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Last active May 14, 2024 12:31
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  • Save kyurikotpq/56c394193618070ac3ba9db489e054ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kyurikotpq/56c394193618070ac3ba9db489e054ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Render ebook highlights (exported from Libby app as JSON) using Obsidian's DataviewJS plugin.
// Change this to where your JSON file resides
const FILENAME = "book-highlights/libbyjourney-9818863-million-dollar-weekend.json";
// Load and parse the JSON
const JSON_STR = await;
const JSON_OBJ = JSON.parse(JSON_STR);
const { readingJourney, circulation, highlights } = JSON_OBJ;
// Cover Image, Title, Author
dv.header(1, `${readingJourney.cover.title} by ${}`)
// Summary of Reading Journey
const timeline = => `- ${new Date(a.timestamp).toDateString()} / ${a.activity} ${a.details || ''}`).join('\n');
// Highlights
dv.header(2, "Highlights");
// Organize highlights by their position in the book
highlights.sort((prev, next) => (prev.percent < next.percent) ? -1 : 1);
// Split highlights by chapters
let prevChapterTitle = highlights[0].chapter;
dv.header(3, prevChapterTitle)
highlights.forEach(h => {
if (h.chapter != prevChapterTitle) {
dv.header(3, h.chapter);
prevChapterTitle = h.chapter;
// Format highlights as code blocks (easier to copy)
dv.paragraph("```\n" + h.quote.replace("\n\n", "") + "\n```");
// ALTERNATIVELY: Format highlights as bullet points
// dv.paragraph(`- ${h.quote.replace("\n\n", "")}`);
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