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Last active January 28, 2022 05:54
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NGO Research

twitter screencap

The Twitter account @x_angelkawaii_x is followed by the writer of NGO, @nyalra which gives a lot of credence to this account being legit.


Ame's Priv Followers in (Un)happy End World

Of small note, each ending has an achievement associated, and of each achievement has a song associated which differs betwen languages. For (Un)happy End World; JP references Marunouchi Sadistic (丸ノ内サディスティック) by Ringo Sheena, EN references Superstar by Toy-Box. Highly doubt this has any meaning and are just pop cultural references.

Followers & Random Strings

  • BEE@beenews - searching this up on Twitter just gives some Indian news accounts, nothing worth noting. Though it is MUUU@muuu_news on the JP/CN versions, which refers to the MUUU agency which sent an offer to KAngel.
  • Tomoko@zPty1m5oy - Interesting suffix, but we don't know who Tomoko is, string search through Assembly-CSharp.dll brings up nothing.
  • Abyss@fmPf1KVp6 - Ame's new account with an interesting suffix as well.

The only 2 things that stick out are the 2 seemingly random suffixes


With the inclusion of numbers and mixed case characters, we can rule out a ceasar cipher. Maybe a subtituition cipher? Using my favourite sub cipher solver,, I can obtain nothing coherent after performing the necessary subtituition of upper case and numbers before feeding it into the solver.


Interestingly, they share the same 5th character, 1. Since we are on a twitter theme, I'd be excited to see something that's 64bits, the snowflake ID length. But that doesn't seem to be the case as if the strings are encoded, it would most likely be base64 which adds up to 54 bits per part or 108 bits total. If we remove the 1 from the equation it's 48 each or 96 bits total. No dice.

Though it's not possible to have a base64 encoded string of 9 length, removing the 1 would be the sensible thing to do here but decoding that doesn't give anything useful.

$ echo "fmPf1KVp6" | base64 -d | tee >(xxd) | xxd -b 
base64: invalid input
01111110 01100011 11011111 11010100 10100101 01101001
7e63 dfd4 a569
$ echo "fmPfKVp6" | base64 -d | tee >(xxd) | xxd -b 
01111110 01100011 11011111 00101001 01011010 01111010
7e63 df29 5a7a
$ echo "zPty1m5oy" | base64 -d | tee >(xxd) | xxd -b 
base64: invalid input
11001100 11111011 01110010 11010110 01101110 01101000
ccfb 72d6 6e68
$ echo "zPtym5oy" | base64 -d | tee >(xxd) | xxd -b
11001100 11111011 01110010 10011011 10011010 00110010
ccfb 729b 9a32

Comparing with 1s

01111110 01100011 11011111 11010100 10100101 01101001
11001100 11111011 01110010 11010110 01101110 01101000
7e63 dfd4 a569
ccfb 72d6 6e68

W/o 1s

01111110 01100011 11011111 00101001 01011010 01111010
11001100 11111011 01110010 11010110 01101110 01101000
7e63 df29 5a7a
ccfb 729b 9a32

What next? Try xor? Maybe hints in JP language of the game

Ame's Doxxed Pics

This was posted on /st/

I used to go to school with her I've got a photo of her lmao htp://uploader.loader/a3t64iag

There's no loader TLD, but the path a3t64iag could be interesting.

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