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Bacula concurrent jobs multiple storage devices client labeled pools debian installation configuration.
Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 16:56>
Author....: 'Mash (Thomas Herbert)


Bacula concurrent jobs multiple storage devices client labeled pools Debian installation and configuration.
Please see for full article.

Bacula Debian Installation.

Install MySQL server.

root@bacula-dir:~# aptitude install mysql-server

Configure MySQL to use server resources.

root@bacula-dir:~# /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/examples# gunzip my-huge.cnf.gz
root@bacula-dir:~# /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/examples# cp my-huge.cnf /etc/mysql/
root@bacula-dir:/etc/mysql# mv my.cnf my.cnf.old
root@bacula-dir:/etc/mysql# mv my-huge.cnf my.cnf
root@bacula-dir:/etc/mysql# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Create bacula database.

root@bacula-dir:/etc/mysql# mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database bacula;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON bacula.* TO bacula@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'quoh7Xai';

Install bacula with MySQL backend.

Follow prompts for root database user password (1st) and bacula database user password (2nd).

   root@bacula-dir:~# aptitude install bacula bacula-director-mysql bacula-sd-mysql

Check bacula table creation.

root@bacula-dir:~# mysql -u bacula -p bacula
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_bacula |
| BaseFiles        |
| CDImages         |
| Client           |
| Counters         |
| Device           |
| File             |
| FileSet          |
| Filename         |
| Job              |
| JobHisto         |
| JobMedia         |
| Location         |
| LocationLog      |
| Log              |
| Media            |
| MediaType        |
| Path             |
| PathHierarchy    |
| PathVisibility   |
| Pool             |
| Status           |
| Storage          |
| UnsavedFiles     |
| Version          |
24 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Use this only if MySQL tables are not created.

root@bacula-dir:~# cp /usr/share/bacula-director/make_mysql_tables /etc/bacula/scripts/make_mysql_tables
root@bacula-dir:/etc/bacula/scripts# ./make_mysql_tables -u root -p

Create the backup directory.

root@bacula-dir:~# mkdir -p /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups
root@bacula-dir:~# chown -R bacula:bacula /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups


Configuration file check.

root@bacula-dir:~# bacula-dir -t /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
root@bacula-dir:~# bacula-sd -t /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf

Database check.

root@bacula-dir:~# dbcheck /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf bacula bacula quoh7Xai

Waiting to mount / client pool permissions.

If you receive a message regarding 'waiting to mount' check the logs, it may most likely be a directory permission issue. The directory should have 'bacula' user permissions.

