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Created May 16, 2012 00:13
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Irssi Log Merger is a small Python script that takes a set of Irssi irclogs/ directories and merges them chronologically into a single set of files.
# .- coding: utf-8 -.
# Written by Lasse Karstensen <>, 2008.
# Released under GPLv2.
# Newest version available on .
# Modified by Florian Rathgeber <>
# Latest version:
import os, sys, glob, shutil, codecs
def usage():
print " by <>"
print "Usage: %s [opts] todir dir1 dir2 <dir3...>" % sys.argv[0]
print ""
print "Sorts irssi log files chronologically from dir[123..] into todir."
print "Directories should contain subdirectories like 'EFNet','IRCNet'..."
print "Use -f to overwrite existing files in todir, if file size differ."
print "Use -F to overwrite existing files in todir no matter what."
print ""
class IrssiLogReader():
import time, codecs
def __init__(self):
self.linebuf = ''
self.sessionbuf = ''
self.files = {}
def addfile(self, filename):
self.files [ filename ] = {
'fp':, 'r+', 'utf-8'),
'time': None,
'closed': False,
'buffer': u'' }
def run(self, output):
if len(self.files) == 0:
raise Exception, 'No files to parse'
pref = None
while True:
# find the earliest file
if not pref:
t1 = None
for filename, fdict in self.files.items():
# if the file is empty, don't bother trying to read from
# it.
if fdict["closed"]:
#print "file %s is closed, and not eligiable for election" % filename
l = fdict["fp"].readline()
fdict["buffer"] += l
if l.startswith('--- Log opened'):
datestring = " ".join(l.split()[3:])
dt = self.parse_timestamp( datestring )
except ValueError, e:
# So. This is usually where the badness
# occurs. So. We handle it with grace, and
# dump the problematic log lines into a new
# file that can be read later.
# Easter egg!
print "ERROR: ValueError when parsing timestamp."
if "dump" in filename:
print "Seems to already be reading a dump file, not replacing dump"
dumpfile = "fault/EFNet/dump"
import os.path
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dumpfile)):
print "Directory %s does not exist. Create it to get a dump of exception cause." % ( os.path.dirname(dumpfile))
raise ValueError, e
ff =, "w+", 'utf-8')
ff.write( l )
# cheat, to make it parseable
ff.write("--- Log closed\n")
print "Troublesome log dumped to file %s" % dumpfile
raise ValueError, e
fdict["time"] = dt
#print "file %s has datestring %s" % (filename, dt)
# see if we're done.
active = []
for filename, fdict in self.files.items():
if not fdict["closed"]:
if len(active) == 0:
#print "No more data to read"
# loop through all files and find the one with the earliest
# timestamp.
for filename, fdict in self.files.items():
if fdict["closed"]:
#print "File: %s\ttimestamp: %s" % (filename, fdict["time"])
if t1 == None:
t1 = fdict["time"]
if fdict["time"] <= t1:
t1 = fdict["time"]
pref = filename
#print "Finished electing. file %s. ts=%s, pref: %s" % (filename, t1, pref)
#print "dumping block from file %s (ts: %s)" % (pref, self.files[pref]["time"])
while True:
# we may have cached data for this file, read while
# seeking for the next Log started line. Dump this
# first.
if len(self.files[pref]["buffer"]) > 0:
l = self.files[pref]["buffer"]
self.files[pref]["buffer"] = u''
l = self.files[pref]["fp"].readline()
#print type(l), dump(l)
if len(l) == 0:
#print "end of file %s, forcing new election" % filename
self.files[pref]["closed"] = True
pref = None
output.write( l )
except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
print type(l), dump(l)
print e
raise Exception
if l.startswith('--- Log closed'):
#print "end of block, forcing new election"
pref = None
def parse_timestamp(self, timestring):
# from :
# .. If, when coding a module for general use, you need a locale
# independent version of an operation that is affected by the
# locale (such as string.lower(), or certain formats used with
# time.strftime()), you will have to find a way to do it without
# using the standard library routine. Even better is convincing
# yourself that using locale settings is okay. Only as a last
# resort should you document that your module is not compatible
# with non-"C" locale settings.
# So, here we go. :(
# --- Log opened Tue Mar 28 21:17:38 2006
# datetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[,tzinfo]]]]])
# en: Sun Oct 15 23:58:13 2006
# >>> time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", time.localtime())
# 'Mon Nov 17 17:47:16 2008'
# 'tor mar 29 13:16:47 2007' - norwegian day names used. replace
# enough so that strptime can recognize it as english.
# TODO: We have the month, the year and the date. We don't need
# to bother transforming and parsing the day name, as it is a
# function of the mentioned three. Remove it some time.
tdata = """
# notation hell. format: tovalue = from1,from2..
mon = man, ma.
tue = tir, ti.
wed = ons, on.
thu = tor, to.
fri = fre, fr.
