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Created January 31, 2021 20:13
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// How to work with Options of Options of Sequences in Scala
type X = String
case class A(osx: Option[Seq[X]])
case class B(oa: Option[A])
val b = B( Some(A( Some(Seq("a1", "a2", "a3")) )) )
// Task: given b, get the Seq[X] from A.osx
var xs: Seq[X] = ???
// What to know:
Option(B).toSeq == Seq[B.type] // Option is like a list that might contain 1 or 0 elements
// Explanation:
// Option[B] {
// def toSeq: Seq[B] = {
// this match {
// case Some(b: B) => Seq[B](b)
// case None => Seq()
// }
// }
// }
// Approach 1
// Work with Options through B to A and then getOrElse
xs = b.oa.flatMap(_.osx).flatMap(sx => Some(sx)).getOrElse(Nil) // or
xs = b.oa.flatMap(_.osx).flatMap(Some(_)).getOrElse(Nil)
// with types written down
xs = b // B
.oa // Option[A]
.flatMap[Seq[X]]( // Option[A].flatMap[Seq[X]]
a => a.osx // A => Option[Seq[X]]
) // Option[Seq[X]]
.flatMap[Seq[X]]( // Option[Seq[X]].flatMap[Seq[X]]
sx => Some(sx) // Seq[X] => Some[Seq[X]]
) // Option[Seq[X]]
.getOrElse[Seq[X]]( // Option[Seq[X]].getOrElse[Seq[X]]
Nil // default :=> Seq[X]
) // Seq[X]
// Learning point: This approach is easy to follow as it uses Options all the way but it is verbose
// Approach 2
// Convert B.oa Option to Sequence, then apply a function in flatMap to get the A.osx
xs = b.oa.toSeq.flatMap(a => a.osx.toSeq.flatMap(sx => sx)) // or
xs = b.oa.toSeq.flatMap(a => a.osx.toSeq.flatten) // or
xs = b.oa.toSeq.flatMap(_.osx.toSeq.flatten)
// with types written down
xs = b // B
.oa // Option[A]
.toSeq // Seq[A]
.flatMap[X, Seq[X]]( // Seq[A].flatMap[X, Seq[X]]
a => // A => Seq[X]
a.osx // Option[Seq[X]]
.toSeq // Seq[Seq[X]]
.flatten[X] // Seq[Seq[X]].flatten[X]
) // Seq[X]
// Learning point: This approach is dealing only with Sequences
// but it complicates the conversion because it uses a deeper nested function
// Approach 3
// Work with Options to get A.osx, convert to Seq of Seq and finally flatten it
xs = b.oa.flatMap(a => a.osx).toSeq.flatten // or
xs = b.oa.flatMap(_.osx).toSeq.flatten
// with types written down
xs = b // B
.oa // Option[A]
.flatMap[Seq[X]]( // Option[A].flatMap[Seq[X]]
a => a.osx // A => Option[Seq[X]]
) // Option[Seq[X]]
.toSeq // Seq[Seq[X]]
.flatten // Seq[X]
// Learning point: This approach is simpler and less verbose because it is handling
// Options to get the required field, smaller function in flatMap and less complicated types.
// Conclusion: Use options to reach the field, smaller functions in flatMap,
// and then finally Option to Sequence along with flattening to get the result
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