   root@bacula-dir:~# less /var/log/bacula/log
   2012-02-06 22:00:00bacula-sd JobId 35: Warning: label.c:331 Open device "PrimaryFileDevice" (/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/) Volume "webserver-FullPool-2012-02-06-35" failed: ERR=dev.c:549 Could not open: /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/webserver-FullPool-2012-02-06-35, ERR=Permission denied
# /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf #
# Define the Director name, password used for authenticating the Console program.
Director {
Name = bacula-dir
DIRport = 9101
QueryFile = /etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql
WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
PidDirectory = /var/run/bacula
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4 # 4 because there are 4 storage devices. See pools.conf, devices.conf
Password = Vao8oXh6 # Console password.
Messages = Daemon
DirAddress = # Director address.
Heartbeat Interval = 1 Minute # Prevents timeouts
# Restricted Console, used by tray-monitor for Director status.
Console {
Name = bacula-mon
Password = Aeni4coX
CommandACL = status, .status
# Include split config files.
# Read client directory for config files. Remember to bconsole "reload" after adding a client.
@|"sh -c 'cat /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients/*.conf'"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:34 bacula-dir.conf>
# /etc/conf.d/clients/bacula-dir.conf #
# This is the Director itself used to backup the catalog.
# All config is in this single file only!
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = bacula-dir
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# Backup the Director catalog database (after the nightly save).
Job {
Name = CatalogBackup
Type = Backup
Client = bacula-dir
FileSet = CatalogBackupFileSet
Schedule = CatalogBackupCycle
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage
Messages = Standard
Pool = CatalogBackupPool
# WARNING!!! Passing the password via the command line is insecure.
# see comments in make_catalog_backup for details.
# Single user system so OK.
RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula quoh7Xai"
RunAfterJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/delete_catalog_backup bacula bacula quoh7Xai"
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/%c.bsr"
# Pool specific for the catalog backup.
Pool {
Name = CatalogBackupPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Use Volume Once = yes
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "CatalogBackup"
# This schedule does the catalog backup after the "PrimaryBackupCycle".
Schedule {
Name = CatalogBackupCycle
Run = Level=Full sun-sat at 1:10
# This is the backup of the catalog.
FileSet {
Name = CatalogBackupFileSet
Include {
Options {
File = "/var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:32 bacula-fd.conf>
# /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf #
# This file should be placed and configured for each client you wish to backup.
# Note: bacula-fd does not necessarily need to be configured and run on the
# Director itself, unless you want to backup itself.
# Directors who are permitted to contact this File daemon.
Director {
Name = bacula-dir # Match the Director.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Match the /etc/bacula/conf.d/client/xyz.conf on the Director.
# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor for File daemon status.
Director {
Name = bacula-mon # Match the Director Monitor.
Password = Aeni4coX # Must match the /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf "Console { }" Password.
Monitor = yes
# "Global" File daemon configuration specifications.
FileDaemon {
Name = bacula-dir # This is the client name, if it isn't then change it!
FDport = 9102
WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula # CentOS: WorkingDirectory = /var/spool/bacula
Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula # CentOS: PidDirectory = /var/run
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
FDAddress = # This is the client (not Director!) address, if it isn't then change it!
Heartbeat Interval = 1 Minute # Prevents timeouts
# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director.
Messages {
Name = Standard
director = bacula-dir = all, !skipped, !restored
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:26 bacula-sd.conf>
# /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf #
# Note: use external director address for clients to connect.
Storage {
Name = bacula-sd
SDAddress =
SDPort = 9103
WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Heartbeat Interval = 1 Minute # Prevents timeouts
# Director who is permitted to contact this Storage daemon.
Director {
Name = bacula-dir
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf
# Storage devices.
# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor for Storage daemon status.
Director {
Name = bacula-mon
Password = guro6Ooh
Monitor = yes
# Send all messages to the Director,
Messages {
Name = Standard
director = bacula-dir = all
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:32 bat.conf>
# /etc/bacula/bat.conf #
# Bacula Administration Tool Console (bat):
# Install this GUI (bacula-console-qt) somewhere to manage the Director remotely.
Director {
Name = bacula-dir
DIRport = 9101
Address = # Director "Console {}" password.
Password = Vao8oXh6
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:30 bconsole.conf>
# /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf #
# Bacula User Agent "Console" (bconsole).
Director {
Name = bacula-dir
DIRport = 9101
address =
Password = Vao8oXh6
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:27 catalogs.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/catalogs.conf #
# MySQL catalog service
Catalog {
Name = PrimaryCatalog
DB Address = localhost
dbname = bacula
dbuser = bacula
dbpassword = quoh7Xai
