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Last active December 23, 2015 01:39
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Save kythin/6562107 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic beginnings of a API version 8 PHP SDK. Currently only supports returning the logged in user, and submitting a new session to an existing workspace/project/task id. Other functions should be pretty easy to implement by copying the 'me' function for GET's, or the 'timeEntrySave' for POST's.
* Toggl v8 PHP SDK
* @author (
* @version 1.0
* Do-whatever-you-want-except-sell-it license, feel free to fork and improve! I think that means GPLv3 right?
* I've gone through some of the examples in (new v8 api docs)
* and implemented a handful of the ones I was using in old scripts, so check them out and if you add more support please
* somehow send it to me so I can update this for everyone else.
* This should be considered to be very basic, still in development, and I can guarantee absolutely nothing. Contact me by all means, but
* please understand I don't offer any kind of promises to help you or to implement features or anything like that.
class Toggl {
public $userSecret;
public $toggl_base_url = "";
public $request;
public $response;
public $method = 'GET';
public $endpoint;
private $sdk_identifier = "PHP SDK for Toggl APIv8, by";
public function me() {
return $this->simpleGet('/me');
* timeEntrySave
* $data should be a key indexed array based on the documentation for the POST /time_entries docs
public function timeEntrySave($data) {
if (!is_array($data)) {
die("timeEntrySave requires an array of data.");
if (!@$data['created_with']) {
$data['created_with'] = $this->sdk_identifier;
return $this->simplePost('/time_entries', array('time_entry'=>$data),true,true);
public function timeEntryStart($data) {
if (!is_array($data)) {
die("timeEntrySave requires an array of data.");
if (!@$data['created_with']) {
$data['created_with'] = $this->sdk_identifier;
return $this->simplePost('/time_entries/start', array('time_entry'=>$data),true,true);
public function timeEntryStop($id) {
return $this->simpleOther('PUT',"/time_entries/$id/stop",array(),true);
* __Construct
public function __construct($secret){
$this->userSecret = $secret;
public function checkJSON() {
if (!json_decode($this->response,TRUE)) {
die("The server returned non-JSON string: ".print_r($this->response,true));
* simpleGet
* Used when the action is a very simple dump of the data provided by the endpoint (most GET requests)
* @return array
public function simpleGet($endpoint, $postargs = false, $decode = true) {
//simply refresh the request and point it at the endpoint.
$this->request = array();
$this->method = 'GET';
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
if ($postargs) {
$this->request = $postargs;
if ($this->sendRequest($endpoint)) {
//if it's successful, the response will be populated with something.
if ($decode) {
$response = json_decode($this->response, TRUE);
} else {
$response = $this->response;
return $response;
} else {
return false;
* simplePost
* Used when the action is a very simple dump of the data provided by the endpoint (for POST endpoints)
* @return array
public function simplePost($endpoint, $postargs, $decode = true, $sendJSON = false) {
return $this->simpleOther('POST',$endpoint, $postargs, $decode);
* simpleGet
* Used when the action is a very simple dump of the data provided by the endpoint (most GET requests)
* @return array
public function simpleOther($method, $endpoint, $postargs = false, $decode = true) {
//simply refresh the request and point it at the endpoint.
$this->method = $method;
$this->request = $postargs;
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
if ($this->sendRequest($endpoint, $sendJSON)) {
//if it's successful, the response will be populated with something.
if ($decode) {
$response = json_decode($this->response, TRUE);
} else {
$response = $this->response;
return $response;
} else {
return false;
* request
* Generic function to send whatever request has been prepared, and save the response.
* @return bool true for success or false for fail
private function sendRequest($endpoint, $sendJSON = false) {
$fullURL = $this->toggl_base_url . $endpoint;
//init the curl request
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->userSecret.":api_token");
if ($sendJSON) {
$qry_str = json_encode($this->request);
//echo $qry_str;
} else {
$qry_str = http_build_query($this->request);
if ($this->method == "POST") {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qry_str);
if ($sendJSON) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
} elseif ($this->method == "GET") {
$fullURL .= '?'.$qry_str;
} elseif ($this->method == "PUT") {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qry_str);
if ($sendJSON) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $fullURL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, '30');
//send it off & save the result
$content = trim(curl_exec($ch));
if ($content) {
$this->response = $content;
return true;
} else {
return false;
require "toggl_v8_sdk.php";
$toggl = new Toggl(TOGGL_API);
print_r($toggl->me()); //show the person logged in
//now let's save a time session.
$data = array("duration"=>(60*10), //10mins
"start"=>date("c",strtotime("-10 minutes")), //10mins ago
"description"=>"Time spent playing WoW",
"duronly"=>true, //only show the duration, not start & stops.
"tags"=>array('games', 'warcraft'),
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