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Last active October 28, 2024 16:19
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FFmpeg loudnorm filter - dual pass loudness normalization example -
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
require 'json'
ffmpeg_bin = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
target_il = -24.0
target_lra = +11.0
target_tp = -2.0
samplerate = '48k'
if ARGF.argv.count != 2
puts "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} input.wav output.wav"
exit 1
ff_string = "#{ffmpeg_bin} -hide_banner "
ff_string += "-i #{ARGF.argv[0]} "
ff_string += '-af loudnorm='
ff_string += "I=#{target_il}:"
ff_string += "LRA=#{target_lra}:"
ff_string += "tp=#{target_tp}:"
ff_string += 'print_format=json '
ff_string += '-f null -'
_stdin, _stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(ff_string)
if wait_thr.value.success?
stats = JSON.parse([-12, 12].join)
loudnorm_string = '-af loudnorm='
loudnorm_string += 'print_format=summary:'
loudnorm_string += 'linear=true:'
loudnorm_string += "I=#{target_il}:"
loudnorm_string += "LRA=#{target_lra}:"
loudnorm_string += "tp=#{target_tp}:"
loudnorm_string += "measured_I=#{stats['input_i']}:"
loudnorm_string += "measured_LRA=#{stats['input_lra']}:"
loudnorm_string += "measured_tp=#{stats['input_tp']}:"
loudnorm_string += "measured_thresh=#{stats['input_thresh']}:"
loudnorm_string += "offset=#{stats['target_offset']}"
exit 1
ff_string = "#{ffmpeg_bin} -y -hide_banner "
ff_string += "-i #{ARGF.argv[0]} "
ff_string += "#{loudnorm_string} "
ff_string += "-ar #{samplerate} "
ff_string += ARGF.argv[1].to_s
_stdin, _stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(ff_string)
if wait_thr.value.success?
puts[-12, 12].join
exit 0
exit 1
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Hi, thank you very much for the great loudnorm filter!

  1. Is it possible to switch the LRA-Leveler off in order to get a static normalizion processing, that works with fixed gain and limiting?
  2. Would it be possible to get MaxMomentary and MaxShortTerm Loudness into the json log file?

Thank you for your help - Wolfgang

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I cannot get print_format=json to be accepted by ffmpeg. Are you somehow using ffprobe? I see it has the print_format option.

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mmmmna commented Aug 19, 2022

Input filenames are truncated when using escaped spaces?

Note: loudness2.rb is merely my edit of loudness.rb to use the actual location for installed ffmpeg (EndeavourOS, Arch); namely /usr/bin/ffmpeg

[mmmmna@home Sia Furler]$ ~/Refile\ OUT/loudness2.rb Sia-[KCRW\ studio]-Breathe\ Me-Downtempo2.flac Sia-[KCRW\ studio]-Breathe\ Me-Downtempo3.flac
Sia-[KCRW: No such file or directory
[mmmmna@home Sia Furler]$

cd to ~\Refile\ OUT\ and running from there makes no difference to failure.

Possibly not an error of your script?

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