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:27 catalogs.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/catalogs.conf #
# MySQL catalog service
Catalog {
Name = PrimaryCatalog
DB Address = localhost
dbname = bacula
dbuser = bacula
dbpassword = quoh7Xai
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:34 bacula-dir.conf>
# /etc/conf.d/clients/bacula-dir.conf #
# This is the Director itself used to backup the catalog.
# All config is in this single file only!
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = bacula-dir
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# Backup the Director catalog database (after the nightly save).
Job {
Name = CatalogBackup
Type = Backup
Client = bacula-dir
FileSet = CatalogBackupFileSet
Schedule = CatalogBackupCycle
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage
Messages = Standard
Pool = CatalogBackupPool
# WARNING!!! Passing the password via the command line is insecure.
# see comments in make_catalog_backup for details.
# Single user system so OK.
RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula quoh7Xai"
RunAfterJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/delete_catalog_backup bacula bacula quoh7Xai"
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/%c.bsr"
# Pool specific for the catalog backup.
Pool {
Name = CatalogBackupPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Use Volume Once = yes
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "CatalogBackup"
# This schedule does the catalog backup after the "PrimaryBackupCycle".
Schedule {
Name = CatalogBackupCycle
Run = Level=Full sun-sat at 1:10
# This is the backup of the catalog.
FileSet {
Name = CatalogBackupFileSet
Include {
Options {
File = "/var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:33 example-client.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients/example-client.conf #
# This can be used as the standard client config.
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = example-client
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# These do not affect your archive, and should be set lower than the Pool/Volume retention definitions.
File Retention = 2 weeks # Files are pruned from Catalog database if Files are older than File retention period.
Job Retention = 2 weeks # Jobs are pruned from Catalog database if Job records are older than File retention period.
AutoPrune = yes # Yes to enable the above.
Heartbeat Interval = 1 Minute # Prevents timeouts
# Job name for client, and JobDef. Explicitly specifying Job rules here will
# overide the defaults defined in the /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf
Job {
Name = example-client
Client = example-client
JobDefs = "StandardLinuxJob"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:33 example-client2.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients/example-client2.conf #
# This can be used as the standard client config.
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = example-client2
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# These do not affect your archive, and should be set lower than the Pool/Volume retention definitions.
File Retention = 2 weeks # Files are pruned from Catalog database if Files are older than File retention period.
Job Retention = 2 weeks # Jobs are pruned from Catalog database if Job records are older than File retention period.
AutoPrune = yes # Yes to enable the above.
# Job name for client, and JobDef. Explicitly specifying Job rules here will
# overide the defaults defined in the /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf
Job {
Name = example-client2
Client = example-client2
JobDefs = StandardLinuxJob
Schedule = example-client2Schedule
Schedule {
Name = example-client2Schedule
Run = Level=Full tue at 12:11
Run = Level=Differential tue at 12:11
Run = Level=Incremental tue at 12:11
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:27 devices.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/devices.conf #
# These are referenced in /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf
# Multiple are defined in the jobdefs separated by commas.
# Always Open = no, Important for storage daemon to open it only when a job starts.
# Devices supported by this Storage daemon.
Device {
Name = PrimaryFileDevice
Media Type = PrimaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = SecondaryFileDevice
Media Type = SecondaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = TertiaryFileDevice
Media Type = TertiaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = QuaternaryFileDevice
Media Type = QuaternaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
# Free for restore jobs.
Device {
Name = RestoreFileDevice
Media Type = RestoreFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:29 filesets.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/filesets.conf #
# Standard Linux File Set.
# Not live MySQL data!
FileSet {
Name = StandardLinuxFileSet
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
onefs = no
fstype = ext2
fstype = ext3
fstype = ext4
fstype = reiserfs
File = /
Exclude {
File = /home/mysql
File = /proc
File = /sys
File = /tmp
File = /var/cache/apt/archives # Debian specific
File = /var/tmp
File = /var/lib/mqueue
File = /var/lib/mysql
File = /.fsck
File = /.autofsck
File = /.journal
# Standard Windows File Set.
# Not live SQL data!
FileSet {
Name = StandardWindowsFileSet
Enable VSS = yes
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
exclude = yes
wildfile = "*.mdf"
wildfile = "*.ldf"
wildfile = "*.MDF"
wildfile = "*.LDF"
File = C:/
File = D:/
File = D:/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/BACKUP
File = E:/
File = F:/
File = G:/
Exclude {
File = D:/SQLDataRoot
File = D:/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:29 jobdefs.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf #
