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Last active July 22, 2017 19:43
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DIV Whitepaper
> |![]( | <h1>DIV</h1>
> | --- | ---
> | | Monetising Governance, Content and Infrastructure in Decentralised, Distributed Social Networks
> | | Loki Verloren, July 2017
DIV is a multi-tier Byzantine Fault Tolerant Database system designed to engage users, via monetisation incentives, in every aspect of the system, from open self-governance of code, curation, content creation, content hosting, search services, archiving, validation, query services, short and long messaging and extensible in the future to expand to include classified advertising, cryptocurrency exchange, custom databases from very large to small and extreme low latency for multiplayer gaming, privacy services, and whatever the community that grows out of it decides it wants to add.
Since the appearance of Steem in the 'Blockchain' space, there has also been a number of related and competing systems emerging such as Yours.Network, Synereo, LBRY and most reecently Ark. The goal of these systems is to stimulate the engagement of users in the production of content and monetising the content according to the subjective evaluation of peers.
Steem, the first, and by far most successful of these platforms, fails to deliver in some critical areas promised in its White Paper, specifically, in flattening the distribution curve of tokens in order to facilitate the rapid growth of userbase (due to lack of effective subdivision of content into affinity groups and lack of search engines), in the lack of monetisation of database services, in its failure to create a fluid and adaptive governance system, and in so many ways, yet, however, there is no doubt that the "Inflation Tax" model of how to incentivise users to join the network by distributing a portion to both curator/creators, and to the validators, known as Witnesses in Steem jargon.
DIV is primarily aiming to supersede Steem, by omitting its most egregious flaws, and adding the elements that it needs in order to be both scalable and elastic, by monetising all relevant infrastructure, including the service of web based interfaces, search engines, content hosting, and hosting of the codebase and documentation in a monetisable structure that eliminates the inertia of Steem's governance system and the Prisoner's dilemma in the Witness election, and in the forum voting system.
A key guiding principle is that there should be no outside party to the userbase, no early advantage beyond simple early adoption, and that the community operates its own governance mechanisms, including code development, moderation and policing against abusive behaviour such as plagiarism, trolling and racketeering, to facilitate the development of 'Departments' in which organisational structures can be formed to facilitate coordinated, many-party activities related to funding and promoting the platform.
Overall Architecture of DIV
DIV splits roles into multiple tiers with differing levels of frequency of activity, versus comprehensiveness of storage in the database.
Database Services
* **Validators** have the most time critical role in rapidly assessing, confirming and propagating new transactions, they are the Write Side of the back end for clients.
* **Replicators** distribute the newest data and maintain 3 months of data, and are paid to respond to queries to provide results for user's client applications to cover the great majority of activity on the backend on the Read Side.
* **Archivists** specialise in storing a complete historical archive and answering queries passed on by Replicators when the query falls outside of the 3 month period. This is much less frequent, but per operation far more expensive, as is the infrastructure required.
> By breaking the levels of service into these three tiers, latency can be minimised where it is critical, and where completeness is required, it can be provided for, at significantly higher latency, where the client needs complete data rather than fast answers..
Application Services
This includes the six initial and essential databases systems for DIV:
1. The Registry
2. Refractory Token Ledger
3. The Forum
4. Messaging
5. Database Code Repository
6. Interface Code Repository
A key deficiency of Steem is the lack of accessibility and participation in governance, of users to the Database and Interface codebases, the complete lack of an integrated short and long form, transient messaging system, it only implements a Forum, and it does it within a large monolithic database, where the voting system for the forum.
All of these data stores exist within distinct database instances within the node, which minimises the amount of indexing overhead required for each. Merkle trees are used where the data in one database relates to another, such as the Registry being referred to by all others (this is the user registry), and the Forum and Code Repositories are referred to by the ledger when the votes stored in these databases results in a claim for a payout from the pool of new tokens.
With the exception of Messaging, these 6 components are governed and regulated by the Database Services. The messaging system has a more fluid architecture which is peer to peer and does not include monetisation, but instead simply has rules about transaction rates per accounts, propagation patterns, caching patterns, that are designed to optimise for latency and minimising on redundancy beyond necessary to ensure successful delivery of messages.
The Refractory Token Ledger
Instead of using the traditional double entry ledger accounting system, the primary currency in DIV functions more like a property registry. There is multiple reasons why this has been chosen, the main one being that the growth of the database is highly predictable, because the number of tokens only expands up to a maximum level, but it does not expand without activity driving it.
Liquid Tokens and Stake Contracts
As exists in the Steem Ledger, except contracted to only include one of each type, and no hedging contract (as it is a design error to place this in the ledger). This also simplifies the process of calculating rewards, as Steem requires a base currency called VESTS, to implement both Steem and Steem Backed Dollars, and Steem is used to implement the Steem Power contract.
The liquid token is called DIV Coins or DIVC as a ticker, and the Illiquid Vote Power instrument is called DIV Stakes or DIVS. Coins can be transferred freely to any other account at zero cost (as the cost of running the network is accounted for in the payments to the Validators). Steem has therefore in fact 2 different currencies, whereas DIV will only have one, which greatly simplifies computation of rewards for the various network functions.
Stake liquidity Restrictions
In order to restrict the rate at which users can reverse their staking of Coins into Stake contracts, deposit is instant, but withdrawal can only take place at a rate of 10% per week, or 10 weeks until a specified withdrawal completes. However, rather than cause spikey supply characteristics, the payouts are paid out at 1% per day of the specified withdrawal amount. This also eliminates the advantage that may be gained by users seeking to draw down when everyone else is buying in.
Change Operations to pay Interest on Stake
Since it may sometimes happen that a user's collection of tokens does not have exact change to allow a transaction, instead, Validators preemptively break the larger tokens in smaller accounts with the smaller tokens of larger accounts. It is very simple to establish how to redistribute the different sized tokens, because if there is one in each progressive power of two denomination, any payment can be made.
As tokens automatically exchanged between accounts in order to ensure a minimum capability to spend any amount that can be denominated in the total and down to the smallest token in circulation require an available pool that is not in circulation, it is part of the purpose of DIVS to enable this, and the amount of a change operation, divided by 100, is paid in new tokens to holders whose stake allows this maintenance of adequate change for any amount of payment without the user needing to concern themselves with how the Refractory token mechanism, while providing a reason to pay interest to stake, and determining how much it needs to be done (driven by the amount of money being transferred around.
Note that these operations are not just randomly chosen, stake in accounts to be used to provide change, must have no incoming or outgoing user initiated transfers between each other, so users can't deliberately spend in order to win interest payments. On average every user will end up earning about the same thing over time, but in the short term the variance can be very wide. However, the bigger one's DIVS pool, the more likely to get a payment, rewarding the use of stake.
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