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Created September 27, 2011 11:20
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List the email addresses subscribed to a MailMan mailing list, fetched from web
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vi: set et sw=4 st=4:
# 2004-08-27 Jim Tittsler <>
# 2004-10-03 jwt change authentication
# 2004-10-04 jwt remove dependency on ClientCookie
# 2004-10-07 jwt use getopt to retrieve host, list, password from command
# 2004-10-10 jwt return to using ClientCookie
# 2004-10-13 jwt add --fullnames option
# 2005-02-15 jwt switch on RFC2965 cookie support when newer version
# of ClientCookie is detected
# 2005-02-16 jwt use Python 2.4's cookielib if it is available
# 2005-02-27 jwt only visit the roster page for letters that exist
# 2005-06-04 mas add --nomail option (Mark Sapiro <>)
# 2005-06-14 jwt handle chunks of email addresses starting [0-9]*
# 2006-01-27 mas Retry urllib2.URLError exceptions in main loop.
# Modify parser to get most of the member attributes on the
# page (I don't get nomail reason because I haven't yet
# figured out how, and I don't get the language option).
# This provides a foundation for adding options to deal
# with any of these attributes.
# 2006-01-28 mas Add --regular and --digest options.
# 2006-01-29 mas Get the nomail reason (I figured out how)
# Add the --csv option intended to produce a file that can
# be imported into a local spreadsheet. Mostly useful for
# larger lists when multiple sublists are desired and where
# multiple passes are expensive.
# 2006-04-10 mas Add some error checking for invalid URL (hostname),
# listname and password.
# 2006-04-11 mas Correct test on find(). Success is '>= 0', not 'True'.
# 2006-08-24 mas Catch more exceptions on invalid URLs.
# Add some more explaination of hostname and when
# member_url might need changing.
# 2006-09-20 Ed Lally <>
# 2006-09-20 ejl Add config variable for admin path (/mailman/admin/) for
# sites that don't use default URLs.
# 2006-09-21 mas Make Ed's change a command line option.
# 2007-05-07 mas Acommodate possible urllib.quote()ed email addresses.
# 2008-02-03 mas Clarify that script works with Membership list through
# 2.1.10.
# Fix broken --url_path option.
# 2008-10-06 mas Works with 2.1.11.
# Handle chunks starting with other than [0-9A-Z].
# Print verbose output to stderr.
# 2008-10-07 mas Added -U/--unhide option
# 2008-10-09 mas Forgot to make the unhide '.' prints conditional on
# verbose. Also, csv printed "on" for members changed to
# unhidden. Fixed.
# 2011-09-27 Florian Rathgeber
# 2011-09-27 fr Query https instead of http
"""List the email addresses subscribed to a mailing list, fetched from web.
Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] hostname listname password
--output file
-o file
Write output to specified file instead of standard out.
List only the regular (non-digest) members.
--digest {any|mime|plain}
-d {any|mime|plain}
List only the digest members. One of 'any', 'mime' or 'plain'
is required.
'any' lists all the digest members.
'mime' lists only the mime digest members.
'plain' lists only the plain digest members.
Include the full names in the output.
List only no-mail members
This option overrides the above four selection options and lists
all members, one per line, with comma separated, quoted values as
"full name" if available, else "","email address","mod",
"hide","nomail" ("off" or "[A]" or "[B]" or "[U]" or "[?]"),
"ack","not metoo","nodupes","digest","plain"
analogous to the admin membership list (the values of the 'checkbox'
fields are either "off" or "on"). A title line with the above names
is listed before the member lines.
--url_path path
-u path
If the list admin pages are accessed at your site via a URL of form
different from https://hostname/mailman/admin/listname, you need to
specify the path portion of the URL preceeding the listname with
this option. For example, a URL such as
https://hostname/admin.cgi/listname requires the option
--url_path /admin.cgi
default value is /mailman/admin.
Set the 'hidden' flag off for all list members including those not
selected for output. This will take a long time if there are a lot
of hidden members. The -v option prints '.' after every 100 unhides.
Include extra progress output.
Print this help message and exit
hostname is the name used in the URL of the list's web interface
listname is the name of the mailing list
password is the list's admin password
The list of subscribers is fetched from the web administrative
interface. Using the bin/list_members program from a shell
account is preferable, but not always available.
Tested with the Mailman 2.1.5 - 2.1.13 Membership list layout.
If Python 2.4's cookielib is available, use it. Otherwise require
This script runs on your workstation and requires that you have Python
<> installed. It works best with Python 2.4.x
through Python 2.6.x. It is not tested with Python 3.x.x.
