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Last active January 16, 2021 08:07
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import * as Rx from 'rxjs';
import queryString from 'query-string';
* This function simply transforms any actions into an array of actions
* This enables us to use the synthax Observable.of(...actions)
* If an array is passed to this function it will be returned automatically instead
* Example: mapObservables({ type: ACTION_1 }) -> will return: [{ type: ACTION_1 }]
* Example2: mapObservables([{ type: ACTION_1 }, { type: ACTION_2 }]) -> will return: [{ type: ACTION_1 }, { type: ACTION_2 }]
function mapObservables(observables) {
if (observables === null) {
return null;
} else if (Array.isArray(observables)) {
return observables;
return [observables];
* Possible Options:
* params (optional): Object of parameters to be appended to query string of the uri e.g: { foo: bar } (Used with GET requests)
* headers (optional): Object of headers to be appended to the request headers
* data (optional): Any type of data you want to be passed to the body of the request (Used for POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests)
* uri (required): Uri to be appended to our API base url
function makeRequest(method, options) {
let uri = options.uri;
if (method === 'get' && options.params) {
uri += `?${queryString.stringify(options.params)}`;
return Rx.Observable.ajax({
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 60000,
body: || null,
url: `${uri}`,
// Most often you have a fixed API url so we just append a URI here to our fixed URL instead of repeating the API URL everywhere.
.flatMap(({ response }) => {
* Here we handle our success callback, anyt actions returned from it will be dispatched.
* You can return a single action or an array of actions to be dispatched eg. [{ type: ACTION_1 }, { type: ACTION_2 }].
if (options.onSuccess) {
const observables = mapObservables(options.onSuccess(response));
if (observables) {
// This is only being called if our onSuccess callback returns any actions in which case we have to dispatch them
return Rx.Observable.of(...observables);
return Rx.Observable.of();
.catch((error) => {
* This if case is to handle non-XHR errors gracefully that may be coming from elsewhere in our application when we fire
* an Observable.ajax request
if (!error.xhr) {
if (options.onError) {
const observables = mapObservables(options.onError(null)); // Note we pass null to our onError callback because it's not an XHR error
if (observables) {
// This is only being called if our onError callback returns any actions in which case we have to dispatch them
return Rx.Observable.of(...observables);
// You always have to ensure that you return an Observable, even if it's empty from all your Observables.
return Rx.Observable.of();
const { xhr } = error;
const { response } = error.xhr;
const actions = [];
const resArg = response || null;
let message = null;
if (xhr.status === 0) {
message = 'Server is not responding.';
} else if (xhr.status === 401) {
// For instance we handle a 401 here, if you use react-router-redux you can simply push actions here to your router
} else if (
&& response.errorMessage
) {
* In this case the errorMessage parameter would refer to SampleApiResponse.json 400 example
* { "errorMessage": "Invalid parameter." }
message = response.errorMessage;
if (options.onError) {
// Here if our options contain an onError callback we can map the returned Actions and push them into our action payload
mapObservables(options.onError(resArg)).forEach(o => actions.push(o));
if (message) {
* You can return multiple actions in one observable by adding arguments Rx.Observable.of(action1, action2, ...)
* The actions always have to have a type { type: 'ACTION_1' }
return Rx.Observable.of(...actions);
const API = {
get: options => makeRequest('get', options),
post: options => makeRequest('post', options),
put: options => makeRequest('put', options),
patch: options => makeRequest('patch', options),
delete: options => makeRequest('delete', options),
export default API;
import API from 'API';
function fetchProfile(id) {
return {
function fetchProfileSuccess(data) {
return {
function fetchProfileError(error) {
return {
function fetchOtherThing(id) {
return {
const fetchProfileEpic = action$ => action$.
.switchMap(({ id }) => API.get({
uri: 'profile',
params: {
* We could also dispatch multiple actions using an array here you could dispatch another API request if needed
* We can redispatch another action to fire another epic if we want also.
* In both onSuccess and onError you can return a single action, an array of actions or null
* Note here we fire fetchOtherThing(data.someOtherThingId) which will trigger our fetchOtherThingEpic!
* In this case the data parameter would refer to SampleApiResponse.json 200 example
* { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" }
onSuccess: ({ data }) => [fetchProfileSuccess(data), fetchOtherThing(data.someOtherThingId)],
onError: error => fetchProfileError(error),
const fetchOtherThingEpic = action$ => action$.
.switchMap(({ id }) => API.get({
uri: 'other-thing',
params: {
onSuccess: ...
onError: ...
* If possible, you should standardize your API response which will make error/data handling a lot easier on the client side
* Note, this data format is to work with the example code above
* Status code: 401
* This error would be caught in the .catch() method of our API wrapper
"errorMessage": "Please login to perform this operation",
"data": null,
* Status code: 400
* This error would be caught in the .catch() method of our API wrapper
"errorMessage": "Invalid parameter.",
"data": null
* Status code: 200
* This would be passed to our onSuccess function specified in our API options
"errorMessage": 'Please login to perform this operation',
"data": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
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