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Created February 16, 2016 16:33
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"type" : "index",
"spec" : {
"dataSchema" : {
"dataSource" : "gwiq",
"parser" : {
"type" : "string",
"parseSpec" : {
"format" : "json",
"timestampSpec" : {
"column" : "time",
"format" : "auto"
"dimensionsSpec" : {
"dimensions": [],
"dimensionExclusions" : ["time", "gwid", "price"],
"spatialDimensions" : []
"metricsSpec" : [
"type" : "count",
"name" : "count"
"type": "hyperUnique",
"fieldName": "gwid",
"name": "gwidHll"
"type" : "doubleSum",
"name" : "priceSum",
"fieldName" : "price"
"granularitySpec" : {
"type" : "uniform",
"segmentGranularity" : "HOUR",
"queryGranularity" : "all",
"intervals" : [ "2015-01-01/2015-01-02" ]
"ioConfig" : {
"type" : "index",
"firehose" : {
"type" : "local",
"baseDir" : "/var/data/druid/events",
"filter" : "*.json"
"tuningConfig" : {
"type" : "index",
"targetPartitionSize" : 5000000,
"rowFlushBoundary" : 500000
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