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Last active June 25, 2017 01:26
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gulp with browserify/watchify multiple file compile task


only browserify

$ gulp browserify

use watch

# add watch tasks
gulp.task 'watch', ['setWatch', 'browserify'], ->
  # ...


$ gulp watch
gulp = require 'gulp'
browserify = require 'browserify'
watchify = require 'watchify'
source = require 'vinyl-source-stream'
colors = require 'colors'
files = [
input : ['./src/scripts/']
output : 'main.js'
extensions : ['.coffee']
destination: './app/scripts/'
input : ['./src/scripts/']
output : 'profile.js'
extensions : ['.coffee']
destination: './app/scripts/'
createBundle = (options) ->
bundleMethod = if global.isWatching then watchify else browserify
bundler = bundleMethod
entries : options.input
extensions: options.extensions
rebundle = ->
startTime = new Date().getTime()
debug: true
.on 'error', ->
console.log arguments
.pipe gulp.dest(options.destination)
.on 'end', ->
time = (new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000
console.log "#{options.output.cyan} was browserified: #{(time + 's').magenta}"
if global.isWatching
bundler.on 'update', rebundle
createBundles = (bundles) ->
bundles.forEach (bundle) ->
input : bundle.input
output : bundle.output
extensions : bundle.extensions
destination: bundle.destination
gulp.task 'browserify', ->
createBundles files
gulp = require 'gulp'
gulp.task 'setWatch', ->
global.isWatching = true
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