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Created January 8, 2018 04:26
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empeded opus rtp stream
/* opusStream
* Copyright (C) 2009 Kevin Brown <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Based on gstreamer examples, this
* streams opus over rtp to a reciever
* and blinks a led with audio intensity
* Originally written for the imx233, it depends on gpio-mmap,
* which you can find more about here:
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpio-mmap.h"
#include <gst/gst.h>
/* the caps of the sender RTP stream. This is usually negotiated out of band with
* SDP or RTSP. */
#define AUDIO_CAPS "application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)48000, encoding-name=(string)X-GST-OPUS-DRAFT-SPITTKA-00"
#define AUDIO_DEPAY "rtpopusdepay"
#define AUDIO_DEC "opusdec"
#define AUDIO_SINK "alsasink"
/* change this to send the RTP data and RTCP to another host */
#define RX_HOST "xx.xx.xx.xx"
#define AUDIO_SRC "alsasrc"
/* #define AUDIO_SRC "audiotestsrc" */
/* the encoder and payloader elements */
#define AUDIO_ENC "opusenc"
#define AUDIO_PAY "rtpopuspay"
/* the destination machine to send RTCP to. This is the address of the sender and
* is used to send back the RTCP reports of this receiver. If the data is sent
* from another machine, change this address. */
#define TX_HOST "xx.xx.xx.xx"
/* print the stats of a source */
//static void
//rx_print_source_stats (GObject * source)
// GstStructure *stats;
// gchar *str;
// g_return_if_fail (source != NULL);
// /* get the source stats */
// g_object_get (source, "stats", &stats, NULL);
// /* simply dump the stats structure */
// str = gst_structure_to_string (stats);
// g_print ("source stats: %s\n", str);
// gst_structure_free (stats);
// g_free (str);
static void
print_source_stats (GObject * source)
GstStructure *stats;
gchar *str;
/* get the source stats */
g_object_get (source, "stats", &stats, NULL);
/* simply dump the stats structure */
str = gst_structure_to_string (stats);
g_print ("source stats: %s\n", str);
gst_structure_free (stats);
g_free (str);
/* will be called when rtpbin signals on-ssrc-active. It means that an RTCP
* packet was received from another source. */
static void
on_ssrc_active_cb (GstElement * rtpbin, guint sessid, guint ssrc,
GstElement * depay)
GObject *session, *isrc, *osrc;
g_print ("got RTCP from session %u, SSRC %u\n", sessid, ssrc);
/* get the right session */
g_signal_emit_by_name (rtpbin, "get-internal-session", sessid, &session);
/* get the internal source (the SSRC allocated to us, the receiver */
g_object_get (session, "internal-source", &isrc, NULL);
//rx_print_source_stats (isrc);
/* get the remote source that sent us RTCP */
g_signal_emit_by_name (session, "get-source-by-ssrc", ssrc, &osrc);
//rx_print_source_stats (osrc);
/* this function is called every second and dumps the RTP manager stats */
static gboolean
print_stats (GstElement * rtpbin)
GObject *session;
GValueArray *arr;
GValue *val;
guint i;
g_print ("***********************************\n");
/* get session 0 */
g_signal_emit_by_name (rtpbin, "get-internal-session", 0, &session);
/* print all the sources in the session, this includes the internal source */
g_object_get (session, "sources", &arr, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < arr->n_values; i++) {
GObject *source;
val = g_value_array_get_nth (arr, i);
source = g_value_get_object (val);
print_source_stats (source);
g_value_array_free (arr);
g_object_unref (session);
return TRUE;
/* will be called when rtpbin has validated a payload that we can depayload */
static void
pad_added_cb (GstElement * rtpbin, GstPad * new_pad, GstElement * depay)
GstPad *sinkpad;
GstPadLinkReturn lres;
g_print ("new payload on pad: %s\n", GST_PAD_NAME (new_pad));
sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (depay, "sink");
g_assert (sinkpad);
lres = gst_pad_link (new_pad, sinkpad);
g_assert (lres == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
static int
led_set (int value) {
gpio_output(2,1); //bank 2 bit 1 = GPIO65 the LED on board
GPIO_WRITE_PIN(65, value);
static gboolean
level_message_handler (GstBus * bus, GstMessage * message, gpointer data)
if (message->type == GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT) {
const GstStructure *s = gst_message_get_structure (message);
const gchar *name = gst_structure_get_name (s);
if (strcmp (name, "level") == 0) {
gint channels;
GstClockTime endtime;
//gdouble rms_dB, peak_dB, decay_dB;
gdouble rms_dB;
gdouble rms;
const GValue *array_val;
const GValue *value;
GValueArray *rms_arr, *peak_arr, *decay_arr;
gint i;
char brightness;
if (!gst_structure_get_clock_time (s, "endtime", &endtime))
g_warning ("Could not parse endtime");
/* the values are packed into GValueArrays with the value per channel */
array_val = gst_structure_get_value (s, "rms");
rms_arr = (GValueArray *) g_value_get_boxed (array_val);
array_val = gst_structure_get_value (s, "peak");
peak_arr = (GValueArray *) g_value_get_boxed (array_val);
array_val = gst_structure_get_value (s, "decay");
decay_arr = (GValueArray *) g_value_get_boxed (array_val);
/* we can get the number of channels as the length of any of the value
* arrays */
channels = rms_arr->n_values;
//g_print ("endtime: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", channels: %d\n",
// GST_TIME_ARGS (endtime), channels);
for (i = 0; i < channels; ++i) {
//g_print ("channel %d\n", i);
value = g_value_array_get_nth (rms_arr, i);
rms_dB = g_value_get_double (value);
value = g_value_array_get_nth (peak_arr, i);
//peak_dB = g_value_get_double (value);
value = g_value_array_get_nth (decay_arr, i);
//decay_dB = g_value_get_double (value);
//g_print (" RMS: %f dB, peak: %f dB, decay: %f dB\n",
// rms_dB, peak_dB, decay_dB);
/* converting from dB to normal gives us a value between 0.0 and 1.0 */
rms = pow (10, rms_dB / 20);
if ( rms > 0.25 )
brightness = 1;
brightness = 0;
// g_print (" normalized rms value: %f\n", rms);
/* we handled the message we want, and ignored the ones we didn't want.
