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Last active October 19, 2018 15:51
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joinWithConjunction(arr, delimiter, conjunction = 'and', useOxfordComma = true) {
switch (arr.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
// Use join behavior for these
return arr.join(delimiter);
case 2:
return arr.join(` ${conjunction} `);
// We don't use a space between the two to make it work like String.join()
conjunction = useOxfordComma
? `${delimiter}${conjunction}`
: ` ${conjunction}`;
return `${arr.slice(0, -1).join(delimiter)}${conjunction} ${arr.slice(-1)}`;
/* ------------ MOCHA UNIT TESTS ------------- */
describe('.joinWithConjunction', () => {
it('should return the only element if there is only one element', () => {
expect(joinWithConjunction(['A'], ', ')).to.equal('A');
it('should return the two elements joined with the conjunction and no delimiter if there are exactly two elements', () => {
expect(joinWithConjunction(['A', 'B'], ', ', 'or')).to.equal('A or B');
it('should return all elements joined with the conjunction and delimiter if there are more than two elements', () => {
expect(joinWithConjunction(['A', 'B', 'C'], ', ', 'or')).to.equal('A, B, or C');
it('should return all elements joined with the conjunction and delimiter with no last comma if the Oxford comma parameter is false', () => {
expect(joinWithConjunction(['A', 'B', 'C'], ', ', 'or', false)).to.equal('A, B or C');
it('should return all elements joined with the default conjunction if not passed in', () => {
expect(joinWithConjunction(['A', 'B', 'C'], ', ')).to.equal('A, B, and C');
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