# The JobDefs resource permits all the same directives that can appear in a Job resource.
# However, a JobDefs resource does not create a Job, rather it can be referenced within a
# Job to provide defaults for that Job. This permits you to concisely define several nearly
# identical Jobs, each one referencing a JobDefs resource which contains the defaults.
# Only the changes from the defaults need be mentioned in each Job.
# Standard Restore template, to be changed by Console program.
# Not JobDef but this has to exist somewhere as a template.
Job {
Name = Restore
Type = Restore
Client = bacula-dir
FileSet = StandardLinuxFileSet
Storage = RestoreFileStorage
Pool = FullPool
Priority = 1
Messages = Standard
Where = /tmp
# Main job definitions used by clients /etc/bacula/clients.
JobDefs {
Name = StandardLinuxJob
Type = Backup
FileSet = StandardLinuxFileSet
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage,QuaternaryFileStorage
Pool = DefaultPool # Default Pool, overidden pools and schedules.
Full Backup Pool = FullPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Incremental Backup Pool = IncPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Differential Backup Pool = DiffPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Prefer Mounted Volumes = no # Finding an unused drive, otherwise, job started will append to volume.
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/%c.bsr"
Schedule = PrimaryBackupCycle # /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Priority = 10 # Ten is default
Messages = Standard
JobDefs {
Name = StandardWindowsJob
Type = Backup
FileSet = StandardWindowsFileSet
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage,QuaternaryFileStorage
Pool = DefaultPool # Default Pool, overidden pools and schedules.
Full Backup Pool = FullPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Incremental Backup Pool = IncPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Differential Backup Pool = DiffPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Prefer Mounted Volumes = no # Finding an unused drive, otherwise, job started will append to volume.
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/%c.bsr"
Schedule = PrimaryBackupCycle # /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Priority = 10 # Ten is default
Messages = Standard
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:31 messages.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/messages.conf #
# Define where error and information messages are to be sent or logged.
Messages {
Name = Standard
mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
mail = = all, !skipped
operator = = mount
console = all, !skipped, !saved
catalog = all, !skipped, !saved
mailonerror = = all
append = "/var/log/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
Messages {
Name = Daemon
mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
mail = = all, !skipped
console = all, !skipped, !saved
append = "/var/log/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:28 pools.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/pools.conf #
# help.:
# kudos:
# This is the default backup stanza, which always gets overridden by one of the other Pools,
# except when a manual backup is performed via the console.
Pool {
Name = DefaultPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 # If you specify zero (the default), there is no limit.
# Maximum Volumes = 100 # Number of volumes will be permitted.
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G # Maximum Volume size, keep small for search performance.
Use Volume Once = yes # Mark a volume as Used and thus no longer appendable.
Recycle = no # Don't recycle Volumes but prune all the Jobs on the volume, mark "Purged".
Action On Purge = Truncate # Truncate the volume when it is purged.
Auto Prune = yes # Yes (default), applies Volume Retention period when new Volume is needed and no appendable Volumes exist in the Pool.
Volume Retention = 1 month # Retention time of records associated with the Volume in the Catalog database.
# Related to "LabelMedia" /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
# NOTE: See /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf as this controls when each backup type (Full,Diff,Inc) is run.
# Maximum Volume Jobs = 1, so that client/job creates a single volume per job (another if more than 10G).
# Below defines which Pools to use for each backup type.
Pool {
Name = FullPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
Pool {
Name = DiffPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
Pool {
Name = IncPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:30 schedules.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf #
# Differential: files changed since the last Full backup.
# Incremental: files changed since the last backup (be that Full, Differential or Incremental).
# | Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
# | Full | Inc | Inc | Inc | Diff | Inc | Inc |
# This cycle is used in the JobDefs, and Pools.
# Level Pools are defined in /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf.
Schedule {
Name = PrimaryBackupCycle
Run = Level=Full sun at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential thu at 22:00
Run = Level=Incremental mon,tue,wed,fri,sat at 22:00
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:28 storages.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf #
# See /etc/bacula/conf.d/devices.conf
# Note: use external director address for clients to connect.
Storage {
Name = PrimaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = PrimaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = PrimaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = SecondaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = SecondaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = SecondaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = TertiaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = TertiaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = TertiaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = QuaternaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = QuaternaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = QuaternaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