# latin-1
#sat = lør
#sun = søn
#sat = l\xf8r, l\xf8.
#sun = s\xf8n, s\xf8.
sat = lør, lø.
sun = søn, sø.
#, s\xc3\xb8n
apr = april
may = mai
jun = juni, jun.
jul = juli, jul.
aug = aug.
sep = sep.
oct = oct., okt, okt.
nov = nov.
dec = des"""
format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
transforms = {}
for t in tdata.split("\n"):
if len(t) == 0:
if t[0] == "#":
(tovalue, keys) = t.split("=", 1)
if not "," in keys:
keys = [ keys ]
keys = keys.split(",")
for key in keys:
key = unicode(key, 'utf-8')
transforms[ key.strip() + " " ] = tovalue.strip() + " "
s = None
for fromkey, tovalue in transforms.items():
#print fromkey, tovalue
i = timestring.find(fromkey)
if i > -1:
#print "performing transform %s->%s" % (fromkey, tovalue)
timestring = timestring.replace(fromkey, tovalue)
s = self.time.strptime(timestring, format)
return s
# following three procedures are stolen from
# Jack
# Trainor 2008
""" dump any string to formatted hex output """
def dump(s):
import types
if type(s) == types.StringType:
return dumpString(s)
elif type(s) == types.UnicodeType:
return dumpUnicodeString(s)
FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x))) == 3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)])
""" dump any string, ascii or encoded, to formatted hex output """
def dumpString(src, length=16):
result = []
for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
chars = src[i:i+length]
hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars])
printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) <= 127 and FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in chars])
result.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (i, length*3, hex, printable))
return ''.join(result)
""" dump unicode string to formatted hex output """
def dumpUnicodeString(src, length=8):
result = []
for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
unichars = src[i:i+length]
hex = ' '.join(["%04x" % ord(x) for x in unichars])
printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) <= 127 and FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in unichars])
result.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (i*2, length*5, hex, printable))
return ''.join(result)
def find_networks(paths):
known_networks = {}
for dir in paths:
for ent in glob.glob(dir + "/*"):
if not os.path.isdir(ent):
networkname = os.path.basename(ent)
if not known_networks.has_key(networkname):
known_networks[ networkname ] = []
known_networks[ networkname ].append( ent )
return known_networks
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
# not very nice, but using getopt is a bit overkill.
force = False
forcefull = False
if "-f" in sys.argv:
force = True
print "Replacing files in todir if size is incorrect"
sys.argv.pop( sys.argv.index("-f") )
if "-F" in sys.argv:
forcefull = True
force = True
print "Overwriting old files in todir unconditionally"
sys.argv.pop( sys.argv.index("-F") )
todir = sys.argv[1]
dirs = sys.argv[2:]
if not os.path.isdir(todir):
known_networks = find_networks(dirs)
sources = {}
for network, paths in known_networks.items():
# TODO: irssi sometimes create a second network instance,
# after wrong use of /connect and such. Perhaps one day one
# should try to merge these with the original.
#if network.endswith("2"):
# continue
#print "finding available sources in network %s\t" % network,
for path in paths:
for file in glob.glob(path + '/*'):
if not os.path.isfile(file):
(network, id) = file.split(os.sep)[-2:]
fullid = network + "/" + id
if not sources.has_key(fullid):
sources[fullid] = []
sources[fullid] += [ file ]
for source, files in sources.items():
#print "source: %s" % source
tofile = os.path.join(todir, source)
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(tofile)):
if os.path.isfile(tofile) and not forcefull:
srcsize = 0
for srcfile in files:
srcsize += os.stat(srcfile)[5]
if os.stat(tofile)[5] == srcsize:
print "Existing file %s has size equal to size of sources. Assuming file is already sorted. (-F to override)" % tofile
if not force:
print "File %s already exist. Not overwriting. Do you need -f?" % tofile
if len(files) == 1:
print "File %s only exist in one source, copying.." % source
shutil.copy(files[0], tofile)
print "Merging source %s with files: %s" % (source, " ".join(files))
fp =, 'w+', 'utf-8')
lr = IrssiLogReader()
for file in files:
print "All files successfully merged, normal exit"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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