.k5login` file as the name, and an array of principals as the
`principals` attribute.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired permissions mode of the `.k5login` file. Defaults to `644`.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The path to the `.k5login` file to manage. Must be fully qualified.
: The principals present in the `.k5login` file. This should be specified as an array.
: The specific backend to use for this `k5login`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The k5login provider is the only provider for the k5login
### macauthorization
Manage the Mac OS X authorization database. See the
[Apple developer site](
for more information.
Note that authorization store directives with hyphens in their names have
been renamed to use underscores, as Puppet does not react well to hyphens
in identifiers.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the `/etc/authorization` file, each
macauthorization resource will autorequire it.
#### Parameters
: Corresponds to `allow-root` in the authorization store. Specifies
whether a right should be allowed automatically if the requesting process
is running with `uid == 0`. AuthorizationServices defaults this attribute
to false if not specified.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Corresponds to `class` in the authorization store; renamed due
to 'class' being a reserved word in Puppet.
Valid values are `user`, `evaluate-mechanisms`, `allow`, `deny`, `rule`.
: Type --- this can be a `right` or a `rule`. The `comment` type has
not yet been implemented.
Valid values are `right`, `rule`.
: Corresponds to `authenticate-user` in the authorization store.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The `comment` attribute for authorization resources.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: A group which the user must authenticate as a member of. This
must be a single group.
: How large a subset of rule mechanisms must succeed for successful
authentication. If there are 'n' mechanisms, then 'k' (the integer value
of this parameter) mechanisms must succeed. The most common setting for
this parameter is `1`. If `k-of-n` is not set, then every mechanism ---
that is, 'n-of-n' --- must succeed.
: An array of suitable mechanisms.
: The name of the right or rule to be managed.
Corresponds to `key` in Authorization Services. The key is the name
of a rule. A key uses the same naming conventions as a right. The
Security Server uses a rule's key to match the rule with a right.
Wildcard keys end with a '.'. The generic rule has an empty key value.
Any rights that do not match a specific rule use the generic rule.
: The specific backend to use for this `macauthorization`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage Mac OS X authorization database rules and rights.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/security`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
: The rule(s) that this right refers to.
: Whether the session owner automatically matches this rule or right.
Corresponds to `session-owner` in the authorization store.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Whether the Security Server should mark the credentials used to gain
this right as shared. The Security Server may use any shared credentials
to authorize this right. For maximum security, set sharing to false so
credentials stored by the Security Server for one application may not be
used by another application.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The number of seconds in which the credential used by this rule will
expire. For maximum security where the user must authenticate every time,
set the timeout to 0. For minimum security, remove the timeout attribute
so the user authenticates only once per session.
: The number of tries allowed.
### mailalias
Creates an email alias in the local alias database.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: A file containing the alias's contents. The file and the
recipient entries are mutually exclusive.
: The alias name.
: The specific backend to use for this `mailalias`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Where email should be sent. Multiple values
should be specified as an array. The file and the
recipient entries are mutually exclusive.
: The file in which to store the aliases. Only used by
those providers that write to disk.
### maillist
Manage email lists. This resource type can only create
and remove lists; it cannot currently reconfigure them.
#### Parameters
: The email address of the administrator.
: The description of the mailing list.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`, `purged`.
: The name of the host handling email for the list.
: The name of the email list.
: The admin password.
: The specific backend to use for this `maillist`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman`, `list_lists`, `newlist`, `rmlist`.
: The name of the host providing web archives and the administrative interface.
### mcx
MCX object management using DirectoryService on OS X.
The default provider of this type merely manages the XML plist as
reported by the `dscl -mcxexport` command. This is similar to the
content property of the file type in Puppet.
The recommended method of using this type is to use Work Group Manager
to manage users and groups on the local computer, record the resulting
puppet manifest using the command `puppet resource mcx`, then deploy it
to other machines.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user, group, or computer that these
MCX settings refer to, the MCX resource will autorequire that user, group, or computer.
#### Features
- *manages_content*: The provider can manage MCXSettings as a string.
Provider | manages_content |
---------- | --------------- |
mcxcontent | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The XML Plist used as the value of MCXSettings in DirectoryService.
This is the standard output from the system command:
dscl localhost -mcxexport /Local/Default/<ds_type>/ds_name
Note that `ds_type` is capitalized and plural in the dscl command.
Requires features manages_content.
: The name to attach the MCX Setting to. (For example, `localhost`
when `ds_type => computer`.) This setting is not required, as it can be
automatically discovered when the resource name is parseable. (For
example, in `/Groups/admin`, `group` will be used as the dstype.)
: The DirectoryService type this MCX setting attaches to.
Valid values are `user`, `group`, `computer`, `computerlist`.
: Create or remove the MCX setting.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name of the resource being managed.
The default naming convention follows Directory Service paths:
The `ds_type` and `ds_name` type parameters are not necessary if the
default naming convention is followed.
: The specific backend to use for this `mcx`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: MCX Settings management using DirectoryService on OS X.
This provider manages the entire MCXSettings attribute available
to some directory services nodes. This management is 'all or nothing'
in that discrete application domain key value pairs are not managed
by this provider.
It is recommended to use WorkGroup Manager to configure Users, Groups,
Computers, or ComputerLists, then use 'ralsh mcx' to generate a puppet
manifest from the resulting configuration.
Original Author: Jeff McCune (
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dscl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `manages_content`.
### mount
Manages mounted filesystems, including putting mount
information into the mount table. The actual behavior depends
on the value of the 'ensure' parameter.
**Refresh:** `mount` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). If a `mount` receives an event
from another resource **and** its `ensure` attribute is set to `mounted`,
Puppet will try to unmount then remount that filesystem.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing any parents of a mount resource ---
that is, other mount points higher up in the filesystem --- the child
mount will autorequire them.
