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Created November 27, 2011 14:18
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e =
e.timestamp =
e.category = ''
e.key = ['net', 'kzk9', 'blog', 'tornado']
e.value = 1
p client.Post(e)
type counter
port 1463
<match counter.**>
type counter
mongo_host localhost
mongo_port 27017
mongo_database counter
mongo_collection minutely
struct Event
1: i64 timestamp,
2: string category,
3: list<string> key,
4: i64 value
enum ResultCode
service Counter
ResultCode Post(1: Event e);
mba% mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.0
connecting to: test
> use counter
switched to db counter
> db.minutely.find()
{ "key" : "net", "time" : "201111272327", "value" : 400 }
{ "key" : "net:kzk9", "time" : "201111272327", "value" : 400 }
{ "key" : "net:kzk9:blog", "time" : "201111272327", "value" : 400 }
{ "key" : "net:kzk9:blog:tornado", "time" : "201111272327", "value" : 400 }
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