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Last active February 18, 2016 22:59
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What is NewField?

NewField is a complete replacement for the NoteField, NoteSkin, and modifier systems, written from scratch. The new systems are designed to be more flexible and predictable and documented on the user side, and easier to maintain on the developer side.

Due to the completely new design, nothing is compatible.

Making a theme use NewField

For transition period builds, both the old NoteField and the NewField exist on ScreenGameplay. The NewField is disabled unless the theme calls special functions to enable it, and a NewSkin cannot be chosen without the right option row being added to the metrics.


Add an actor to a layer on ScreenGameplay like this:

t[#t+1]= use_newfield_actor()

This will create an actor that will enable the newfield for both players and apply their newfield preferences. The newfield preferences will be discussed in their own documentation file.

Converting Speed, Distant, and Mini

The convert_oldfield_mods function is provided to convert the speed, distant, mini, and scroll mods that are set in PlayerOptions to mods on the newfield. Call it in an OnCommand and pass it the screen, the player number, and the y offset like this:

for i, pn in ipairs(GAMESTATE:GetEnabledPlayers()) do
  convert(oldfield_mods(SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen(), pn, 100)

That function will take the Tilt, Mini, Alternate, Cross, Reverse, Split, and speed mods from the PlayerOptions for the player and convert them to the new system.

Newskin Option Row

For themes that still use a metrics based options screen, a lua option row for setting the newskin is provied.


The default theme no longer uses a metrics based player options screen.

NewField Layers

The "Graphics/NoteField board" file is not loaded by the NewField. Instead, NewField has a layers system.

The NewField loads "Graphics/NoteField layers", which returns a table of actors (not an ActorFrame of actors). These actors become children of the field, and the field tracks their draw order. Each column loads layers from the noteskin, and from "Graphics/NoteColumn layers". The field also tracks the draw order of the layers in the columns. During rendering, the field renders everything by draw order, in all columns. Everything at draw order 0 in all columns is drawn before anything at draw order 1 in any column. This allows more generalized control over exactly where things are drawn.

Draw Order

Anything with a draw order less than 0 is considered part of the "board", and is drawn before everything except the song background on ScreenGameplay. This means they will be under things that the notes go over.

Hold bodies have draw order 200. Taps have draw order 300. There is a table named newfield_draw_order with entries for receptors and explosions so newskins can have a conventional draw order for each.

The judgment and combo and anything else that needs to be at a fixed position in the field should be in a layer file, either in NoteField layers, or NoteColumn layers. That way, the thing is guaranteed to be in the correct position for the layer and column that it is in, regardless of any mods that may move the field or the column around, with no further effort.

To put the judgment underneath all the notes, but not part of the board, put it at 51. Putting the judgment at 351 would put it above all the notes. 251 would put it above hold bodies, but underneath taps.

Draw Order and alpha/glow mods

NewField and NewFieldColumn have mods for controlling the alpha and glow of receptors, explosions, and notes. To decide which mods to apply to a layer, draw_order modulus 4 is calculated. If the result is 0, receptor mods are used. If the result is 1 or -1, explosion mods are used. If the result is 2 or -2, note mods are used. Otherwise, the alpha and glow of the layer are unaffected by mods.

(if draw_order is negative, then the result is negative, which is why cases exist for negative results.)

This allows a judgment hiding mod to also hide tap explosions that reveal the judgment, if the noteskin author gives everything that shows judgment the right draw order. There can also be layers in the board section that are affected by mods (such as column flashes), and layers that aren't (like a screen filter).

Draw Order Variable List

02 NewField.lua defines these variables to make life convenient for themers.

newfield_draw_order= {
	board= -99, -- -99 % 4 is -3, which makes it unaffected by mods.
	non_board= 0,
	receptor= 100, -- 100 % 4 is 0, which makes it use receptor alpha/glow.
	hold= 200,
	tap= 300,
	explosion= 401, -- 401 % 4 is 1, which makes it use explosion alpha/glow.

NewField layer messages

The NewField sends various info to the layers to make sizing simpler. The info is sent through commands that are executed on the layers. Note that these commands are executed before the screen is finished loading. You cannot use SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen() during them.


The param table has one element, param.PlayerNumber. This is the number of the player the field is for.


The param table has three entries:

  • width: The width in pixels from the left edge of the leftmost column to the right edge of the rightmost column.
  • columns: A set of tables, one for each column, from left to right. Each table contains the width and padding of a column.
  • newfield: The NewField the board is attached to. If you need it for some reason, this is how to get it.


Imagine that the engine does this to create the param for WidthSetCommand:

local width_info= {
  newfield= self,
  width= 256,
	columns= {
	  {width= 64, padding= 0},
	  {width= 64, padding= 0},
	  {width= 64, padding= 0},
	  {width= 64, padding= 0},

So to size a quad to go behind the notefield, you just use param.width as the width of the quad, and pick a height.
To size a set of quads, each one in a different column, walk through the columns table.

NewFieldColumn layer messages

The various layers in the column, from both the noteskin and the theme, are sent various messages to keep their state updated.


WidthSet is sent immediately after the OnCommand is executed. The elements in the param table are:

  • column The NewFieldColumn the layer is in.
  • column_id The id of the column.
  • width The width of the column set by the noteskin.
  • padding The padding set by the noteskin.