#### Features
- *refreshable*: The provider can remount the filesystem.
Provider | refreshable |
-------- | ----------- |
parsed | *X* |
#### Parameters
: Whether to mount the mount at boot. Not all platforms
support this.
: The device to fsck. This is property is only valid
on Solaris, and in most cases will default to the correct
: The device providing the mount. This can be whatever
device is supporting by the mount, including network
devices or devices specified by UUID rather than device
path, depending on the operating system.
: Whether to dump the mount. Not all platform support this.
Valid values are `1` or `0` (or `2` on FreeBSD). Default is `0`.
Values can match `/(0|1)/`.
: Control what to do with this mount. Set this attribute to
`unmounted` to make sure the filesystem is in the filesystem table
but not mounted (if the filesystem is currently mounted, it will be
unmounted). Set it to `absent` to unmount (if necessary) and remove
the filesystem from the fstab. Set to `mounted` to add it to the
fstab and mount it. Set to `present` to add to fstab but not change
mount/unmount status.
Valid values are `defined` (also called `present`), `unmounted`, `absent`, `mounted`.
: The mount type. Valid values depend on the
operating system. This is a required option.
: The mount path for the mount.
: A single string containing options for the mount, as they would
appear in fstab. For many platforms this is a comma delimited string.
Consult the fstab(5) man page for system-specific details.
: The pass in which the mount is checked.
: The specific backend to use for this `mount`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: * Required binaries: `mount`, `umount`.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: Whether the mount can be remounted `mount -o remount`. If
this is false, then the filesystem will be unmounted and remounted
manually, which is prone to failure.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The file in which to store the mount table. Only used by
those providers that write to disk.
### nagios_command
The Nagios type command. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_command.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_command resource.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_command resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_command`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_contact
The Nagios type contact. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_contact.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_contact resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_contact resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_contact`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_contactgroup
The Nagios type contactgroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_contactgroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_contactgroup resource.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_contactgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_contactgroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_host
The Nagios type host. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_host resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_host resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_host`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostdependency
The Nagios type hostdependency. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostdependency.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostdependency resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostdependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostdependency`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostescalation
The Nagios type hostescalation. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostescalation.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostescalation resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostescalation`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostextinfo
The Nagios type hostextinfo. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostextinfo.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostextinfo`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_hostgroup
The Nagios type hostgroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_hostgroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_hostgroup resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_hostgroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_hostgroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_service
The Nagios type service. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_service.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_service resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_service resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_service`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_servicedependency
The Nagios type servicedependency. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_servicedependency.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_servicedependency resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_servicedependency resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_servicedependency`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_serviceescalation
The Nagios type serviceescalation. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_serviceescalation.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_serviceescalation resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_serviceescalation`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_serviceextinfo
The Nagios type serviceextinfo. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_serviceextinfo.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_serviceextinfo resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_serviceextinfo`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_servicegroup
The Nagios type servicegroup. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_servicegroup.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_servicegroup resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_servicegroup`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_servicegroup resource.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### nagios_timeperiod
The Nagios type timeperiod. This resource type is autogenerated using the
model developed in Naginator, and all of the Nagios types are generated using the
same code and the same library.
This type generates Nagios configuration statements in Nagios-parseable configuration
files. By default, the statements will be added to `/etc/nagios/nagios_timeperiod.cfg`, but
you can send them to a different file by setting their `target` attribute.
You can purge Nagios resources using the `resources` type, but *only*
in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation.
#### Parameters
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired group of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The desired mode of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The desired owner of the config file for this nagios_timeperiod resource.
NOTE: If the target file is explicitly managed by a file resource in your manifest,
this parameter has no effect. If a parent directory of the target is managed by
a recursive file resource, this limitation does not apply (i.e., this parameter
takes precedence, and if purge is used, the target file is exempt).
: The specific backend to use for this `nagios_timeperiod`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: The target.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The name of this nagios_timeperiod resource.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
: Nagios configuration file parameter.
### notify
Sends an arbitrary message to the agent run-time log.
#### Parameters
: The message to be sent to the log.
: An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the name of the message.
: Whether to show the full object path. Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### package
Manage packages. There is a basic dichotomy in package
support right now: Some package types (e.g., yum and apt) can
retrieve their own package files, while others (e.g., rpm and sun)
cannot. For those package formats that cannot retrieve their own files,
you can use the `source` parameter to point to the correct file.
Puppet will automatically guess the packaging format that you are
using based on the platform you are on, but you can override it
using the `provider` parameter; each provider defines what it
requires in order to function, and you must meet those requirements
to use a given provider.
You can declare multiple package resources with the same `name`, as long
as they specify different providers and have unique titles.
Note that you must use the _title_ to make a reference to a package
resource; `Package[<NAME>]` is not a synonym for `Package[<TITLE>]` like
it is for many other resource types.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the files specified as a
package's `adminfile`, `responsefile`, or `source`, the package
resource will autorequire those files.
#### Features
- *holdable*: The provider is capable of placing packages on hold such that they are not automatically upgraded as a result of other package dependencies unless explicit action is taken by a user or another package. Held is considered a superset of installed.
- *install_options*: The provider accepts options to be passed to the installer command.
- *installable*: The provider can install packages.
- *package_settings*: The provider accepts package_settings to be ensured for the given package. The meaning and format of these settings is provider-specific.
- *purgeable*: The provider can purge packages. This generally means that all traces of the package are removed, including existing configuration files. This feature is thus destructive and should be used with the utmost care.
- *reinstallable*: The provider can reinstall packages.
- *uninstall_options*: The provider accepts options to be passed to the uninstaller command.
- *uninstallable*: The provider can uninstall packages.
- *upgradeable*: The provider can upgrade to the latest version of a package. This feature is used by specifying `latest` as the desired value for the package.
