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Created November 9, 2022 08:25
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testcase to create Webdriver as we need to set chrome_options and executable_path (path chromedriver).
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${txtSearch} //*[@name="q"]
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser
${chrome_options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys
Call Method ${chrome_options} add_argument --disable-dev-shm-usage #disable page crash of chrome
Call Method ${chrome_options} add_argument --no-sandbox #disable sandbox mode
Call Method ${chrome_options} add_argument --headless #run with no web browser
Create Webdriver driver_name=Chrome alias=google chrome_options=${chrome_options} executable_path=/usr/local/bin/chromedriver
Set Window Size 1200 1000 #run on docker can't use Maximize Browser Window
Go To ${URL}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${txtSearch} 10s
Input Text ${txtSearch} Robotframework
Press Keys ${txtSearch} RETURN
Capture Page Screenshot Robotframework.png
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