import sys
import re
import string
import urllib
import getopt
import httplib
import urllib2
from time import sleep
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
# if we have Python 2.4's cookielib, use it
import cookielib
policy = cookielib.DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965 = True)
cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar(policy)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar)).open
except ImportError:
import ClientCookie
# if this is a new ClientCookie, we need to turn on RFC2965 cookies
cookiejar = ClientCookie.CookieJar()
cookiejar.set_policy(ClientCookie.DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965 = True))
# install an opener that uses this policy
opener = ClientCookie.build_opener(
except AttributeError:
# must be an old ClientCookie, which already accepts RFC2965 cookies
opener = ClientCookie.urlopen
PROGRAM = sys.argv[0]
True, False
except NameError:
True = 1
False = 0
def usage(code, msg=''):
if code:
fd = sys.stderr
fd = sys.stdout
print >> fd, __doc__ % globals()
if msg:
print >> fd, msg
subscribers = {}
vnames = ['_realname', '_mod', '_hide', '_nomail', '_ack', '_notmetoo',
'_nodupes', '_digest', '_plain']
maxchunk = 0
letters = ['0']
processed_letters = []
gotnomail = False
class MailmanHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
'''cheap way to find email addresses and pages with multiple
chunks from Mailman 2.1.5 membership pages'''
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
global maxchunk, letters, gotnomail, subemail, url_path
if tag == 'input':
for vname in vnames:
s = False
for a,v in attrs:
if a == 'name' and v.endswith(vname):
subemail = v[:-len(vname)]
s = True
elif a == 'value':
subval = v
if s:
if not subscribers.has_key(subemail):
subscribers[subemail] = {}
if vname == '_nomail' and subval == "on":
gotnomail = True
subscribers[subemail][vname] = subval
if tag == 'a':
for a,v in attrs:
if a == 'href' and v.find("%s/" % (url_path)) >= 0:
m ='chunk=(?P<chunkno>\d+)', v, re.I)
if m:
if int('chunkno')) > maxchunk:
maxchunk = int('chunkno'))
m ='letter=(?P<letter>.)', v, re.I)
if m:
letter ='letter')
if letter not in letters + processed_letters:
def handle_data(self, data):
global gotnomail, subemail
if gotnomail:
gotnomail = False
subscribers[subemail]['_nomail'] = data
def main():
global maxchunk, letters, url_path
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:rd:fncu:Uv",
["help", "output=", "regular", "digest=", "fullnames",
"nomail", "csv", "url_path=", "unhide", "verbose"])
fp = sys.stdout
fullnames = False
nomail = False
verbose = False
regular = False
digest = None
csv = False
unhide = False
url_path = '/mailman/admin'
for o,a in opts:
if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbose = True
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if o in ("-o", "--output"):
fp = open(a, "wt")
if o in ("-f", "--fullnames"):
fullnames = True
if o in ("-n", "--nomail"):
nomail = True
if o in ("-r", "--regular"):
regular = True
if o in ("-d", "--digest"):
digest = a.lower()
if o in ("-c", "--csv"):
csv = True
if o in ("-u", "--url_path"):
url_path = a
if o in ("-U", "--unhide"):
unhide = True
if regular and digest:
usage(2, "Both 'regular' and 'digest' will produce an empty list.")
if digest not in [None, 'any', 'mime', 'plain']:
usage(2, "Digest type %s unrecognized" % digest)
if len(args) != 3:
member_url = 'https://%s%s/%s/members' % (args[0], url_path, args[1])
options_url = 'https://%s%s/%s' % (args[0], re.sub('admin', 'options',
p = {'adminpw':args[2]}
# login, picking up the cookie
page = opener(member_url, urllib.urlencode(p))
except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.InvalidURL):
usage(1, """Error accessing %s
Supplied host may be incorrect or you may need to specify --url_path.
""" % (member_url))
lines =
p = {}
# Try to recognize the returned page independent of the list language
if'INPUT\s+type="SUBMIT"\s+name="admlogin"', lines,
re.M + re.I):
# login page - invalid password
usage(1, 'Invalid password.')
if not'<form\s+action=', lines, re.M + re.I):
# no <form> tag - admin overview page
usage(1, """Non-existent list: %s.
If the provided list name is valid, the supplied host may be incorrect
or you may need to specify --url_path.
""" % args[1])
# loop through the letters, and all chunks of each
while len(letters) > 0:
letter = letters[0]
letters = letters[1:]
chunk = 0
maxchunk = 0
while chunk <= maxchunk:
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, "%c(%d)" % (letter, chunk)
while True:
page = opener(member_url + "?letter=%s&chunk=%d" %
(letter, chunk))
lines =
except urllib2.URLError:
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr,\
'Error encountered in accessing web page.',\
parser = MailmanHTMLParser()
chunk += 1
subscriberlist = subscribers.items()
# print the subscribers list
if csv:
print >>fp, '"Full name","email address","mod","hide",\
"nomail","ack","not metoo","nodupes","digest","plain"'
nunhide = 0
for (email, d) in subscriberlist:
if unhide and d['_hide'] == "on":
params = urllib.urlencode({'conceal':0,
u = opener("%s/%s" % (options_url, email), params)
d['_hide'] = "off"
nunhide += 1
if verbose and nunhide % 100 == 0:
print >>sys.stderr, '.',
email = urllib.unquote(email)
if csv:
print >>fp,\
% (d['_realname'], email, d['_mod'], d['_hide'],
d['_nomail'], d['_ack'], d['_notmetoo'],
d['_nodupes'], d['_digest'], d['_plain'])
if nomail and d['_nomail'] == "off":
if regular and d['_digest'] == "on":
if digest and d['_digest'] == "off":
if digest == "mime" and d['_plain'] == "on":
if digest == "plain" and d['_plain'] == "off":
if not fullnames or d['_realname'] == "":
print >>fp, email
print >>fp, '%s <%s>' % (d['_realname'], email)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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