- *versionable*: The provider is capable of interrogating the package database for installed version(s), and can select which out of a set of available versions of a package to install if asked.
- *virtual_packages*: The provider accepts virtual package names for install and uninstall.
Provider | holdable | install_options | installable | package_settings | purgeable | reinstallable | uninstall_options | uninstallable | upgradeable | versionable | virtual_packages |
----------- | -------- | --------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | --------- | ------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | ---------------- |
aix | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
appdmg | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
apple | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
apt | *X* | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
aptitude | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
aptrpm | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
blastwave | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
dpkg | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
fink | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
freebsd | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
gem | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
hpux | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | | | |
macports | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
nim | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
openbsd | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
opkg | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
pacman | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | | *X* |
pip | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkg | *X* | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkgdmg | | | *X* | | | | | | | | |
pkgin | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
pkgutil | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
portage | | | *X* | | | *X* | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
ports | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | | |
portupgrade | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
rpm | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
rug | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
sun | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
sunfreeware | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
up2date | | | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | | |
urpmi | | | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | |
windows | | *X* | *X* | | | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | |
yum | | *X* | *X* | | *X* | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
zypper | | *X* | *X* | | | | | *X* | *X* | *X* | *X* |
#### Parameters
: A file containing package defaults for installing packages.
This attribute is only used on Solaris. Its value should be a path to a
local file stored on the target system. Solaris's package tools expect
either an absolute file path or a relative path to a file in
The value of `adminfile` will be passed directly to the `pkgadd` or
`pkgrm` command with the `-a <ADMINFILE>` option.
: Specifies if virtual package names are allowed for install and uninstall.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
Requires features virtual_packages.
: Tells apt to allow cdrom sources in the sources.list file.
Normally apt will bail if you try this.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: Whether configfiles should be kept or replaced. Most packages
types do not support this parameter. Defaults to `keep`.
Valid values are `keep`, `replace`.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: What state the package should be in. On packaging systems that can
retrieve new packages on their own, you can choose which package to
retrieve by specifying a version number or `latest` as the ensure
value. On packaging systems that manage configuration files separately
from "normal" system files, you can uninstall config files by
specifying `purged` as the ensure value. This defaults to `installed`.
Valid values are `present` (also called `installed`), `absent`, `purged`, `held`, `latest`. Values can match `/./`.
: OpenBSD supports 'flavors', which are further specifications for
which type of package you want.
: An array of additional options to pass when installing a package. These
options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software
vendor. One commonly implemented option is `INSTALLDIR`:
package { 'mysql':
ensure => installed,
source => 'N:/packages/mysql-5.5.16-winx64.msi',
install_options => [ '/S', { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\mysql-5.5' } ],
Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each
key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each
option will automatically be quoted when passed to the install command.
On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash
separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted
strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted
strings _may_ be double-escaped.
Requires features install_options.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: The package name. This is the name that the packaging
system uses internally, which is sometimes (especially on Solaris)
a name that is basically useless to humans. If a package goes by
several names, you can use a single title and then set the name
# In the 'openssl' class
$ssl = $operatingsystem ? {
solaris => SMCossl,
default => openssl
package { 'openssl':
name => $ssl,
ensure => installed
. etc. .
$ssh = $operatingsystem ? {
solaris => SMCossh,
default => openssh
package { 'openssh':
name => $ssh
ensure => installed,
require => Package['openssl']
: Settings that can change the contents or configuration of a package.
The formatting and effects of package_settings are provider-specific; any
provider that implements them must explain how to use them in its
documentation. (Our general expectation is that if a package is
installed but its settings are out of sync, the provider should
re-install that package with the desired settings.)
An example of how package_settings could be used is FreeBSD's port build
options --- a future version of the provider could accept a hash of options,
and would reinstall the port if the installed version lacked the correct
package { 'www/apache22':
package_settings => { 'SUEXEC' => false }
Again, check the documentation of your platform's package provider to see
the actual usage.
Requires features package_settings.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
The specific backend to use for this `package`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Installation from an AIX software directory, using the AIX `installp`
command. The `source` parameter is required for this provider, and should
be set to the absolute path (on the puppet agent machine) of a directory
containing one or more BFF package files.
The `installp` command will generate a table of contents file (named `.toc`)
in this directory, and the `name` parameter (or resource title) that you
specify for your `package` resource must match a package name that exists
in the `.toc` file.
Note that package downgrades are *not* supported; if your resource specifies
a specific version number and there is already a newer version of the package
installed on the machine, the resource will fail with an error message.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lslpp`, `/usr/sbin/installp`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management which copies application bundles to a target.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/curl`, `/usr/bin/ditto`, `/usr/bin/hdiutil`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management based on OS X's builtin packaging system. This is
essentially the simplest and least functional package system in existence --
it only supports installation; no deletion or upgrades. The provider will
automatically add the `.pkg` extension, so leave that off when specifying
the package name.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/installer`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management via `apt-get`.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to apt-get.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/apt-cache`, `/usr/bin/apt-get`, `/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `debian, ubuntu`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management via `aptitude`.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/apt-cache`, `/usr/bin/aptitude`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management via `apt-get` ported to `rpm`.
* Required binaries: `apt-cache`, `apt-get`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management using's `pkg-get` command on Solaris.
* Required binaries: `pkg-get`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management via `dpkg`. Because this only uses `dpkg`
and not `apt`, you must specify the source of any packages you want
to manage.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/dpkg-deb`, `/usr/bin/dpkg-query`, `/usr/bin/dpkg`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management via `fink`.
