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Last active January 2, 2016 08:09
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Save l1am9111/8275035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
clientaway with auto away for specific ips
* Copyright (C) 2004-2012 See the AUTHORS file for details.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <znc/Modules.h>
#include <znc/User.h>
#include <znc/IRCNetwork.h>
#include <znc/Chan.h>
using std::vector;
#define AWAY_DEFAULT_REASON "Auto away at %time%"
class CClientAwayMod : public CModule {
CString GetAwayReason() const {
CString sAway = GetNV("reason");
if (sAway.empty()) {
if (m_pNetwork) {
return m_pNetwork->ExpandString(sAway);
return m_pUser->ExpandString(sAway);
bool GetAutoAway() const {
return GetNV("autoaway").ToBool();
void ListCommand(const CString &sLine) {
CTable Table;
const vector<CClient*> vClients = m_pUser->GetAllClients();
for (vector<CClient*>::const_iterator it = vClients.begin(); it != vClients.end(); ++it) {
CClient *pClient = *it;
Table.SetCell("Host", pClient->GetRemoteIP());
if (pClient->GetNetwork()) {
Table.SetCell("Network", pClient->GetNetwork()->GetName());
Table.SetCell("Away", CString(pClient->IsAway()));
void SetAwayReasonCommand(const CString &sLine) {
CString sReason = sLine.Token(1, true);
if (!sReason.empty()) {
SetNV("reason", sReason);
PutModule("Away reason set to [" + sReason + "]");
PutModule("Away message will be expanded to [" + GetAwayReason() + "]");
void AutoAwayCommand(const CString &sLine) {
SetNV("autoaway", sLine.Token(1));
if (GetAutoAway()) {
PutModule("Auto away when last client goes away or disconnects enabled.");
} else {
PutModule("Auto away when last client goes away or disconnects disabled.");
void AutoAwayIpCommand(const CString &sLine) {
CString ip = sLine.Token(1, true);
PutModule(GetNV("autoawayip") + " is currently selected auto away hosts");
SetNV("autoawayip", ip);
PutModule(ip + " has been selected as auto away hosts");
void SetAwayCommand(const CString &sLine) {
const vector<CClient*> vClients = m_pUser->GetAllClients();
CString sHostname = sLine.Token(1);
unsigned int count = 0;
for (vector<CClient*>::const_iterator it = vClients.begin(); it != vClients.end(); ++it) {
CClient *pClient = *it;
if (sHostname.empty() || pClient->GetRemoteIP().Equals(sHostname)) {
if (count == 1) {
PutModule(CString(count) + " client has been set away");
} else {
PutModule(CString(count) + " clients have been set away");
void SetIpsAway() {
const vector<CClient*> vClients = m_pUser->GetAllClients();
CString sHostname = GetNV("autoawayip");
VCString vcHostnames;
unsigned int count = 0;
if(sHostname.empty()) return;
sHostname.Split(" ", vcHostnames);
for (vector<CClient*>::const_iterator it = vClients.begin(); it != vClients.end(); ++it) {
CClient *pClient = *it;
CString RemoteIP = pClient->GetRemoteIP();
for (vector<CString>::const_iterator hit = vcHostnames.begin(); hit != vcHostnames.end(); ++hit) {
CString pHostname = *hit;
if (RemoteIP.Equals(pHostname) && !pClient->IsAway()) {
AddCommand("List", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CClientAwayMod::ListCommand),
"", "List all clients");
AddCommand("Reason", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CClientAwayMod::SetAwayReasonCommand),
"[reason]", "Prints and optionally sets the away reason.");
AddCommand("AutoAway", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CClientAwayMod::AutoAwayCommand),
"yes or no", "Should we auto away you when the last client goes away or disconnects");
AddCommand("AutoAwayIp", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CClientAwayMod::AutoAwayIpCommand),
"hostnames separated with a space", "Auto aways hostnames");
AddCommand("SetAway", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CClientAwayMod::SetAwayCommand),
"hostname", "Set any clients matching hostname as away/unaway");
virtual void OnClientLogin() {
if (GetAutoAway() && m_pNetwork && m_pNetwork->IsIRCAway()) {
virtual void OnClientDisconnect() {
if (GetAutoAway() && m_pNetwork && !m_pNetwork->IsIRCAway() && !m_pNetwork->IsUserOnline()) {
PutIRC("AWAY :" + GetAwayReason());
virtual void OnIRCConnected() {
if (GetAutoAway() && !m_pNetwork->IsUserOnline()) {
PutIRC("AWAY :" + GetAwayReason());
virtual EModRet OnUserRaw(CString& sLine) {
CString sCmd = sLine.Token(0);
if (sCmd.Equals("AWAY")) {
if (m_pClient->IsAway()) {
m_pClient->PutClient(" 305 " + m_pClient->GetNick() + " :You are no longer marked as being away");
if (m_pNetwork) {
const vector<CChan*>& vChans = m_pNetwork->GetChans();
vector<CChan*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = vChans.begin(); it != vChans.end(); ++it) {
// Skip channels which are detached or we don't use keepbuffer
if (!(*it)->IsDetached() && (*it)->AutoClearChanBuffer()) {
if (GetAutoAway() && m_pNetwork->IsIRCAway()) {
} else {
m_pClient->PutClient(" 306 " + m_pClient->GetNick() + " :You have been marked as being away");
if (GetAutoAway() && m_pNetwork && !m_pNetwork->IsIRCAway() && !m_pNetwork->IsUserOnline()) {
// Use the supplied reason if there was one
CString sAwayReason = sLine.Token(1, true).TrimPrefix_n();
if (sAwayReason.empty()) {
sAwayReason = GetAwayReason();
PutIRC("AWAY :" + sAwayReason);
return HALTCORE;
return CONTINUE;
virtual EModRet OnRaw(CString& sLine) {
// We do the same as ZNC would without the OnRaw hook,
// except we do not forward 305's or 306's to clients
CString sCmd = sLine.Token(1);
if (sCmd.Equals("305")) {
return HALTCORE;
} else if (sCmd.Equals("306")) {
return HALTCORE;
return CONTINUE;
template<> void TModInfo<CClientAwayMod>(CModInfo& Info) {
USERMODULEDEFS(CClientAwayMod, "This module allows you to set clients away independently, and auto away")
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