# Free for restore jobs.
Storage {
Name = RestoreFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = RestoreFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = RestoreFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:27 devices.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/devices.conf #
# These are referenced in /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf
# Multiple are defined in the jobdefs separated by commas.
# Always Open = no, Important for storage daemon to open it only when a job starts.
# Devices supported by this Storage daemon.
Device {
Name = PrimaryFileDevice
Media Type = PrimaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = SecondaryFileDevice
Media Type = SecondaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = TertiaryFileDevice
Media Type = TertiaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
Device {
Name = QuaternaryFileDevice
Media Type = QuaternaryFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
# Free for restore jobs.
Device {
Name = RestoreFileDevice
Media Type = RestoreFile
Archive Device = /mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/
Label Media = yes
Random Access = yes
Automatic Mount = yes
Removable Media = no
Always Open = no
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:33 example-client.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients/example-client.conf #
# This can be used as the standard client config.
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = example-client
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# These do not affect your archive, and should be set lower than the Pool/Volume retention definitions.
File Retention = 2 weeks # Files are pruned from Catalog database if Files are older than File retention period.
Job Retention = 2 weeks # Jobs are pruned from Catalog database if Job records are older than File retention period.
AutoPrune = yes # Yes to enable the above.
Heartbeat Interval = 1 Minute # Prevents timeouts
# Job name for client, and JobDef. Explicitly specifying Job rules here will
# overide the defaults defined in the /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf
Job {
Name = example-client
Client = example-client
JobDefs = "StandardLinuxJob"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:33 example-client2.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients/example-client2.conf #
# This can be used as the standard client config.
# Remote client name, address, and matching password with their bacula-fd.conf.
Client {
Name = example-client2
Address = # Remote client address.
FD Port = 9102 # Default.
Password = Sh6oXsw # Matches remote client /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Catalog = PrimaryCatalog # Matches in /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# These do not affect your archive, and should be set lower than the Pool/Volume retention definitions.
File Retention = 2 weeks # Files are pruned from Catalog database if Files are older than File retention period.
Job Retention = 2 weeks # Jobs are pruned from Catalog database if Job records are older than File retention period.
AutoPrune = yes # Yes to enable the above.
# Job name for client, and JobDef. Explicitly specifying Job rules here will
# overide the defaults defined in the /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf
Job {
Name = example-client2
Client = example-client2
JobDefs = StandardLinuxJob
Schedule = example-client2Schedule
Schedule {
Name = example-client2Schedule
Run = Level=Full tue at 12:11
Run = Level=Differential tue at 12:11
Run = Level=Incremental tue at 12:11
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:29 filesets.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/filesets.conf #
# Standard Linux File Set.
# Not live MySQL data!
FileSet {
Name = StandardLinuxFileSet
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
onefs = no
fstype = ext2
fstype = ext3
fstype = ext4
fstype = reiserfs
File = /
Exclude {
File = /home/mysql
File = /proc
File = /sys
File = /tmp
File = /var/cache/apt/archives # Debian specific
File = /var/tmp
File = /var/lib/mqueue
File = /var/lib/mysql
File = /.fsck
File = /.autofsck
File = /.journal
# Standard Windows File Set.
# Not live SQL data!
FileSet {
Name = StandardWindowsFileSet
Enable VSS = yes
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
exclude = yes
wildfile = "*.mdf"
wildfile = "*.ldf"
wildfile = "*.MDF"
wildfile = "*.LDF"
File = C:/
File = D:/
File = D:/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/BACKUP
File = E:/
File = F:/
File = G:/
Exclude {
File = D:/SQLDataRoot
File = D:/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:29 jobdefs.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf #
# The JobDefs resource permits all the same directives that can appear in a Job resource.
# However, a JobDefs resource does not create a Job, rather it can be referenced within a
# Job to provide defaults for that Job. This permits you to concisely define several nearly
# identical Jobs, each one referencing a JobDefs resource which contains the defaults.
# Only the changes from the defaults need be mentioned in each Job.
# Standard Restore template, to be changed by Console program.
# Not JobDef but this has to exist somewhere as a template.
Job {
Name = Restore
Type = Restore
Client = bacula-dir
FileSet = StandardLinuxFileSet
Storage = RestoreFileStorage
Pool = FullPool
Priority = 1
Messages = Standard
Where = /tmp
# Main job definitions used by clients /etc/bacula/clients.
JobDefs {
Name = StandardLinuxJob
Type = Backup
FileSet = StandardLinuxFileSet
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage,QuaternaryFileStorage
Pool = DefaultPool # Default Pool, overidden pools and schedules.