* Required binaries: `/sw/bin/apt-cache`, `/sw/bin/apt-get`, `/sw/bin/dpkg-query`, `/sw/bin/fink`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: The specific form of package management on FreeBSD. This is an
extremely quirky packaging system, in that it freely mixes between
ports and packages. Apparently all of the tools are written in Ruby,
so there are plans to rewrite this support to directly use those
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/pkg_add`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_delete`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Ruby Gem support. If a URL is passed via `source`, then that URL is used as the
remote gem repository; if a source is present but is not a valid URL, it will be
interpreted as the path to a local gem file. If source is not present at all,
the gem will be installed from the default gem repositories.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to the gem command.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `gem`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: HP-UX's packaging system.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/swinstall`, `/usr/sbin/swlist`, `/usr/sbin/swremove`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `hp-ux`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`.
: Package management using MacPorts on OS X.
Supports MacPorts versions and revisions, but not variants.
Variant preferences may be specified using
[the MacPorts variants.conf file](
When specifying a version in the Puppet DSL, only specify the version, not the revision.
Revisions are only used internally for ensuring the latest version/revision of a port.
* Required binaries: `/opt/local/bin/port`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Installation from an AIX NIM LPP source. The `source` parameter is required
for this provider, and should specify the name of a NIM `lpp_source` resource
that is visible to the puppet agent machine. This provider supports the
management of both BFF/installp and RPM packages.
Note that package downgrades are *not* supported; if your resource specifies
a specific version number and there is already a newer version of the package
installed on the machine, the resource will fail with an error message.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lslpp`, `/usr/sbin/nimclient`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: OpenBSD's form of `pkg_add` support.
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to pkg_add and pkg_delete.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `pkg_add`, `pkg_delete`, `pkg_info`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openbsd`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Opkg packaging support. Common on OpenWrt and OpenEmbedded platforms
* Required binaries: `opkg`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openwrt`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for the Package Manager Utility (pacman) used in Archlinux.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to pacman.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pacman`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `archlinux, manjarolinux`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Python packages via `pip`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: OpenSolaris image packaging system. See pkg(5) for more information
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pkg`.
* Default for `kernelrelease` == `5.11` and `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `holdable`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management based on Apple's and
This provider works by checking the contents of a DMG image for Apple pkg or
mpkg files. Any number of pkg or mpkg files may exist in the root directory
of the DMG file system, and Puppet will install all of them. Subdirectories
are not checked for packages.
This provider can also accept plain .pkg (but not .mpkg) files in addition
to .dmg files.
* The `source` attribute is mandatory. It must be either a local disk path
or an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL to the package.
* The `name` of the resource must be the filename (without path) of the DMG file.
* When installing the packages from a DMG, this provider writes a file to
disk at `/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_NAME`. If that file is present,
Puppet assumes all packages from that DMG are already installed.
* This provider is not versionable and uses DMG filenames to determine
whether a package has been installed. Thus, to install new a version of a
package, you must create a new DMG with a different filename.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/curl`, `/usr/bin/hdiutil`, `/usr/sbin/installer`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `installable`.
: Package management using pkgin, a binary package manager for pkgsrc.
* Required binaries: `pkgin`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `dragonfly, smartos`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Package management using Peter Bonivart's ``pkgutil`` command on Solaris.
* Required binaries: `pkgutil`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Provides packaging support for Gentoo's portage system.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/eix-update`, `/usr/bin/eix`, `/usr/bin/emerge`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `gentoo`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `reinstallable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Support for FreeBSD's ports. Note that this, too, mixes packages and ports.
* Required binaries: `/usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade`, `/usr/local/sbin/portversion`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for FreeBSD's ports using the portupgrade ports management software.
Use the port's full origin as the resource name. eg (ports-mgmt/portupgrade)
for the portupgrade port.
* Required binaries: `/usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portinstall`, `/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade`, `/usr/local/sbin/portversion`, `/usr/sbin/pkg_info`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: RPM packaging support; should work anywhere with a working `rpm`
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to rpm.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `rpm`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Support for suse `rug` package manager.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/rug`, `rpm`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Sun's packaging system. Requires that you specify the source for
the packages you're managing.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to pkgadd.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/pkginfo`, `/usr/sbin/pkgadd`, `/usr/sbin/pkgrm`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Package management using's `pkg-get` command on Solaris.
At this point, support is exactly the same as `blastwave` support and
has not actually been tested.
* Required binaries: `pkg-get`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support for Red Hat's proprietary `up2date` package update
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/up2date-nox`.
* Default for `lsbdistrelease` == `2.1, 3, 4` and `osfamily` == `redhat`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`.
: Support via `urpmi`.
* Required binaries: `rpm`, `urpme`, `urpmi`, `urpmq`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `mandriva, mandrake`.
* Supported features: `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`.
: Windows package management.
This provider supports either MSI or self-extracting executable installers.
This provider requires a `source` attribute when installing the package.
It accepts paths to local files, mapped drives, or UNC paths.
This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options`
attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to the installer.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
If the executable requires special arguments to perform a silent install or
uninstall, then the appropriate arguments should be specified using the
`install_options` or `uninstall_options` attributes, respectively. Puppet
will automatically quote any option that contains spaces.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstall_options`, `uninstallable`, `versionable`.
: Support via `yum`.
Using this provider's `uninstallable` feature will not remove dependent packages. To
remove dependent packages with this provider use the `purgeable` feature, but note this
feature is destructive and should be used with the utmost care.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to yum.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `rpm`, `yum`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `redhat`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `purgeable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Support for SuSE `zypper` package manager. Found in SLES10sp2+ and SLES11.
This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to zypper.
These options should be specified as a string (e.g. '--flag'), a hash (e.g. {'--flag' => 'value'}),
or an array where each element is either a string or a hash.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/zypper`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `suse, sles, sled, opensuse`.
* Supported features: `install_options`, `installable`, `uninstallable`, `upgradeable`, `versionable`, `virtual_packages`.
: Whether this resource should respond to refresh events (via `subscribe`,
`notify`, or the `~>` arrow) by reinstalling the package. Only works for
providers that support the `reinstallable` feature.
