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Created March 17, 2017 06:24
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function! SpawnBufferWindow(name)
let dummy_buf = bufnr(a:name, v:true)
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype', 'nofile')
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&bufhidden', 'hide')
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&swapfile', 0)
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buflisted', 1)
execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
split dummy_preview
resize 2
set winfixheight
set winfixwidth
wincmd j
call SpawnBufferWindow('dummy_buf')
wincmd h
call SpawnBufferWindow('dummy_buf_2')
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