* so the core can unref the message for us */
return TRUE;
init_rx ()
GstElement *rtpbin, *rtpsrc, *rtcpsrc, *rtcpsink;
GstElement *audiodepay, *audiodec, *audiores, *audioconv, *level,
*audiorate, *audiodynamic, *audiosink;
GstElement *pipeline;
GMainLoop *loop;
GstCaps *caps;
GstBus *bus;
guint watch_id;
gboolean res;
GstPadLinkReturn lres;
GstPad *srcpad, *sinkpad;
/* always init first */
gst_init (NULL, NULL);
/* the pipeline to hold everything */
pipeline = gst_pipeline_new (NULL);
g_assert (pipeline);
/* the udp src and source we will use for RTP and RTCP */
rtpsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsrc", "rtpsrc");
g_assert (rtpsrc);
g_object_set (rtpsrc, "port", 5002, NULL);
/* we need to set caps on the udpsrc for the RTP data */
caps = gst_caps_from_string (AUDIO_CAPS);
g_object_set (rtpsrc, "caps", caps, NULL);
gst_caps_unref (caps);
rtcpsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsrc", "rtcpsrc");
g_assert (rtcpsrc);
g_object_set (rtcpsrc, "port", 5003, NULL);
rtcpsink = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsink", "rtcpsink");
g_assert (rtcpsink);
g_object_set (rtcpsink, "port", 5007, "host", TX_HOST, NULL);
/* no need for synchronisation or preroll on the RTCP sink */
g_object_set (rtcpsink, "async", FALSE, "sync", FALSE, NULL);
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), rtpsrc, rtcpsrc, rtcpsink, NULL);
/* the depayloading and decoding */
audiodepay = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_DEPAY, "audiodepay");
g_assert (audiodepay);
audiodec = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_DEC, "audiodec");
g_assert (audiodec);
/* the audio playback and format conversion */
audioconv = gst_element_factory_make ("audioconvert", "audioconv");
g_assert (audioconv);
level = gst_element_factory_make ("level", NULL);
g_assert (level);
g_object_set (level, "post-messages", TRUE, "interval", 15000000, NULL);
audiorate = gst_element_factory_make ("audiorate", NULL);
g_assert (audiorate);
audiores = gst_element_factory_make ("audioresample", "audiores");
g_assert (audiores);
audiodynamic = gst_element_factory_make ("audiodynamic", "audiodynamic");
g_assert (audiodynamic);
audiosink = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_SINK, "audiosink");
g_assert (audiosink);
g_object_set (audiosink, "sync", TRUE, "buffer-time", 100000, NULL);
/* add depayloading and playback to the pipeline and link */
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), audiodepay, audiodec, audioconv,
level, audiores, audiorate, audiodynamic, audiosink, NULL);
res = gst_element_link_many (audiodepay, audiodec, audioconv, level,
audiores, audiorate, audiodynamic, audiosink, NULL);
g_assert (res == TRUE);
/* the rtpbin element */
rtpbin = gst_element_factory_make ("rtpbin", "rtpbin");
g_assert (rtpbin);
g_object_set (rtpbin, "latency", 16, "do-lost", TRUE, "buffer-mode", 1,
gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (pipeline), rtpbin);
/* now link all to the rtpbin, start by getting an RTP sinkpad for session 0 */
srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtpsrc, "src");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "recv_rtp_sink_0");
lres = gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad);
g_assert (lres == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
gst_object_unref (srcpad);
/* get an RTCP sinkpad in session 0 */
srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtcpsrc, "src");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "recv_rtcp_sink_0");
lres = gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad);
g_assert (lres == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
gst_object_unref (srcpad);
gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
/* get an RTCP srcpad for sending RTCP back to the sender */
srcpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "send_rtcp_src_0");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtcpsink, "sink");
lres = gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad);
g_assert (lres == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
/* the RTP pad that we have to connect to the depayloader will be created
* dynamically so we connect to the pad-added signal, pass the depayloader as
* user_data so that we can link to it. */
g_signal_connect (rtpbin, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK (pad_added_cb), audiodepay);
/* give some stats when we receive RTCP */
g_signal_connect (rtpbin, "on-ssrc-active", G_CALLBACK (on_ssrc_active_cb),
/* set the pipeline to playing */
g_print ("starting receiver pipeline\n");
printf ("sender is at %s \n", TX_HOST);
gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
bus = gst_element_get_bus (pipeline);
watch_id = gst_bus_add_watch (bus, level_message_handler, NULL);
/* we need to run a GLib main loop to get the messages */
loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
g_main_loop_run (loop);
g_print ("stopping receiver pipeline\n");
gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
g_source_remove (watch_id);
gst_object_unref (pipeline);
return 0;
init_tx ()
GstElement *audiosrc, *audioconv, *audiores, *audioenc, *audiopay;
GstElement *rtpbin, *rtpsink, *rtcpsink, *rtcpsrc;
GstElement *pipeline;
GMainLoop *loop;
GstPad *srcpad, *sinkpad;
/* always init first */
gst_init (NULL, NULL);
/* the pipeline to hold everything */
pipeline = gst_pipeline_new (NULL);
g_assert (pipeline);
/* the audio capture and format conversion */
audiosrc = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_SRC, "audiosrc");
g_assert (audiosrc);
g_object_set (audiosrc, "buffer-time", 40000, NULL);
audioconv = gst_element_factory_make ("audioconvert", "audioconv");
g_assert (audioconv);
audiores = gst_element_factory_make ("audioresample", "audiores");
g_assert (audiores);
/* the encoding and payloading */
audioenc = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_ENC, "audioenc");
g_assert (audioenc);
g_object_set (audioenc, "audio", TRUE, "complexity", 2, "bitrate",
128000, "frame-size", 10, "max-payload-size", 2048, NULL);
audiopay = gst_element_factory_make (AUDIO_PAY, "audiopay");
g_assert (audiopay);
/* add capture and payloading to the pipeline and link */
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), audiosrc, audioconv, audiores,
audioenc, audiopay, NULL);
if (!gst_element_link_many (audiosrc, audioconv, audiores, audioenc,
audiopay, NULL)) {
g_error ("Failed to link audiosrc, audioconv, audioresample, "
"audio encoder and audio payloader");
/* the rtpbin element */
rtpbin = gst_element_factory_make ("rtpbin", "rtpbin");
g_assert (rtpbin);
gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (pipeline), rtpbin);
/* the udp sinks and source we will use for RTP and RTCP */
rtpsink = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsink", "rtpsink");
g_assert (rtpsink);
g_object_set (rtpsink, "port", 5002, "host", RX_HOST, NULL);
rtcpsink = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsink", "rtcpsink");
g_assert (rtcpsink);
g_object_set (rtcpsink, "port", 5003, "host", RX_HOST, NULL);
/* no need for synchronisation or preroll on the RTCP sink */
g_object_set (rtcpsink, "async", FALSE, "sync", FALSE, NULL);
rtcpsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsrc", "rtcpsrc");
g_assert (rtcpsrc);
g_object_set (rtcpsrc, "port", 5007, NULL);
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), rtpsink, rtcpsink, rtcpsrc, NULL);
/* now link all to the rtpbin, start by getting an RTP sinkpad for session 0 */
sinkpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "send_rtp_sink_0");
srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (audiopay, "src");
if (gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK)
g_error ("Failed to link audio payloader to rtpbin");
gst_object_unref (srcpad);
/* get the RTP srcpad that was created when we requested the sinkpad above and
* link it to the rtpsink sinkpad*/
srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtpbin, "send_rtp_src_0");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtpsink, "sink");
if (gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK)
g_error ("Failed to link rtpbin to rtpsink");
gst_object_unref (srcpad);
gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
/* get an RTCP srcpad for sending RTCP to the receiver */
srcpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "send_rtcp_src_0");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtcpsink, "sink");
if (gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK)
g_error ("Failed to link rtpbin to rtcpsink");
gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
/* we also want to receive RTCP, request an RTCP sinkpad for session 0 and
* link it to the srcpad of the udpsrc for RTCP */
srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (rtcpsrc, "src");
sinkpad = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpbin, "recv_rtcp_sink_0");
if (gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK)
g_error ("Failed to link rtcpsrc to rtpbin");
gst_object_unref (srcpad);
/* set the pipeline to playing */
g_print ("starting sender pipeline\n");
printf ("reciever is at %s \n", RX_HOST);
gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
/* print stats every second */
g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc) print_stats, rtpbin);
/* we need to run a GLib main loop to get the messages */
loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
g_main_loop_run (loop);
g_print ("stopping sender pipeline\n");
gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
if ( strcmp(argv[1], "tx" ) == 0 )
init_tx(argc, argv);
if ( strcmp(argv[1], "rx" ) == 0 )
init_rx(argc, argv);
return 0;
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