This is useful for source-based distributions, where you may want to
recompile a package if the build options change.
If you use this, be careful of notifying classes when you want to restart
services. If the class also contains a refreshable package, doing so could
cause unnecessary re-installs.
Defaults to `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: A file containing any necessary answers to questions asked by
the package. This is currently used on Solaris and Debian. The
value will be validated according to system rules, but it should
generally be a fully qualified path.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: Where to find the package file. This is only used by providers that don't
automatically download packages from a central repository. (For example:
the `yum` and `apt` providers ignore this attribute, but the `rpm` and
`dpkg` providers require it.)
Different providers accept different values for `source`. Most providers
accept paths to local files stored on the target system. Some providers
may also accept URLs or network drive paths. Puppet will not
automatically retrieve source files for you, and usually just passes the
value of `source` to the package installation command.
You can use a `file` resource if you need to manually copy package files
to the target system.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
: An array of additional options to pass when uninstalling a package. These
options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software
vendor. For example:
package { 'VMware Tools':
ensure => absent,
uninstall_options => [ { 'REMOVE' => 'Sync,VSS' } ],
Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each
key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each
option will automatically be quoted when passed to the uninstall
On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash
separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted
strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted
strings _may_ be double-escaped.
Requires features uninstall_options.
: A read-only parameter set by the package.
### resources
This is a metatype that can manage other resource types. Any
metaparams specified here will be passed on to any generated resources,
so you can purge umanaged resources but set `noop` to true so the
purging is only logged and does not actually happen.
#### Parameters
: The name of the type to be managed.
: Whether to purge unmanaged resources. When set to `true`, this will
delete any resource that is not specified in your configuration and is not
autorequired by any managed resources. **Note:** The `ssh_authorized_key`
resource type can't be purged this way; instead, see the `purge_ssh_keys`
attribute of the `user` type.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
: This keeps system users from being purged. By default, it
does not purge users whose UIDs are less than the minimum UID for the system (typically 500 or 1000), but you can specify
a different UID as the inclusive limit.
Valid values are `true`, `false`. Values can match `/^\d+$/`.
: This keeps specific uids or ranges of uids from being purged when purge is true.
Accepts integers, integer strings, and arrays of integers or integer strings.
To specify a range of uids, consider using the range() function from stdlib.
### router
Manages connected router.
#### Parameters
: (**Namevar:** If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)
An SSH or telnet URL at which to access the router, in the form
`ssh://user:pass:enable@host/` or `telnet://user:pass:enable@host/`.
### schedule
Define schedules for Puppet. Resources can be limited to a schedule by using the
Currently, **schedules can only be used to stop a resource from being
applied;** they cannot cause a resource to be applied when it otherwise
wouldn't be, and they cannot accurately specify a time when a resource
should run.
Every time Puppet applies its configuration, it will apply the
set of resources whose schedule does not eliminate them from
running right then, but there is currently no system in place to
guarantee that a given resource runs at a given time. If you
specify a very restrictive schedule and Puppet happens to run at a
time within that schedule, then the resources will get applied;
otherwise, that work may never get done.
Thus, it is advisable to use wider scheduling (e.g., over a couple of
hours) combined with periods and repetitions. For instance, if you
wanted to restrict certain resources to only running once, between
the hours of two and 4 AM, then you would use this schedule:
schedule { 'maint':
range => "2 - 4",
period => daily,
repeat => 1,
With this schedule, the first time that Puppet runs between 2 and 4 AM,
all resources with this schedule will get applied, but they won't
get applied again between 2 and 4 because they will have already
run once that day, and they won't get applied outside that schedule
because they will be outside the scheduled range.
Puppet automatically creates a schedule for each of the valid periods
with the same name as that period (e.g., hourly and daily).
Additionally, a schedule named `puppet` is created and used as the
default, with the following attributes:
schedule { 'puppet':
period => hourly,
repeat => 2,
This will cause resources to be applied every 30 minutes by default.
#### Parameters
: The name of the schedule. This name is used when assigning the schedule
to a resource with the `schedule` metaparameter:
schedule { 'everyday':
period => daily,
range => "2 - 4",
exec { "/usr/bin/apt-get update":
schedule => 'everyday',
: The period of repetition for resources on this schedule. The default is
for resources to get applied every time Puppet runs.
Note that the period defines how often a given resource will get
applied but not when; if you would like to restrict the hours
that a given resource can be applied (e.g., only at night during
a maintenance window), then use the `range` attribute.
If the provided periods are not sufficient, you can provide a
value to the *repeat* attribute, which will cause Puppet to
schedule the affected resources evenly in the period the
specified number of times. Take this schedule:
schedule { 'veryoften':
period => hourly,
repeat => 6,
This can cause Puppet to apply that resource up to every 10 minutes.
At the moment, Puppet cannot guarantee that level of repetition; that
is, the resource can applied _up to_ every 10 minutes, but internal
factors might prevent it from actually running that often (e.g. if a
Puppet run is still in progress when the next run is scheduled to start,
that next run will be suppressed).
See the `periodmatch` attribute for tuning whether to match
times by their distance apart or by their specific value.
Valid values are `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, `never`.
: Whether periods should be matched by number (e.g., the two times
are in the same hour) or by distance (e.g., the two times are
60 minutes apart).
Valid values are `number`, `distance`.
: The earliest and latest that a resource can be applied. This is
always a hyphen-separated range within a 24 hour period, and hours
must be specified in numbers between 0 and 23, inclusive. Minutes and
seconds can optionally be provided, using the normal colon as a
separator. For instance:
schedule { 'maintenance':
range => "1:30 - 4:30",
This is mostly useful for restricting certain resources to being
applied in maintenance windows or during off-peak hours. Multiple
ranges can be applied in array context. As a convenience when specifying
ranges, you may cross midnight (e.g.: range => "22:00 - 04:00").