ReverseChanged is sent when the reverse scale goes from negative to positive, or from positive to negative. It is not sent every frame. Param table elements:

  • sign -1 if reverse_scale is less than 0, 1 otherwise.


BeatUpdate occurs every frame. Param table elements:

  • beat The current beat.
  • beat_distance Distance in beats to the next note in this column.
  • second_distance Distance in seconds to the next note in this column.
  • pressed True when the column goes from not pressed to pressed.
  • lifted True when the column goes from pressed to not pressed.


ColumnJudgment occurs when something is judged in the column. Param table elements:

  • bright True if the player's combo is greater than the BrightGhostComboThreshold metric.
  • tap_note_score If the judgment is for a tap note, this is the judgment. This is nil for holds.
  • hold_note_score If the judgment is for a hold note, this is the judgment. This is nil for taps.


Hold occurs every frame when there is an active hold passing over the receptors. Param table elements:

  • type The TapNoteSubType of the hold.
  • life The current life value for the hold. 0 is a dropped hold, 1 is a hold that is currently being held, in between is a hold that is going from held to dropped.
  • start True if this is the first frame the hold is active.
  • finished True if this is the frame after the hold ended.

Making a noteskin for the NewField

Read the comments in NewSkins/default. _fallback/Scripts/02 NewSkin.lua has a couple minor functions for generating state maps.

3D noteskins

3D noteskins are not supported on the NewField in this release.

Newskin Parameters

Newskin parameters is a system for allowing a newskin to be customized by the player. The parameters are defined by the newskin and can do whatever the skin author wants. The player's choices are saved in their profile by skin and stepstype (so the same skin can be set different ways for different stepstypes). The theme uses information provided by the newskin to give the player a menu for setting the parameters.

The system is explained in more detail in comments in the default noteskin, with examples used to control explosion particles and the amount of warning time given by the receptors.

Because the newskin parameter table can go to any depth and contain anything, and different players can choose different skins, creating a menu for it in the confined OptionRow system would probably be very difficult. OptionRow menus for setting newskin parameters are not provided. The nested option menus system does provide menus for setting newskin parameters.

Multiplayer mode

(aka: routine mode) Playerizing a note means doing something to make it look unique for each player. It is used in multiplayer (routine) mode to show which notes are for player 1 and which are for player 2.

Playerizing is on hold until someone has ideas and feedback. Ideal playerizing should make it possible for notes to be playerized and quantized and animated without forcing the noteskin author to multiply the number of quantizations by the number of players by the frames of animation.

There are currently two methods for playerizing notes. The playerizing method is set by the NewFieldColumn.

NotePlayerizeMode_Off turns off playerizing of notes.
NotePlayerizeMode_Quanta turns of quantizing notes and instead uses a different quanta for each player.
NotePlayerizeMode_Mask turns on a colored mask over the notes. The mask is a different color for each player.

If the theme attempts to set NotePlayerizeMode_Mask and the noteskin does not support it, NotePlayerizeMode_Quanta will be used instead.

NewSkins/routine/notes.lua is an example of noteskin that supports multiplayer mode. It has example masks and colors and explanation comments.

Functions in 02 NewField.lua

NewField functions

  • NewField:set_speed_mod(constant, speed, read_bpm)
    set_speed_mod creates a simple speed mod from the parameters and applies it to all columns. If constant is true, bpm changes, stops, speed segments, and similar stuff will be disabled, as in an old-style CMod, and speed is the number of arrow heights a note should move per minute. If constant is false and read_bpm is a number, read_bpm will be used to calculate a speed mod that makes notes at that bpm move at speed arrow heights per minute (this is the same as an old-style MMod). If read_bpm is nil, it will be treated as 1, which makes it the same as an old-style XMod. If read_bpm is not nil and not a number, a theme error will occur.

  • NewField:set_rev_offset_base(revoff)
    Sets the base value for reverse_offset_pixels for all columns to revoff.

  • NewField:set_reverse_base(rev)
    Sets the base value for reverse_scale for all columns to rev.

  • NewField:clear_column_mod(mod_field_name, mod_name)
    Clears the mod with mod_name in the field mod_field_name in all columns.

  • NewField:set_hidden_mod(line, dist, add_glow)
    Adds a hidden mod, which makes notes disappear as they cross the line. line is the y offset the mod effect is occurs at. dist is how many pixels notes take to go from fully visible to fully invisible. If add_glow is true, then the glow on notes will ramp up before they fade out. If add_glow is false, then the hidden mod will only make the notes transparent to fade them out.

  • NewField:set_sudden_mod(line, dist, add_glow)
    Similar to set_hidden_mod, this adds a sudden mod, which makes notes after line invisible, and notes above it visible.

  • NewField:clear_hidden_mod()
    Clears the hidden mod from all columns.

  • NewField:clear_sudden_mod()
    Clears the sudden mod from all columns.

  • find_pactor_in_gameplay(screen_gameplay, pn)
    Returns the player actor or nil.

  • find_newfield_in_gameplay(screen_gameplay, pn)
    Returns the newfield actor or nil.

  • use_newfield_on_gameplay()
    Finds the player actors for all enabled players and sets them to render the newfield instead of the oldfield. Also applies the newfield prefs to their newfields.

  • use_newfield_actor()
    Returns an actor that calls use_newfield_on_gameplay in its OnCommand.

  • newskin_option_row()
    Returns a lua option row for picking a newskin on a metrics based options screen.

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