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Last active June 25, 2021 11:21
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Velocity Language Cheat Sheet
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Telosys Template : Velocity Cheat Sheet
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Multi-lines comment
Unparsed block (all this block will be rendered as is)
#set($i = 50)
#foobar #zzz(ee)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## SET
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#set($i = 50)
i value : $i
#set($f = 12.34)
f value : $f
#set($b = true)
b value : $b
#set($s = "abc")
s value : $s
#set($s = "abc $i")## 'i' variable is replaced by its value
s value : $s
#set($s = 'abc $i')## no variable substitution
s value : $s
#set($s =
'line 1 $a
line 2 $b
line 3 $c' )## 3 lines
s lines :
## #set( $v = null ) ## invalid syntax
## --- Arithmetic operators
#set($x = 12)
#set($y = 4)
#set ( $r = $x + $y + 1 ) r : $r
#set ( $r = $x - $y ) r : $r
#set ( $r = $x * $y ) r : $r
#set ( $r = $x / $x ) r : $r
#set ( $r = $x % 5 ) r : $r
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#if ( $b )
b is true
b is false
b is #if( $b )TRUE#{else}FALSE#{end}, yes it is!
#set($v = 2)
#if ( $v == 1 )
v equals 1
#elseif ( $v == 2 )
v equals 2
v other
#set($s = "#if( $b )TRUE#{else}FALSE#{end}" )
s : $s ## s : "TRUE"
## --- Comparison operators and logical operators
#set($x = 12.34) #set ($y = 56.78 ) x : $x, y : $y
#if ( $x == $y )#end
#if ( $x eq $y )#end
#if ( $x != $y )#end
#if ( $x ne $y )#end
#if ( $x > $y )#end
#if ( $x < $y )#end
#if ( $x <= $y )#end
#if ( ! ($x == $y) )#end
#if ( not ($x == $y) )#end
#if ( $x == $y && $x > 10 )#end
#if ( $x == $y || $x > 10 )#end
#if ( $x == $y || ( $x > 10 && $s < 200 ) )#end
#set($list = ["a","b","c"])
#if ( $list.isEmpty() )
list is empty
list is not empty
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#foreach( $item in [1..4] )
. ${item}
count : $foreach.count / index : $foreach.index
hasNext : $foreach.hasNext / hasNext() : $foreach.hasNext()
first : $foreach.first / isFirst() : $foreach.isFirst()
last : $foreach.last / isLast() : $foreach.isLast()
#set($n = $foreach.count )## global variable
n (after foreach ) : $n
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#macro( add $a1 $a2 )
#set ( $r = $a1 + $a2 )
Add $a1 + $a2 : result is $r
## call macro :
#add( 20, 3 )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define( $header )
// My super project
// Copyright 2018
// Author $author
#set( $author = "John" )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## evaluate the instruction string
z : $z
## init map content as string :
#set( $map = '{ "k1":"v1" , "k2":"v2" }' )
map : $map
## compose instruction string :
#set( $instruction = '#set( $z = ' + $map + ' )' )
instruction : $instruction
## evaluate instruction string :
z : $z ## z is a map instance
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