: How often a given resource may be applied in this schedule's `period`.
Defaults to 1; must be an integer.
: The days of the week in which the schedule should be valid.
You may specify the full day name (Tuesday), the three character
abbreviation (Tue), or a number corresponding to the day of the
week where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. Multiple days can be specified
as an array. If not specified, the day of the week will not be
considered in the schedule.
If you are also using a range match that spans across midnight
then this parameter will match the day that it was at the start
of the range, not necessarily the day that it is when it matches.
For example, consider this schedule:
schedule { 'maintenance_window':
range => '22:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Saturday',
This will match at 11 PM on Saturday and 2 AM on Sunday, but not
at 2 AM on Saturday.
### scheduled_task
Installs and manages Windows Scheduled Tasks. All attributes
except `name`, `command`, and `trigger` are optional; see the description
of the `trigger` attribute for details on setting schedules.
#### Parameters
: Any arguments or flags that should be passed to the command. Multiple arguments
should be specified as a space-separated string.
: The full path to the application to run, without any arguments.
: Whether the triggers for this task should be enabled. This attribute
affects every trigger for the task; triggers cannot be enabled or
disabled individually.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name assigned to the scheduled task. This will uniquely
identify the task on the system.
: The password for the user specified in the 'user' attribute.
This is only used if specifying a user other than 'SYSTEM'.
Since there is no way to retrieve the password used to set the
account information for a task, this parameter will not be used
to determine if a scheduled task is in sync or not.
: The specific backend to use for this `scheduled_task`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: This provider manages scheduled tasks on Windows.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
: One or more triggers defining when the task should run. A single trigger is
represented as a hash, and multiple triggers can be specified with an array of
A trigger can contain the following keys:
* For all triggers:
* `schedule` **(Required)** --- What kind of trigger this is.
Valid values are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, or `once`. Each kind
of trigger is configured with a different set of keys; see the
sections below. (`once` triggers only need a start time/date.)
* `start_time` **(Required)** --- The time of day when the trigger should
first become active. Several time formats will work, but we
suggest 24-hour time formatted as HH:MM.
* `start_date` --- The date when the trigger should first become active.
Defaults to the current date. You should format dates as YYYY-MM-DD,
although other date formats may work. (Under the hood, this uses `Date.parse`.)
* For `daily` triggers:
* `every` --- How often the task should run, as a number of days. Defaults
to 1. ("2" means every other day, "3" means every three days, etc.)
* For `weekly` triggers:
* `every` --- How often the task should run, as a number of weeks. Defaults
to 1. ("2" means every other week, "3" means every three weeks, etc.)
* `day_of_week` --- Which days of the week the task should run, as an array.
Defaults to all days. Each day must be one of `mon`, `tues`,
`wed`, `thurs`, `fri`, `sat`, `sun`, or `all`.
* For `monthly` (by date) triggers:
* `months` --- Which months the task should run, as an array. Defaults to
all months. Each month must be an integer between 1 and 12.
* `on` **(Required)** --- Which days of the month the task should run,
as an array. Each day must beeither an integer between 1 and 31,
or the special value `last,` which is always the last day of the month.
* For `monthly` (by weekday) triggers:
* `months` --- Which months the task should run, as an array. Defaults to
all months. Each month must be an integer between 1 and 12.
* `day_of_week` **(Required)** --- Which day of the week the task should
run, as an array with only one element. Each day must be one of `mon`,
`tues`, `wed`, `thurs`, `fri`, `sat`, `sun`, or `all`.
* `which_occurrence` **(Required)** --- The occurrence of the chosen weekday
when the task should run. Must be one of `first`, `second`, `third`,
`fourth`, `fifth`, or `last`.
# Run at 8am on the 1st, 15th, and last day of the month in January, March,
# May, July, September, and November, starting after August 31st, 2011.
trigger => {
schedule => monthly,
start_date => '2011-08-31', # Defaults to current date
start_time => '08:00', # Must be specified
months => [1,3,5,7,9,11], # Defaults to all
on => [1, 15, last], # Must be specified
# Run at 8am on the first Monday of the month for January, March, and May,
# starting after August 31st, 2011.
trigger => {
schedule => monthly,
start_date => '2011-08-31', # Defaults to current date
start_time => '08:00', # Must be specified
months => [1,3,5], # Defaults to all
which_occurrence => first, # Must be specified
day_of_week => [mon], # Must be specified
: The user to run the scheduled task as. Please note that not
all security configurations will allow running a scheduled task
as 'SYSTEM', and saving the scheduled task under these
conditions will fail with a reported error of 'The operation
completed successfully'. It is recommended that you either
choose another user to run the scheduled task, or alter the
security policy to allow v1 scheduled tasks to run as the
'SYSTEM' account. Defaults to 'SYSTEM'.
Please also note that Puppet must be running as a privileged user
in order to manage `scheduled_task` resources. Running as an
unprivileged user will result in 'access denied' errors.
: The full path of the directory in which to start the command.
### selboolean
Manages SELinux booleans on systems with SELinux support. The supported booleans
are any of the ones found in `/selinux/booleans/`.
#### Parameters
: The name of the SELinux boolean to be managed.
: If set true, SELinux booleans will be written to disk and persist across reboots.
The default is `false`.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: The specific backend to use for this `selboolean`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage SELinux booleans using the getsebool and setsebool binaries.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/getsebool`, `/usr/sbin/setsebool`.
: Whether the SELinux boolean should be enabled or disabled.
Valid values are `on`, `off`.
### selmodule
Manages loading and unloading of SELinux policy modules
on the system. Requires SELinux support. See man semodule(8)
for more information on SELinux policy modules.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the file containing this SELinux
policy module (which is either explicitly specified in the `selmodulepath`
attribute or will be found at {`selmoduledir`}/{`name`}.pp), the selmodule
resource will autorequire that file.