Full Backup Pool = FullPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Incremental Backup Pool = IncPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Differential Backup Pool = DiffPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Prefer Mounted Volumes = no # Finding an unused drive, otherwise, job started will append to volume.
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/%c.bsr"
Schedule = PrimaryBackupCycle # /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Priority = 10 # Ten is default
Messages = Standard
JobDefs {
Name = StandardWindowsJob
Type = Backup
FileSet = StandardWindowsFileSet
Storage = PrimaryFileStorage,SecondaryFileStorage,TertiaryFileStorage,QuaternaryFileStorage
Pool = DefaultPool # Default Pool, overidden pools and schedules.
Full Backup Pool = FullPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Incremental Backup Pool = IncPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Differential Backup Pool = DiffPool # This ties with /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Prefer Mounted Volumes = no # Finding an unused drive, otherwise, job started will append to volume.
Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/nfs-nas-gw/bacula-backups/%c.bsr"
Schedule = PrimaryBackupCycle # /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf
Priority = 10 # Ten is default
Messages = Standard
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:31 messages.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/messages.conf #
# Define where error and information messages are to be sent or logged.
Messages {
Name = Standard
mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
mail = = all, !skipped
operator = = mount
console = all, !skipped, !saved
catalog = all, !skipped, !saved
mailonerror = = all
append = "/var/log/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
Messages {
Name = Daemon
mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f bacula@bacula-dir -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
mail = = all, !skipped
console = all, !skipped, !saved
append = "/var/log/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:28 pools.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/pools.conf #
# help.:
# kudos:
# This is the default backup stanza, which always gets overridden by one of the other Pools,
# except when a manual backup is performed via the console.
Pool {
Name = DefaultPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 # If you specify zero (the default), there is no limit.
# Maximum Volumes = 100 # Number of volumes will be permitted.
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G # Maximum Volume size, keep small for search performance.
Use Volume Once = yes # Mark a volume as Used and thus no longer appendable.
Recycle = no # Don't recycle Volumes but prune all the Jobs on the volume, mark "Purged".
Action On Purge = Truncate # Truncate the volume when it is purged.
Auto Prune = yes # Yes (default), applies Volume Retention period when new Volume is needed and no appendable Volumes exist in the Pool.
Volume Retention = 1 month # Retention time of records associated with the Volume in the Catalog database.
# Related to "LabelMedia" /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
# NOTE: See /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf as this controls when each backup type (Full,Diff,Inc) is run.
# Maximum Volume Jobs = 1, so that client/job creates a single volume per job (another if more than 10G).
# Below defines which Pools to use for each backup type.
Pool {
Name = FullPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
Pool {
Name = DiffPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
Pool {
Name = IncPool
Pool Type = Backup
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Use Volume Once = yes
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
Recycle = no
Action On Purge = Truncate
Auto Prune = yes
Volume Retention = 1 month
Label Format = "${Client}-${Pool}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}-${JobId}"
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:30 schedules.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/schedules.conf #
# Differential: files changed since the last Full backup.
# Incremental: files changed since the last backup (be that Full, Differential or Incremental).
# | Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
# | Full | Inc | Inc | Inc | Diff | Inc | Inc |
# This cycle is used in the JobDefs, and Pools.
# Level Pools are defined in /etc/bacula/conf.d/jobdefs.conf.
Schedule {
Name = PrimaryBackupCycle
Run = Level=Full sun at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential thu at 22:00
Run = Level=Incremental mon,tue,wed,fri,sat at 22:00
# Time-stamp: <2012-03-30 Fri 10:28 storages.conf>
# /etc/bacula/conf.d/storages.conf #
# See /etc/bacula/conf.d/devices.conf
# Note: use external director address for clients to connect.
Storage {
Name = PrimaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = PrimaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = PrimaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = SecondaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = SecondaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = SecondaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = TertiaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = TertiaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = TertiaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Storage {
Name = QuaternaryFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = QuaternaryFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = QuaternaryFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
# Free for restore jobs.
Storage {
Name = RestoreFileStorage
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = Tah3rMh3 # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Device = RestoreFileDevice # Match /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Media Type = RestoreFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
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