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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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(ns clj-hashing
[ Hashing HashFunction HashCode ]
[java.nio.charset Charset ]))
(def ^:private ^HashFunction murmur-fun (Hashing/murmur3_128))
(def ^:private ^HashFunction sha1-fun (Hashing/sha1))
(def ^:private ^HashFunction md5-fun (Hashing/md5))
(def ^:private ^sun.nio.cs.UTF_8 utf8-chr-set (Charset/forName "UTF-8"))
(defn gen-hash-no-type
"General generator for hashing functions"
(fn [string]
(.toString (.hashString fun string utf8-chr-set))))
(def murmur2 (gen-hash-no-type murmur-fun))
(defn gen-hash
"General generator for hashing functions"
[^HashFunction fun]
(fn ^String [^String string]
(.toString (.hashString fun string utf8-chr-set))))
(def murmur (gen-hash murmur-fun))
(def sha1 (gen-hash sha1-fun))
(def md5 (gen-hash md5-fun))
;clj-hashing=> (time (count (map murmur (repeat 10000 "asdf"))))
;"Elapsed time: 8.523 msecs"
;clj-hashing=> (time (count (map murmur2 (repeat 10000 "asdf"))))
;"Elapsed time: 48.583 msecs"
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