#### Parameters
: The basic property that the resource should be in.
Valid values are `present`, `absent`.
: The name of the SELinux policy to be managed. You should not
include the customary trailing .pp extension.
: The specific backend to use for this `selmodule`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: Manage SELinux policy modules using the semodule binary.
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/semodule`.
: The directory to look for the compiled pp module file in.
Currently defaults to `/usr/share/selinux/targeted`. If the
`selmodulepath` attribute is not specified, Puppet will expect to find
the module in `<selmoduledir>/<name>.pp`, where `name` is the value of the
`name` parameter.
: The full path to the compiled .pp policy module. You only need to use
this if the module file is not in the `selmoduledir` directory.
: If set to `true`, the policy will be reloaded if the
version found in the on-disk file differs from the loaded
version. If set to `false` (the default) the only check
that will be made is if the policy is loaded at all or not.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
### service
Manage running services. Service support unfortunately varies
widely by platform --- some platforms have very little if any concept of a
running service, and some have a very codified and powerful concept.
Puppet's service support is usually capable of doing the right thing, but
the more information you can provide, the better behaviour you will get.
Puppet 2.7 and newer expect init scripts to have a working status command.
If this isn't the case for any of your services' init scripts, you will
need to set `hasstatus` to false and possibly specify a custom status
command in the `status` attribute. As a last resort, Puppet will attempt to
search the process table by calling whatever command is listed in the `ps`
fact. The default search pattern is the name of the service, but you can
specify it with the `pattern` attribute.
**Refresh:** `service` resources can respond to refresh events (via
`notify`, `subscribe`, or the `~>` arrow). If a `service` receives an
event from another resource, Puppet will restart the service it manages.
The actual command used to restart the service depends on the platform and
can be configured:
* If you set `hasrestart` to true, Puppet will use the init script's restart command.
* You can provide an explicit command for restarting with the `restart` attribute.
* If you do neither, the service's stop and start commands will be used.
#### Features
- *controllable*: The provider uses a control variable.
- *enableable*: The provider can enable and disable the service
- *flaggable*: The provider can pass flags to the service.
- *refreshable*: The provider can restart the service.
Provider | controllable | enableable | flaggable | refreshable |
----------- | ------------ | ---------- | --------- | ----------- |
base | | | | *X* |
bsd | | *X* | | *X* |
daemontools | | *X* | | *X* |
debian | | *X* | | *X* |
freebsd | | *X* | | *X* |
gentoo | | *X* | | *X* |
init | | | | *X* |
launchd | | *X* | | *X* |
openbsd | | *X* | *X* | *X* |
openrc | | *X* | | *X* |
openwrt | | *X* | | *X* |
redhat | | *X* | | *X* |
runit | | *X* | | *X* |
service | | | | *X* |
smf | | *X* | | *X* |
src | | *X* | | *X* |
systemd | | *X* | | *X* |
upstart | | *X* | | *X* |
windows | | *X* | | *X* |
#### Parameters
: The path to the daemon. This is only used for
systems that do not support init scripts. This binary will be
used to start the service if no `start` parameter is
: The control variable used to manage services (originally for HP-UX).
Defaults to the upcased service name plus `START` replacing dots with
underscores, for those providers that support the `controllable` feature.
: Whether a service should be enabled to start at boot.
This property behaves quite differently depending on the platform;
wherever possible, it relies on local tools to enable or disable
a given service.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `manual`.
Requires features enableable.
: Whether a service should be running.
Valid values are `stopped` (also called `false`), `running` (also called `true`).
: Specify a string of flags to pass to the startup script.
Requires features flaggable.
: Specify that an init script has a `restart` command. If this is
false and you do not specify a command in the `restart` attribute,
the init script's `stop` and `start` commands will be used.
Defaults to false.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Declare whether the service's init script has a functional status
command; defaults to `true`. This attribute's default value changed in
Puppet 2.7.0.
The init script's status command must return 0 if the service is
running and a nonzero value otherwise. Ideally, these exit codes
should conform to [the LSB's specification][lsb-exit-codes] for init
script status actions, but Puppet only considers the difference
between 0 and nonzero to be relevant.
If a service's init script does not support any kind of status command,
you should set `hasstatus` to false and either provide a specific
command using the `status` attribute or expect that Puppet will look for
the service name in the process table. Be aware that 'virtual' init
scripts (like 'network' under Red Hat systems) will respond poorly to
refresh events from other resources if you override the default behavior
without providing a status command.
Valid values are `true`, `false`.
: Specify a command to config a service, or a path to a manifest to do so.
: The name of the service to run.
This name is used to find the service; on platforms where services
have short system names and long display names, this should be the
short name. (To take an example from Windows, you would use "wuauserv"
rather than "Automatic Updates.")
: The search path for finding init scripts. Multiple values should
be separated by colons or provided as an array.
: The pattern to search for in the process table.
This is used for stopping services on platforms that do not
support init scripts, and is also used for determining service
status on those service whose init scripts do not include a status
Defaults to the name of the service. The pattern can be a simple string
or any legal Ruby pattern, including regular expressions (which should
be quoted without enclosing slashes).
: The specific backend to use for this `service`
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:
: The simplest form of Unix service support.
You have to specify enough about your service for this to work; the
minimum you can specify is a binary for starting the process, and this
same binary will be searched for in the process table to stop the
service. As with `init`-style services, it is preferable to specify start,
stop, and status commands.
* Required binaries: `kill`.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: FreeBSD's (and probably NetBSD's?) form of `init`-style service management.
Uses `rc.conf.d` for service enabling and disabling.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Daemontools service management.
This provider manages daemons supervised by D.J. Bernstein daemontools.
