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Okuda kyokuheki

  • Tokyo, Japan
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kyokuheki / ix3315.startup-config
Created May 19, 2024 14:52 — forked from pandax381/ix3315.startup-config
IX3315 にフレッツ光クロス2回線(OCNバーチャルコネクトおよびv6プラス固定IP)を収容するためのコンフィグ
! NEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System Software
! IX Series IX3315 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 10.7.18, RELEASE SOFTWARE
! Compiled Oct 25-Tue-2022 12:28:03 JST #2
! Current time Apr 26-Wed-2023 16:52:00 JST
timezone +09 00
logging buffered 819200
logging subsystem flt warn
logging subsystem mape debug
kyokuheki /
Last active May 29, 2019 03:59 — forked from hobbsh/
Download Kubecon 2019 EU presentations from Sched
DAYS=("2019-05-21" "2019-05-22" "2019-05-23" "2019-05-20")
mkdir -p kubecon_files
for DAY in "${DAYS[@]}"; do
#Super shitty pipefest because of grep matched groups sadness
LINKS=($(curl https://${SUBDOMAIN}${DAY}/overview | grep -oEi "f='(.*)' cl" | cut -d\' -f 2 | tr '\n' ' '))
for LINK in "${LINKS[@]}"; do
echo "Requesting https://${SUBDOMAIN}${LINK}"
kyokuheki /
Last active August 15, 2019 04:11 — forked from dnozay/
Collection of useful stuff for interacting with gitlab.

Reset root/admin password

Lost the root/admin password? You can reset it using the command-line. Recipe adapted from gitlab issue #308.

# start the console
sudo gitlab-rails console
kyokuheki /
Last active December 11, 2017 04:57 — forked from superbrothers/
Download Kubecon Austin 2017 presentations from Sched
mkdir -p kubecon_files
DAYS=("2017-12-06" "2017-12-07" "2017-12-08")
for DAY in "${DAYS[@]}"; do
#Super shitty pipefest because of grep matched groups sadness
LINKS=($(curl${DAY}/overview | grep -oEi "f='(.*)' cl" | cut -d\' -f 2 | tr '\n' ' '))
for LINK in "${LINKS[@]}"; do
echo "Requesting${LINK}"