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Created September 11, 2016 02:09
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This is a generalized system for creating mods that use the 5.1 mod system and can be picked in a nesty menu to apply in gameplay.

This is not a system for changing the mods affecting a player as part of a scripted simfile.

Mods chosen can be saved to the player's profile, and will be loaded when the profile is loaded.

Reloading scripts will clear the mod choices for the players. Mods saved to profile will not be reloaded when scripts are reloaded.


The notefield_mods_actor must be in ScreenGameplay overlay to apply the mods.

t[#t+1]= notefield_mods_actor()

get_notefield_mods_toggle_menu and get_notefield_mods_value_menu are two different ways of presenting the menu of choices.

add_notefield_menu_choice can be called to add a custom choice to the menu.

get_notefield_mods_with_player_options returns a string of translated mods currently applied for a player, and also PlayerOptions fields that do not affect the notefield (such as turn mods, drain setting, and so forth). ScreenGameplay and ScreenEvaluation call it to set the PlayerOptions text they display, so you probably don't need to.


Putting the mods menu in ScreenNestyPlayerOptions


get_notefield_mods_toggle_menu(true, true),


get_notefield_mods_toggle_menu(with_save, no_sections)

get_notefield_mods_toggle_menu returns a submenu with options for all the mods and options for saving them to the profile.

If with_save is false, the options for saving the mods to the profile will not be in the menu.

If no_sections is false, the options will be split up into submenus.


get_notefield_mods_value_menu(true, true),

Same args as the toggle menu function. Each choice is a settable number instead of a toggleable bool.

Making mods take effect in gameplay


t[#t+1]= notefield_mods_actor()

This function returns an actor that does the stuff with the thing at the time.

Showing mod string

ScreenGameplay and ScreenEvaluation already call this function, so you probably don't need to.


local mod_str= get_notefield_mods_with_player_options(PLAYER_1, false)


get_notefield_mods_with_player_options(pn, hide_fail)

Returns a string of comma serpentine modifiers with percentages.
pn is the PlayerNumber. If hide_fail is true, the fail type will not be in the result.

Adding a choice to the menu

Example: A menu choice named "sloshed" that turns on beat and drunk.

add_notefield_menu_choice("effect", "sloshed", {{"effect.drunk", 1}, {"effect.beat", 1}})


add_notefield_menu_choice(section, name, choice)

section is the name of the section of the menu the choice belongs in.
name is the name of the choice.
choice is a table of mod and magnitude pairs. When the player picks the choice, each mod in the list will be set to the magnitude paired with it.

If the value style menu is choosed, then the magnitude for each mod is multiplied by the value set by the player.

Adding a mod that can be used in choices


add_notefield_mod("candy", "pocky", function(mag, field)
  field:all_columns_mod("get_note_zoom_x", {name= "pocky", sum_type= "*",
    {"max", 0, {"*", mag, {"sin", {"/", "y_offset", 30}}}}})


add_notefield_mod(section, name, mod_func)

The mod_func function will be passed the magnitude the player set for the modifier, and the player's notefield. Anything is fair game from there.

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