When detecting the service directory it will check, in order of preference:
* `/service`
* `/etc/service`
* `/var/lib/svscan`
The daemon directory should be in one of the following locations:
* `/var/lib/service`
* `/etc`
...or this can be overriden in the resource's attributes:
service { "myservice":
provider => "daemontools",
path => "/path/to/daemons",
This provider supports out of the box:
* start/stop (mapped to enable/disable)
* enable/disable
* restart
* status
If a service has `ensure => "running"`, it will link /path/to/daemon to
/path/to/service, which will automatically enable the service.
If a service has `ensure => "stopped"`, it will only shut down the service, not
remove the `/path/to/service` link.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/svc`, `/usr/bin/svstat`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Debian's form of `init`-style management.
The only differences from `init` are support for enabling and disabling
services via `update-rc.d` and the ability to determine enabled status via
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d`, `/usr/sbin/update-rc.d`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `debian`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Provider for FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD. Uses the `rcvar` argument of init scripts and parses/edits rc files.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `freebsd, dragonfly`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Gentoo's form of `init`-style service management.
Uses `rc-update` for service enabling and disabling.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/rc-update`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Standard `init`-style service management.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: This provider manages jobs with `launchd`, which is the default service
framework for Mac OS X (and may be available for use on other platforms).
For `launchd` documentation, see:
* <>
* <>
This provider reads plists out of the following directories:
* `/System/Library/LaunchDaemons`
* `/System/Library/LaunchAgents`
* `/Library/LaunchDaemons`
* `/Library/LaunchAgents`
...and builds up a list of services based upon each plist's "Label" entry.
This provider supports:
* ensure => running/stopped,
* enable => true/false
* status
* restart
Here is how the Puppet states correspond to `launchd` states:
* stopped --- job unloaded
* started --- job loaded
* enabled --- 'Disable' removed from job plist file
* disabled --- 'Disable' added to job plist file
Note that this allows you to do something `launchctl` can't do, which is to
be in a state of "stopped/enabled" or "running/disabled".
Note that this provider does not support overriding 'restart' or 'status'.
* Required binaries: `/bin/launchctl`, `/usr/bin/plutil`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `darwin`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Provider for OpenBSD's rc.d daemon control scripts
* Required binaries: `/usr/sbin/rcctl`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openbsd`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `flaggable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for Gentoo's OpenRC initskripts
Uses rc-update, rc-status and rc-service to manage services.
* Required binaries: `/bin/rc-status`, `/sbin/rc-service`, `/sbin/rc-update`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `gentoo`. Default for `operatingsystem` == `funtoo`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for OpenWrt flavored init scripts.
Uses /etc/init.d/service_name enable, disable, and enabled.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `openwrt`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Red Hat's (and probably many others') form of `init`-style service
management. Uses `chkconfig` for service enabling and disabling.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/chkconfig`, `/sbin/service`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `redhat, suse`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Runit service management.
This provider manages daemons running supervised by Runit.
When detecting the service directory it will check, in order of preference:
* `/service`
* `/etc/service`
* `/var/service`
The daemon directory should be in one of the following locations:
* `/etc/sv`
* `/var/lib/service`
or this can be overriden in the service resource parameters::
service { "myservice":
provider => "runit",
path => "/path/to/daemons",
This provider supports out of the box:
* start/stop
* enable/disable
* restart
* status
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/sv`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: The simplest form of service support.
* Supported features: `refreshable`.
: Support for Sun's new Service Management Framework.
Starting a service is effectively equivalent to enabling it, so there is
only support for starting and stopping services, which also enables and
disables them, respectively.
By specifying `manifest => "/path/to/service.xml"`, the SMF manifest will
be imported if it does not exist.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/svcs`, `/usr/sbin/svcadm`, `/usr/sbin/svccfg`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `solaris`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for AIX's System Resource controller.
Services are started/stopped based on the `stopsrc` and `startsrc`
commands, and some services can be refreshed with `refresh` command.
Enabling and disabling services is not supported, as it requires
modifications to `/etc/inittab`. Starting and stopping groups of subsystems
is not yet supported.
* Required binaries: `/usr/bin/lssrc`, `/usr/bin/refresh`, `/usr/bin/startsrc`, `/usr/bin/stopsrc`, `/usr/sbin/chitab`, `/usr/sbin/lsitab`, `/usr/sbin/mkitab`, `/usr/sbin/rmitab`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `aix`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Manages `systemd` services using `systemctl`.
* Required binaries: `systemctl`.
* Default for `osfamily` == `archlinux`. Default for `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `7` and `osfamily` == `redhat`. Default for `operatingsystem` == `fedora` and `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `17, 18, 19, 20, 21` and `osfamily` == `redhat`. Default for `operatingsystemmajrelease` == `12, 13` and `osfamily` == `suse`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Ubuntu service management with `upstart`.
This provider manages `upstart` jobs on Ubuntu. For `upstart` documentation,
see <>.
* Required binaries: `/sbin/initctl`, `/sbin/restart`, `/sbin/start`, `/sbin/status`, `/sbin/stop`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `ubuntu`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Support for Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). This provider can
start, stop, enable, and disable services, and the SCM provides working
status methods for all services.
Control of service groups (dependencies) is not yet supported, nor is running
services as a specific user.
* Required binaries: `net.exe`.
* Default for `operatingsystem` == `windows`.
* Supported features: `enableable`, `refreshable`.
: Specify a *restart* command manually. If left
unspecified, the service will be stopped and then started.
: Specify a *start* command manually. Most service subsystems
support a `start` command, so this will not need to be
: Specify a *status* command manually. This command must
return 0 if the service is running and a nonzero value otherwise.
Ideally, these exit codes should conform to [the LSB's
specification][lsb-exit-codes] for init script status actions, but
Puppet only considers the difference between 0 and nonzero to be
If left unspecified, the status of the service will be determined
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