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Created June 2, 2014 11:35
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Four methods in static class MyForms.cs (1) center and size a form (2) center a control on a form (3) center a control horizontally only on a form (4) change the font and font style of a control
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace com.williambryanmiller.forms {
class MyForms {
public static void centerAndSizeForm(Form f, int frm_width, int frm_height) {
/* Note: you may still need to set properties for .Show() and .TopMost if
you are going to be showing multiple forms simultaneously
MyForms.centerAndSizeForm(this, 600, 400);
Form f2 = new Form();
f2.Text = "Form 2";
MyForms.centerAndSizeForm(f2, 500, 300);
f2.TopMost = true;
Form f3 = new Form();
f3.Text = "Form 3";
MyForms.centerAndSizeForm(f3, 400, 200);
f3.TopMost = true;
Form f4 = new Form();
f4.Text = "Form 4";
MyForms.centerAndSizeForm(f4, 300, 130);
f4.TopMost = true;
f.Size = new Size(frm_width, frm_height);
System.Windows.Forms.Screen src = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen;
int src_height = src.Bounds.Height;
int src_width = src.Bounds.Width;
//put the form in the center of the screen
f.Left = (src_width - frm_width) / 2;
f.Top = (src_height - frm_height) / 2;
public static void centerCtrlOnForm(Form f, Control c) {
//centers a control on a form, both vertically and horizontally
int x = (f.Width - c.Width) / 2;
int y = (f.Height - c.Height) / 2;
c.Location = new Point(x, y);
public static void centerCtrlOnFormHorizontally(Form f, Control c) {
int x = (f.Width - c.Width) / 2;
c.Location = new Point(x, c.Location.Y);
public static void setFontOfControl(Control c, string fontname, int fontsize, bool bold, bool italics) {
FontStyle fs = new FontStyle();
if (bold) {
if (italics) {
fs = FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic;
} else {
fs = FontStyle.Bold;
} else {
if (italics) {
fs = FontStyle.Italic;
} else {
fs = FontStyle.Regular;
// Surround the following with a try-catch, because user may pass invalid parameter for fontname or fontsize
try {
Font myFnt = new Font(fontname, fontsize, fs);
c.Font = myFnt;
} catch (Exception ex) {
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