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Created September 19, 2023 14:57
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# The following script is to help organize a directory of directories into alphabetical groups based on their initial characters
# This is useful for organizing a large directory of movies into alphabetical groups for easier importing into Radarr
# Set the source directory - this is the directory that contains the movies to be organized, this directory should contain only directories
# Don't forget the trailing slash!
# Set the destination directory - this is the directory that will contain the alphabetized groups of movies
# Don't forget the trailing slash!
# Set additional flags for rclone commands - for example, to run a dry run, set the following:
FLAGS="--progress --verbose --transfers=64 --checkers=64 --fast-list --tpslimit=12 --tpslimit-burst=50 --no-update-modtime --no-traverse"
# Get the list of directories in the source directory
DIRS=$(rclone lsf --dirs-only "$SOURCE_DIR")
# Loop through the directories
# Each line should be a directory name, some of which may contain spaces/special characters
while IFS= read -r DIR; do
# Log the directory name
echo "Directory: $DIR"
# Get the first character of the directory name
# Log the first character
echo "First character: $FIRST_CHAR"
# Find the corresponding letter group for the directory
case "$FIRST_CHAR" in
[0-9]) GROUP="0-9" ;;
[a-z]) GROUP="${FIRST_CHAR^}" ;; # Convert first character to uppercase
*) GROUP="Default" ;;
# Log the group
echo "Group: $GROUP"
# Move the entire source directory to the destination directory
# Use the --delete-empty-src-dirs flag to delete the source directory if it is empty after the move
rclone move --delete-empty-src-dirs "$SOURCE_DIR$DIR" "$DEST_DIR$GROUP/$DIR" $FLAGS
done <<<"$DIRS"
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