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Created August 25, 2023 00:39
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r-mode blue suit guide

R-mode blue suit

This trick is performed in pre-cathedral room, using 1 reserve tank, x-ray, speed booster, and CF ammo.

You must have at least 70 energy in the reserve tank, and it must be set to auto. 60 is near death, 100 gives more breathing room, more than 100 is a time loss.

Energy must be below 20, so that one hit from a sova will trigger reserves.

Entering R-mode

  1. Position Samus as deep in the doorway as possible without triggering the transition. Holding angle and tapping forward to move a pixel at a time is a good way to get into position.
  2. Fire a super to knock the top sova onto the door ledge.
  3. Select x-ray.
  4. Step into the transition before the sova hits Samus. Timed correctly, you should see the sova crossing into Samus' feet as the screen fades out.
  5. Hold dash during the transition, so X-Ray is used on the first frame.
  6. Continue to hold dash until Reserves have been emptied.

If dash is released very early, nothing notable will happen. If dash is released in about a three frame window when Reserves finish filling, then instead G-mode will be activated. Thus, it is safer to hold X-Ray for longer. Note X-Ray will do the widening animation again when Reserves finish filling, so when this begins for the second time dash can be released.

Immediately morph and perform a crystal flash to refill reserves.

Turning blue

The reserve auto trigger will need to interrupt a shinespark windup. The bottom of the pre-cathedral room is the runway, and the spark will be triggered directly beneath the shot blocks.

Enemies should be cleared from the room, so that the easily controlled heat damage can be the spark trigger. The small dessgeegas deal 80 damage, and are useful for damaging down. Taking hits until below 200 energy is a good cue.

Stand underneath the 2 block platform on the right side of the room.

The energy cue to start running is 55, and the cue to press jump for the spark is 7. (you may need to adjust these numbers down or up depending on latency of your TV/SNES/emulator)

When triggering the spark, be sure you only press jump. If you press jump and up, the windup is skipped, and Samus will spark instantly, preventing any blue suit.

After the reserves trigger, you cannot press dash. Pressing dash will remove the blue suit.

The shot block by the door is best handled with a hero shot. Shoot straight up, then spin jump onto the ledge on the left wall, then walljump to the door. With only 1 reserve tank, you have one chance at this jump. If you can't consistently get out on the first try, you will need to collect Norfair Reserve tank as a safety.

Using the blue suit

Climbing Everest must be done with some care. Crouching will charge a spark, so trying to do a straight crouch jump will spark and lose the blue suit. So when crouch jumping, hold a charge shot, similar to when a spike suit is being carried. Alternatively, you can mid air morph, land in morph ball, then unmorph to crouching pose. This will allow doing a crouch jump without charging a spark.

The fish in Main Street can be frozen directly below the missile to jump into it.

The aqueduct missile and super can be reached by wall jumping. The snail can be used to assist and reduce the amount of wall jumping.

The speed blocks before Botwoon are broken with the blue suit, saving time over the ice clip.

The speed blocks in the E tank room can also be run through, saving time.

The blue suit is expended sparking across Colosseum.

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