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Created June 13, 2023 16:07
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title: "An analysis of US 2020 Census Data for the Radnor-Winston neighborhood"
author: "E. Kevin Zembower"
date: "29 May 2023"
extra_dependencies: ["array", "booktabs", "dcolumn"]
```{r setup, include = FALSE}
In this document, I use the statistics from the 2020
Decennial US Census for the census blocks that make up the
Radnor-Winston neighhood in Baltimore, MD to determine interensting
information about the people who live here.
\section{Boundaries of the Radnor-Winston neighborhood}
The US Census data can be extracted at various level of granularity,
from the nation, to the state, to the county, etc. The smallest unit
of data is the census block, a contigious parcel of land, deliniated
by physical boundaries, such as streets or streams. The next largest
unit for the census is the block group, consisting of a number of
contigious blocks. Block groups can be combined into a census tract,
which average about 4,000 inhabitants. Tracts are most often combined
into counties, which are combined into states.
The Radnor-Winston neighborhood (RW) is located in the state of
Maryland, in "Baltimore city" (census spelling) and in census tract
2711.01. This tract is bounded by Homewood Ave, York Road, E. Cold
Spring Lane and N. Charles Street. Most of the homes in this tract are
not in RW. Similarly, there is no established block group which
contains a majority of RW houses. For the purposes of this report, the
boundaries of RW are as shown in figure \ref{RWneigh}. These boundaries were
taken by estimating the locations of corners in the map shown on the
RW web-site at, downloaded on 13 June
```{r rw_map, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, out.width = "80%", dev = "pdf",
fig.cap = "Map of RW neighborhood\label{RWneigh}"}
## Creating a polygon for RW neighborhood, based on CRS 6487 (NAD83
## (2011) / Maryland ) map in meters:
base_x <- 433000
base_y <- 186000
rw_neigh_pg_m <- data.frame(
c(540, 1140,
540, 1070,
480, 1060,
490, 1000,
570, 1000,
570, 940,
550, 930,
550, 890,
580, 890,
590, 820,
640, 820,
650, 590,
520, 580,
470, 580,
350, 660,
350, 710,
180, 725,
190, 900,
220, 900,
220, 1030,
240, 1030,
240, 1110
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
) %>% + matrix(c(rep(base_x, nrow(.)), rep(base_y, nrow(.))),
nrow = nrow(.)) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c(1,2), dim = "XY") %>%
summarize(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
## Map it:
rw_base_blocks <- read_osm(bb(rw_neigh_pg_m, ext = 1.3))
## Line below gives map in meters
(RW_block_map <- tm_shape(rw_base_blocks, projection = 6487) +
## Line below gives map in degrees
## (RW_block_map <- tm_shape(rw_base_blocks, projection = 6487) +
tm_rgb() +
tm_shape(rw_neigh_pg_m) +
tm_fill(col = "green", alpha = 0.2) +
tm_borders(lwd = 2, alpha = 1) +
tm_scale_bar() +
## tm_grid() + tm_xlab("Long") + tm_ylab("Lat") +
tm_grid() +
tm_layout(title = "Radnor-Winston Neighborhood")
## tmap_save(RW_block_map, "rw_map.png")
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