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Created October 16, 2019 08:48
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NPM commands cheat sheet

Npm has a lot of commands, lets make a cheat sheet!

Community Features

  • adduser (alias: add-user | login)

    Create or Login into the npm server.

    npm adduser

    (Follow the instructions)

  • whoami

    Outputs as what user you are logged in.

    npm whoami
  • star <-> unstar

    Changes the rating of a package in the system

    npm star express
  • view (alias: info | how)

    Shows the information to a package in the package manager

    npm view
  • search (alias: find | s | se)

    Searches for packages using a free text search

    npm search browserify

NPM Information

  • help (alias: apihelp)

    Shows the help for all npm commands.

    npm help json

    Recommended reading: developers, json, folder, coding-style

  • faq

    Shows frequently asked questions

    npm faq
  • help-search

    Searches through all of the available search topics using an abritary string

    npm help-search repository
  • root

    Shows the current npm modules directory

    npm root
  • bin

    Shows the current npm bin directory

    npm bin
  • prefix

    Shows the folder where npm modules should be installed

    npm prefix
  • version

    Shows the currently running npm version

    npm version
  • ls (alias la | ll | list)

    Shows what packages are installed

    npm ls

NPM Settings

  • completion

    Tool to enable code completion in bash

    npm completion >> ~/.bashrc
  • set <-> get

    Changes or shows a property of npm.

    npm get repository
  • config (c)

    Extended access to properties (not just get/set)

    npm config list
  • cache

    Tool to manipulate the local package cache.

    npm cache clean
  • link (alias: ln)

    Links a folder in the global package space.

    npm link ~/myLocalPackage

Foreign Package Information

  • bugs

    Opens the bug-tracker of a package in the browser

    npm bugs gaze
  • explore

    Opens a new shell session and sets its current directory to the installed package directory.

    npm explore request
  • docs (home)

    Opens the documentation of the supplied package in the browser.

    npm docs mongoose
  • edit

    Opens the editor with focus on the folder of the package.

    npm edit jade

    Note: You need to setup your editor if you don't want to use VI

Package Creation

  • init

    Wizard to create a package.json file.

    npm init

    Note: Follow the wizard dilligently ;-)

  • install <-> rm (alias: uninstall)

    Downloads and installs or uninstalls a package

    npm install grunt

    or globally

    npm install grunt-cli -g
  • publish <-> unpublish

    Publishes a package to the npm

    npm publish .
  • owner (alias: author)

    User manager for the installed package.

    npm owner add substack .
  • tag

    Add a tag for a package

    npm tag underscore@1.4.4 awesome
  • deprecate

    Mark a package (or a version of it) as deprecated

    npm deprecate jsdom@0.6.0
  • outdated

    Checks if any package is outdated.

    npm outdated
  • submodule

    Helper to create a submodule at the git directory specified in the package.json of the module.

    npm submodule example
  • update (alias: up)

    Updates all packages to the latest version.

    npm update
  • shrinkwrap

    Creates a npm-shrinkwrap.json that fixates which versions of which libraries to install

    npm shinkwrap
  • dedupe (alias: ddp | find-dupes)

    Removes duplicates of referenced packages

    npm dedupe
  • prune

    Removes packages that are installed but not listed in the package.json

    npm prune
  • pack

    Creates a tarball from a package

    npm pack .

Package Interaction

  • run-script

    Runs one of the scripts defined in package.json (usually not needed)

    npm run-script postinstall

    Possible scripts:

    preinstall, install, postinstall
    preuninstall, uninstall, postuninstall
    preupdate, update, postupdate
    prepublish, publish, postpublish
    pretest, test, posttest
    prestop, stop, poststop
    prestart, start, poststart
  • start <-> restart <-> stop

    Starts whatever there is to start.

    npm start
  • test (alias: tst)

    Runs tests for the current package

    npm test
  • rebuild (alias: rb)

    Build any binary library required for this package.

    npm rebuild

Easter eggs

  • xmas
  • substack
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