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Created May 28, 2017 03:55
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create user
#Script auto create trial user SSH
read -p "Username : " Login
read -p "Password : " Pass
read -p "Expired (hari): " masaaktif
IP=`dig +short`
useradd -e `date -d "$masaaktif days" +"%Y-%m-%d"` -s /bin/false -M $Login
exp="$(chage -l $Login | grep "Account expires" | awk -F": " '{print $2}')"
echo -e "$Pass\n$Pass\n"|passwd $Login &> /dev/null
echo -e ""
echo -e "Informasi SSH"
echo -e "=========-account-=========="
echo -e "Host: $IP"
echo -e "Port: 443,143,80"
echo -e "Username: $Login "
echo -e "Password: $Pass"
echo -e "-----------------------------"
echo -e "Aktif Sampai: $exp"
echo -e "==========================="
echo -e "Script by \e[1;33;44mKZN\e[0m"
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